TIE U. OF M., DAILY. DIETAS & SCHANZ, WAR]) BROTHERS, vleed ireet teals by the groin' .jgHI&A N ! A L t '11 Iraspolt I iies, no 5uu 5'p'ovisio TmTal(RvsdJuy1184. yhteehabcnuiefrthe-.EAST WESTf Iatset and best styles of oreign and Ino- 'Ticket BB kesiltnokoetcktsfo tollailge ofil. . ti(m'kte ooensfistclsfoirad ilt lasellsge tei'lssiig Inles aybe Mail snd Ex 10 Nai ..e 8 43 ork guaranst eed eCleann, pesig anedls 1ol's skes1155 Eastern Ex-10 SO25N. Si Lested-.i rpois s.si os 22NHgse nesllek sssrsrlIyrilasnll lsrln A. Dr. aih Es . nis is45S sttaest SenFl, nisAtlissi ( Colus, bSOhio. flit1W5155 rhas51 b et r i'Iaeler, Mie' Atlnti Ex-47 i M. ---_'___-_ 150 Exress-540I westernss T I.sN1CATERER, *5110151paslo'snIs1101sorl sed55 whi aleritliie. fi h G.R si 1 3GI. l. a s 1 25HANGSTREi'yo -ltt n 1ht 1 vi sssi'r111111 (s ssoi'a isesls''Is G.I.7.rEs 571 t ' 5 ollss tls un eu ofrfu -o neet at t" d rs n yo r a'fr (, Y . I' AgtC i a Xt, tAnnisAborilrr 1y lllra llgpsp51s Il lo' l ll o~r' l-s'sl' 11'. _ at l rsssl o si bansll s.lll r l lllll nti.s Ill eiss us sinels'55sincses1 7. oiling lsestsssndIy, Aug.l1i169!. I ! c'pat15.sWsID vsuuo 111~7. Trisleavsr AnsisAilsbsrssnsCentrl Stndlis fssro RADE1)coe of1-caslaotheill tdhutial A rsrsss ssl05SOUTeHs sllissl27 . Hllils s.. C5's sllllil ..I 0100 wsI llis'Les-sn. lt isooliososhe aressntsl. Is Il'leupe d !till l tiss f( ss 'sws51lu Isfset Dental Socity.. 4:11. . i n x .1( i. 1. o 1 rom ztxl:___ s ai! u _s onlS_1ofiC e.s t nssiisr l5515 its111k l'51115i11 1ize ..Th, 1i"050'u rd rSe h 1e t ass e pt n Ar OisrA e toi els ---_ ! '55s-ll method s tl5'elis w rins. tis,' ciety aso g hnll " ii e , iss iste A1 Ira sd ie . 5.G ISunday. Ago *1 1 (1 llsSll 11( 10 1 es 5751. oss-s'y s 1 )01"'111 1ly irr iilii SI. It.SFNNETT, 1. P. A. Tsledo, Vs l'llsr 0 111) s Il-lllls5, II-lsl117s.'o11'0"0 lu ) i whisih sllb lls' loboker il 555'Iso I'151115s 111t11( 1 ilesddress (Is I tiels 1hor1l U isnsSe11111the t1olllilkoo s ala11111y11111110 ielhC11 llilli s' 55a sbattles $ cmpreensin o the'['11e5' lvl ls'The entl osoIs-lya";s. now15as Isrgis' !hat thetas as' lllt biss 05515111555not(11 istoryl'. qie rigtlabout the! Ills' 019'. Theysso-- slid snll ll'slize s do slsh111'publcs'of BUSI NESS LOCALS ll .11~l~lin is the list (f atracttionls foll tl' 1 111eris lf 11,94-1 I: ines isly' isll s ns d isssksrssg' is 1 1t cn.1 sia . oti oar frl ie I ftnlssentl U '1115555ii lll'lllllil'. timlee, 11111estr slies-flusnisbcd sbyIppsllyig, I.November 19, 1894. Theodore Thomas' Orchestra. .ll-~'sl.lo-''' I'sSlkit stheboLI11 r oice 'EilS W is 't5s\lllI'1 iiI (CI ClllIiii Il 175' s f ir iss' ,ls 1111 5 ff1-I- Ire Is-is-111'ks- t I)o s' tllll 511 s ssonns 115 111r 11711es ngle li il iis h v tiln nel'iled. 5 I nlI dace I otil' the ;geisosssItsseC sil' siss Iss' Is- 17111.111111' s-sa 11-1111 -- - - ' - 1 if ithe ur5 1 leiiltos' ff ill s th ir i1 I f l) II lleI' l III'1115 NoSetier 19. ticIkst-iroriss'' and7 515osf itlls slslo's per1tlg'5 i ts-'3In;.sVertI sO 17. 1155 iiLfer'.5f-'111SALE'. II. January 11, 1895. Piano Recital by Alberto Jonas. Tho511'seS15s11(l eipll lssIs'it linlla Dul~e ills (illDetolli and111psilsti jounys r pelosel '' Iu(11115 ( 11'1I t g 'lat hotl l so :1 fewl-O' usndrsy tikets. III. February 1. Choral Union Concert. Choral Union. As- (clol I 111, am111ilitt hles' 111111 5 lor furter is''u15lar1Ss-ll 11At daily. ill ,goingi front15on15151' "ol '(o (' sli t thcis e ol i and1118 5p. 15. sited by Mrs. inevra Johnson-Bishop, Cicago, anothlieolig illllli'5s 1110117riles, (its Sturdaylsyou111call igst. one'o. Soprano; Mr. Gardner S. Lamson (University School osceles . 1-5151, e.,1fr151nt vilIlphsto~ls for Ift SC'-ri ssl'72 S_ to lm S)'e 11 11i 51i15( 51y'of lss'p1150 5151111 o. of MVusic), Bass; and a Full Orchestra. pIoed trip. Oftsen, alas!Slllis s lhsr Sp1ecil atltentiois e to IKoak tins and 1 ('01editlllS.' is'llts5 only Ii 'sc~-Ilam11teu1r sork it 72 S. llrs 01- IV. March 8. Song Recital by Mr. and Mrs. Max Heinrich. frs4ouu andsdoubts. I Euroe rael-rtlls' Isnielsfrnihessit olenilkall telisiv1ess m the btlrsiIS o1f sof roos, 11(t1anducldokiatser, uSteamn SECONID MAY FESTIVAL. u-u-'elig Hers'this' usckrossker iesataduse111'of basthi.Very'reason- slssss'11111 S~ltisilISIls'i'151(f,111(1 5151termss. Eqie at IS IPackumtd sW IS slimplr susnd os ssthig Isorefsr ., sfter7s'lssk itsi. Yssssg ludiest V. Friday Evening, May .-Symphony Concert.i-s ushaters o i.1111y 0111. correl'Isodent.li0nre1'Ill ('eryf5' 1110515 I oo: VI. Saturday Afternoon, May .-Orchestral Matinee. lurgs-.ciy ie l ulltUied Sates 111 sss ois s sNe 0 0Msuyuursuet. One furni-shia t,15dasily' silli lbse-V'ury'latIsst suit, fis ol issr,$; sill accosmmtodate VII. Saturday Evening, May .--Grand Choral Concert. Iquotatsi lionsof raesl'asll osves'Ilise,-coup- lre ueroons. (one oSigle' oom, 11r. I sISol itig 1of lI5l''i u ssnd scotems ec onsdslflor,SI 91. h furisse heal. It is imuposile to) give the exsact (lultessof tue e stival, aniiislb lll'ili 'sss'issss, so'' ftrli 111me11'ilSS'l' 0117Sf IoAID I '1-7 (7C i'YI ,o Suich informsatisnwiuhst beC reserve'd until safter' Januaiiy IstI Ill-Satesiuantiss' ilroid ehsipislil', 51 eseel. Ns. till 1. NWaisiug til-se 'ioir s ict 'v's-lpre l igthe lsptedy tonISt s. Thle BostIon Feotivasl Oclietawol agitn tskeipairt. Te dptionsuofiithes's'frequenlt sedusctios. I. Sislilel kepSsll s'ieslali susIE' soIlois t'sil e of the highelest t'aultsitnsies-ery effor1t swill b l y' mean50 sf rliurs'10i'al ('(uill5''ill szu's ssssd newspaperlsI''. lsteo'yone the " " so s~~~~i l 11l pacs o f any ,1' 111111515' is Il lu10'ilItiss ith5-11hlisll.Dees-userii'ansi made117to tie teSecondi Annl siMsiv 'stitl si distnlct isd-'thuislons's'(, -ellIs lke it loist o's111n- lso-lscO155 11555ft lance ovet'the first. Berlio' lllInlhlldenutlI~tl iii k he us si-it for 1111r11to sssfo erlys________________________ Iannationof l stst," sillle gven st the dIoilg e1011111 ti1 es'So rienssin119 urpayss'tllsis'ftorso '7M. 'u'. I0rssi lly toil's,of fliss. coutrlyo '11110FIRST CLASS CUSTM TAILRIN'i fesuilr is . ge-st siliuags'sndisu dssii5 51551. Tis ehti'~l ns uitly i orner ofstE1t ssskind Wilimost. W'fil~iam s. entance. oluick andsta sfse,1 a~ s lt ofsndngl Associate Membership Tickets, uadmuittig 'so etreseies onssesy fortrveSling I.xpenses' of hiSFLOW~ERS, FLOW'ERS (including Fetival), $.01Fu u-c ~l ige ticlketos ill Ise100 11S1ilfrins by15'teegrahl ll oflxprss.o or Eeythin Ig asdEveepbct4 q .5. heprcefr in :,.hFiaoolii savsed bythese1501'pecia5liI for numabers I, i11, V, VII; 50 cents tor numubers 11 anti IV. ickets ageshasr si aily large' 5517r Isthn MSIS & ALLS Fililli, -s Teiphoe n5.' llay be obtained at Calkins' Drug Stsre, State st., Moore s'& 'Wetlisles swoul lsd beutlliOse' EXCELSIOR + LAUNDRY!I Womenlss'ld115h ildlifI-lu1155' r r se Bookstore, Ann Arbor Organ Cs.'s, Office of the Univesity S'lool of fl-w i Sstoies 1 ('iifou'is, Cu-nullMiusn- 0 EAST' 1HURO TEET Music, Ann Arbor; Normnal Conervatory bandi oers' )rlg 'Store, Ysoat.o Florialslsafestslynaslthy isCanncd delireensire.GurA. .edCOV Gods T, JeP.~ o Ypsilanti. '[he price of tickets for theAMa y Fsivlsill le $.5io rde iliia sreet i-sr fr1111 their reseet 1 y ito omses to heshlopping distrits, 22 ears in the Biness-" . Parties desiring to order tickets by muail sill please saddress (incluing ellWsitisud5I1'iiehb( P. 0. order) A. A. Stanley, University Sclhool of Music. 'fle enor joutrneysoandid lssuiuiy 1f0111 anxiey asepneatnigtesre ae tiprtv htalreLde armti fief lly as CITY IAUINDflDV nod es uspee ul.s tge iimuh as temse. numnber of tickets should hbe sold. 1 Ntwitstatsdiug all the fasieliies d- N. N. SEABOLT, No. 4 N. 4th ave.,