THE U. OF M. DAILY. of3J* V1tu A THESE ARE FAVORITES. The Waterman Gymnasium. J. T. JACOBS. C'HAS. 1H. ALLTIIAND. 'ubtlnhFe Dally (Sundays. excepted) during lie' Colleg;e year, iby THE1U. IF M. INDEPENDENT ASSCIAION, OFIrrCE: ''iesn luil'ling N. stain'st., opposite post effice. C'ONT1IN'ED(FRO3M FIRST PAGEI. To 1the rEditor of t1'. (of Al.tail : Just keep yotur eye upon otir line, I noticed hi II(!tDaily' columns JACOflRS 9,AIIMAID'fl Its men are trietd and true; soniUting UUof Carrie V. Smih il i.I.a cnlo,. Jimnmy alFtHE(lie teanm forever. orgaiztii' n in thll111'UnIin-esity take a 'FHE GR AND OPERA11019HOSE Mi nne Tlinnpcii,'ll7 _ellilcAl..C'P11 IlS.r. l Maki'eithe (lilip e nil lf' iie 40111n C'. Frrll,L'98. - t1. IB. Gammoen,'98'-('orlnell, Cornell, wxv'.llse you here Iiaiina (Iiiii'iiirali'(cent;iito all.iONE NIGHT ONLY DlENnAL.. 51111t01A'clIl'. today. llnpin" 11hat,1theiproeri ''poais nl __________________________________Cornlell, Corniell, bcfore youllget ilake lctionliilililhiletteI, sii5y((111TUESDAY_ VEN ING, NOV, 20 In. cipy he b tth fiebeoe83 aIIWell showvto you a ting orItwo rcspect'flly,- A STID I'DENT. Oc nd 110I)clill'.'nl'oni'dy (rama, day lnllicalnn.Of how our men can play; 'The eiditocs do lnt holii tiemelves reca- ;jimmny and (lie team forever.Th R sibe forl' the' opinioli 'nsatcAnciisiilcocci's- ________a__arinil__hee ________Oulirebackstre ooles rs ooc iieC a iy B l Our acksare ooles to, CDirection of Gustave Frohman. ' Edition 2,500 today. Anld whlen (lie play is under way___ A-''ul~l'l''nll~~ ((IIl- Yu'll wintinssin the ootball him. L-LiI Complete Production, Special Seen- A lre ndienesol et(,1 nhat Jimomy IBaird cant do. c o eyadClimEfts I (clrldlil in the'. L.. A. course'li'tonlighit.Jimmylnyddthe tnam forever.-Chlo. cyad acuEfcs lb is know5n aliane ofih linonlt.Iii-' ll .l.bN Ft 131 SGC((E. OOP S PRICES, - 35C, 50C, 75C AND $1,00, ilet f souternlllcl iIin,(1and Smouhrni The Philosophical Society. *%* I- V4 lll(All illV 110ted -1'ol- illeir (Jog11P11Le. A sel'le'ti of, IE'c'itTl'('s, or i)ilpE'i's, ;,1vcll Bid Four Route treals i 5(11' (i ii 55111on 1cn hosii'.iib fionitmaculienxpericec. 'Ilio ai lyf es is fril ca((((I'S' Seiio 'oniilonfersnelthilarI 1111urse \' i001 themi eyhioh out(lside' (f AnniAirdoir. I1' y'ouIarm'un1(0(1'er(If muic y'ou eu(lllll(( afford tol liis liii'trctiills'iifer'ie'i. Conisidering liii' high (clais(If e('i', luihllli('as, liiielprid'cf(I. t in-lot is al- liolit noinaillhi nd1111 'eeystulndent nshould M11e1o".1' 'Till'ilyi1p'r(1n1s 1(11d1y'for Cfr.1s1din- tributlionlIli i'tioni of , 0)) so1t11111 thie footblmlI songn,. O very' imanl51Ishoul generl mailss meectinig (ti e hld abotinl theio ddihlei' (f ne(xt weelL ill ichi Prof. Stanley 1a111 hmembiers of Illhe Gthee clb wnill leads in She siiiging., anhotherI select'ionh will tn'eImadel'of till folur songs hresls'te. If you 11IreI the ols. S ii. heai'extra ntip' to 5(our1 nleighborrand if you dollt gct 111y'inI (lie gene'ral distriblution call atlit' o110-e anld hi' supplied The riepairs 1111 the clock illthle liib- racy buhildinig were comleed yester- slay afternoon, 1iil' i, ~lll' i 11 lloi arcelmathc inth ie ilmmSense ctor Pa- IEST LINE To hliicallStoc.iety, is thilliune'.(i for tile tories of unlimited facilities. Victor IN'DI.ANAPOLIS, prcesent snenester. Thieinoes is ho eheBascbahl and Tennis Goods, Footballs LOUISVILLE, ichdin raoaioml 21. lailersily 1151,allo anfd Football Supplies, Gymnasium, and CINCINNATI. date11s, in lart :ie el lowhi but ((it n Sprinting and Sparring Shoes, IBoxing 80li'ians1110 asst c pultihehereafter. Glovecs, Indhian Clabs, Duinb Bclls and ELEGANT All who care to comelireIlS inied to Exercising Waods arc leacdcrs. We Through Sleeping Cars ill prelsent.. also restring 'Tennis Ra'j'ets. BETWEEN Theifirsthiaper o f (lie course 5"551 ____Petoskey, Louisville and r lvnl last week'i by hcof. Is. _. nlis- Cincinnati. dale,1.5w11(1splokelilhlolil"Soe l' Sicil OVERMAN WHEEL CO. Makersof V ictr,.Bicycles. ( iSKFOR TICKETS VIA Falctoris iniPoulri lali -t-loii . - li-c-f. Bosnaa Philndelphi. Penni. y Siiisdlaloe swas follow-cotlhit '.v.eninlg New Ynrk. Chicaign. Denver. flIG +fFOUR + ROUTE. bys Dr'. Bilmhgim. 1w11(1spokli'o'nlii '0'- SaanPFranisco. Lna Aneles. Pnrtland. E.0.IMCCORMSICK, I. B.YMARTIN, illl'~lliili ls,-iohgy" ii ii. 11- - assnnerTraffic DB,, OGn. P. & T. Ari. I iina 'selly ",~hrl A ... ......... Kfl 0 ati, 1Ohio. lOOTs a10. "'NStitccialt'ililohl'i1(as a Basis iof Spiial Po~ssiblility." Dtr. Lioyud. Non'. 2TI. 'TeIlls' stleli's olitotoi,,' DSi. Wiiikler, tecs. :13; ''Tlio-'ennis, Sut- jincI. Object landOOSelf"Sta. letbec, Dece. 20; "lie' Siatlcniticiah's 'si'("-f the Ininhite," Assitanit Professor %i- snet, Jul1. SIS; "tDirect~inImuages," A -- sistau~t Prhofessor coit.sire ho 1 ir ll- raingedt. Dr. Sunlaclnd, of this ciy, hnd Dr. Wi'ulker, rce'ontly fronm the U'ii- versity ed' Strassbshlg, wsill alsoo lectu"e oil slhlleccls to be announced, If you wnht muse and1(1lots sif it use a AWITELY EXELISEI At (!Nw mlinutes eachl day. it also has a wuay of gin-hu one at good appetite anid cc- freshing sleep. Costs yen bult $5 ard will last you fine-:ears. It likes to lie looked at. tall and see it. 1R. 1. 'BLOlUN, 14 N. In~gal~ls ait. Acauemic Iiusic "LEECOLLEGE SONGS" Most pnpulareiollege collectinn nvne pub- lishued. Ove 300,000snld. Heavy Paper, SO cents; Cloth. Gilt, $1.00. "New Harvard Song-Books." Ingludiing miiitile ienwest lHarvad sns Heavy Paper, $1.00. "COLLEGE SONGS FOR GIRLS." its sunug in time leadling colleges fnr wmn. Heavy Paper, $1.00. "Boot's Album of Songs." A new collection onffSne lyrical eogs, bly time authaor nf "Here's a Healtha to Dinug Charles," whichliIs included. $1.00. Any bnnk snt pnstpaid onnceceipt af price. Sand fnr bulletins nf the new vocal and instrumiental muisic. OLIVER DITSON CO., 453-468 WNahingtn aN., Boston. C. 11. DtsoanCoN. Y T. M Ditson & Co.nPhla. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. FOOTBALL SUPPLIES. Evnry lRequisite for lime Game. o S panlding's Intercollegiate f=,3Fb fFootball. Adopted 1190 by the J ninni-nilegimite Assncia- 1 ( inn, aid must bn uned in all match gaines. PRICE, withi inflatnr, SO. Spalding's nnnupete Fnotball Cntalngne sent frece. "Spalding's Officimal Fnntball Guide foir 15014," edited by Walter Camp, containing the nenw rules aiud ther valuabh- infnrma- tinn, tiy mall, price 10 cents. Spalding's trade-imark on what ynu buy in the guarantee that (Ian gnods mien (le bent. New rkc. Chicago. Philadelphia. K= I 1S0 SE EQ-A E' TB) IT Students Recreation Head- quarters. Nn. 3IN. Slain Street. ANNX ARBOR STEAM DYE WORKS. Ladies' and bests' Cinthing Cleaned nr Dyed. 3 W. HURON ST, ANN .ARBOR..