tt AL. ~ N, 7'. V. o. 41". UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17. 1894. PRIG E-TzIIIE'ENTe''S. '96 VS. '97. The Juniors Defeat the Soho- mores by a Score of 4-0.-Good Playing on Both Sides. Y'tierdaysootall gaieiie l'slei le tliiiai' lulihi opliltioiiici'5 sll ien by teli e'lriiby' va scireof 1-0. Tie'plaingllislsnappylllVthirughotl Nineiy-six iekth le ball off at le line. Tlieibtll chinged lihindcs veali ime s Oiliwnss ad ladulcli ruiseil oi 11o, sphomiiiore's li e-yrd lice(. A lace siii by Lisa lad rughtit ibak lo th1 ice'r aiaii. \1iieee0'6iiregied the ball oni iowsie. 'hly buced te i lie ainidlusedil ii - 'evlvietg' .edie for sesle gin iiiitil Leltiy Ase alte 1;ilmiutiesofiply. ilirilig liii letii ii' five i utMe oiiteeiril- haftetallewasiikept iliethy-centreiofi the fiiid uis. e'liireldi is liii siiliii-secnhl ic~e yadic-un-lu sliiw c teis.ntiliry. eineurenlo tiiithlulsoiiomoris iivertited bii yarids. Niely-six caredhtlheii'bll ark toithlu' lice-yri liie, hit aginei lst it cic dwns. A llgli-d riii by Fieldl brugh-lt liii'bll ak to the cee- er. Time was caledl with tiii ball onii the sodhomore's 40-yardl liiiu. i thireepolssesin. Thorpe--------lft esd--.--Boulanad Whit~man------left Ilikie.- luthinsson Thmips...-left gard - dies Lewis- - ---eter.--- Wmbacer Pies.--'.. rght gari-----Swaiiiei Ossiser--.-right tactic -----Fanham Bradield ---..-ight ed -G......aes Bryant --- li---s--urte.. .--ioielbceuilk LeRy------left hal.-----e.---- l Palmr-'---rgit half---------- Field Menesie --- -full bak----------- Spicer ceferee, Parker. Uspire, Nrist. Lines- maini, Mayes, fit half; McCauley, seond half. Glee Club Prizes. The Gluei'lrichalsa fferd twaprirzes of $5 each for tiha best humooros s- letios or gags; fr the best ieaf a drill, r for aoythinog of merit which will serve as an encore. All -sogs or verse leust e handed ii before Thanksgiving and the Glee elub re- serves the right of retainig sd usig all mausripts reeived. Articles may he haoded te 'Mr. Briscoe or ay other memier of the Glee c. The Kansas jonir laws el a heet- log yesterday aod took steps preli-- ioary to the organization of a cltb court. TeGEN. JOHN B. GORDON. THESE ARE FAVORITES. I NO GOOD STUDENT TeMarshal Ney of the Southern "Sweet Marie," 'Solomon Levi,', Confederacy Will Speek Be- fore the S. C. A. Tonight j filli'li'ur' l . iii ' s. of i.1 hi -' l'iiiiif acty' -sill arir'iiii' -thiciy liiy Iseli-- "Yankee Doodle," "Marching Through Gorgia," for Cornell Game. sollgs 'rioa A'liiciIi irel-Iwol 111wsill 1wi si'ii-i'ii'ilfor tliii'li'iiT'w souilig )h' -i.. Iliis(.o'11,,ie '. lu ic ebb-il Trys lto learnliwithoutiitkooks. Sollle' Pepl' thouilglitry tto uste We Say Buy those Which Have lone, We sell that kiinl. Gicrdonc iss 'poktin of by'thevl'ieii- wOli-ifnd iiIll. t'iiii lith yonxliii the iu'llel-sllllllll5 ifthillimass inc1. ti I nexiw- t. 51 South Main st. coutya -n on ly tliiihost iiai'tiiieiiialit I Al il-Si'i-;.;'i'M1 I. Sm I i'.r oii liii li-cr' plaiform.iu. iias '. iiThere's a joy ccitln Imiy heart, J imi- STUDZ~ENTS!-B - iii in-lly Ba~ird, iliiiici rlialelil ii uhcliy i file' A joyItia t youiis part,Jilcly IBaird, BUY FINE ovent i-olfi soleiillo''iHisiiiry. l11e Every gaii that Ilygirt makces, Every rush luiat Villa breaks, l1ies be'come' a ihliaciIl ill '"liii' (l -T10 ives these C'orinell chaps the shakes, irst hisf il 'oneli'c'yis i ii il ~ m i Jim y O JairdA th~e's 'When they try iitirlhuelvi borc, qualiiliedi' ictuili-re toi the'precult gen They show lass cause, thiaiiplurk, Jiiimy Ilaird, --j -- eralioli liii'tirillinigreve1115of tliii'-sil 1cr they can't get past 0ou1'Smiithi, lvi ar. Akhiiiiu h cill".iill iiL1e-'s :11-ilyl'they've 11011ma1nbtoliiit ivithi, E L HO ST R -Aiidltheiir victory's a m~yth, BE LS S O ST R duriag lithi'li'llionii1ie'is noiws'tlhi-Jimimy IBairdi. most irdenti:suprer I the i tili ii ir11.-Youi'v'e cot 'einscried, Jimamyi i -a51ii 1 1nd5aw 'ysees Iaii 'irly srili - lllo Balirdi, It yiitiwvant to get a tine list of 111111 iss.Jimmiy IBaird, you'si'e got 'e siiuu' -eusu' i''i's. itiii'1riti i' n te Ii sea' red, heir lhcy see their fttus pri'- C O O A E B N B Michigan vs. Oberlin. Jimiiiy Baird. Cheap; Hot or Cold Lunches Either ____F1or whlen IFertrt gets thec bell, Night or Day go to lejsgosright through 'flie etueiiuiuiu SIli-high i11ieliiie'jut'gis rthen) all, R. E. JOLLY & CO., Statte St. Oberi'iiliioi liitheiuui11 ieulduhfor liii' Howy it must their herts lip- R U E .K I[ ist tiiii' i i uiin' yas, iaidiilii'al! JmyBid R U E .K M F Jie'iiey Ililel Frorn the ioyali toincervaitory, li-i-est:liiic ti'c in'ui the ii-n eilwinsi-liu''e . TV. S. 197. Stilgt, e Crsiaiy, a guucui crocsdi. I a- 'LMO EI Teacher of Piano, Organ and Musical A ii.~S~usiuixLisi." Composition; also the Art of 'li el''iisin wi arriNvdi- l ill~is'Wse uare the Die from Stichigac uand Teaching. lnring heiir pahrty, icu-iuiuiiig .12 wa'comeOiiOdown today iiiiiiii..To yell for ev'ry Michigami who's in Studio 22 Sivlisios St., Ainn Arbor, thu-li. plalyers. Toda'Is gilme is 11ne1 theuy the football play. MERCHANT TAILORING! hial' couniied onlall Liii '.i'sohiand Thcere's lerhert, Scmithi acndBloom- GennPesn n earn ilestoliswill cmake uour foelene ti donsg eeagtsliey rn ihiey' lhte gotteni it hire lst Irihl) scared, AUG. SCHOE'NEWAL.D, 26i E. Washington for ii. Acd Dye 'wcay behind the line, acd _________________ also Jimmy Baird. =oT-r JZU OIH FES 'Varsity' praie'y ~esterdayiws sdi- We're boulnd to heat them, houctd to FRSFNc ieri voted enitirely' tousignails. 'apt. heat Corcell! O N Y'IH COA E W~e're hounid to heat thleme, hound toL WN YS C O LAE Blairdl'stiiee is sill iiisuhhapiile thait heat GCorcell, Cornell! IUSTRECE .1IViD AT it is thougiit beto-s iave- iii nuiiufur AntI when our boys line ulp to play + TUTTLE'S, 'eNk yell like all possessed thie Corinelgi,,ai'. T'eL-line IIIi li theii To show theeh theat we're hacking + 48 5. STATE ST. tic- tesnlies-ill thu-rufa're' as followsc: thiem, anid make them play theii uBi NsIt' iOsiTIO S Iiifii.5Ahibetd erhert, Smith and Bloomeing- "R -~~ tole -------- left end--.------enter' stoc will make our f oemneecscared OFflii Fancer leaiu.--..left take..--.---- Vila And anyway, we'll yell today: Hur- SCHOOVL OF DANCNG~ liogrand..----- left guardi----------Carr rah, for Jimmoy Baird!1 C'lasses nsa opein. Pupis receivedl at any Mcleurray r----- enter--------------- Smithi time, the siem stairtingsith late of admiis- Streater ------right guaird ---i-cnniiiger Oh there's the team from Ithaca hiss sin.' All classes. ar-ender the persoiial ini- Fitchi--------right tackle -------l dd h eat as oft before, structioii ef Mhr. and Mrs. htoes Granger. No thlereluimstairstohmumnst.Otficie ind DancuingiHal as 'era ------rght end...........__Prilce And yoc can bet we'll never let themo tiii grouiid fhoeru Maynairdl t. Randolph __---qearter------Ferhert do it soy more. _________________ - ioethmn -------- left half..---.----..Rchards We've got the 'heven scoops 'em all, Cowey ---ig ---rih half... ------Dgr however once we fared, Y AV 'S B O T RE 1onge --w--'y ---ullbak.-.-Cicominstomi No mutier how thle game mayg.W H BO K T R I Oheiii ab.~ oohies Chir wuoiae. hurrah for Jimmy Baird-Chio, torsett and, Millier. So tear 'em up, you Michigan boys; Tue officials will he:-A. A. Stagg, of L'hi- and buck the line like sin, We offer discouot on all rage, empire; Gage. ef Harvard, re'fere'e; And if you keep a steady pace, why University Text-Books, Cook, C. of P. linesman, sure, we're bound to wio.y' You know that all your joy and woe, Law, Medical, Pharmaceutical Senior Law Meeting. by all of us is shared- mmd Scientific Books. To whoop it op for Michigan and fol- W u n elscn-adbos 'The seniour laws held ailass libetling low Jimnmy Baird!-Cho. H.R. K. Waemy ansel Isconhand os yesterday. A cocmmittee' of ice wss appointed to learn the cost if athbronze bast woith the slab, on whichi shallI ho inscribed the names of the ')")ilass as recommoended by P'rof. Griffla. Also soother committee of 10 was selected to canvass thme class by sectione to learn how mooch money camiho ruised by individual subscriptionm. AaaL-"YANKI;hiDoohuiss" Well, Michigan, we've come to town, To see you beat Cornell; And while you play, we're going to cheer You on by soog and yell. Cuti-Michigan, Our Michigao, Michigan, we yell; For- we've come down from Arbor town, To see you do Cornell. CONfTINCEDi (N ShECONhD PAGE. rates. We offer Best Linen Paper at 20c Per Lb. BEST NOTE BOOKFOR 25c. SOLE AGENTS1IFOR '2W O S.TroI?,ES. Caiversity Bookstore, Dews Tows, on Stale mst. Opp. Geart Cease.