THE U. OF M. DAILY. ~PhJF. C. STEBBINS, TH NEW! CRANDALL TYPEWRITERShIIs Bikto ! Rr[IB[[ 10 0IMAN! G U L0 C t IO~kE N A Frmelywith George XVahr, 19 -YPSILANTI, MICH. everything a, Student needs in the s -elinigC~lti b}ooks good line of Ta-ok, ttoeyand for $3 for $2.50. SUNDAY DINNERS AT 5 O'CLOCK., iclaen tc ngnrl cit dniia'kic MARTIN SCHALLER, I # y ',-Stu o adin citiztens shoult ae ti SATISFACTION GUARANTEED tusur hedateysiwilin pilanise ndr. THE DOWN-TOWN BOOKSELLER, o most AM crdially' 19 iE. Washington st., one block 'F-17, Ar STR1 *PT. 'W. H. LEWIS, Prop. east f Main st. 1 rI 1iiE~ $~ODROP IN AND LOOK ATEMLD ES AE.UMRY, ''Th r y Ildg' -itatteJMviftiotastheTEWIEY XRIEfur RE5 .E MMEYS - Market sutoi at ca nroiiit'iic.1'ei.. H HTLiXHIEs ti1if a~nk1l0 Telretbtl 1emnxtAiieng ""I"foe ecsn tooglalth u- e toAtSimple; Durable; Writing in Sight; Ittcha sno eeiluses of a com ledte gyi-!7t w e ThPI1es otl Bem en Aigi >en; Instantly Ile cItisn iles, b f selfadtest in,,ecute-n Changeable Type. '.i't ante; offromsc'ito ti i s Inidoied b Iy theii leigathletes cof the city. AllIparts wvii- Best rferenespss iein E iiturepe.Newc bork of TOOTHPOWTDER m J. S. PEARL, Agent, racted fortwocciiyears. Calil for cticiaues tCity, t lii ie goiad Anti Arbor. let sarle by R. L. BLOUNI T. 14 N 6 taes om n eeu. in the city for 25c, ,3 1 Ii hiccctctasc itAnn Arbotr, lic ne is st MittnaArbtor. .5icei 'ticis F. FLAG PINS $1.50.1 ik. otj N R:O3°E THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK and your money back 0 Yellow and Blue But- ST AM AUN RYrO. Arbo, te lcatc. Caitai Slavc., W0,.00) , if not perfectly satin- ior6c. High (GlossittndtDomestti tinith. organtizeilne h eealBak-Lw factory at %Vith U. of M. ot' the _cfvtist tate ci e ie setiosi ts ittad year 75c. E. S. SERVISS, Manager, utnitvidsitates. liafts cisiashe po pert -As'--,-- 1 tIl O THAE E.identiticatioaiftety deposiltittxesito ret. t. NEWDRGSOE ' OT ORHAEU.OFFtICRSc'Cristtanc licc-clies, . ). IDUGSTRE M.A N L SJeweler. HartrimanicVii'e-l'yes :;('itas. Efliisc't~k To keep posted, read the tCshier;iHi. J..PEils. Assisitact 1ashlee. Daily. The Daily $2.50 a year. ALAMPS ! LAMPS! LAMPS ! ~L[ [[ 011)E1-0 111COAL OF ~amS.A ALR~ Make rio mistake. Do yott want a lamip? We can shns you a great S'I'Q.a4t 0FrE it IIV.alcigtost itPitate Nit,8 variety and give you lower prices thatn any house in thils tmarket. 40 S. MAIN STREET. YARS t.H.1 ItR, 'Phsne No. 51. An examination of our stock dettonstrates that it contalins 11he best ___________________ ________________________and most imaproved lamp made. Thirty-three years experience itt the MOORE & WETMORE AftR ANNIE W/GARD FOSTER YS Latmp Busitiess is wcrth something., Buy otf us antu get the benefit of it. 6 S. Main st., and State at., coy- School of Dancing and Delsarte. DEAZN & CQSVIZA.Nt X. ner of William st.. have a Saturday, 1a it cc.teimcittbeinniters ciass. 44 South Main Street. complete stock of : aturdvy.4 p .., Lady begitnsveclcats. Mondy thi tc.AticaitdCis Icis UNIVERSITY NOTES. P'rof. Stanley's Lecture. j Tuesdy--lisa0ll.m. einntertsClss .(Ladieis __ andCt ertlm ).Pitsn;b pitt meniii' sci-tisitjecieoftri't .tic lii n-iciictol .1I le emidletue n te Cieolof New and Second Hand. fCHOO L.. 46 S. STATE ST. Sundaycctt'i'si'ning sill lit. ble1tMu itsic' ciitrse, "tiltelcoiltiitici aOitin' aKS 0e was giv th by P t' t a ile y cvcclliv- Note ooks and other Students' Supplies B 0 i Natre."Finc Stationery, Sporting Goods, etc , swhich Abut2(1artic aking liittcorst-in 115y'aftertncon. dir. Stattle'ytirst tit's they otter at the Lowes-t Prices. ' W ' solid 01111slilriellgo'on '' ietr l(rt'ff er beciICillgindisi'ausnbeforeilcia of lilt ~second Hand Books, College Text Books, LawerBooks, Medlical Books, -at cuit rate prices at thie SUhDETS' IBOOKSTORE' STATE STREET. Bargains in Stationery and Note Boaoks. Special reductions this week on K. & Es Drawing Instruments. We have the best. SPALDINC'S ATHLETIC CLOTHING and Sporting Goods for the new gymnasium. Come and see us. We .are the largest dealers in the city and our prices are the lowest. SHEEHAN & CD11 Wholesale and Retail Booksellers FIRST NATIONAL BANK. OF ANN ARBOR. OCrgatiteed 1803. ,i((tt(:vl1:1:titdcPreats, $40,000. Traacts a general banking business. Foreign exchangeo bought and sold. Furnish letters of credtt. F. BACH, Preu. S. W. CLARKSON, Cushier. Xiss Hattie Long, c#tdtar, mantdolin -and Banjo, S64tMiller ave., Ann Arbor, Alick. PERSONAL PROPERTY LOANS on watches, Jewrelry, Dilamonds and chattel moertgagesnaseollaterul. Diamonds bought and sold. W~atchtes and Jewelry nicety re- paired. Office at my residence, H3E. Liberty e~ Stcity. .1-Otrs; S tolls . s., 1Ito 3 and 7 to ti- J. C. WATTS. ity M'.r.Hail. The subiject tof Mrs. Lis-i'rtiori's Ie- tu~reibefoie=l'nity CluthIils 'evningis "The News Aristocrcy." Prof. tHenry C. Adias discussedtlhit 'Econiomicis of .Arbitratioin"cit Wed- niesdtay's session ofltecarbtration contgress inic 'liagoc. Mr. anitiOtts. lBoss ("ranlger swill ge e an'nuatl iil liclnksgising Icirty at tie Acatdemlly is usuacl this yiar, fromn 3 to 6 o'clock iSint'ecfterntoon. The t'ngineer'nig society ssill holistis i'egulair tmeetinlg tonighit at S o'clock in rosmn.1O, engineeing btiilditig. Dr. Markly wsill reatd itplair. All those interested ill enginleerinlg or scientlific ptursu~its Iare invitetd to atteind. Tueecxttminationi for the Freshmini bcanjo elub was hieldi last night iii rooml 25, tU. It. As there swere not enough candidates present a supplemientcry examtination swill behe lvd Saturdcay morning, Nosv..17', at 9:c.3 in room 25. Mandolins antd guitars are ssanted especially. Os-er t300 iersons 1have alreadtc a cketi the physical e'xatmiinationcit the gymt- nasiuin, anti enough mtore are regis- tered to takiemiiiil Dec'. 8, 1o0fiaiit. The date fotr the fintal openiing has not yet been settled, but swill probably ho sonmetinie the lurst of next week. The baths are now open to all swhlo desire lt use tiere. squtare' reservoiri, to t1hc bottomii ti FOR FIRST CLASS MEALS whlicht ore attachccdlfeedlers.operted11TRY THE icy moocr Powelr, Weilghts areclsocc ELITE DINING PARLOR juel thatthl siri is o thdelite pressure,. s'aryinlg for differenttlilas Cor. State and Liberty sts. of te ogan Th ion reervirtheEDWARD LEWIS, P-rop. w5id-chetst, is tdivided imtosocetitos, ill ecviiofstwhicht It valsio oporaltes, I! [1 iE correspotntding Itou cth lcpassof lthe tolgitm. Tie air is alloweS'td to e'tetr3--II - bit ca slide, pcerf orated to correspcoiid to thie tperforatious if tli inds'cc-e'nest, a111d s'hi'itthe stoics are ' hatch this slidelis opoerated. lit'the Cohsnti'iti organi litiii fourlr ehyoarcds amndca.pidalltocartd ,11' fouind six cliter; at organs.,cc meaci:, sswell, chioii'. soca, pedal itil ecito. In each of thester11cr'e.uct'he tures, alien dipasont, t.,hich is ;he foundation of the shle orgato tone, Am~ricaon ousO Corner Washington st., amid Ashley st. Rate. $2 and $3. 'BUEEOZTI123. M. STAE3LE:L, slop dtiapasomn, strimng, imitatiig stricig- ed instrumnlts, melohitin, flute, rt'td, PROPIETOR. anti to ghve gravity 10 chiearelrt-ilid stops, producing overtonecs, and pliitis (3. H~. "\,TIL DI plehed one octave hotser.121All i bined ,givethlit'first isiili lte omgan tone. In conclusion Prof. Stain,y saidt i'at THlE LEADING TAILOR teColumbian organ has e5very '-ci rieby of tonec-which txists, ,very me- Has the newest Fall and Winter eliuiiical construction hnonl, ad of Woolens and largest stock in the the nmost ingenious ippiicatitns of city. You can get any selec- electrical engineering. It is unique in, lo o r hoigfr not only being a fine concert, but a A-GCOME AND SEE US. fine chorus organ-au. absolutely per- feet organ. i 2 E. Washington at., near MFain st.