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November 16, 1894 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1894-11-16

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IHGN(ET iL At the Grand Opera House. INTER-COLLEGIATE. Txa &.L cilc iwly 1t011101
IGHIGANG~~~ j~i~L ______4L C. (let Nrternllllllilruad~, mil.~
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wInods'1w Dts's 9lts'i . hoodirs, Woo T'ol wilteod e(orns 11 hef
i r ar d am teetFri., No. 7'. 'lllhlhson 1 1117 111e15 ll d eirsons AI'.C. 10Single 4144.
Chicago.."ChiSago.. 7( Nov111. i. ___________ 22 Yln 'eSTARD Ihe -Buieooc IY
Soe.get, :Ayov dcr~~ tconetinihtelSt 21001 er el..No. 64 Nr. 4thmave
troll tovniitir& ootlichi llWs tons

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