THE U. OF M. DAILY. Pulishebd Daily (Sunasexcepted)'lllall tlieClls'flsyear5,Iby THE H, f M IDEPENET ASSOCIAIIOH lrlc:''m s ildinsgt. SansA,, opposite post offie. Susrpinpii- $.50pe ya,inari'albly in asvasss'. Sigl'sle oiea en 's. sisr tos sy a' f1 ias Usofice ofs the 0Ia iAIa' at SlaPSe'S, at State 't. wsee' n allwithsany of lisea ediorsaor aoizedlllliilits l'assslaaniuLslios'hold rea1 h thesfficell ''by oSalad a p. i.if ilhey as'eIto appea' tie'S say. Addreasalallll ala Cnt~ndlSSfar pai)- satiaa Iato theIiMarlag Eii:ia.oAll laiass seassA sags a. + THE U. OF M. DAILY An Aalaor, 'lla. EDITORS. J. L. LoinsE, Lit. 'ly', Ofaagiag Edior. F. 1'.SoAsas, ELiS0, Aasianat. If. tissEA,ELi. '7, Asisfa. A F. ifss'ssa'.s.i~ i. l, Asistant. .. A. Lato', Lil. 16, Atllela dilos :. S. Ps'LAL,Law '9, usines ala~.a ,Asistat. . Assi'tass. S. Bi. Sila . 10. 1. . l iasll, '11. 1J. A. ilus 11115', I. .. L. Eanss,'15. C~arie v. Ssiti, 'Il. G. It. ilarssll.'Il. 5'. 1i seaal, MitCA'.a. All s'oply csunts' at Ishsoflsafiallforaeli0a. in. Iof tiss'say of pubslliatsions. is' eitorsso slstssssld 111111 s Ion shlf111t'eIssa isa55 ~~~- sllasass'sec llSIfalnaas- 11rol'. f'llsiy' liaalsis'son sthsiss'-'l diay sllwa lsslsunv iably scrossdesisl of p5cdy, 5'i''ii ssue1. Thseiloril isprob lily 1111 imssownes Ls' an1 y 115 1111 15 ally ii11 l iinhecutya 11111iis fatig'ic 5101eilloIPrsf. llllsliy'S lirsaIll il it lIt' is s a siii'iii fsli is issi-l tss t Coole~y isss's-ig l-llw 1sith fio 1c50fa '. Thei Illis ofssiI>01'sli ll 'sal o 1dall diresi ss ' fiProf.(Irfsltus ysteali'y las fish:fanl'wls'e 11nto the I' ill55lit11. fill procurf'iii ain sucfni 5 s IS no55w n51 onlsy iiitestionhl11o1w alse lam ssilbe ill g11 favorits footsbll snsays'ealily showed thef itliire'stsf1lt i 'i salitt. Aitihoughi liii aueibi o XsIhorat yt bthsliof ills'Dily bxs 0wber'' i''liiliil' fitlisofboea'anaiiargiiie fnifmbera '51Ii' broughtiildo tti hs' oiesalstliigt. lielavorls~ite ssist eeie t oes i'tie' ills sittofs"S 511105' Dooal"' fb'H. E. Nw- ton. ''Swttl'Ma'ie''alsosshadit many15 admiires,aa ndf "Soloimon Leabi' iot a f ebb. The Daily' prins thiesea';tongsfl taday ansI bwilisftibutiea'hfmiatifthei gamessstomsoriow'fi'ea'oifc'harig. -Nx bb'eek alsoeimelf'a51massiX lla'siifg bwill lie elledl aforpactice. Ii llaeimea- tibis'ltsah one1try them ovaeri 01'lr hislsf. Illsanother co01umn151 ll1befl 1,faundi soine of life agreemets lmade Iin thle contract with Oeril fr Saturday's game, Every preparationl hais been iLde orshepvetil'f'''sionsfall y 55d'ils- THESE ARE FAVORITES. J. T. JACOBS. CIIAS.If. AfL'IANIS tiiafi' anc r ir'ssissl o'veratilge sls. a0~~~l afb ~f''lO l llS' lfil s siili'11]10' te lal'.I it rcsi 5furJost keep your eye tpoffniur line, J QA O 2S.& AIIMAhNf r'e'lioniifb1111lrfsaber is fli alt,1 ib'sIts men aeatriedi anal true; JC U iLIIIIU Yers wei'S dol''nilstsdellsm'sthifsiflces'a'.-There's Smifh anal Carr ad alHen- Iinger, IE.Sf.ES IN i55'5. 11he' Ililfy ve 'a i 'ala t. hfSilrsi" They'll guard Yellow' cud tBlue. lilys gil Ills ailil lll sof iils ('Hioof's. + ; - a {S nut~ 555d'laroubfle'wbateverIll'',Tise sll' Cornfell once said, 1sflloaser's role, r'Yoa'll never 'glinst us sore"; COME AN 1) SEE l7~i'S. dent, II' ill' unisi'a owe s l'hislo Down goes that ba~ll behisnd her goal iii1 0101111 Sfn11 to t is fi\-il0I5. 'T'he' Site']llnsve'ar say so sore. bin teami w150 ill h us' uisat's1whSF1111'(ff1~1 Els, . The 'Washington Block. beltInd rt h c n dout wil hAnd f (ornell shosuld once or twicee ® GeFi ullrrtoy t I'll 15t i sl. i 1, nrIsla is'i f isInIu Shell qusckly loss'tilesaball 0f21ti obsi; _____ And suiflerfor ea foray. ais jee'r'd's'sl aidsf110 bed ll l belIIin sII'0 l~s pii.iis ss1Il'111'fl.015Now ei's ( a ptains Jitmsmy IBaird, TC- "ly5 weI's'hould tale ths' is t ssI'iouf f 1t -ere s to 0off'Iiclii ass 0111 s isff sIi 11'ls we.shout deiflea 0 teatorell,P B Shw 110' Obrln ht fdec ilysi. "Defeat its f yaoi eatsl"~ .rte 'I'll i i''5 s. lla 51tro-t s nt rll Illifi (11 . 0 Ih 1 wei ba s elt' 1111. s-It's 5Islsl fii5 ,,Ni- XF 'IION, '17. i - / /. toll'reqire S th1' ,lstlI 51 I-I-all eA C aker Jack.'' ItheLEAING SCHOOL OF UStEfaa'105000- HAD Mgifietbidig, te teaaes a f'(i is l l 5155' sgyng n' ,e-it' 1;'f IaQ god disipineasupeioir a 1- 'Nostitatiand 'te) 's15' 1' 1',11i11 i 1 t'ad ig eeem, disly leralae.-2 i 1' s~iiislsia. As II~t5ttlSI N tile nnr 111thine'' sMot1ea'- p p e nspsltrsio aea - bI ts 1 lbS Isis1 IfI lilats 1.1S' hills-1(Nl-s 1s iailtiaosfteaor paing stdets to pe t 11111. slith I it I ie(s' )os''li 11 II is i n 1 aaeroom teo 12.7 pea castl. Ie'- 011r l is1 11111 l n tshbb heiitutu'''( 'reeil Jait- .-'hea rates aedced to $ a Sby Ave tlo of 'ncrttii [lc hou ht f 1 1 or; tlassogeraddesl 151'~c 11 111I 'ii'ttit 11'tist il il I Tsck tro S ltttnlfi 'ihisy tiltilbI- ill aiRPR. CiAY.Ples. iter ala"i'iiy11d5 tnssia'Soflithat. Ifrt ass ii llhIIFIIIIIcastha. to ty 14 lwr 1 GHRAN ) O1'SE,V HOUtSE Isi s' , Iit. il ti a t t Itsalnl' I ill soilliapit edii orsitb it i , i %A' sit' il i -il lot, ad n nlomt:to ti 11) : ds- ithutre ndtthIlil is-i l co rta FIDAY EVENING, NOV. 16TH I i-fii l-i siitt-t~-io ~thll achi i till s tlss'ition l igh otst the itc il'nteIri la l is'ti tnrbini 11ti ll 'It uug its 151 t' t SI'S-ifruS is his fit tt sltlfI I(r-sun111111utasanldt'hieer th. 'Victor Footballs S ;THE THRILLING SWORD COMBAT Song Recital,, - I THE OKLAHOMA BOOMERS, 'Ils- hs-sft yi-isioeatglass lot 1011 ca~ \'\V~THE THREE OLD SPORTS, cnlitdo sit't1110reial bfiy'ltathi T E FUNNY COURT ROOM S.iouianheaioftheli' to~t duar- ij t} L S 6 (GREAT SPECIALTIES 6 ianeni t' f i'th tssschoolit' 'Suitt. Prof" artPRICES. - 35, 50, and 7. tuiisotbi ts lmtedi- Ii'lii'isti'luit -latwtSoo t ::e'; - r' RuIi tias.Oai B g 1lulot, in 11'' < or th ludtnriun ofi ttiglI$otS ttat t ' t oalfdetiafit'ttnets' isa .St ala 't1tad i tfe a ns iSy oitier ' real t'. h ilasl fisSt'LI N T'O thisils' ait~eice1111'ittd is ia g,,1witicoasBecycIls ilihlSa;sie1 ostINDIANAPOLIS, sho11vs i it tlb' finely traineid.'Thi VICTOR "INTERCOLLEGIATE OR "ASO- LOUISVILLE, vsila'I ihsli'ai'Sf ty ,-1a fltiliticanfis CIATION" FOOTBALLS, EACH $4 and CINCINNATI. caabe 5f get l l 111111t' tlpttut, the utlicI, qes- tsedtil rtls ourl111corlna- ELE1GAN' 'titi 1120 alttbpoi asun'aoods, BI atattebalif BasThrough Sleeping ars fieth and itheisi aliseu Thi s'tlast- Tenpnrsn Goodo, akbats, Bastc.bFE "I i-uls ialIli' Slius:''tisatlt' Tnns Bll, ackts ec. Petoskey, Louisville and trl. oete AiiShua'sal-taa OVERMAN WHEEL CO., Cincinnati. shdoi loveiaaSong" stst1 - 11,1 ala ill 15,yoioASKFOR110TIK{ETS VJ.A Botn hldlha eri. h' Its-Itt 'ii utstatr'.s T-a e.'Si'a'- \e 'YorE Cheago, tDenver. BIG + FOUR. + ROUTE. crudlof tShessi't1115is sli'oi altl'i t I a t' rfiO rC fS'0102 _____________ ,,ani'r cIf coL s 10 le0cs, Prtand (EC)O.ietOTMICK , HD.B 15f TN, reinsrt. fssselar Teafie11r, leaf P.5013 0,1 sssiisfs dOhioa TeMichigan Aluminus, /cadeniic MA USiC A. G. SPALDING&~ BROS. Th 1111cond numberlfthl'iC111lit hiigait _FOOTBALL SUPPLIES. Auli souvl i ts' tilSttoor11115. 'TseEeyRqist h paertioilh s'ahiusto ttipti agesl.51ofII "COLLEGE SONGS. H eSy lisif e liateiit e 'sXlIg tot graduate rI' iltd ithst pplaoll itege cleteion see fist- k -iataOfficial Shfifiatussats ss uisssas50ceants; Cloth. Gift. $1.00.-Paper - Intercollegiate :aluni tudets nd as ben uchFootball. It~improvedl 115d Iilhi'ri. ireAl'-,is'll's "Newe Harvard Song-Books." -,ze&2"-- Adt d ytshe~ refpotath uiesabhtttf 15 fpagesl. 'T' ta - t i'ttfleet-usteAusaede inluhdig alfOte sawest iHavrd aso E'nnsHsollsd ->X'b.aeS >sol h iittt ii ls'toi i ,iHeavy Pa per, $1.00. Pul all soane s . footall itutionis dscused y GPL.IaI;,litinfilatr, 5'). Dygir, '103. '. 1KJohnsatonssasstsrib- "OLG OGSFRGRS" Spalig' cemplee Faotbal Ceflge "COLEGE ONG FORGiRL." seitfree. Spadisga OffcelafFtbafl i risi a rtcl5ff th autillubfor 189," edited by Walter Castp, canslng hAsi-l 1s'unfgiht -of, in the leadingscolegesfor on te ew rulesafd otler valable ifrm a-l wvileih.1. Ottliowasy, '14, haseasihrge Heavy Paper, $1.00. -t~i.toby mal, price 10 cet. Spldisa trade-marke o wat yeabyhosfthe garante siC 1stivrity u-srs'poideas,' aT BotsAlueo ons" ta fhe gedse te best "Boo's lbu ofSons." Nasa Yerk. Chcag. Philadelphfia. bhalhnceo f tt'he sfulsberohis gibei os o- Aswelefeso ~claelatg.ty ~ ~ - .I.i rt a-lily, alai andi hllc nfe't'thlihpeingsIl th ie stthor of "iHere's a fa e lthi to Eig Csarle," Ifltis h ihdd. $1.00. Students Recreation Head- of tilt'I'niversity Ay beer: set psetpad n receipt of pribe., quarters. ________- Sand for blletinsa of the newe vocal and No a N. Mian Streak. Tihe lawyers deaing sociebty held istrumetlfmaesic.___________________ its first iueetiig yesterdsiy hafternoon OLIVER. DITSON CO., ST AMNDYE OR KS ait 4 1. is. in the lawb builiitg. iSE M D EW R S lifuueteoceywlIll'b 453-463 Wahingtn S., Bnstn Lades' and Geast'' Clothing Claned Ch nuetesceywl eto . H. Ptsn LeC.,N. or IDyd. Thfursday. I.E Disn R&CLe, Pfil1 3 W. HURON ST., ANN ARBOR