THE L~ . OF IN. DAILY. CR F. C. STEBBINS, THE NEW SGhIITrs l otie NOALLTYPEW ITER4OCC uuiiAL ,Formerly with George Wahr 1 I YPSIL ANI, M I~ff. everything a. Stuident neesith t , I .elliiig C0ili)tiliooks (god line of lext-Books, Stationeryand for ' ;ford >. 0. f iclaeu SUNDfAY DINNERS AT5 O'CLOCK. Miscellaneous Stock in generali -d rSATISFACTION (GUARANTEED the~ ir edua swiin 1 pilant ii ndTHE OWNTON OKSLL tieIi iiiiiiiI iiiy' 1.9 E.Washingtoii st., one blon "1I.Xi~~i~ ~diT W. H. LEWIS, Prop. east of :Main st. _$ " DROP IN AND LOOK AT EM ILDRFAE.UM RYS ____ THE WHITELY EXERCISER,-i Siml- 'Durabln; Writing in Sight; Itihas nie(111,1 outsie of a1ompletenym-lt i Thlrg stbotl emrh tAliguraent, Instantly e~jiui faexrlrtbaoil teii ja 11k he lfilust e he largestt botlle Changeable'Type. nilistieeCfrom tri o l lIe. niioredby theOfT THPWE PEAL, gen, ea{d! ibrtheesof tie (day. All pale ~ric oes~trerfereeiposile illEuope, Ne ' YbI f TOTEPO DE J. S. P A LA en ,u ie frt F'a earClle forcaliloee . ICity, I bii1 goend Asn Arbior. rendAiiAbrIorli sa le by R. .. ]BLOUNT. 14 N. in the ct for 25c, .1 ton _4t.,_Aa __Arbor, i< ii Ig~ ll St.,AiiiiArbor. 6Il. State st. Coiia d eie . city .eP""en LR iS 1 I.5O.z"i-'d ntb So THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK 1 and your money back YelowandBle- Bt-STEAM LAUNDRY CO. AnAlo e.ieiii el$y~. . foperfectlysatis Yelw ad1leB t s1 epnnlm. 51 ,txio .tons 60c. 11l iss and Domiile stic in si oize und iierilie eOneea bl li. aw ffactory at With U. of M. or the - -selils ercbilie ontilbe pe nil iie s ifleli' year T5e. E. S. SERVISS, Manager, Uinite tbrelair 1111ti C iellhiod polil er10 WI g } AT- d<;~A fi>i1'TI i'0 _AV It'N hit. ieririio1 Ii. iafety 11111.t bre dorn. r. E R GS O E WMf . ARN11OLD'S, Jeweler. Iilieeiiimam. Ci-iee.thas IIui 9 ri ° -- "" To keep posted, read the .,"ashlei; Mi. lie trAssieleel Itihiia- L Daily. The Daily $2.50 a year.! iA L[W + K ill i301PCA L AtiS ILAMPS! A LAMPS! [[WERY - 0R F jOF Make rto mistake. Do you wanttailamp? We ean esiow yoia .EiH s XV 33, 'fu«aellii ns.,''bese NO.8 variety snd give you lower prices thiaii any house ini this market.4 AN TET Vas_ a- C. Iit.i'ihnse No. 5it.-Aiiexaininatiomi of oar stock deiniitrates 111at1it coiitains liiieliest'___46__S._____AIN___S __RE_____. ____S__________________and most ifiroved lamp imnade. 'Thlirty-three years experience ini liie MOORE & WETMORE MS. ANNIE WARD 5STEi5 tLamp Buisiness is vcrthi somethting. IBoy of ius aiiilgetthie lienefit iof it. ScoloM. nigadDesre A~ ~ A~ 6 S. ilain st., and State st., cor- Scholboyf3DancOingtandielsa giiirtel. I44_South Main Street. N _iiner of William sf., have i ' aturriiert3 d. n Ced ieeiiiieiee eui s s. 4 ot anSre.complete stock of atisil.1I.ne_ a ees Init hteiis cliass.ii 331 1 e il V I ahe i-fieiJ. 3t'l i iii Aeiiedtle al' UNIVERSITY NOTES. , All fiiiciillotilii tin-editorialt.11111'1 aelo~a, t .ill., e -i sClss(Tdls I IT a - i ii(^Ik1eeiIuioeessstafotier. tell' _____ .r( I S I I Privae - t i on-05ey apitment;lF. '. XAniderseo.'!1 1:mlaw li (;li olies ae-etieii. New and Second Hand. SCOO4 .SAS T.&ii8Iiugl.. tutriiitii t3.1111 Nte Booksbansd other Students' Supplies T.N. tG ri l e, o. lsine i ed i tiou, Ais reerftiletidi- to ( 1lii ,0io.iigi ine ieStatiosery, Sporting0Goods, etc, hc I i 111- inal erotiomy i'njoyeduta bolt yn'iiritiy. Edgar trill)-, lutst yeair with '1)7. A in htioiness with hiis fathier iii l'liage. i.. . Let'irrc '6f1, 33asi'elrectdtis- trict juiige'otiCo'ioraoini lihi'lent ilection. A lint of advancedr'ftcournis of I1) uniivriiesin now ott saleti' thet stewartd's otiee. Peter (Grace, '9)5 lawy, of Si. Paul,- Bumin., ints returned tni nolliegnetoniiini- plete his law3 course. Intrtuctor Ittghinles a lchaged1his bourn for the jtunior lttwfluiz nection frotn lb to 12 toI9 tio 10. W. V. XWedemeyer, '1)3 law, was Oln' of the speakers at the' Republicuin l,ar- beette held in Ypsilanti, last night. Prof. V'ance says that ioen books arc bring usrd daily by tielt'aw~ stu- dents than in any yn'ar hieretofore. Prof. Scott lion had several studeiits' essays printed for caas use in Course 2. They are used asntin ex- ercise in proof reading for the correc- tioin of typogropbicail errors, spelling, bad English, etc. yesterdayiC afternooni ithii'eictioniuoo thn remtaitotti of thitir officrsr-33a1 ptne frofiitiNov. 17 to 23t. 'f-ho' Juimor 1035w3s11w i' it uizzed ml 'et reek iii thie'first fotti' li'tures'n et c011111101i1 law3 pleadtiin;.'1bl(10 itiou wVil1libecotntucteitb1yIntrtictor D)wyer ior amnt notomnore' lit ItamsliC31lliiiob ably be pilayedt Satttritay mornimig, is the aithlertic fieldt will tin'-gien up for 'varsitytpratice hFritay afternoon. The meticing of tliii- randinhotitid tlub,. which iwas to 111130'ccrrred yesterdtay, was1 postponedl till today. The lietetinog 33ill 1t1kr 111ce in roomi 9 at 4 ut-tork.T he1'trun Saturdatyi w3ill probalbly lii'heldtiii the forenoomi no as net to confiet irth1 time footbtall gane. Miss Getemrude' Buck.,ip. g. lit, he lmaking a psnyrhological study of lihe formiotion iof images itt thuemhiini. Sheii 33111 meet a iiumber of sttutents tBtrini- the wveekt and question them individ- wal11y'an to howv theysee imnages. '-te investigation is along a inewv line utnd we may expect -some Interestinig re- suits. FOR FIRST CLASS MEALS TRY THE ELITE DINING PARLOR Cor. State and Liberty sts. EitW ttIS LEWtISi, Prop, Boaurders WXanted. A4mericaD Douse Corner XWashington st., 0n4 Ashley st. Rates $2 'and $3. 'Sd1l©N M 123, M. ST.&E3LER., PRORIEiTOR. Gx. IH. WILD ITHE [EADING JAILOB Has lbs newest Fall 'and Winter Woolens and largest stock in the city. You can get any selec- tion you are looking for. fWCOME AND SEE US. 2 E. Washington at., near Main St.