THE U. OF M. DAILY. t il iti-l 1 neon. The D lily Willis IwNo Iwhiell lees 10riot elely tIe Ist 51of pilb- l ollled Di )ly so p.. '. 5e#;e1 d1 e Football Songs. flllty wen1t11111considera'Ible (exp1n11 THE DU BE MINDEPENDENT SSUCIATION A Ill-'1'r1'; iloweso ' OFC:'flenes boil' 11110 N. Slains ., olploslleI01h, w11e1 the ball is ptlt 1in play. As Other's See Us. Cor111l11isn't ill it lit all thley say, _____ post_____ (' Cyvug~i says that we will nlot score, TI'lcy 1110r111istakenl for we'lldro 111010; As fIll~oIll l101115' 1'1w 1111 1111'111115 o 1111100 111 )n p i II Ao etyslo lluli'bl '1.l l hy wi e00 eelithWI' ba ll ne iver 1 1forded a ll'1cur 'io s c 11115'isl. 01110 1 t iot A r .1.11110]f. 1.1 1, A le 1 1: !'111e1A11 , 1 lly Iar001'h 11111 1111 t 111.1we'ellblel' 1111 11111 ' 1111e1ry1 high11111 1111 'll 11111 pu o t S1t 1.1E f th 'IclI 1Il's : 111'Ar r of th oito rau I rii oiiios l l' 1 lololl 11 111 11 II1111 111 1 '117 1111111 Sol ln l l 11fc 11111 he il ev r be t is n ll01'.~c;lietltKa ss lel idio J. T. .1010105. SISl. SI. ALLMAN7. I JACOBS &ALIMAND, 110.0 .0110IN + SHO._ES. + The Washington Block. Isthe11 LEOIlNG SCHOOL OF BSINIESS aiidS1ORT- HAlso Magnifient luilding; tInItec10r1large10 attllo'rl;ooosd disciptl; superior 10111. oslO _i ls l'.disoiroom; doily l10010100 tuda 0lrl'll01100; oen the entlire }ar 111 p L~o.llfacilitOiefor plaeing studens nliosll 1ord and reoaom 2loS$2.75 per'ee; n riat £:rls.Thleerates reucdodlOrl'b s'ol b arcl 1 5-'ortlolgueo addrsso P R. '1E('RANI) (U'ERA\ HOUSE; GQinAV rVENINr Alms WTU 11111100 OAT1e :1111 1111' ilstheI lit e 01fl'le'111'(i'- s:3011')' oi. f l day1fpl'lillion.til 11 '' 11 1110 1eitor;'ito not. )lot([ hcn "11 ve 1 11 'ii 111110'. jjW li1-il h 1,_1 ' 1111' ovof tl'l117i1111 ll' o11)woli 1111' 1111o' iitcrlI'il ill' r ('1t' 10niC 111111x tall' 11101'olelll1 1 l''1val11 the1115 l 1111' elcl ubi1111111 :1' 111' 1.111111' this:f lot 11111 111 1111' l'in1er1111 has11 ii l l' tO1('11 ina'111l'I 'll 1101n1111 well j Ihl ' e11e11 t01111' 11110 1 1 751or11111 111ak i- theslilyuIslril' 1 11111 11 11N1wo' SlO 01101ill 11we11 '9.laial d ,11 11w' ihi 11 Il111 1100'the st liln ilth oflllel' 5 g l ltll'I 1)110 ycollogl!'t'is of 11100, tGreat I17-nli- Vl'r-si-ty , 'I'll11101 0011sin~g; lift 111101111111 00011illsport; Ini tinlgs of wois' imotl, Louly Ill rinlg. 1)111'lllgI', 00ill 111day5, 0Xe'll beat tillse1 Corllell moo., 'To this 011111' 001g. Mly' Michiganllkick woel, AndI malke 1110 dolefuilkllN Ring for ('ornell; And11 11ow'lot's give a 0011001, 'Ihatl lo,ve C'ornell Ills cr0111, "or we'otheir faome Shall 000011, Ah,(poor Cornell! Graduate Courses. co mplotely CH Y l rnlUA l CY cilln , muv, lu i l l In s TI) oi 1 I I t:cud 1pi 0I 1111' 11110 A Cracker Jack. STHE THRILLING SWORD COMBAT IE THE OKLAHOMA ROOMERS, THE THREE OLD SPORTS, THE FUNNY COURT ROOM. 6 GREAT SPECIALTIES Gl jPRICES, - 35ic, Sa~c, and 7 5c. Big Four Route INDIANAPOLIS, LOUISVILLE, and CINCINNATI. I-LEGANT) THE VICTOR TRADE MARK i101110absolutel guarntee1 ofqu11i1' Full11111e f1 aeb ll um is o t 'ftr i "1ow1110 1oil alill tle 011100 il' lto ". h'..'rough Sleeping uars 11111'1 (f ll'71i111111''111111. 111' OVERMIAN WHEEL CO.Cicna. j '111110".''111!11 illlllhandbook f~ll' 0 Pos1ton.11111.llilolldlllh IeS 11.. SdF~ JIKdS\ hate 1010 ('luleogl a lis of 1 v 11w' I'l 0 1 llll'7l' ll -0(Sl'11'~ll 11 0isCll:'..B'I'Gol + F OUR + ROUTE.. IIlh- s' te os o f t1e5.'' tite o F,. o. 11 5 1ill 11111111 1 011111 TIN S Iltl ow.IlO~I Ilyl ut 11 ca e ic IL M usic A. G. SPALDING& BROSl. t f()ilia C h (