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November 14, 1894 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1894-11-14

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Time Table (eveked) Jly - 114. Iliitha t imentsely loptiar sucessATe hNT IO.N,9l~ties rctea-tdinIhis clunsat tieta ,
EAST. WEST. ",k Cr iakei lack" it is prmaisedt litit Al l Mtsis ofthle las f .al r~e ot5cents per lie. n.p Iles flreeltatet
Y.M.A.Mthe, acd extra lins tata1it-iei11 ipl ile
flal ad x ....40, aa.11 niI o at w i aseeecof thelcgeaes i vord corn d eially ivitedto t temlh e itllti- Iat the AIl t see. I
N. P. Special.-.. 5 1it r. Y. Special. - . 1W tsllitb -t elertheatrically foughit. Ilg of "., tf Al1. Mlsttli- tinli7lat ClR AN EIIS (LASES.
EsternsEs--- 10 21 N. S. Limitedird..lsnc"''nIir.Iiity N v ..a si 211t ot
Atlati E...-7471' 1
iS1 NExpres ... 5 it Weten EPa 1 ;3Invt. -l i e tetslMis a rsii Fanlt- 7 By1 order t oftiti-i tttiitilutineg aset reotti t o t cIt al at iti-
G. i. Express---.1 iOs (lit. Nt s _ 10 '2 idle, pl ys Chiinent ".ts ACI esce .1 C. RiEIM-). Aaicittyortie olentn-c-irulla tii d- t
-it. I Ex . ,5
1). ji t totes Ii A liAYta a." .. 'tt.eiC A i iEQU AI T it ~ITI. sit' ls . tSCiet-tlarsia utitil- by ta-
G.1.&T. Agit.. thicaigo. A i., Attn Abor. 'lcIi ittic lt-t ul htbiutty lt tawill 11uest1. Adtress It Aayiarti t.
T , A, A. & N. M. RY . It.pp-t- s stilay catf ltchiagt itileillltI I B- 1111 111 O.U. 111 S. It)I1151.
lakig effect Suttday, Ass IiN94 It i tildlyINiv.i10the 'Cleirita B-illo.- ii baytiat-tSt. it -
er s eeAitnAo ni e nt rlst ani-s cbl lal he C rt atl" 11 - - I-tSWE'ENIIIIII5. sitlt ltitootiti till tatctumi titiit
atI' time isssent f til t-taaeest antimostadl -,it- 1:1 ih SnIy nontg a thc+ prSn. O r sti e
N i :1,5 _-ti fil t-tttt-cy tiy tuasl 1:21 tai Stiity nn iiig theaiin.tii aigtndet.
iaapits in nSt is t a. t im . Te ilat- tf lt ~-ft-ta-meet atltlyretsitence. 17 S. Stte econd-ftooti l . Bo.ltt t firn titlt
4: p5 s. 11:0 ptin. i alic t.il- at-l di-gitit hal- htt a., t hldtr.it i ettf sor-eao -tit:]treaishl iL-ST titRD I \ TH Ci1- 1Ir a
mpg i sit lettiteti nAtiti tetisrit d c it- coua 1rd to illh S leush it;'. Anyo1111 itt-resllte ttititi,$ 2511pcia wtaotrl. X',, tu I-,. i anitig
Ai rittInsdly escels it dtsy. Il ilt 121111(tilt I-(tas nt- itit -- itt-attl tie. LtI-IA . S. tlECI. IltsllSs.
It1S. GitEE WOO1)i Aget alt5 .=itt
a' It i ErT U. 11. A.,ITleds, . d nilynight. Tie ti rais 1 t nittititetl I UL. OtF l. CALENDAR. ia 1 gut. - tnitIsut,.mohetlus
17'. OF' MI Z. A ILO PS plo t t iis worke 11111 is is igenltio s s 1la-a-a. high shol. itlpie t thI ila tffice.
I and bratt'yle'. if lit-eic ttttti II it i5s tiatisactry tIllhoi speato rttts. 1Wet., No. 2.-Wbstsle litttt 15so-l- tt lt- . Iitstt eigt otion
sar ite t euot]tntt--t tupteisiit-rootig
rpainsneitaly de.i-'prity1 Ba~tll" is sidtottbe1-tta vitt fli'ns. . 1.-.12. .i1.ffa-e-ai2.iui lilt-l E~S - l- i N
o9.Stt t.Sr n r , CATnEREoR. sit 5 Io tilS 111a blidi fi5t.tattItary soiet let ii. froia l Ai".i ittig (1 . foIltt. ois a iititghan
11it is a il thlia t -a tc -seen it h tu-ills . 1i. .l t tl i i~ilIltnt tl ii
CATERERt,1)N otulihs Mii111111111 ,P t- ti gut le of) 11attt1 lIti or11n1 a n t
0,zE E aiuutlit illlc uarteandpoit-e It lit l ttt5otitti i Nt. 11111 i. dlh it ra ry tu c, ttu l i ntIRS ftif C~LA S CT o T vlDint&r
A IVEt LIIIl CL iFE tt.uytetut alulu t he u-i- tuttt-ts2 ii t -ilmiet IIi t.ro m 1Itt . .-Idt iti111.t
" .s New l'rk. an has eery hee ubeen Nt. i.Itr itt. II k '. S DROPll(.. I aiND lrl lOOK AT
rc ie ih1o m s nhsnte lttuas eaha7 IuIt - cot eto t its t. 1-illvn pr
alpprovol. Fr~~~~tt ai i Nv t - -i t t it lonti Y U t (. la d sc \ 'R se fo Io
t>\IA~i '\I( lI 1()au uei. n A- ltitiest11111,u: ee p. e1tiivet il tit 3ina. ilt ,Iici iahoc'l
Sat Novse1nt.lt-ity R.ILartLvs.NT'. 14iA.
In ordeThtotobtainaut-htstelitutcSohmolit
0 E N A fifl ts u 2S-l o 1 uui uit ucwll foUSuNSA & UALLM.1RF llS lt E. il
Laluertoethetoowsn t.We ae tlitj Ollowc ait ,1 A.gtesnbillb 1 S heI IRtCLSSCUTIlAIORN
A N AmrIN CanF netoiadt e t ramr' ,I, cdai papctitof,/p.?ItI..-Nv. 1AMin nI-tiui i o-II iii I l Wilia ss
Sttn -Noa. 2. -r ittflt.ras ('teDt ROP gt lINtANL OOtKiluiis AeTiti
cheap an soagootpeouscanuttfforl inIt(iArise ii etu-oi
of prgres to e witout t. Ttt~e 0 o 2- TASheDCAr< t RNiA s SRISMnae
papers possily5as(goodbitt 00120 bttt , tt. tIt____1,'noUelldTutiAURTIdcenL AVEN 1112
liicinuitIlul tili hu S l ihia. rex ii1 t C hton SIyiFlte ms
ansrnsi ntesotstp sit ~fc e tt t1 es trail Itirll o.rsitlciiihne Ial n e. I eenpoe has at (05 aut l ep
can readfr ,: 1] IdrsdyteT HICAG REORD nd at Eg ~ Il Ill hititteIice liletlth a l 2 eadgrs]inA the lyBustn asa-
work oo, t isan idepelden papeFfil ttg sarliii bttR:y RuleLoutticet lltulc4
al pltialnwsfrefrmth tit f ttCyhorltUin seraietuighi heat eciga IsTY LAUNORh
bias. n a w rd-its ci cmplet, conlense T hostayoigept lt(Si toTitsItl tit-es n i
7_lat-teug (h lags uai i 21) A t)ii.N N.SA OT No4N. thae
cleanchoes aiynewspaper, anfiet hasithabe -itFLshusWERS FLO1WERSS~t (hi
lagst ongcr cultinbiyCicgoo''he IneInland( a u esrites. ortEeua chgfrything 1Jnd ofvMrybody
west-125. ot o 40000a rday. tut. ut-lltbyluttuig.iaitt-iiig uut lut
Prof. .T. atfied of he Nothwesern ted.,itNo. -F exio) 11 m a -ocil a OUSIThe& L, lrisotiso T~hi~'e
comues0 as na r.in Wte idealkida ourt iii- tuirsyhatftll thiti-iitttt eahetcla esadoler slon e 115
ofled.Ihils ut-Mttien seet-let- 'and tiorg niz ti ARBsR
an A msear, etfro meli tdie likey o finde riti' titdrios ike 4agtiit t S T EI otAML AUcNipeDRY O .i f l
fnthsmot alas sneTH Hores."Oittilitie (ttitetitGgSaties .-? o fu rnCiindiuvriyeet fiieei
cheap a d so godiyoucan't ftirdnat-st ISntt.Iaor atrdit.H veryGoil ai a tmestcFnish
ofcrtoreceivo edbwtotmst.Ter. Adress E.sS.(iSARVISS. &aiageA.
Ili1conne c larkwitst. hS ut- s , ll 2.0 ASTAH ANCR E.
the wold- th news ou car for -veryThef Ir n outillAsly outherngI gait s $bGode o ns receivted od at Ut.ai
and rins i in he horest ossblespre Yf - oixsh.Pit. ]fidge lAA1,it a apanse tiandIlYive eies. building~x , ro.-
woktoItisa neeietppradl,. te t lAretsuhrnRn b s adb l uhrzdslctr.

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