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November 14, 1894 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1894-11-14

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tIJE U.of

, 1 1a

Voir. V. No. 40.


Piticit -Ti-niE CENTS.

WRINKLE OUT TODAY. Glee and Banjo Clubs.
The Same Old Story.-Some of the 'lw Gle(llbfis lo 000' 1110111 111-
Articles Decidedly "Off. "- 0)110)1lfoll issils ftw lie' 112'.
Coed Football Songs. 511 f11 (') 01000In l
Wble nkleisy ut'or i. ~l'Iy o l o g u ii' 1')e1.1111 for(1111 0111111 1),) liew 1wllg

Journalism in China.


tiel~s 111d11tle' l11''ll11'1'1 o111)1 hort11
poems 11 Joks. 'I'11111 hetill)eoi_
1)1cl)1erIcut:II'l 11.1(01111')))11 ad fi
01111Prof1). K1lo Moll's1.111111 1' (111(1,
lm4 vo 1 inl11 1111111 1)1sr;1i) ut13 11f
1t 1 1 (h1(. 1)1)10outsi11e of')t'h )Pol1111
,.11i'1011 .11) 1(1. 111 110111)1.1,11111.
Iler yo10 1tIi)) 111')i 10)01)). '1111' ill
c) al 1i05 10)11 l c11111 i e1t Ib th
lilog .'Iil l hope.11) d1011 -1111
(11(1 1112ly. rw.bySur :

"11"a k lloi"'co. 'Th club 11110:y',111'i1
1Itcn' li 01'oII I ii (11ito he1ini 1)11 1111
gti11I~1'o i t ) 10 111)'I() illy i1)1)1
11111si1'1111 1 er w ya)1t('1 ,:t . ls
Freshman Social.

1 'hine ic h1,111141 (If imiiii1)lity.l 1 v -- - - - - - - -ma~v
oilye ofl' he E)tro1. lte' mid0)A' me'"i ''n ; Some people t ~huh try thue
musca III' ('hinece lIllg little
11 lo e '1' ('')))' 11 ilbior 1' . toile.D~i'~' J)
1)1,1)0 enterpr )ise ',oll'in) Chilla. I)) 'll tilFeN'
61y o' Caltol, for ex,111 c.UOIeiWEAR

rolniun linve le'll-licci to C011111wilt up-
The first '98 ells-, social xvil h!, iic lcl
Iml import<iiit 111a1t ,l.s. Such 1 , I iw

1i11)Gralwo s11,111,) 5 e111I I ly 'IL'
iii-, ov.24. Tho)1)')')' 00. 1 ,1"
socol aleescess(ill). 1).
\\'oinsol. Ilineshlok. N00 11,:.
.1iss41000Iew. 'lileo. 11)1' 1t'


111)1)11 o* l lol'h1 1 '1(,1) i )l ajq.1) iBEALS S OE STOR)B
i~tom1' 1)11)' 1)1) i ' ono 1.. 1 o tyounnlit to get a linle box If
10' n l 'll)o'i)I.;1))'~l ~cl))l III 1)0 HOCOIATE RDUNP-BOfNS
(.11o( 1rolllw i) ' ilbbuco tlwl
It, 10s )1)1 to 5)",1)))) s11)1:1is tile, 11)f)'Cheap; Hot or Cold Lunoches Either
ofI 11mo. I lo'wop ' 11hee-l')'1I'. ')')))- Night or Day go to
olio, . tIo,111) 1 ,, tou-(l't R .. E. JOLLY & CO., State SI.

tali) )11)10)' (ife12' 001'well. 'b'I 1''he 1)i f* admision ill )e 1i."'95 1w0r1. RETJBEN H. KEM9ePF,
'i11'iciglllel.je101. New Debating Club. woig1) )1)1)) ) o'enl o 00100, (iwall .
'lie"issglf IIln I'______lil-Il 1 '21j)1It(lE 11dlt Teacher of Piano, Organ sod Musical
.,. of1l'lco'u'rse 1 1()1is) 01111)'relnln loVlew eaig lbwa ranzdsaetm. 'That is0ve)' ood)~. Composition; also the Art of
10eseray bc' lhe' students111 of 1the' 1ow St0)io01)) 2S. 1 iio St0., Ai Ar'bor, Mili.
l)risell that i it I o iolo )sell ll)llis15d r cry good II______y________It__is__tobe__________
Hud'onIn n)1. 'I'll)' whlly'devoidl'g1ai1"011lbejist Iso<r'lcaning, Pressing aod IReirinO
wvith ''Soirority O;ke'tches," -would1 o 1)0' 1f1''-e)) 15 othr4ou00gh Ilh)'YellowO sreet,)') 11)11) ±=Or-T_ IJ13''iK1S
Clyde X. Fanud; 1furnishes s 0)1)))''e0 Pres'ident11. 1. IW. lipllriey; vi l'.'110s't)111e1ro011). 'e'luioblty 0)1)n o.l) L'WNEYS CHOCOLATES
('Ilb~~lt 0.. ' idll il nes 1.. Mahan; 0)101' 1111'), iS. ' UTES
A. le es tresure. .lhii . Fvri.*. 48 5. STATE ST.
lhsve beh ero111'if 1111'hlst features of n1cil. 1')...Abolchll' 1'esidence o)l 01 h1e1' Xiiio 1ws 1 ____________________________
X~~~rinkle. ~~~~Unity Club Lecture. ha1111IlillllII.0).101)11'CP C tS
The double 11)1e c'roon)))1'".0.rill- _____c are'1lessne ss1'55ofl'an1)d) ) Iilil1 01)0 SCHOOL OF OANCING
9tis swell execed and11111 11 of lth1111')1''i ~llili ir.. Iori oo's1111' i A. illillO 111 lde h. ensimte tit0runI oo i ls i de ofid it i
best thing's Mr. I Oiiiipti Ias )yet lone t'1111)y C u ose ilsb een1i)')i1 .Isevent'h) toweri o[)0 1) - 111' ent:)11 00011. troeti oo Mir. and ilrs.. Ross Granuger. N
lor' Xrinkle'. llllg'lilto "I tla '0')' nify. N))'. Ii, 'I))') )02 1 )')')'nl l))lanils 0011')'killed1 t)he0'. oo foor i)M(Oili rd(1 1)st. 10hll o
W rinkle also 11111111511'5 110')' fmbaii ill(b.'Ol. (f o f tr'dayi'e n'1111. ililis lher'. It;is aI )l)'siiig'th1111)1 110')' 10)1'
songs, all or ifele are1'o'.11. hI'l)' 10oi(illg 0 lcolliii o 'ith h11' elt ')' no)t \Iandaoino. -'solO lol) ('111)1 Ill'
('1)1080. _11l's. 1.10'i'ill)1''5slubjet 0)ill
The Cynasiu. Mr 11)10disicoiint )o ilIl
Today's Football Came. be "11w New 'Al isti'oay B ;n- TeGmaim W fe rlcosn ~s enoIy 'isih -taretrsaestltokiniestyTx-Bos
Th1e 11igh s011(101and senior 11(00'foot- greatesti1)'5t )11111leoturer' in1At1)01)))ic 1'a. I'1Il11i; laul Irash, and1)1 classes'50cInl Law, Medical, Pharnoaceutical
hall Iftas laS1.11)'third gaiioo in ft'eand Scientific Books.
SeirLtMeigl ntb o~cett 1ei eoeIl'ter-class series at the f)111 grouonds 'We buly and sell seciod-hand books.
middle1)1of' 11)101'we). 7110 bath))ll)''s iP lMaheaticgal Isruofsecald
0')'0l)'1')Iiosrov HGHSCOL.yetedy ii 00'i15 deci~ield1to)1Order rates. IWe 1o110r
Meltobuy "'o----f ed -------. Neatl 111cups and li g lo i 0~l('ii l e )s ha l('0:itfu'51)l1)5l )i 'latZ C e I
left ' 1 P~rowi 111)17 111) 11 II o e~l 04. BEST NOTE BOOK FOR 25c.
liark.---------------cetr --.------C'ro00 throug outiltheli in'lt)'r. 111' 1.1 was________
Mitchell----------.righit guard---- ----.T oiies ,hInstructlor lI io. eoild 001511)' ic U 001.(+ 1 IIO T "O.l0L
Adlesian--........rliit tacklr------- iliilondod ns' derb~le' sent' i menl~'t in fvo fori not icetlbeta e 1)1 )11 ftifl' 1o)1)s. V tt c tl[
sliogg--- -----1rgh)e11---1')'-- +c+ 1l a t h vese ios ll211 d lDrttiL F . > + HIMIA 1IP- TAN ER +
,'Strtel..----------right hall ..---Auderso was( t~ltl. T 'iitaklge1).8 1)1' gei o5'1115I1')'ly tltd-lcoli. not 'T"1N7'O Ps I 1",)H tl.H. r
S10i~e ____ _foil blirl...... ----- rTio rn 0d o 1 'hov )io , a,0 1 ). Ip . no 1 ale 111)11)' ooill b1) admitted.'oitc)f lots) Ire, .ICort ' o1)1(1)

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