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November 13, 1894 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1894-11-13

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Time Tatle (Revised) July 1, 1894.Iu 1 'ti .lii. Pl 1'i15 i oitj, c ioU iii is tin e i o s n . . h it ile-r~
eatIsabell1a1 lleltii. '91 lit, 55isieacil i I'l5 itll )bolt fr Cllgess in he of 5 cents il Iier 'Ssline I 2t1ross. io so
EATIET.j 'tim, and extra lines Loirirs EU y t.AoppisheA ransct. shos.-at e )AL bt '
M.Y.ailapl adE)triia he(iYohoc
BaladE ---4P0s5 1Mail --------843 S Sll i~Sil.,sisl. seventhidistr'ict if EKansas, os"'i'rolli
Sat ers Es..... 10 25 N. Y.S. cial---ed 5 W. I. ki'ibirry. '54I.liiOARD l(',lIiL"c.lLIEitIisIteachingIN l'TI ' Y
Esn. .SEcial--.--105 a. S. LSpieial 1) i 2) , inn,.a5 majiti y-i'S of .5,000 .is a specl'ial $.s(, i'r''ri. Ni.SilI. Vililg
A. At. Pacific Es 0-i----__125'i 15t $1._. )0i' perI. ilissi o lio ..'IiOiE'tsiWs.aihhii--,i
Atilthstidem aEs.... lori,,4ll
AlniEx__r47>Atfrndo1'fTrelooad . N. Express 5 40 Westerncs F 3 ol t
0. R. Express _It 05 G'hi. IPt. Ex--- 10 25 Albert F'. Monroe,. iii'i. ffii" of his 'eilly fiiiipup ssi .a Sory, iwho To Let:- A hfr t suits'.. wiiisslii'i
0.W 'it lsosico, It. W. IHAYES, 150.' s il'oso1 st 151.9 il. sfsl'wat'li l ectu'iisre'dloiisthit;s) Siits. h ose, centrallosuliilflill 5155.. l l.
G. I. & T. Agt.. Chicago. Agt., Ass Aibur. lnst rctor 111101c" is qusizing i tii ll'ill cturil isollege's ii i s t'e iis''i cii11)1. t~Ic' ''' Isi'rsiudrcs
T.I ,A. A.. & N.' RTd. lYE flY lSa sws'l, sSii 'iiSS I lie. tifins. I studsii'ed lsiss' iiiiii huh literedIS' S'In lir it thi'sfic
'Caking effict Sunday. Aug. 11 1;94. Mssii'gs'r IrasfildsiofitIlls'96(5lltfo oiis ~~oilgalae nte tt +o ~u.-'estsnl omo
ltd i es baii sSSiiS~ Ci sll is iii. i i5arlssit. 55 oa s'siisries o siutll- ~ tueo Ie i. . r Sute',furnascehlita. 231 Williamssi st
siitici . li-gissiissdatissE-withivarious' isksitills'in__he_~_____
8a. ini.i7.1;z ;'I'NDENTS,'A 11' EN [
'1229 i. ini I1S:30 si it. s e.'I'lei'tseiami sill iprobalpl a Its 9 as omuinauittdfors'iongti'slie prnl Si r.:A. 1:. list'.ofs tl-- Golsdsn flags'
419 si.955 islsilig ('iso.. (itI )'li'sit, is "stssstl it i
All isinss sily escesi Ssuidsiy. luotuld t'si isilt Allsi t rbor oil is w09' iii4 :;(itsa d l cas tii 5555 555 todiasy- t'i .t11-1'sil
R. S. REENW0VC)IiA,"enseres ilbthyd olorwatr
W. 11.01BN F'l T, G. P.A., 'Toledo, 0. is sl ii ssyii5ii ssisti st''- \i.si tisii shdtdsir asit silrii'5 s tih ise'. 1Il' y(isis 555' 5i s ie f, t cii p-es
isosi biiatill lii th high so l ut ndut 15 cas i a, Il its t bil1a
DIET.AS & SCH.A.NZ, Isibsifo're t'e Orsatoicasl sssosistiiis. siu ui iS . ,ii~~ iSif ~9
lis t I iis. ()i I.'idays t he its l ls 'hs ssiuts ssy ii its's ii s-s l9tsi oi casll a se s Mri. Rus. fof' Iw
. O ' .& II O.i ts ill liiio sits)sagsistotheiii'ti illsstill ;tisi' yossi I 1:5tio s ilid st osis'-sit
year i sitat tlisstitme.
L~atest asld best sles sit forieignssasd Iso- Tlw ii ll lsit isisii's e hist111ns() sisforma_________ iini.
wokuara edots'i hrtesislit, ssi'tslssandU. Oh' 9. CALENDAR.
repairiiig.neatly done. -- VT_1___
48 S. State s t.Seseed llo', Ant Arhiisl, in gisftOw ii'5155 yiillailii111. lis-sistisli Ii's.. Nov. lt.-Si-ilit s''111tllg in FIRST CLASS CUSI OM TAILO [F NO
CAiss's-il ol tateds-stois 1D(ily- iopriessi'iitsliv(s inis l at I i4 ). int. t xcLo i ~
his. ti.islstis ss rd-u tt.t th ee nts hasill '5511. Tues.isi Nov't 43.-i '"fits eI bysIiiilisii ( i'gsii.lit 5_ ttran
tonIhLh 5t. the ' tot ~TE HTEY EXRISR
prvso Sale n " Coub. r~a" DROP IN ANTD LOOK AT
cI$tmac"..:i"Iil I op i
t o -the i s's "-sis)isi ' iislit' ti" a e uili t581 s i.ssi ssfsisii.i.tsisis tl t
---N fl s terd .ly , - i.' in the ici i."is musc.at:>). 11. lssc nss sitlit si -sits- Isy R. L.. IhOr tlyall. 14 A
A JF' /LIiK C FF i a t tl t iu 5Ii nt'iii. '(i. u. T.irti'iisIlsrii ls, t s n ise y , s lO'ijut~i- eR
___________________________ u l t ssto i t he 195 i dliti'ed.,i'oi.s'I'-Inter-clas' tutu. I' sstnc ofr ss_- onis s . -- -15-5-57 55 .


whichlwttNuts'.t hN Owits-is. (isrulssssc () &(1 l' [ ve tiitut k'. IE l er ll it' I'.
itsa-i. 1 .L. . o1 suu "Thei'Isst Ilay's of lt'e' I 'ft Ispiusse 19).
i'ssssnfs'us'ssssy' it 8). ii. t.A.PaN 1 A,2tORs
Mlt.. Xiii. 1t).-'lstFi ssst si11hr isn TA~ A N R 'c
C horausl Iuiius l seieus sy 'Thsioit reIsi
.lCo. in InulsandiLeaussrie sis. '. S. SER VISS, Manager,
j.Jjle'1Ufl Suit Nut' 24. '. it 91.v's. ( lrusi-it 't OsiT11FhiltU_55If A -
at Detroisst. EXCELSIOR + LAUNDRY!
..) ''551 l sh t 15555 s5 '511
At the Crand Opera Hocuse. (FooiS Witrls tut i st ut is suits 5icalledftr
frecquently consists rsuuss i vrcls's-us )i A I (555 iirI, 1515.
innt oi"\os as/ll t( tck"isihethcc to at once a5 siii ~9oss Su ls ~ 22 Years ili the Buines .~.
buoy ahigh piriced lita. Its -uonnuect'ionuu isills thlir-u'
iunstcument Si totrylussIrIs-i'"' ' ic A1I Ahuf
of selcto150amsong part beinlayedts9'ifolst'its fshususworth
i O . cepitsgoods.itNow
~ .--"-- inI regarud to the tiithosssst regasrdltso this acetor sir Ssthat1M. M. SEABOLT, 0o. 4 N. 4th ave.
.10-ess. 'Tradslitinal ri-Ot t thus'iis-
-'"'s"°itef the('stuge ts thu'oe 'ixcusionii si
- te ea (cou,1ir o tesitaton
A U ah511a 1orii: r e t 1a1t-si re isice 17S.uState
.x-si., ohis ldlsoiris-f se-re'osulee olnd ussu
you msay pay asbotch as 90u pleasc foc another make°
and you wilh nat obtainus huighqiualiiy;oc o ayShciefib U ® erhalf-ieaogceprgos wtort 901ding
anythinug that at .11 approachesthesis, 'Whsen you're Ab ed otl vra ntuetisetteemgii h ~ ~ otisofca oie
cent prodiuctiossof tic largestosusucalIfactory in the ° from Iheo Factilty, andSI notice's fromt
Avocrl.Iicy asre sold bylexiadinog deales evecryiwhete.tltctehs ue ulursses
Beautidul Souvenir caalogue containing psrtraits oh itsleddig organizations.
dish hut posi.iuuise~hssi Soflueus siti~oussouIt conutainus compillete repori ts ill dI
_____ lUiversity eventso of inuterest.
FACTORY SZZ~?t. ALESPOOMS ft ikeeps youh posteid 01n youir own e
OposteUnonPakWabash Avenues and -anud every ether tdepahrtmenrt.
Oppoo~te nion ParkAdams Street 'i
Chicago... Chicago... SUBSCRIBE NOW AND KEEP A FILE °
. $2.50 IN ADVANCE. I
suhscriptioi'E.received. at isfe
Sole Agents, bCi (De v cosDfAILY office, Times hoildiin. tolf- To keep poster, read the
4.~"'V I "'1 ~'! r lets and hy offl011thorizedf solicitors. Daily.

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