THE U. OF M. DAILY. THZ-3:El CRANDALL TYPEWRITER F. 0. STEBBINS, BIAOLU % 1 INUMAN Will call for and deliver work promptly. THZE EW Schar's B store 0CC IDENTAL omiywtGereWh,1 YPSILANTI, MICH. everything a. Student needs in the SUNDAY DINNERS AT 5 O'CLOCK, SAISFCION GARN TEE. Sudeted citzesashould make thes their headquat ers.while in Ypsilant, ad I asre themtheyswill fidmeasever 2W,2,1-5. STA~TE.S'TRiE ET. tot tordially, W. H. LEWIS, Prop. FOR FIRST CLASS MEALS1 Miscellaneous Stock in general. MARTIN SOHALLER, THE DOWN-TOWN BOOKSELLER, 19 E. Washington st., one block east of Main st. "F ICE $50_ 'The -oniy High grade Machinero th Market sold at a Sreaaona se Price. Simple; Durable; Writing in Sight; Permanent Alignment; Instantly Changeable Type. J. S. PEARL, Agent, I3FEWashin oost., Ann Arbor, Mobc. FLAG PINS $1.50. r Yellow and Blue But- tons 6cr. With U. of M. or the year 75e. WM. ARNOLD' S, Jeweler. STEAM LAUNDRY CO. lih iGlossa ad Damestic Finish. E. S. SERVISS, Manager, '23tOUT ttJlIFOtIRTt-tAVENI7E. The Daily is edited, pub- lished and supported by the students. BOOKS. Second Hand Books, College Text Books, Law Books, Medical Books, at cut rate prices at the STiUENTSBOOSTORE, STATE STREET. Bargains in Stationery and Note "Books. Kpecial reduction, this week =on K. & E s Drawing Instruments. We have the best. SPALOINC'S ATHLETIC CLOTHING and Sporting Goods for the new gymnasium. Come and see us. We are the largest dealers in kte city and our prices are the lowest. SHEEHAN & CO11 Wholesale and Retail Booksellers MUSICAL GOODS AT TilE SIAT[ STREEI MUSIC STORE Cheaper titan anywhere aloe in the Country. FINEST RESTAURANT is Ass Arbor is c3-IASE R'S_ Giveeitbatrtal. 2 E.iHurontst. DIETAS & SCHANZ,) '17. OF M. TALO~L Latest ad beat stytes of Foreignanttd tie- utete Wootens. Firstotlas fit adfCrsbttlas week guarsanteed. Gl'eating, ,pressting sod .repairig seatly dose. 48 S. stabests., Second Floar, Ann Arbor. TiYdTE THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK a A. E. MUMMERY'S, ELIE DNIN PA LO Arn aborAsItt1 blqt)o00isoct.. 50,Ott. KEEP YOURSELF NEAT ELIE DNIG PRL R(, tisedaunetttttGeeralOBatsttsLatwsa 4. ofthlis a te. beceivts dettsts, buys atdtt AND CLEAN. Cosr. State anti Liberty s. selts escha-e on tihe principtal cities afthbe o blotted Sltesa. It rts aosted spot protter Q We will help yout with . EbiwttDLfi IIS, Free. idettiicattittttSafetydepsait boxes to rest. itoatetersa'anted. tirtts, iristiss block, Pica.; w. tt. ; Ii er Cashier;____AL_.__.___1_____,_Aslotat.Cia i 0 sNi To keep posted, read the (ater6i. rt SsClti(sate. ohst), rio or Daily. Edition today 3,000. 0lhr uIUO iles LAMPS ! LAMPS ! LAMPS ! FINE TOILET SOAPS AND SPONGES. Make n~o mistake. D~o yoti want a laisp? We etitt isv you a gretlW - variety aitd give you lower prices thtait ciy house isntis mtarket. W*RU-SOR Au examination of our stock demotistrates thtat it eotaitis thte best iatd iiost imnproved lamp iiade. Thirty-thtree years experienicein ith lbfI, Latmp Businsess is wcrthi something. Buty of noiaitni get the ltcittfit of it. IILEn.~ JEW [[BRY 44South Main Street.^ ..- O I IIA 'Y TO.R FE UNIVERSITY NOTES. J. I. ?Miller taid A. S. Warnecr, '95 40 5. MAI STREET. mtedics, tre isntie Norilhaaeste'rn Uni- -V 7'JVT R_.. 3tTItXSJ hiss Igose Cranstoii, special lita' i'tst t 'icgjtrFRTCASCSO ALRN teaching at Constantine. Frt rtiili'tr' t ie ISTtCLASS CTOM lTsAtLOIN Jaints Eilt, forimerly with '95 lit,Itss it"Pleaditig tCorPraticeoftSttat antbtillat., ha~s e'ntt'red tihe law tdetpartmnent. 2 oclock this afttrnoon. MOORE & WETMORE Jran te ss, H lwstitarcin rtid' 'Olatisti'tt S. Main st., aiid State at., cor- .Itlb'Isblis Ias-es o ths cty. pubtlictan ctainiidtie for tcunty judge' nor of 'William at., have a b'. WV. Blake, '94 ideitt, btas opetned ~(irsit 'tllbIl complete stock of an office over Brown's drug store. ., '9liiittrtriiJN/BSIY [I (Operating chairs are to be aissignled Algebra intd Laboratory Physics iniUUI' tt btesnir isti. the Detroit high schiooil. New and Second Hand. L,. C. bMartiin, formserly with '905, is bliss Aisgell, '951 itedic, avill finishi Mt tssodake bdos spis hack again 1o collegt', a junior ltaw. her itedical totiise ini the Yt'otitn's Nine Stationery, OSortinaGottds, etc , wich Ht. P. O'Connor, '95 dent, has enter- Medical Collt'ge of Chicago. thtey otter at the Lttwest Prices, i'd thte senior class of Hlarvard denital Di'. Dorraitce has sufficiently recov- Call and see-us before purchasing. school. Breid trout his illness to resume his iorl19ICC-A.C 'JtlT Dave Liclity, instrtictor in iCutmis- duties iii the Denttal department. BILLIARDS AND POOL. try, was mtarriedl turiiig the stumiser Etlson Sutiderland, '96h lit, has bieit Choicest Line of Cigars and Tobaccos. vacation. ~teatching htistory in the Aini Arbor No- .Mi tet E. J. Ottoway, '94 lit, aiti last year high school during te past moniti. pf3j ini the city. Ceo. W1. Kenson, '94 dent, is at pres- ent practicing at his houme ins Alma Ceiiter, Wis. Prof. Knowltoni delivered the open- ing lectture ts the junior lawvs yester- tdty afterisoon. Paul Day, '95 medic, has entered the University of Pennsylvania for his senior year. C. L. Meader, formerly instructor in L~atin at the University, was married' during dhe sunmmer to hbiss Yirginia Farmner, '92 lit, and who line been taking post graduate work. The Young lien's club of the Con- gregational church of Ann Arbor was organized last night in their church tarlors, with 25 charter members. The folloiog officers were elected: John E. Travis. pros,; Pror. It. Kempf, vice pros.; Winl. Sturgeon, see.; It. A. Williamis, treas. All young iieit not identified with other churches are in- vited to attend and will be nmade wel- J. W. Dasef, '95 lit, has received the nomination for county clerk oii te Republicatn ticket in Diontealin C'ounty. The recitations ot the juniior lawx class in Bltackstoite under tProf. Ktnowvltoni tommitence next btondaiy itoring. Dr. Dunn, '90 medic, assistant last year to Dr. Naiscrede, leaves the last iftte wcseeko for Ashville, N. C., where he has a piositioin in the Winyahi Sail- itarisum with Dr. VounEttck. Lee, capttain and second base on the Oberlin nitie aitd halt-back oit the eleven, has entered the medical dIc- pairtmtent. Hte vill not, hiowever, be a candidate for the football team. It has not yet been decided wchat hours will be sct aside for ladies in, the gymnilasitum. Stich tmatters will come ttp at kte teetiiig of the sentet next blonday evenintg. It can, how'- ever, ho aniiouitcediioavthat for Iti year at letist, gynasiumn work will not be compulsory for entering classes. Corner Washington St., aitd Ashley at. Rate. $2 and $3. 'IC'ICEOI I1123.- W. ST.&E3LEn, PRiOPIPTE OR. G. Hl. WILD THE L[ADING IAILOR Has thue new-eat Fall and Winter Woolens aind largest stock in the city. Yon can get any selec- tion yon are looking for. ;"~COMVE AND SEE US. 2 E. Washington st., near Main st.