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November 13, 1894 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1894-11-13

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~Ij U.Of

, IAItU.

VOL V. No. :,9.



THE CASTALIAN BOARD. Prof. Thompson's Lecture.
Organization of Committees Has 'The sub1jeot of Prof. T'l'ltttolt's
Been Perfected and Active letretlltt Newt tir} t1,ll Seodas'l
Work Is Progressing. llC'lil-511OMtttit i otoii
aoII Te orglgiiiititiotl of he oteiititees iou of Socrestii l'co-stioii:l lif.
il clim ts of thek ('Istailiti silowsi' olut I I'le tot'tI'lt'il to shtowt ha1lit t sle-

Confederacy's Last Days. NO GOOD STUDENT
It' se1'l l t 't iti'' ltll t'e .1,' 1
rso ttill I t'tb li-t'l-t'blItt 1 II fys t0lt l1 with llout books.
Ii (xr~all S.Sonic peopletiholigil try tol use
toil t' t-- ttlstlttollt'li st'tt't Sy Da lOaVYII aC nl
I'll li ilt ttt'i t' 115 1 1111 -
it ittttt ti - -vt 1 tlitile-t'tt' it it51 South Main st.
If sa (litill-itiliedIII ctorilIfT -T
'illt's. m (11 it ti l tt' ititot -I lt i
-= _- -FINE-
itl'l t i- I' e lit'ii-tt1 l t olltt t I -
I t'vet'elistt'tll to." FOOTWEAR!

o'xpoc'tet't at11the lt'itttkstvill beissuedit't
t'ttchtt' ltg 'ier tinltt'l alit i 1.t' t
111d1Winkletb.'ITis texlpe'ie'ncet'IN-ill itt

that is lttst iii ll ttn ltattli : it is ltt'
lel'ot'eIllr' it i15nt11111 tt ch tilelt
wotttt'tl s a s51 s i it ist 1 ";lt ech r
1a11111 f* 1 11,1 11,tl t hlit' t 1t lt-i- 11 11111h


oils at its first delivery in k';r001dyll
'Tabernacle bel'ore an aildience of, five
thousand people. Ill Speal:hln of it,
effect-, the Brooklyil I]a gle saes:
"i Id, t(1111 tl,,, ,1,wv .,f' T. , . . ",,,.,..,,. .,..

vaIIm1)1f> ill the 111,111a."(,Irlelit of the coillizinnity if lit' (lo(,S 111,1ke Ini'stake';.
work which he Ims m)(J ert,11wil. J11". ])lit Illo cli.,honrst loan is ;;i c n no

Ii~lli l:willb( aly lsistd I~ otl(,1 cr(dit N-onNvI~11 doliittheItith tlittl:ittlite tilt 1 AL'S SHOitTOR
Inellbers of, lle lass ho n ' alo ,1 ill ri-;1t tll~c. I~t\ yes111111s illI Illster iil li mos.OpItCour ill.'11111i St
l~lol tt ,11. on~esali wit th(pnbi- (rts. thicitit-ditletit. w uldcttttti11'1bt --otline tRe. E. JOLLYouwa &tt COgt St i ueoow o
'lca 'ttti tiitti ita-i' ofht heitills 'it Ind' reeehe Itfel hues 5 itN
tio () (~ls li('~lt re lle w rl Vio a 1)11i-. \rl nob dyC H O O Tiit -B O NStutat
tuiuuiu, hisitathoiust-. Sti-socs. Isi'iltsgg- 111111htecig
els : tp r iin IsI. Icl ; o u titetiut-is tutu t-uuutglA s tu t')lfuly or Di ll' Siiht tuS astit ta uotoiA-e- ii
tluuiuelt. 'r~iuiuug-- S. t. Shu's' "h-urt _______sinlp_____told.__________than__one
hiarnz iess tica 111Sily ae ou' i tt ii--is-I-l lith ' 'tilt itus, R. E. iJOt'LLYSlt hututut hut&u T IO INatG't
ututuit I'. II. It;-ht tuti IntloSill(,(e\.elus
-Iiiis -M ith rs Sttdtuckts thu 111111 I iti s o l h 1,1 f srl: 11+ ' iN .7 - T
tut. 'l tt lis is'ititg 11i \sti e i-thu llustt ive or su te t'iitf 11111 iii- AUG. dese uucai y
Missratire'.nnI.. ichar"dtsi cai r-t tttl121ft'11112 u s tuuut l-itis~u'ssu' u i'lhla'' (11lt omo t io ;as teA to
1,1,11't ss A iev(t, .t.Mtet sri . K log n i Iitt Ith ,is uuuu presi' delt' ofittu ,s enut ilt" i ii s lu, a d r n s te c in.etdaniL e \e e hu I u lit-)itit tllutl ''
_______________si l thu '11115thaht els utottuis-elhi. 'hu t Stud oWNE'S. CHOCOLSt, nn A TESMih
Choel. ral intin-'Shut 11.uuuluul'u tt-iti'hairc te clots us's'inSc e oftheuugblood 56 ht'(- I il i i A
utuittit'Dkea ldllssCoby h t ' ee recettive'd oiii) suig. itth(heIlcIaht) o ands htM'ERCHANu' TT TAL'S, '
lit01t1hiistuillhuto if ttutu-ht Slut' I tushsli-u yprs 1115 It '1 a (;ean 4g 5 5. ST ndReATE ST.
tituiif'tl 'is us I htletuulot i r h t
isr.tBlockiu'uutalleittsftu'rill"t Slut-hetiutt. At tndu-lus itdoStu itatlyiiby
tticllusli')uto ('lutteeo I tt llututh' (lote uAUG. tx-aHiiiEu'uuD, 2(iiuul uh Sli sit utu
.uthi Ig Ii. V kol, ,fo' 'si20 if S-111d111 huts( t Alol t t ensei CalP.tc.to th olC.'
MisCly olg raiall Sit Hius'tg --~u -ll~I~i uct5 055 CLO FDANTCIN
C oa Uno Seis whlei't' e 'u- ininrit es. irthlt t:thei-il ii iS of eorgia.In'ut1t8(ut''1 uiSitteJUtSitT Rug S DATh lteud s
fit ihu-uubgidefeIrItd untilstrut Sittut+i T Sr u lrTTT Suis ,tugr -
MThi-t Sot.eLritconts-ItSctoturiseitwi-l beiitio otuie Sit ututrm.}l tstutucaptalegn-iaf tut
In clonsiildhotation lit huhlesta1t Slutarethdelee,4itSityttco.T E S .
hiopened g', N liov. u uiutt 19 y T edoe" O is iS 5ctu Vtt'uf, . I. Situl'' -iuus'i S'iuiut tth'lse ofthieuiuic itCSahi .
l~rlOeluilu ft usl be giseiThi111i 11115nge i reusdent il a asitintti GorIo. wa ncoymeed ti e 'slecoBO KS OR
reutd Irmt he aci ttinuofuce Slt 1lu 'hlfitit t lt-itittgtlui5 iulth u'ntt fi lt' us g'ttnatte din it tW5ofe8isonu;ou>l
chuciug s hutsin cC i'u s'1 t u iX u s' u to ith c s l ti oni s:tlll f S . I. i - ic ut u Ctu tt u uss uu tit l a snw, oM eica plsh rm ace icd a l n
Slu g'oti'l$l0 Stenh'. luo eaiu hilsehutSui-tio e-llt'startingtituwitltil du'tehluuft'dultugis
iAlue rt futh is S tu. e(i 'tSh l _i ii th S'fult-tg tuuiluus i, 'i'li'li'fit Sti P ik s teofMatialdAis.ustrmeas tuide.
serietits'illnt ufr telasJy h rafndflogrSupplierst. seca
uiucee, Feb i~ 5 ix Itiuui e lupi', Styttut. llr'u'u tf E . Luut; Si-- gindte',lchosenliltudtSta tessn tor u'i t 1S:t rts .ie
lu.istLyfm an.st i u Fiacuoltytil SitSeetingtiOl
Toio.AteuCsiagoi ofrilth tst tutliie-4Juni[or Football Team.N PH -P
requeafstricte 5-ofanolfern of.
erxptire11slylcfor cuthiis 0onet icofne'e1111'tSue fWeuioffneSut'ditscount r 'woon'alls
thetal concert litat Iius-

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