THE U. OF M. DAILY. T]iZE= F. C. STEBBINS, THE XTXWShaIrs B kto ! CRANDALL TYPEWRITER v~e n u A omrywt eleX h,1 E. Washington st. Headqoartens foe YPSILANTI, MICH. everything a. Student needs in the bI:.; ±ling t700ll)lhooks goodI line of Text-Books, Stationery and for i fr $~ o. SUNDAY DINNERS AT 5 O'CLOCK, Miscellaneous Stock in general. for8,__ $._._vs_ MARTIN SCHALLER, etide ns and citizenss'. hiould rmuethi SATISFACTION GUJARANTEED t~lei eid1 aler Fhil i Ys. rn'"an' ITHE DOWN-TOWN BOOKSELLER, . i assre themthey iii tted ite, as ever, ____ ost cordially9, IE. ashingtonI st., one block 4 E 1AAii'i M F1.I'S.V . H. LEWTIS, Prop. east of Main st. Di T 1 50-~__________ T e' i'i igh(rd . ie nctel HEiIi, XPRINTER, MLDREFS, m A.E. MUMYMERY'S, impi Durable; Writing in Sight,' es iiA tiigotdpliscati ng IL~1.1.*'lT0'0~1. '"'Isinenin f XIIIIIlpiliiWdi The "largest bottle Peranrot Alignment; InstantlyI topcsi'tisi tug aiildi is iigo lul u k Chaneable Type. i°iiuiiitsit iioc ie I of TOOTH POWDER J. S. PEARL, Agent, City, li;t iid tAnAibor n; h it or2c 5;f:Ltl, ti iti s. n ro, iicht. 64'S. ;M te s1 Coe a d ee us. I FLAG PINS $1,50.1,"~'lT- THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK adoroebc -__ Hi'i -_ An'il roi l~i t tiiaiittMc,1,0(). ~if not perfectly satis l Yellow and Bloc But- -'up in$50,0ill. 0 Orgtaniz d ne licGenerl iitniiitLa w fatrya tons 60c. (ns ro c' . rdin arytiiiaicy wit h tit fIthis Slite.iRcemive lspsts, bysalt fco y a With U.ofX.or the icy pen, illsopine'.s il itul bmd.I' illy stllsexirs titephni il ci'ties ofile year c copuiies of iyiewiiteiiimaniiscrlipsliroued Iiiti St'ls. Ii tscashed plt p er---citice__ -- 75c. n iiiii'- "iiendtforeiictila ii s mlts eit s identiticatin. Safeytdepsttble'si o elit. e --itneof tik.ACi.TTS AN IHit oFFciris ('tilstile itiact i, e.: it. ). NEW DRUG STORE. - W5.AN ', Jwle. LAWTON & CO,9 (Cas le;It ieic. As-lli~t I Ili._____ock, 20 Vesev St.. New York The Daily $2.50 a year. ER~ LAMYPS!' LAMPS! LAMPS7 HALL[ B'S JEW[LRY _Make ito iiisake. Do you wantt a lamp? We tar los oiio i giet it 15A STA.I~IT..i~R. variety and give you lower prices than any house in thist market. Yane Sit Itit,'I on cNo.ii. An examination of oar stock demonstrates that it coiitaiiis 1 theet 46SMISTE . .iiind most inmproved ill itiade. Thirty-three years experienceinii the M'IOORE & W'ETMORE MRS. ANNIE WARD FOIER'5S [amp Buisas is ivrhm something. Biliy of listaind get this benefit of it. 6 S. Main st., and Stale o., dir- School of Dencing and Delsarte. :DEAIN c& COMPI~A__N-Y-_ tier of William st., hiave ti Satrdy, 0 . m, entem tibeinnrsclas. 44 South Main Street.Co pee tck f Saturday, illp. ii. tdet in ilersc~nlai _____________________________________________ o peesoko dlt ill :0p ., Advantcedi (toss (L'dites' UNIVERSITY NOTES.MaendHudu. NVRI M o 'l ~ ar~e) uesday . :f11 p. ni., t tBe'i ierasL'atie__ JIESIY t~ u and tGetitle elll. .Noliie an 20 ou d rn ib l Prive les iston, by latpioiintmniit. :Miss Jen'ie Au'tinii.'9 I ii . zi- lii 'is hae an 20 io id tii i'i lili ttle New and Second Hand. SCHOOL. 46 S. STATE ST. icI fivet. ..iiic turttl) afiernon ilIi IacaSthe hiares were beaten. B~att'satoil Note Books tisd ether Students' Suppiles B O O'ltry'Ity..'tti r'ieillllFine Otattonery, Sporting (lioods, etc, lhicilt colllege ItyEcNtetitsst'r te ttos. 'lhi e uy alter It the iLoweit Price. --- - Miss Maud erc'.)'7t lit, is lilchilt wr isn f10ive inutes starit ui O Call and see us before purchasing. Second Hand Books, College Text Books, law Books, Medical Books, at cut rate prices at the STLJIJITS' BtOKSTORE, -,TATE STREET. Bargains to Stationery and Note Books. 4pecial redoctiono this week ont K. Z;,Es Drawing Instruments. We have the best. SPALDINC'S ATHLETIC CLOTHING amid Sporting Goods for the now gymnasium. Come and see us. We ate the largest dealers in the city ansd our prices are the lowest. SHEEHAN & CDO, Whdilesale and Retail Booksellers FIRST NATIONAL BANK. OF ANN ARBOOR. Organized 16t3. Capital, $ltis.55.ucmius a'.d PcrtH ii.;e). 'transiact a genierai bantking business. Forceign exchanges biought end sold. Furnish ietterusiof credit. P. itACit, ices. S. IW. CLARKSON, Cshier. Miss Hattie Long, Guitar, Mandolin and Banjo, eqnMillter 'ye., Ann Arbor, Mich. PERSONAL PROPERTY LOANS. On Watches,iJeselry, Diamoiids and chattel mortgages as colteral. tDiamonds bought and soid. Watches and Jenelry nicriy re- pamired. Office at my restdence, 33OE. Liberty sI. ,city. Hearst 8 tu ii . m., 0in 3andi7 tu Pi. m. J. C. WATTS. schiootliii Rotelleli'.1 'Thic'fre'shmiiendtefe'tedtt'ihic' Nlitls Saturiayty latscoeitiof 18 Ill 0. C.Brogan, '9il mtedli', is hain-ig ti good practict' at Stockbridlge, Michi. Gramid Itil of all stiutents at Oilr- vartd is itows' ,220), a. gaily of 142 ovser ltst yeai'. M~iss Grace Loiig, '9(1 netic. is teething iii tht' puiblic scllools oif Salt fake City. The iter-class football gatme to haves' been p laytedh bttws'ein '95 anti '1)6 this afternoon ii ll pirobtably' go to '1)6 hi' default as the mtanager of '9)5 hailnt yt't called his mcii out Satutrday. T'he Alliltic -Nii hldiits regultariiet- tna hint Saturdaty ev'ening in room 4. A goetd programliwsc arriedh out, the mousle by Mr. Blorcherdt beinig esptc- cially getod. A c'omiittio wse ap- poiiiteid to solicit siubscriptioins froit the Alilmtni for the fitting 011 of the newv rooim sooii go be occupied by the society. The '98S lies defeted thet'-Norimal secondilet'c'ein tt Yptsilattli Satunrdaty by a score itt 18-0. The freshmaitnliwere nieethlan atchitifor tglie opptonents in thicline, and wtorkedttte ends fctr gootd gaints also. Btaughmiian, Orson, Coxaiid hBurdick did especially good stork 'for '198. The condition of te grounds prevented filet play unti a sill larger score. aind sswinging around to the right, lift FOR FIRST CLASS MEALS the "btreak"tiboutithilree-quaritis it a TIEY'THdE lile ou t 1'aolhtenisw ave int ELITE DINING PARLOR wsthe frthound iadh a just ive minutes and 50O necondts be- htiitd the hares. ilarsoots andi iIoub- bard folloet closely, but not bief'tri thte timie limtit for the arrivtal o itthtt htonds wsntil.'Next Satuirdtay mn- othter Inn will be htilcd, statlinlg trout Ite gymnnasium at 3 o'clock. Weid- ntesday therQ will be a meting of the club. ''lle contiittee onhattot'i~itu~tioni si-ill rohort, and am permanient ttrgantiza- lien wiill 110 perfected. S. C. A. Social. ,Satulrday Iight's receptionlatth(le S. C. A. seas largely athended aitilgreth- ly enljoyetd by all. After til hour of genertil sociability, te comtpanty adl- journed fromo the parlors to the hitll andi listenid to a -very intert'sting limo- grant. The singinig of the Yellow andli Blue openled ilhte exercises amid then Prof. D'Ooge enitertainled the companty wih reminiscences of college life 3i0 years ago. 'Miss Davis gave a p)ianio solo, antI'Mrs. Stevens talkitdl a fesw minutes omi college friendshtips. Mr. Hiandy recited 'Salon Letter,' and6 the singing of iGoddess of the Iniland Seas" cloned the execeses. A geneal soctal time followed, end all w'eoh home hilghlly Ipleasedh with the evening. Cor. State and Liberty sts. EDWARlD LEWIeS, Prep. Boarder. wated. Tr IE Anio~iicao 'OVSe Corner Waslfington st., antd Ashley st. Rates $2 and $3. 'POllUEi123. M. STA3&E3LER, PROPR5IIETOR. G-. IH. WILID THE L[ADING. JAILOB Has the newest Fall and Winter Woolens and largest stock in thin city. You can get any selec- tion you are hooking for. W"COME AND SEE US. 2 E. Washinigton at., near Main st.