THE U. 01? M. DAILY. THZFJ F. C. STEBBINS, TH E caIs Bosoe CRANDALL TYPEWRITER A! RrII[ II % [1 W MAN UUUIDENT *formerly with George Wahr, 19 4'''. NiLI~lUL.E.BWashington st. Headquarters foi YPSILANTI, MICH. everything a Student needs in the Ic ls iog i0lOn Jooks good line of, Text-Books, Stationery and for .$3 for $2.50. SUNDAY DINNERS AT 5 O'CLOCK,. M iscellaneous Stock in general. 1 ___ ___MARTIN SCHALLER, z N Studens- and ctizes should msaliethlis upp'.{ r -~ SATISFACTION GUARANTEED thm teaduateshiincYpilatniti, andcITHE DOWN-TOWN BOOKSELLER,, M a rr ssuede hwl lin me!9evrot cidially, 19 F. Washington st., one block N%' osiiA A.i Srio a W. H. LEWIS, Prop. east of Main st. MarketTHE SIMPLEX PRINTER, EMIL DREFS, Q A. E. MUMMERY'SscI t casaall Pie Sipl, urbA. riineiw5 ievientincfor duplicating rl. i i .Aa' imake1 SermpnentDuablg;motinsan gty copies of Xwritingsoand dtairigs. I ,I1I H P'auiia~w~ The largest bottle Changeable Type. i- I ctlc.ctct eocNcto tofTOHPWE J. S. PEARL, Agent, I+City, (ho co cod Anti Artebioteciyfor5c P'1 Wa i l-tic oocst., AnnttArbort liicti b t S.5tacte 5t.I Cliome and ee u. i h iy fr 2 c SLAG PINS $1.501 THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK ~adyu oe ak1 Yelw n Bo Bt AItSutSc i(tuuSi ,~cco if not perfectly satis-itctt515s. ton-60-ioti c- o i 'c c ittcctt ct ittc Acl bor t ci' icvi. Captatoeot .0tt' , at With UOf .Or the icy pen, t1()0cpiscanitte imcde.iftoy ,-osct~ic co tecinciptit~cctic".ofttec yer7c oiso yertrmnsrpspoue IielSae.D-rscse pnpoe AT---- oftwo ATc '' E l). ttitt caitoisttoFttirctisttc. Chititolcit iti . t.ot . NEW DRUG STORE. -i ' itccii AiFN '.SO itCsier;A.T.itot t it'' ttaitC' 20 VS cosySt.,New York .The Daily $2.50 ayear. lul lk'0 A L LAMPS! LAMPS! LAMPS! 111LL[B'S JEWEILRY oIZI)Et S"O'It CAL OF Make no mistake. Do you waint a lasimp: We cain show ya igreat S '_.~_:P I. _A sc.vaisety anod give you lowvei piices thou any incise in thcis niarket. OFc I:: 1lt '.c-tittgtcccct.'Pitotce No. s4 .MI5T E T atic.itRi. ii, 'icicce Nit. 51. Au exaiminatin of oat stock deioistrcateo tihct it contains liii best 4 .MI TET MRiad most improved lamp made. Thirty-three years experieice in tict M+OORE & ETMORE MR.ANNIE WARD FOSTERS Lamp Easiness is wvcrthc something. liy of tits and get lice bemiefit cit it. ~~hiio idSaec School of Dancing and Delsarte. ]D _1.A IN3c& CCOIIVEZ _N Y7_ tier of WAilliani st.,ihivea OStoecicy, iii t. i.,Qenioc lttieoiinntstcltui 44 Sooth Main Street. complete stock of Miondaty d 7:30i. ic.,Advaet'i' ttss (Ltidie'' UNIVERSITY NOTES. 1 Ii. 1. 'Iboc s,'tt7i '. iiiits itiet Uiti S-""' ""BO Toesdacy, t7it0e.. Beie rs laset.ttt(t I Ladies' Ntitlicterni. U~V f 1 A U 1 irive lc essonsc by opi ititict. iccii ('iciricit %)i a, s est. iitcttiig 'tic itttomrrtw iiot ici~lly t L.12 c ris. New and Second Hand. SC O Lo6 S T T T a t i iciii a.cilspk*gt'O will licttitri' ieforecii'he ier (Note. Book~s antiother Stucients' Sopplies. B u Kliii iti-it octccrt'c ccneiii is at cty bitcl' dccc.i t'of tiie' MctitlisilFice Stcationery, SporticnGOoods, etc .>tchicih ltiteci i SIiclitii's switidow. eitei ls sittc MSi t hOc iey otler atche' Lotwest l'rices. --- w- lc''Jfotblticii play os liii'Nttr- Wocrk in Cinita." Call and see us before purchasing. Second Hand Books, College Text Books, Law Books, Medical Books, at cot rate prices ait the S TIPENfS'B9O(ST[ORI, STATE STREET. Bargains iii Stationery cind Note Books. Special reductions this week on K. R E.'s Drawving Instruments. We have the best. SPALDINC'S ATHLETIC CLOTHING and Sporting Goods for the new gymnasium. Come atid see us. We ai e Lice largest dealers in the city and our prices are the lowest. SHEEH 'AN & CO., Wholesale and Retail Booksellers FIRST NATIONAL BANK. 01, ANN ARIBORt. Orgacized i8i3. Caspitai, Siiiiel.Surpiuc aid Ocft0, 9$1)0). 'rasactosca general bccking business. oti exc haeonges bougiht ad soid. ]uishi ilttterisifcredit. P. BACHi,i'res. S. Wt. CLARtiSON, Cashier. Miss Hattie Long, Guitar, Mandolin and Banjo, it9 Biller ave., Acc Arbor, Mtch. PERSONAL PROPERTY LOANS. On 'iatsches, Jeweiry, Diamcads cnd cihattci mortgaget s sisllterai. iamconds bought sod sold. Watchies adJeweiry cicey re- iairei.. 051cc at my residence. 83 E. Liberty st.. city. ilours: 8 ti itsa. m.,i tsoa3ad7ito _p m J.C. WATTS. ittals ai. Ypsilanit hicscfternooii. '«- C. lailyci, '92 Ptricetuon. liccs 11. . (ri"old I).I).S, )1 isFOR FIRST CLASS MEALS II I. lis'tiu.1) I. elnitcceried the ;junitor lass cts. Mr. Mar- TTY THE Vil s crct'rcficc r tr e am. lie isst sritilici)ltir ci tit ELt TE DINING PARLOR L.H as rtro at ; earscliecich ietr and w sill ite ct valuabtie' Cor. State and Liberty sts. with thie P'tria ci quetisiioniticcocir homic f ii. m. EDWARDLEWVIS, Frep.. (Ill.) troiceC .The's'bt' ctib ofc'titMrs.Stundterlcandi's Bcardiers 'Wantedl. Juidge1Estiog. tof ('iiccgo, bas ite'n'ilte 'lass lectri ort motirroiotitrniiug seccutedi iy liii'laws icc deliivcr clcii- atci ii'Unitariac chiwill itt'"Ait- tress en -Wcsiiiiig;tt's biritdcy. gustComtec." 'Tie' subj~ec't if air.Si- Itic'. E. C'.Piyttt. I.,I.otf Cilt'ti dcOclrcni' etibbi'ecisfu ~aitgri will sipeak in tei eb 'iyte'riachu iirch ice1n1scill bei'"An IExamuiiucticufthei 1c'- Sunidccyc'vi'tiicgoniithie' stbjecc't of eeis'tOS itorC rea it'tiiin." A 1 "Wtisdilliu." tDr. Vcultitticili gc a'rc'etioni iitic 1O fresh mcediccit Ilhi omcila cst i-tuning. A5 lcirge eruto 'ts ireccit cind ciiihail ca iiieacsanciii1c. itt's. '.iB. 'Newmanc, .of ileCtrlc Chirisiiani chucthcin Detroic will isriec iiicriiicaicil useliog ci tcc ('liccotf C'iicioii S. 5'iierciiy civ. 'The next leceture iiithe IUity Clib eourse wilt be given biy Mes. ;Mary A. Livermore, of Bostont, either ioIFridcay or Saiurday of next week, Nov. 1ii or 17. 11cr stibjici will lit, "'Te Neow Aristocracey." Thie' praceice court. so far as is knuown at present wsill convene' next wteek hearing motiions its nsual, on Monday. The rmnainder of the sseek will be taken sip wsith itie examimna- lions on ihe pleadings in time eases that arc at issue. L.0. Grndy, '9lawess nowrci-lt ing cit Tcaylorv'ille, Ill., tics bueetletd prosbiat'e iuge ofCit h'ristiancouniti- ly, oni tte tepsublicani ticetciby ibe iHaiidsottte' majoriiy of 80(0.Cihis-iticau coutiy is usuctlly Demoucratic by 100, ciiithte fIcitbtha MAr. (Grundiyiran over -0o sotes ahead if histsiceket attestc hitsipopcutrity itthits hoei eotmiy. Un'itly Clublhts pucrhased cc Oit' life-size bttst of Rhtcit Waldo Emier- soit, stichi sill be ilacedi pernmanenit- ly'ii th-sestibuile of the T1'iiaricms ehuch. The "unvseilimig" of the bust swill (cake plcee at the lchchsocial nest ',oliday eventing,swhtent aimap- propriate' address is expeeted trout liii president of time club, and a talk ctf 20 mitues, gisvimig reinmiscencees of Emerson, by Mr. Sidniey ii. Morse, lime sculptor. Corner Washington st., and Ashley st. Rates $2 and $3. 'SEROISEi 123. 24. STA3LEP., P.ROPRIETOR. (3. Hi. WILD lTll L[ABlNG TAILOR Has time newest Fall and Winter Woolens and largest stock in the city. You can get any selec- lion you are looking for. AW COXE AND SEE US. 2 E. Washington st., near Main st.