THE U. OF M. DAILY. 4 w o __,Ptfu Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during the College year, by THE U. Of M.INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATIDN OF icn Times building N. Adlin st., opiposite post office. Subscrilition pr1ce $2.50peer year, invariaiily in advance. Singe coiises 3 ernie. Subscrip- tions may be left at the office of the DILYu, sit Stoflirt's, at State st. new stund, with any of the editors oi' iutiiorized solicitors. Communicationts should reach iiie offici' by 7 oclock p. ni. if they are to apipear the next lay. A ddress ill matter intended for publii- ration to the Mtanaging Editor. All bosiness conmnunications should be gcot to thei' Busi- tess Miattager. THE U. OF M. DAILY. Anti Arbor, Atutu. EDITORS. J. L. LoIEitt, Lit. 9J5, Mlanaging Editor. to wear the 'varsity letter, us (lie representatives of t(li' niversity. It is simal satisfactioii tso anyotieeiina 's'arsity traim. howcever, ho finid that tleItter ite has workedi so hacrd U) sectire is worvoi'meiscuoutsiy by Uni- ve'rsity sttudehits, atidieven by higih scihool studetits andtioIrnl boys. It, is tile inittetinofh'eii'Athiietic tisocsia- lition 11111t a sopltosthe ipractic, and lhcy itie'r'foreo isos'e a r'equest t oha studsints that tihey ihenct'f'orthititiier removetthelii'varsityleitter'from theu. cas.S(ifs.. otice'so ise s'triiill lctie. Tflit rctie'a' utstdoustbltedliy stiseti amiongtheii'sttudents imis'through tioutlessiness tuaun anytinig ese,hand wve believe tttoting fuerecwili be tseestdedlii put a top11to it tuh ills' Attention '95. All wshoehavt' not voedion tih' salt aind goswniqutestion are requtestedi io seed in their catrds to the citron secre- tary at slice. AbotteI,15) otes ihns's aireasdy beentisit, if-wiiicii.11toarsin i favor of (t' pliii, bt aiill xpessioni froevser-y mii'mberof (t'eclass is sit" sired. If it is descidtiiiiadiospt tiieir, as cap adintlsvisoeiuii sviiils'be e ina I NTER-COLLEGIATE. F~resiimaun tittottig ;cluttbs'vesite fornedi stYails' ainudiHsrvardt. Theii' esvners if liii' Slantillaitiliebi J. T. JACOBS. CIIAS. H. ALLMAND. JACOBS & ALIMAND, DIEA S.ESS IN f SHOE.7 COME AND SEE J.- The Washington Block. ~E5 ?l.COEMA, it.'9, Asitan. ubicaio or th tt~t 't 1etlc't.ask $6,000(519foerislist' duritigft'e Yale-. Is itie LEADING SCHOOL OF BUSINESS and SHORT- A. F. tlCKEcotr.t. Lit. '9il Assistaint. 10140 Magnificent building; ten trehers; large J. A. LEOYs, Lit. to, Athletic Editor. Atitetig sittil'Ssi ittmyb l~e ' P icelto minedit. attenidance; good discipline; superior work; well .f.. PEnAitt, Law '95, Btisiness Mansager. tos 'so4 on inortets' erlius iis' st~''. ~ li O Itit at. 1 i i supplitedreading roots; doily lectuses;Saturday Assistsant. li il'isi i ite'ttii~~iiiiitiionci f anilities tar planing studrnts ini positions Assistant I lyeot hr 1 -dtr iain iii ('ssiiiei -,t hre inNs' 01h: i oard ond rtou t $2.75 per weeb isnprusat.' LITEARY.LAW to toll th cil'toii ol th faiiets. These rrates reduedto$i.5o by serf- iishiiIlt tlr ti tl it al ii ii' uOtti' iitIelitti. t. O it", For Catalogute addresst S . . B. Hhiily , ' 95 .i. snlS. ~~ ~ ~~~ P R4. CIFAIIY Pins. Hi. A.I~tincer. '153. . iL. Evans, '. ahei t~iirad te D iy Iii -1 (I:iatt's Xii'l istha sstoedsi2814 CMine V. Smith. 'ti7i.ME.DIsoCALo. A)t Usttlt uigeitat allhloyal stidetss to itss itt ppnetis !); iline tint'ets 'I'HE RAD)OPERA HOUSE E. S. BartettLittilss n rwli- tdwl C. Ferrell, Lit 'IS. ' 1' . B. Gaimmon ,'((S. sHarvar'tssting iftivt. 272 it 15 1( (; Fresh. - i Lietig ii5i ' poIitt' 'intslttii.1)titilits SATURDAY EVENING, NOV. ID All copsyniust ire it the otuier before 8:30au.ii tolppntsih -1.t to. of the dsuyotIpublticatiotn. '>t'f''si-t'i lsil a iu^i--uls----______________-_ -- _ --__________-ft'I~setNs ici tiOti The edittsrs dosntitould thucoscile's resixu- chltch-u( 4). tut. t's t'ctsy. 'uss The Police Inspector. sible for thuroios orstcstatments oflese'A sTrue atudtRealists'icturetof 'itiute Lifo _ Exe'cuiveis''t'tuuuit~t' 111lyti, Ihht' ifuuu, Sstcnr utan 'ties htattitlfetis. iti- iis T e a tte 'andtrritlthe et'.tsstustitt. susuytoret-subuuuy.Wit u'ut-td iaiusiu. aru- ltes. h Butttful ttf tintedy. tut's u itttlsttui't. iulSiteSt (1-1'et'iTutt. Coloticn~ttuuuui 'M Sisse-s PRICES, - 35c, 50o, and 75c. 'het-Daily hatssssstaay rce'ivuid ott'-ClreBackIdu Yllom era h sc nu li but uitt's-liehsses. ''utsuslrit' ''Lowr 1 I nttsblshaly. Four Rou befre'l'u i)utlu9'zits i(t it-sit-tis of 'Ifliotuss.IBastbluli mauhaguer--MrIt'. B g1 hi.o Dtot ll1a1ero rc THE VICTOR TRADE MARK WETLIET lill:; us iuusuitr'ah"ptossibttstgt tti't'er f r -autn ihtiett isisgti u it- is an5abtoiute gaatee f uaityil. U E 5 (lutusuuttst'ttftouuittt'ssou. ttlltics-M1u. Its-suhis. Temuporai-ury Ilt intvec.fountttti allysuity tot es ttt INDIA.NAPOLIS, cap___________ 5-tttitai'ofsasebl tain'tt-Mru'Rtler-i. goosds. LOUISVILLE, Victor A titlet'ticGsri tu th 'ht' itmovemenui uOtoi it:tIt 'tos'ouue't' A cs-ttuttits tf ( tt'ee its apptiteudt VictotrBictyties. stnsi sre bsititiutand CINCINNATI. baust otf isusi e o'o'i ley forte i'm-sttit- ttotstlicit cotiu'io tiosfotu'thu' siutipsrt mttre popuuareery iauy. ullitte ofBasebiall,Tettnts, hoist-IE(LEGANT uusuu-uesou ldtttbiett iushetid t a sutt- oitth(le foottbltslta. A mut-inug itf itlli, tyitsuitsandithltictSup- Through Sleeping Cars- cn iae fo th re111n xl a d pe.r ft't'55f051 ssi t iiout. .1tut's- C 'olsy i i uuisslstSendfot' (lit- urt'fluVictoriAsiltsisuitTpies liaio atoa eut n i (ol ilj 11) a edafeShec-lr Gost f11 tPottetos'kis stttutIe, tYFEN 1@an tli(4t thriut1111stut-ithii ttsu'su-tts is l tih it-s The University Rococd Stsibeisof 'uiettorcycles.______________ 111t1 suit't-tss. Esu'a t'e\-fitlr itlts' asitt1ittd __Bolston. I' itch ihiihi.erit, aSK IFORTICKETS VIA t't(''.sip\' titttsut IisDiuti. 'het'issiasitieitit. SartOI Ini sto, Iios~igei s ortlandihnO~et it-'atsl"'isus 'isulies." is as ('nt-uut-c~t is r uih hito. li E.. OKtCOtI)IIICK , 1. I3.IIAtTIN, 'stsii'ttttttlt t'55i's ti sittt Ir'tCithetiuuut~t Academi Mu icA. Gl. SPALDING &BROS. 1'6r' flst sttis 555 5 ti ttt w w, Ina (tCv. sir-ll ;ssl~o. 'I"'ll' Li1)riui'stus's l _____________FOOTBALL SUPPLIES. Evey Rqusittir tii a555e5the' (itsMott'he its' leitiitu~-toCOLEGi Wilt's onut'- 'iutssucialsl lis iiotfus-- CLLGESONG7S N Spauliaag'n histihy. ti-s-s lss tuhe l(i-l l tt it iuis ts-1 i h 'a IIsissl'' hi st-ic' I'ls- sit St tstu.o c:s pop lar soll sssiu ci. He av ePapubnt-cO ie t reust ha 'oilthstiie; el h Ii1 Shol"".ueitl ~ OPcents; Cloth. Gilt. $1.00.Fotal ht titttitti st' t'tsit 'u stis t -uii sit ll(,l tu I 't1iti 's iiss." 11)1- issi- N ewss H arvardS 01< A ape sy894 1 te tit tI. s-t-' si- og-Book s. ic? llgreAsociss- sill st-is su- isi ts-sci slit's a-s 5 (\' -.ots '5 (('suits lssee tushI a .ss ( stssiis. Heavy Paper', $1.00. 511tI ,itis uuinflatr,-. teamsti. sussiti-lis t ' t his 5( s'titit'tI( ts- ''itt- tiittisist-'-lois is t ''''tI)tlis (1))Sosiiss" - t oosists I'ususali C slsisgs C LE E S N S FOR GIRLS. s(sitfrus- Spt-i is-' s tith it it-stbaii tisids letol-ts irst t oIt- illtssuis. T e'l'sstitusis is W 1' s1 o s o' tu1shts'utu'ti -u s for 1894,"N . ises d eisted isy '5 t s 5iusteC mp t iiis itr\ )1ct'tui( i~ il st'he Ilii 's'sii\ ) t i-' 555t>>ss7 tsan'sutistsissi-:tottu sets('. is l- fo W A ( loue, isy tstsii, (uie iiictut5. t-psiiditss'- IitIsi isi ils t~ ~ t:(1Heavy Paper, $1.00. trsade-nsarks otnihtyouisbuy ts tisu'gstuuiat-s t1'at'llr1)llevisr ohstt'th Yelo1' - 11 itstheit os'ss ire ccthuobs-. 1710u'tt thss(os itss-si 1)'i ut- (t'tai,-i i(-i' l T:- . ls ri-eis' "Boot's Albumll.of Songs.'' NewTorlu. ('chieaige. I'lliisdetpht. l ol ho. (ls ilnie i al iis11 1Is ellne witil itsssl sis - ih '\'iu'sy s1l''uc i ( f its' (yet-s1 i s-" by K = _LTcs=) F G T N itlesi ((lust i of* hes-is a shoutO of,('s'lli,"$ )liuis i iucitttici. $1.00. Students Recreation Head- "Iist-osiin (st t'tsii u ~ )~1 its-si ( 'i'ssi ts1 Anty boosselst sitspsaii ostu te -itu it pi-s--.quarters. wtoliuld is-es.plowedtI (tii i o ts ' ilt c -Ii' 'it i e S en oru itus is tiis ofush itemsuss s''.t tsi P sa.ndu itct s,1y.i1i'lthy itu onsalyt-of this'ls-u -its-itso., N. )till'Sttiet ssitit1itishi'iste sss1., ( '('s't' tics sssss~w i lNN ARBOR ."uiucitugsi t tstd it: c s t it'sallwedIssrutye thu s otisisush (silt ft this' t- llihsie'0-111 lul Stuhs-t'ihss fo'it 1 ) iily. i. E. ilitst& 'ai'l iil 3 W.HURON ST., .ANlN ARBOR.