~Ijctti of VOL.. V. No. , 0. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, SATUJRDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1894. PRTOE-TRIEEO CENTS. THE GRADUATE CLUB. Candidates for Baseball. Aderesses by President Angell and Abiout;i5 11111lesionliiedl 1o thei roll Mr. Johnston.-Reading of the for cand~idates for nexl year's *'odrsi'y Constitution.iielil(cl11(1O eiild (011 The f' irst aninuaoll iO'U lillof (lie 9i 1ast i'0('lillg. 1'.-C I 'oplili Shliels ili he i ofli' 11 is ilili BX. iioll. lHe annoucred tlall lie icrio'e oi ie presienti of the' clb. l1st,1 ughi. 011mg theconll ofetelir so Ei'(ii 'lIco Ali iiiiill%I'lyl -eenimiber'ofi profeso- for Itie ioirpoe of 10w) loiilllgwhait --ors and1111:)11)). tsAeet rsn. aer i l lilri'offleiie11(for1111heoiileami lby' jre. ci 100 (1.1. .l iloeoireoill, iiiilth e eiie~i in orderithatrier pie ideii ( . irieiiy r'viicol o h I ceoal i liIi l ai imslfoflitheopportuitly icaiiiiandiiiioirb. of i(,icu oiini M. 1'. (offered tiheii r for recolor t. Portri. score)'' -. readl theii'oniiicltiii on 111111(iliwilibie'aiigo-))ciiid oooeii cllorder thai .111rsecci m1igh1t folly s0) riO 0 0iiiiii in( eoc. iforby if tic ((o't (d ill(,. af icr iiiipurInc.of\th1110 lill beiiiiii lito'keepin train g-elloroolsintroduiiceed adi or ae i x (111(1 eeiy iiobiiie'the' icecoile of coo'' betweec .iiiiaii. I 'lici .11141 g00illibeiiil iiitriirfi-i oculicioclir laige Ioea 'cte. incc'Dri. Angell Imsceeiinic toiialo1w00 riidiiclwcfor. h (cry p101- 1 '1(111) serl y(rs(11.0 Isc l(00iioe L(ons oiii iii'icc' I irioliiiiow iiithe i. ofoling -of thuir polilbiclco(it 1(11(01a1ke1. ((11(1 10 0(oo(1 ((0 liege iniiiicis1 iingi'iii' ln o juotl hbve weor conbl1(1iidlu. 'T'here isonic.'gooiii 11 schli1, simple. .1i1141iatiithe(11(1' time e 1(0)11in sighil, ((Ido ih heii' cri'ooeii ouoistcly.% oeiewoof tl iiiioio liii- ifac'iliies0for I riiogil ti reari' 111 li biecusee spellerihe a perfect' suptrter rsiiii'io' f thli ineoo expec1to sce liipid in full. labo an ' ueferrei. Afb' ie.l-'gil~e i O,))) 111binr Bust of Judge Cooley. 0000 vily pi0leanliy Oipent ini sociali ii- t01 eidiediii'upon(i) et. hut liii' (il )0is cu'e1)1(bustof .l udvCig ooley,.111(i if '90 LAW ELECTION. NO G O STUDENT P. J. Crosby, of California, Elected G O President.-Four Candidates Trys toi lefirli }Witihoult books. in the Field. Some people1I'thloughi try to use of (_.lllii, l011. as 0'18,4iiri'tidllt WeSay Buy Those WAhich Have lone, We cell tiat bjid. iii''oili'ii 0(10liiii~'iliilii0 ii51 South Main at. The lilith (r((lll (e' c 10(0 iii ii (0r1 W. T. AplO1iO ice.o 'ifdI'oi.IL. Y. SrT CTUD ON T S I ho'll. ,of I I l' o,- ().. (((idI. . - Sb- IlUY I old, of 1101 51li-. -FINE- Csb Crosby' 0000 cliii))rui'ibl lw i' 'lono- , . FOOTWEAR Sliccloisiuui 'ocul 51 i g i i;:11 ii'idelio iii 1 Ar .0i1(il ii' 00(10a iii'he (nominlee ofthe'Iliii- nois. Indiana aocul Niowor ck onw if liii( riclas. Ii iiiiii i iiiad iton to ihesu - loot of hisownccst1a(1Solain-ei'i-iloi- cndlo-i' of ocollirico rotis. BEAL'S SHOE STORE Op. otI ullselioiiSt. If youI want to got a finc box of CHOCL~fIATF RON-BONS~ Reserves off for Albion. 'Ibi'reocroco lift for.Albion ioer ioill pla-t her'this ofiernoon,.pled- ably' againsottlt' Aliioiiseoniilevenoc. Seeteen lplters 1111(1I. S. F-re'undil went on itie trip. fbci nnd the1liir positions woill lprobly-itbhias10fiolliows: Left indil. (efellcob lift icekl', roons; Liff:gcurd. Ili crentir, Denbty; righlt guard.,IPikes: right tleitParloer:;irighi ind, Mol-oloc; qualrter, Niiiris; lift. hlif. Llftoy-; right hlf, . J ~. uii; full boch.jcMir- num1); suhstiute.,Iliiteliiiooi. iW(loll, (lates. tcHolbok,.:Nicholson 1(n0(1Pol- Daily Board Meeting. At a me5eig of ille'Dailty board lust night thii folloooiiig buinessioo0as trantiletd: Tih' icoigluiicliof 1E.'S. iblack, '95 meic,iwa0011aclceptled; 12. S. Bartlett '97 lit, and11 C. Ferrel, '115 lit, orere electetd micibers of the board fer the ensuinag yeair. prlomill~l11iinn:rof thc oo',1lwiiliiii. Priof. Topo ofre ihte'eilllcliOy('1ii' tiiii01-1111 elii cvri'li' ti-bloc tluc amt]oitb"asi-c iei'iii iltblch llsii'. (1,Y(1thi 00(10 (0 'lii 10 (11 (00 if's pet~pd iit.spo rulnd -wbihtoid hofii'itiItic oop lassIo 00-hiltiiiho libiftwic''115 11,00-i-booist Siey'tIt. horot' oNil liioiii'00 Nvork. Glee and Banjo Clubs. Thei'i-andidatis'orfiitheu-I.-'oluooc intohe1 chaluuiiof lUnivrsitty till intl Stcuuda-l.' usrelecteid piol'1of 1111' Lanojo iliii onud Stewat.riinilltphi'- Nicihols 0000 i-hose'prowsiident anoi 1t- Zo-cu'd Croesbru'k mocogu;r. A.011'tnil- hersoif lthi' LniversityfBanjo i-ltbotill Suobscrihe for the Doily. ltiakenitto110 p iacoiiu"-7, 1Crosbyit44liiI. NWWWL .11 WIIvI% Soait. 42, SlMcuoad 1.Saiue 1. lien Cheap; Hot or Cold Lunches Either mo ioof Mru. SoONiii' i-b- leion of Night or Day go to Mrii. ICriotty00(0aiiiiai' tiiilhlsio R. E. JOLLY & CO., State St. "pee(' -iis ,rs ereuiadili y ii 1 1(0)1 l REUBEN H. KENIFF, iCoby, .1. 1C. saiuter. liii') ((1111,.chir- Fromlihi i oyal c too i ty, 1(1(10 uiii1110 thie ilh t -uuuuiiatx iiis lifor((0 ii ci Teacher of Piano, Organ and Musical pri'sidec-.A. iihiofutihanitib\v(tsO Composition; also the Art of tienieri' rt'uM- Stiefotr Iicis'fiient'oiTeaching. 0i''0't'' 1 i'uii'iciiiftil' huuhuu . Studio 02 S. iiiont)., AinnuArboritiOli i~i'ccm(liii1.MERCHANT TAILORING ! Cleating Iliecoiiii 111dRie.)) iri Thli'ecluisoaouitrnid'til utu . ill. doneonel~y by niextSatuirdat owithiiiutl hiilO,(i;cAeUG. SCHOENEWALD, 26 E. Wasinbgtin fmrthrbus inessi'o0 At,11(111.; bum'elt'e hO1- L0Z" I]ISI'1IIHIII i'lt'tticuiof lile t heilr offi cirs 00ill blii'ESHi I NE 10 Oi 'cnl~il'i'i. It 1ishprobabieiTihat(111tlii'LO'WNEY'S CHOCOLATES din o neein; N-ll e ~hll-c1 e- + TUTTLE'S, Saut o )l~theifinuuii. Oerinnet+ 48 5. STATE ST. Registration to Date. C Y A N C E PS Thenu~ierof tuens egiohi ui'ii SCHOOL OF DANCING. ll the ii 'llhi'- o daii tili s ho211 01). ll i Ito,tihe'te-nmu ci itiiifwith idate o1 Idnic-. so. Allu'iuicocoaremnerhe (10)itisui.l i- increase 1of _il)on elaot ooco'0. T'hue sturNtioii ol1(1r. nDcr. hRuos Grnner. No stirs toucow s.O.ftic'onih hour leg 11 il reg;stiobl i s10uuod i it ( iiiiiiig ii' 0e.'- the uinduif lioori6 luy tor)c. itenrary- - - 1-hA61 % DU ~ I~ l Dtal .........-- - -....- -171 We otter discount on ual Iu ic yiot'7 4 Sluneoptuiiuc 1-- - University Text-Books, ___________Law, Medical, Pharmaceutical P. C. Law Meeting, and Scientidic Books. We boy cod sell second-band books. The ). aNs iet yeserdy "ntl Matbematical Instromniuts arid 'il' P 0 iuon 1))0ti'lti')~i titi Drafting Supplies of special elieitediIthii'filltoiniiotilier: tinei- lotes. We oiler dbN 1,. B,.IhGo;ce piiresi'idenlt, . Lest Linen Paper at 20c Per Lb. .1. Ihooht'; seretbr-y. 1. ..lb;Inuec- BEST NOTE BOOK FOR 25c. IClawosn; propheti, It. B. MIilceill; tool, SOLN AGENNTSFORI Mir. Snirley ; hisorinh. Ift. Sipringer. ++ MASAIER IDEAL FOIINIAJA PEN, ++ llirrtild fuotball teamslil uiuiii'uit'l TW'O S'2TOM:BS. Uuifi'crsity Boobtre, Dewn Towiu, oteniltlpract'icnt ionIitiid" Itoiles te St. O~pp. (Curt House.