THE U. OF M. DAILY. MICHIGAN GLT AL The Unity Club. Time Table (Revised) July 1084. file couseiSof0ered by tile Unity EAST. .M WEST. (.sib this year is about compileed Mallad Es..._ 4 W0 Mal--------- 84 and promises to be exceptionally inter- N. Y. Special---- 5 10 N. Y. Special---- 7 05 Eosters ES---10 25 N.S. Limired....S 25 estinlganistuiv.Npis have A. M. 1Pacitie Es...... 12 15 aniitrcie No...s Atlatic Es--7 47 " '" M" been spared oii the part of the officers D. N. Espress---. 5 40 Western Es....-1 53 G. R. Esxpressi-__11 05 lihi. Nt. Es---iS1 25 of the club to secure the best taleint G.It.Ex---.--5 5" 0. W. RUGGLES, 55. 5W. nAYES, andi to mnake the pro griaml of eachi C. P. & T. Agt., Chicago. Agt., AiiaAmbor. evening complete in every respect. Lectures, evening entertainmsents iii FRANKLI H OUSE commeimioraition of seone of our great FR NK INpoets and riters, aiidniusic, are the DETROIT, MICH. main features of the program. It is well before leaving home, wheher The course will opemi Oct. 15, withi a for business or pleasure, is deride spun a hotel and thereby avoid confasion. lectueb M..Saa Whn ieasuit Detroit we would he orby5..Svaeoflst, pleased ts have you slop at the aid wiiowill take for his subject, "Whait "6Franklin Heusr," esr. Larned and Bates Sts., where you will havea gosd O'lcistiiRegos" Thswl meal and a leas bed at moderate eaten. 'lc si nReiin7 hswl The housebhas been reovated from top to b followed by a complete series if bottom, and isnow infSrs-clasa csndition. ti Respeetfully, Saepaenlcue y1e.Jme H. H. JAMES. Saepaenlcursb tv ae Meals, 35cr. Lodgings, 50. Kaly Applebee, of Detroit. Among Per Day, 81.50. the other entertainioeiits which wiii ________________________________ be of greatest interest to all is ao ceic- r 1I +f ] ,jAj ,1E (brastioii of the centenary of Bryaiit, Nov. 3rid. This will coiisist prisicipally Represents Every Department ot shiirt addresses by Regent Biarber, tf the University. of Detroit, Professor Den an di $2.50 PER YEAR. Professor linsdale, of the University, ___________________________________anti Judge itarrimaon, of thils city, and HANGSTERER, CATERER, will be takeii til briefly as5 folliiws: toas5t. "Biryant the Maii:; "Bryaint tie' Editor an114Politician"; "Bryant thie toet"; ......... _I'M lw vvt :. i NOTICES. FOOTBALL. The class football ganses will be played early this year. Matnagers aiii captains are urged to get their ment out at once. CHARLES BAIRID, Mgr. The trainling table xviii be started at P'rettymian's this morninlg. All iieii who pilayed in the 'varsity in three important games last year wviii be takeii lt once to the table. New mnciiii be taken as they are found worthy by the coach. C'HARILES BAIRD, Mgr. ah UuIn' I shall be in rooiii12, T. ii. evecry afternoon this week from 2 to 4, for the purpose of coiisultatioii. 'T'he i'ourses will be gin as anniounice'd ini the calendar. A. A. STANLEY. Offer to Music Lovers. Birainard's Musical World for Oicto- her cantains besides the usual large amiouniit of reading miatter, "Daincinig Fairies," by C. Robin; "The Last tGreeting," by C. L. Beck; "ly Dear Little Maid in the 570011" waitz., by Anita Owvens, aiid "Farewvell, iaul- lee," by George Maywood. This mimic is aloiiexvorthi $2. The World is $2.50 per year, 15 cents per copy. Duoring this month the publishers ofter to send Mr. A. L. Rose, representing the Gloldens Ragle Clothing Co., of Detroit, will be at No. 30 1. iHuron st., t(tan- dali's former stand) during the entire week, Oct. 1-7, xwithi a couileite line of- the nobbiest fail and winter goods for the cuistomi trade. All stiiients cons- tempating the purchase of xinter settings or msackintoshes should see Mr. itose it once.lHe hass also a full hune of reidy inatdeclotinmg which cain be seen at the same placei. SMr. itose hals catieiiito tie lost siniversity trade for thie past six years anii al- ways givin Itie best cf satisfaction in fit, style and iplice. Stuidents andi othf- i'ms are initedoiInilsplect his stock, whetel(r the(y idesire to buy or not. or sale, as v-ry superior Banjo at ia very law pirice. (Gee. P. Sillier, 39 S. F~ifthiave. Subscribe to tile Daily wvhile you are flush, $2.70 per college year. The Daily has been enlarged and fs a noon edition, but the Subscription price reminls the stimie, $2.50 per col- lege year. trivaite lessons ini latiguages. 1._ Itoedder, A. l1., 27 Forest ave. 35 Waintedi-Twxo hustlers fron.thOe Mcd- ieal departmenht to solicit for the- Daily. Too studients froim the Schtotl of liisiexvaiited to solicit Daily sub.- scriptionis ini that school. The Daily has already more sub- D.OPENA ANWLINK CUFF Big F]our Route 5 BEST LINE TO INDIANAPOLIS, LOUISVILLE, and CINCINNATI. ELEGANT Through Sleeping Cars BETWEEN Petoskey, Louisville and Cincinnati. ASK FOR TICKETS VIA BIG + FOUR + ROUTE. E. 0. MeCOIIMICIC, I). IB. MARCTIN, Pasoengei Troffic Mg -.Ceo. P. & T. Agt. 5 S ARE THE BEST. CIGARETTE SMOKERSwv-Io are wil-° beg to pay a little more ba me pricer riarged for mhe ordinary trade figareites, wulltad THIS BRAND soperior loallotliero. The Richmond Straight Cut No, 1 CIGAIE:P.T1ES are maide from the brightest, most delicate ha flaser,ad iighesticsilGOLD LEAF grown is Virginia. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS, ad observe thalbhe namr of te monufaeturrs as brlow i so every package. &Gk Mxaq-oac ' "tBryamnt's Inifluenice omi Amoericani Lit-- scribers amlong the co-eds than ever- -ratsre" 'lcrexxii alo ti' ~ the Slsisiehti IWorldi on trial for tour before iii its history. Co-eds, sub'- ertr. hr ilas egivena months on receipt of 27, cents in eie eh ier-rs-mtd iitm "Scilerevnig, cndctd y- stamps. Thsis will include the beaiuti- beard. niuimiber of ptroinient Germoanicitienis ful Christmas and Nexx Yeor's holiday Three reasons xvhy youm should have of the city, aided by' Gernian hire- numlsbers, amid the four issues xvileeln- tis die your lauimdry work: S. We are fessors of the Univeisity. A "Riiriis taimi about 2, 0 pieces of miesvmeusin, be- respemisible if any articles are lest anet es-cning," conidumcted by the t'tledoniaidesa xx iiirepittce samie. 2. W e xsill return sie age amiount of interestingyorsekxliiirhie. .Cmi Sceyothtty Aloltu'si meusicmil readiiig. No imsic lever formnly gotod xvork. Waigner & Ce., 21 S~r. lar tix-m'uer, 72.'i'. ~iitsrshoul tall to accepit til ibertal tfter. S. -Mais1., representimng 'foledlo Lamb- irt'siht'mt of Clii Columiaitn Exittoi. Address The S. Braimmartd's Coos Co., dry Co. 1-15 liuCnt .5' tuthy ur i-(hticago. Do you xvant boardlers? St so, mud- hritessor of Cheiiitstry at the Univer- vertise ini the Daily. 1-4 oily. Prof. -Mcechiaiit, Dr. Jiiness, ihex. The Daily only $2.50 for the collage Stuiienits, andth tll miewv coiiers, re- Rteed Stuatrt, of Detroit, anid ithetrs. year. ___________ miember itie old nexxs stanti, 12 N. Arrrliilgcileits 1011bi'ng imti' tii si'- BRSINESS LOCALS. -ltin. Detroit, Chicago, Newv Yenk,, "cure Euigemne V. Dlics, or trox. Altigi'hii tincimnnati anmd 'foledio papers. Stesi- [Notices insete ntitttts tiluamn at 1 liete dmrients cast of State st. canllaheli-cthir~ to -represent the labor iquestion;amid of Si-enlis per line. Special rts for Ilonger tiimie, attdli-tratlines loittislcd Iby 'aptmlyigtirders lit 216 5. Sttite, at Jolly's. 2-7 stiie hreminient caplitliists to rehire- It thtii iIttn1y ttitte. I NbesS-r" os el h se> techihlsde heiie i e Donit tom-get to subscribe for the Nobe'sSta CothinlgHosselth sn tihiviaigtblesidetltery iidieilDaily'.best $7.00 Derby iithte city. 1-12; nothain; ee dfintey ecde If you xxishi to htave S-our roonis rnt- A spilenidi line of L~ace, ChlenilIe,. milie, ialtoughi thieetire twxo or thiri'i'!cei, atixertise thiem inu the Daily. 1-7 'Tapiestry and11( Silk Cuirtains at -taitinm 1n iw trepla iwsb (( fller's. 1-4 Tw utescnml odmnyS. MeCoilester, of Detroit, anuS:ais ut-n r soliciting subscriptiens for theu U. of The Daily is Gie, only msexsptiper SIn by 'Sh SieetamnoiOis Etrelimistetti S I. Daily. Call at Ite offilce in iimtes Aim Arbor uiesoted exchusirs-el' to time ie xxwilimatke s-icy instruetiecte ur- .block. uivxersity. - tainnits. Buy y ~oiur ;-mttttsioms outfits of Site- etto~c~ 'u vi htall, iti'eBookseller, they carry the51how 'omth ,1e itu05t1001d bet tlilies. Asiii inenmtive fox loviiseo-s uticlatrgest haniibest lite. cit Stis it $12.00x Otitersxxiicll chtg thie'exiii be fiourmoisicalemterttin- Jno rsno Sicl"xu'e oyou $52.70 'mud $15.00 for Ohioe t e- mit-his ettiietuhLv rti. Soiit' acLt as steward, CliittDiaily otlice lit t'. Rhoss tohe, lihtuantilothers. A drth- 2:17 this;ox-cuing.It itttic eihihg xxiiwil-un ti e gix-ei, iti A lr ti ssoirtmtitf Rtt amithArt Wage & Ce., ' IfSes, xviii be itlgepleiased ti.ii imtereg ot 5'01 ithe isa~sy chatrge of Mr. Katrlifiarrintut. Smimares in splenidt pat termis it SMartin 111t- ~s 1y#r Tihioffice'rs of thte-i-ub tire: Rotbirt wthi''.mexvrhinsteylim oferng oo'lo P'hilis of thie Stati Savintgs itamik, W'ANTED. Stumdents? ,I.,uy yoor boolts next piresidhemt; -1r. Cluh, siecrttamry; AV. . wemeiskc cemi tre ufrmhed ait'c i lte Studemnits IFoohistore anid romis inl hieconvenien'mt and desirtable Ciouts, trietsutrer'.iqnartir of time city. W~ill rent eiter saive mioney'~. Cit rate prnices- on all stouient pitrchases. 1-3 Saturday's Football Comes. t7' Olm igly, or oni- single amid a suilte. Eacitn is large enoughi to accommtodtate txvo 'ieDiy illint full mi'cont o Saiturdaly's football gameis xwire': iersonus. Comvinienies as to coalalfoblgme tifl. Hamrv-trd, 22; Daturmoeuthi,ii. Primnci'- xwoidhaniixwater'.POnce 50c. etacht, or 'The largest moteboels in tre' city for tin, 40; i.tifayette, 0. Yhrimsity, 0; $1.25 for t'e three rooms. Cttll at No. (Sil tlt5it Shecilait & Co oe ltstl'e,. Orange A. C., 61; Stevens, 6; tLtaw- ~ .ihtiae - tt I recvileAaey;2; ewJre, Leave your orders for U. of -T. IDtilly .ts revuiacxvlto deoks and. remceihe Atoemiy;SO -exx Jrsyat Stottlet's iiexvs stand, general agent' tustok ~cussies at taitimsloI ler's, x ell A. C., C;" Union, .377; IeusuS't'r 'oly- ,fordciily aatdxx'eckly ,adnn>~iers, mti 'dititeifor students use, te hiih, 0;:Amiieirst, , 2S; W'oreste'r montitly magitints. Give suea cmii i Wtgnet^'s & Co.'s UT. of . Collar.. Soeb., 0. IJlehigi, 27; lulgersn, 0. before pilacing your oi'ders. 2-7 Do yuuwxear it?12-13