THE U. OF M. DAILY. ff ~ I p i should stagyat home. half the good 'AIALi + bd 1150in o orei intt li' iiquaint- ______ ':tra0 on inkesn. It is not thie 1Pullished Da ily(Salndays e",pIti ii (urin u nount ot kinowledge 011e'gt, fir n' i THE U. Of M, INDEPENDENTASSOCIATION, OFFriIC, Times building N. Slain it., opposite Susrpion trice 02.50 per 51e1', i lliablly' in adve Singl oie'.et. usr thole. may be left iat11the ~offcof 111(0 I)AILY, it Sltots, .at State st. 1new stand1, aw1111 (y ofthe editorsoraueorliizl',ediolicitol('s. r o'coc 1.em.if theyuoare, ti apear'theolnext, day. Address allhiatter0inendleid 111r publi- catllil n till'y Shianll;ing; too. All bisiness THE U. OF M. DAILY. EDITORS. J1 1.. Lc.01110, Lit. '95, SManalging Editor. . 1. S1Ii mltil, Li. ', Asisnt. J1.A. belles, 1.11.96, Athiltic Edito. Assistant. -ITERARY i A. tCarrie V. Smilth 'ii6. 1.. 1L. Echons, '9i5. It. A. 1 1000e, '15. (0 . IItarisoli, '1(1 S. B. Shiley, '9)3. MEDtICAL.. F. S. Nibilack, 9i. (in tudtytiy tlveie', so M11101h11:isth' poillih oreaii olielb'istinguishes11he 1111111.s11casnnot11be5lI1'Iiol by all( 'miglig withll'othelll(('ar11 yvil and at1M1chigan'with llege wmen- a wel1111)' 11(51 if ou1 fee(1111,1(...: Wfse , go tthe strial etfol-tlati ngteaIt: old elesypeverly saw.ou beit. andlleo Tierst .e t oie-t 1t111aarea. Jtt tt IE lIPlti5lllln At the Grand Opera House. "The10 Poliee InspecOtor"Iwanslpresen1t- e eel '0lIrttl5' tfI'trlootllitt tie 11if- T1o B~illyWilsnl, at Nesv York tilald Iteoteri5 he stlthosbil)of this s0011 of a1 wea11115'S\lo'Yorklbanlker, 1w11( 1in 11 sel d'fens, 1ushli 0'a0'tel li~ll ild his 010sa\ld'r0 al01111(101secretd bn tlimiteoi 1(1 t0'15 nlltemps to rim( banrs' physi('i1'n5ad emp 0(0loig all' Ill v nl rl;tl it11' e(115 111 s'11' ild de-(1 1 ltective.l, coIll 'l '1(11 0(1 11 11 his'0 en-)' detivor to 1cor(ectly1(1111 11t1111'In- 5(1(0 York cit. ((clin te itgwv laIt express81'I illadprotl "atc teitc fta ed loan""'.""he Ip claliesintrducd0Nvre airly"-- d l'ol1I(5l dSillsTfi ltine111 t 'oni -- t'ale'IOs-oconmtlbl I lIOstlast, :Footiall Jo: 1 the YlIi j l l t12.-l ' BYVICTOR ATHLETIC GOODS OV lat EMANs Wm heL COeri J. T. JACOBS. CH.11 II. ALLMAND- JACOBS & ALIMAN,, IIEALEIO IN +*SHfOlES.++ COM\E AND SmEE IS .~ The Washington. Block. ~RY. IsteLA INSCHOOL IF BUINIEISS and 1S0111- 111ND0Magnifientl building; tnleaceslag attoendance; gaod diseipliae; supeior warit; well siilelie-'.readiagerom; dily ileues;. Saturday '1 1100.1reeptians;oenitbe enie year. Excep- tional faciithies far pleaig stadents in poiti.; Bo- (11 aed eoom I2 Ia 11115 e sweek ill private bp~il s.-'Tbeseiateisredaced ta 11 en by ti b0.:. i~ ori Catalagaeaddess I ~P R. MAPres.F 'HE GRAND) OPERA HOUSE, SATURDAY EVENING, NOV, ID TheI~to '(01 Ne 'lor obtlIliil(. The Police Inspector. A 'rateiiidlie ilislie icture of hiolimi' Lifie ill 'iewVIIork1111iilnilproduced(ithise-l( Thei Mute0llnd arrivi.of th o lie lsua. ialties. li'iilai of Comidy. PRICES, - 35c, 50c, and 75c. Big Four Route BESLINE15To INDIANAPOLIS, LOUISVILLE, and CINCINNATI. ELEGANT Through Sleeping Cars BETWEEN Petoskey, Louisville and Cincinnati. in' ofltioe(ly if pulicatimi. Hutrrahi ! Hurrahli! for Pennsylvniia. '0111'edmios doilot iolid Ithemslve e'ispon-11(.Hurrahi! Hurrah!1 for the lRed (hid shllfo te inins o(10tatements of'cor(sil-B'lulte to-day, ponnslill, asa inii'ill stl' hDim. . We're going to whlip the t'igers anii they'll have 110 10000t10say~. There' wilil be(a'sntilil 'i''y i~niiRh! Rahi!1 Rahi! Pennsyl'aiiia. ipiollil iiii'111 1 f t111' 1)11(1'101-11d X11e11('Captain Kipje starts tdownll tonightit,111 :1:). A00~e11i1li' o f the the fholdswithi aticeket for tiegoal. 1't eTigern awill not stop him till lie slaff arc11' I ihstl'lt t o' ei'l's'll. Igets behind the 1(o10. ________________ ''lne I" the referee wyil yell, withs Se (.111 11(1 " -the Tigers in the hole. Sepl'oral melti01aie0alred ;wokon Rh tt Rah! Rah!1 Pennsylvatnian-Cho. so1(11 for 1e Ml' i igan- ( eulioltl 111'.c Ceiittle, guiards anit tackles tilay the and11(1 010 i-mtood(11soil""4 111'eiliiilis gatne, 01nd play itlhardl, assuelldi. TheiGle(il'1111ii) iill mual'e(tll'The entdo Itte always there in timne to stop anid leave their cards, latliterO initim110it1110(1-wiltl'(iliuitity'OLIOi'full-hack's always in the push lead tie'singting .1t the iliil'. 'he- and the lials sare on hisns riguard. Daily iitapiinttRae soRai"1submttedyRah! Rah! Ra and(1 11(01'e e-ifenally'to'Oltd Pennisy's team is jutst the stufl: ili c ed.tthst' they're nure to makte a roll. sonigs shoitlit b11'n 1( -1' Sliiiliyo(10They'll mlake Itie goal ansd touch tier town and tlieii yoo'll see the fuin. ' lii thiiiisi. sel1asilt5101'Andthn ourotovalianit PennIsy'boys llti5'of tiume'fio W< ie :1'1((ill- swill go atid git thleir'"M Rtoh 1lRali !111Rah ennsylvaia-Clio. o 1(N.11or ttii'iiiholdililitieried mt the-TosvIs.slsN dmayii'heiisoins. l t1els"vi vl ts in at t.noolmh. lhi'eneeiiim tti o-is wsemis11(1as10lmii'i'easi solid lii allnd studentsl0 s1o)1114show' their apprithion of tiie'efforts of lh' S. quinitedt andlthavo at 111i1.0lantsoscimal 111110fgenerally'. Antiecelettlitterary' prlogram llhman teeint preparedi't 11(1111( ieffortns will hi' spaedit o mkel' all woie phlteasan1t eei'di'1. 1'rehilniIi.if youn iiiglit. imieet yonurI'fellowstuents ta1,1( college lift' swill tk n eti'1I'irly different aspect. '1111-Vnisyersity' is, of coturse, p01111110115' asplace'for studly,. hut a 111111 wh11 does nthin~g bu~t Study, li b te'roa1\7110celonhlylyta s, A Van Pocesor n Fotbll. Bostonu. I'll ilah~dil. letrolit, Y___5( ork.ChiIcagil, AYl rfesro oobl.LI Ilh. ASK FtORh TICKETS VIA 121 till mst imiimnierieof ti' Ililmi. 1 'M 11.1C ('1(. BIG + + UR ROT E.~ '-aillranliseil, IslhnAlrsr. PortlandI OU j "+ '0i ' Sc loilily' is mill auilot-' I 'r' o.I E.170. MtCORMICK, -i1). 3.SIAliTIN, E i 'lm rus, (O.iae 11, 1_______foot______ball.______ Pa'dsserTIrtlic A51 1 tis 1. C . t 0 lle mdle's lie' ieifiensiveside i ie snle,ie'ia'ht1minis s ' it loil m ca en ic M usic A. G. SPALDIN G& BROS. 14ae(.__non;_________"he;,y: FOOTBALL SUPPLIES. llns'lh .biiiiig lhii'l' liiEverytReqaisite for thei 111m1t fotball is nite.1 bruill (11.11;siti COLLEGE SONGS, I! G Same.d thatm it requiire's aIt lhii n1 ofiiitol Ofi1a 'Iost popular cifolleelle'ctioniveipb leiltimit dev'e'loment t leO 1(1111 110 lispoded. (Oe00,00 snld. Heavy Paper, C ''uo Itercolleit 5O cents; Cloth. Cilt. $1.00. slilftilly'. and10 115(1t11111is 11101ii Renie'-' 'T football. fitlsir i'o1111theii-grea'mtest. 'New Harvard Song-Books 0' - 7 ' dle 11 i h _______________ '~jeitercollegiate Ainnelmi- ncui alteoeestiHarardesn--': etioneian m uldlst be asod Dae' tidug l to '" all ansmtcho amen. Change ofte. Hoavy Paper. $1.00. PRICEewith inlamtor, .5. Spalding's comete lFnntbl aOtalouat Tle' IlandtLea?1.0011<1siietInd' a 4 COLLEGE SONGS FOR GIRLS." sent free. "Opaidisas Officimal Football Guide for 1891,eidited by SWalteOCemp. coniaining otilhge of date' fur itsheat 1litertIlh- A usi h edn olgs rw tie sthe ehalts anld nothealaable infornii1 ItHevleap1te,1 e1di15 ng ig'.(hsnm tion, by mail, price 10 cenlts. Spaldine' s hill-lt, us-lileb will nocur Satuirdeven'01'- evyPpe,$ onu what youtbuy is the guaranltee thit the goods are the best. ill , \~o. l. ,ihiteltd nf on the foloeR- "Boot's Album of Songs." New York. Chicago. Philadelphia. 1115 Moniday nilght.tPriif. Wililtt AN-illA nsco(llectianiofIf Oioelyrcalmesongisby ' ma- mr thie authoer af "Heres a Helathe to I(lingKZM : "RGAR''F oi-cupy: thi elenig inll e11th0li iliChles," wlilele is inlolded. $1.00. Students Recreation Head- "Thii(IlnlleI Fleeol'." 'hijos ul h s' Any bnok snt postpaid 011 receipt af price. quarters. liie lonly'btueliescill addr'en nn Snd fur balletihnof thc netw vocal asd No.53 N. Alin nStreet. instrumnltal menlo'. At-hot'auiencei I 'this yeartl. AdmoisninlA NNARB3OR 15 cents. OLIVER DITSON CO., STEAM DYE WORKS., The enrollmhent (If h011111 iltg' 4513-463 W~ashington St., Bonston. Ladles' and Gests' Clothing (leaned C. 11. Ditsnn & Co. N. V. er Dyed. is 1,8111. T. E. Ditsan & Co., Philae. 3 W. HURON ST, ANN ARBOR.