Ijc t . of
. aitti.
Vol. V. No. 36.
President Angell Lectured Before Prof'. B. A. Itinsdale spoke before The Junior and Senior Law TeamsSTDN
the Y. M. C. A. at Detroit on the the Phiilosopiciai lcllb last night on Have a Sharp Contest.-The Tiyo to torin without books.
Belligerent Countries. "Somte Social Factors fin, Popular Edo- Latter Victorious. Somic people thouibh try to use
Presidentl.Anglell leted at 0tihe (ation. The Osubject ef'O educatio ll01- The SeondO offth' intler-class fool- musical iliitrumleiito owithilittle
First Presblyterian ichurch tonIDetroit 1010 1be discussoedlaloine.Wihliit piui: blll :.lO 01r. lliorlIno'letolneI.
1a10: nighitoel tie Chinese, ~lanec- e e onecedelall fth'ellljllclli01c' otlr tI ' eon %)r)' and11()(; h hisseitloaind e ay uyThose /Ich Have Tlue,
aliid Koreaii gos-eriiio.oto. Ilie Soke Soc(1a11org anizifioli. colnllercee. Illig - 11" I llip2by the foIrmer 11y a tco''O
froic lpersonall l oevatioins node ion, imolrality lind nume111ous0 (oflers. ((.1The "paine solllthat katiol.
while minister lo China. 1111 lisoell e mus't11110n1(t0exipet aii idelsystot(Of (contetedan rloe i111111 t110 1r1ll-hoo11t, b " 1q~
theprsn -a betl-elt voon' 100011 h~inial11111 (.01111011 schlools for' 111e IiI'OlllltllOII'0 1a1111til'1e 100 hakesiiiiie iiB Sot ai t
japlanl. d1 1( 1101 111 (011.011 u ra~ltion. 'Ninely-live sce fi t ('Il o11 nl111
ofi its o I111ln ('i lil t 1(11(, a1111 Will lot extelndi beyondltits fpresentfgeo-l etundt helll ball lo 11 IItill' 2 II111.-FINE-
thouglfhtIChiintz,1111sf t eetully ope111111 aphlicilal linllits 1and1ill 111111'.sill re(ach11 W ihlI till'9611(quarltetr golt tfi ll 111fore FOOTWEAR T
al1s1 int'tr tllng tII''l1111 (f tile 1Ho11n- ibtos(If llnsity of polati on andll1111o1111 tei e tand11 I carrIiedtill'blllo1e1r'till
thlis sfru"lllt. Tlil t t.llist al(contest hI'- lily (1111preenllts itself fr otti i der111 -1 inety-Six too~k thtt'bol frot 9'is
110ee tIl 1-sern~e d-lofy i eal'('o i litaltion '11115 the till dct of 111 t l til i i -fl-lo t he )(; 11011. ardl l ine.T he ~ U l'flA F R l fN
ok-Missiay( rtrcl- 01 ilOI ll(1115 iatlty fitillltfogrllo1f11h11'c11s1ely'inhl't o mefit- i e(ff uI' tilkOk-ffp1111 Cou1(11rtEI BE ' H .use K E M PFt
-cdcty Teachert f h 11 al ~nadha tthe ars I ofPanotOgtafneandousica
a gan-einoro o 101 lllile nriont shol011te111t - othisfrmthe l'95t goalERCHAhTnTAiLORWNG
Tile trcveri lthoughltapanltr uld, h(, caused Atythe Gyni a i ru. 'of lld.Sor, ,O'nlaorof l)5 i C O OATEsctByON
stuc b te agrnsso te eolew geeanngmaestoth_ nmbrosnteScohlnithey- efr'n sdeChap;. otBor oldLDnche I~sithger
tog (hn 010o ticqui1r01(1 ides( a a enIi0 iser 3110 obstales in(t' Way of ScoI ed- A dic s - lo t Oeifet ran high.NihtorDalglt
OhthnEue f Y)lOf hIyears. t 11to co pih.0 lbutl t(10fwithoutlgreat;l tiast iel ar t er- - tosck-cop-y 11111011 1.50 10 P
tirelysucceded; t is n irn o~si cfit fitie ss ut:ll fb''ben o-I-d o.-l inell F rom li t is - right ford the IIOIIhiO ttgrG r ay
Iigg li~l ttit0 TeLOWeY'S CHno OCLa TE Msia
11111 001011 11 101 1 tlrO llll IC strlelitO O r ll un~favr abeitt rterl'l01 110 m11 o.... .relhafl). lt 1110 - ai-1C1 mp (1it1o111also5the A t o
oftlgoviternmen.tieofO (_(,(lellt is lO Stilesn durltoo etis~o(ti solotit- 2 n2d of- - - - 1(5il1d1run ...h..h.haOlll osdte+ T TL '
vialraoveoorsleftuc1151uthrity th+
Reeves ((11111-s'(-strll-ileft 11111rdl'-lltt-I-----..- - - . , OtomttC O-altUbCt- lo
on the faceof th glob . I1epaid 0alin d 1at he1(1 m na(i00111 ab out iv-Hat -- --- ---f111100.- ---- --D nb RE H LI E
itself for tir withl 00111 itcoutttry' 11
Jfapan. Thelo t-ar still lestalh now(00
prestige for Jaan. V arioues other rt--
sultsare possible, 11110it 0110110t1be'ple-
dicttthat1111will re00(11.
Pour American Universities.
Hfarpe-r & Bros. lire preparingf (Il
ilustrated ivolmle oIl "Folur Anen-
'Oh Univeroitieo: tHarvalrd. Yale,
Pricetonl and Coumibia." ft still ho
((ade uil of four magazine alticles
whlichi 1105 appeaied in recent years.
The article on Harvard wsas written
ity Prof. Charles Eliot Norton a fl-e=
years ago for H-arpefr's tagaziBne. '111
pu~rpoeo of tile article was(0t1 givtheil
general public aii idea of tile life* at
Hlarvard, to sot forth its exceptionali
educatioiial advantages, and to inlak-
plain its position as tile firott(If Anm-
ericanl univelrsiies.---Harv'ard Criin-
10110(1Sartllrdiy inight. N8 ork ito-lt'Field.
gr(Osinf 1O ill-he(lectric light woirinig, F
1111(1thio will probabtlly b inlished(iby Al1(1
till firstt(If iiewt week. (Cilsses will
begin 0as00011 as(11hewNl-it 1on1tile foested t
tralck. anid wiring to doure '1111'cIt-
if ternoon
amoinationso will continue 110 foot 05
gol 0o1Al
ptossibleowithouit inlterrution(lo(f ('11(0
S. C. A. Reception. (lrelea
Saturday evening 1110 secoiid generall
reception owill be hecli at Newbierry
11011. Memlbers of all tdepa~rtmienlts(re x4,oe
inIvitedl. 'The followoing plrogram w soill Ne
be g i-li: T'flit- m',
"College fife at tile 0'. of Mt. lb Fears temKt
Ago,".'- - --......'rof. tl'(og' swornifor
Piano solo..- M.Liss Miiinie Dfavis tomorrow
Address- - -Mrs. Stephensll being of
fRecitation----------.1.7S.ianldy 0(1(0e(and
Muic ...........--------------- -
Parker;11 umpire'
and linesman,
Reserves vs. Albion.
iycrson01 till'rl-0l- rtt0(e-re-
to be(ot'o(lil t h(i 11 letit fie(tld
al p~ractice lat 4-0'lock(11this
1111'e list (If011(01s011(1otwill
l1(1(1 ltomoIrrowss 1110 uit ye't
,e out1. hot sill be about till
thalt (If the1'Adr~ianltrill.
f, tuiidel 1and( 1.1-toyosill
Or hioAL. . 10.1.
ew 'Varsity Sweaters.
so swte~trs for lt'eI lrsity
te beeii receivedlI1111d osill 1(e
heavy wo0(1. The tolor is
s wth illarge yelloow letter 1I
0110, tile colors of tile Uixer-
displayed in tasteful syl
('lasseowoilpen. Pupils reteiveid at ay
limo, tho termating with (lateof adi~~s-
51ion. All cassets a1re suller ttepersona01i11
structionl of Mr. slndlMes.htioss Gran-'er. No
stirto1 mount. Office aind Domchg~lll (1n
We offer discount on all
University Text-Books,
Law, Medical, Pharmaceutical
and Scientific Books.
We buy and sell second-hand books.
Mathiematical Instrumeiits and
Drafting Supplies at special
rates. We offer
Best Linen :Paper at 20c Per Lb.
++-. MuNsWKFER IDEAL ruvAIuiaPENR.--++
TW-O S'ro1RF.
Co)ivorsity Bookstore, fDaws Tows.
Onl Slate St. Opp. Couert !lose.
ISubscribe for the Daily.
ity ai-od