TIlE VI.. OF M. DI)ALY. 71-1 7 C ANDALL TYPE RITER IP FN' 101,-'= $O- Mae t-ni d t a Pe oi l irie Simple; ]Durable; Writing in Sight, Permanent Alignment; Instantly Uhangeable Type. J S. PEARL, Agent, Tio, .-iitttit -t., Ante rrAuto it 1AO ?INS $1,50. Yellow and Blue Buit- ftons B60 With U. of M. or the, {year 75c F. C. STEBBINS, TLE NEhIWrs B~ktoe Cl H ale T _______ f Hr IABL h'MJo1YANrinerly with Geoige XWalii 19 I. Washing ton st. Headlquarters foi YPSILANTI, i1G vrtiga. Student needs itn the Is e. i ollju ctittin lsk boo(s(line of, Text-Books, Stationery and fOr 8 for $2?.>(. SUNDAY DINNERS AT 5 O'CLOCK, Miscellaneous Stock in general. GUAANTED St A-is sO iotl~ 5tt r MARTIN SCHALLER, SATISFACTION GAANEDiAT itiadtuatr te in 1hYslltni, tdiI THE DDWN-TOWN BOOKSELLERS ot d iil 19 E. Washington at., oneo blocli W Xi X iIX.H.L ISPrp east of Main st. T HE SI MP LEX PRINTER,. EMIL DREFS, A. E. __XR-S coies of0 writ111 ad aiiii jj; il l.hhll teU' q The lr etbottle lit-i rtilit(sit;i-tol, eiat Ferp, New fur:i of TOOTH POWDER factoryhc i miAtiArir .i tittlA~112>.. ~ in the city for 25c, in _____ LI ~TilEANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK I an yurmoeyac _____ror llch (riii .10Sc.?1-0000. if not perfectly satis- any pen. 100 -copies -iarl be ttuic. tFity 415 texittiittii t i l ii pal i t ies ofthe'i it soil. A1.1-N.. iAN t t iocrit-et~ts (iai-Atran t"M.ack, -ro. : . , r NEW DRUG STORE. Lbi /TN&CO., ' s*'-'>tiiait 01 . ______________ 20 S eser St.,N'ow(- irik The Daily $2.50 a year. 9lo r ah LAMPS' LAMPS ! LAMPS IIALLEIi's * J1 V''LH Y WMl~. ARNOLID' S, Jeweler.' IMI. SL.I it. cit 1..It50. t.,tits titiese.Nit. MRS. ANNIE WARD FOSTER'S Schol of Dancing and Delsarte. Sattitda~y 10a.m., toilemagttttiinsests 3seilsy. 7:3() p. dvantscd Cltts(Laies' Tuesda'y, 7:30 epm.. Beinnrt Cas(Lde 5'iv-.te Ilessonis ty atitm ett. SCHOOLU. 46 S. STATE ST. Second Hand Books, College Text Books, -Law .Books, 'edical Books, at cut rate prices at the STATE STREET. Baor carb iii Statioiiery and Note I-vles. -peonl reductions this week on K. A Es Drawing Instrumnts. We have thte be&st. ~PAID1NC'~ ATHLETIC CLOTHING and Sporting Goods for the niew ;gyn-nasium. Come ansd see us. We :al the largest dealers in the city arid our prices are :the lowest. SHEEHAN &CD,, Wholesale and Retail Booksellers FIRST NATIONAL BANK. OF ANN ARBOR. -Organised i8t3. capital, $10,000. Surplus adProfits, $40,000. Tm 4st a. igeneral bsnking business. Fore, ^;..ssishuoges boughitad said. Furnish Letters %of credit. P. RACSl, LPens. S. W. CLARKSON, Cashier. 22 Years in the Business,-"mMMD CITY LAUNDRY, X. X. SEABOLT, No. 4 N. 4th ave. Miss Hattie Long, G Ita X andolin -and Banjo, go Killer ivo., Ann. Arbor, lich. i E {' 1 t viriely antd give anit tost ipoti 44 South Ma: UN IVE10RSI' tale. Dto yiu wanit itlamtp? Wet-cantsistwtttt a gFtt S'TO RT tttu lower prices tihai iity hitte it]thtis ito 11kit. 46 S. MAIN STREET. iton ttf oitr stock uiemionstrates Il t Iititlotinti heil-bttst ________________________ cii listsIt mite. Tlhirty-thiree-yit tO exper iencetintheIittMOORE & WE 1MOIRE I) IM. 10 & 0C-IM7~iX 6 S. Aliiiit., and Stale s1., ctor- S3 C M iter of William at., have a an Street. ctomplete stock of IT NOTES. Itiigll. Tile '-Varsityfottll1il(i]t) litesst-t hors of ilt( O Woitans Iaglic Sltttit-llt aternsoon frotti 4 tt (;iticluick. lThe iretaintiig sfficers elf the so-iir lai- cltiss will bechtlosen at aittltig; t be ieltd sitSatturday isrttiig. Three hiuindred volumte s If itiscl- lsaneous books froitiGeirmanuy s-ill stitit be addled to te generial librsary. Treaisurer Sstule li-ft last nightlil si hiuting extpedition ini northern it Sic- igon. Ito willlte Colineutil tte 20t. Dr. intl Mrs. Jsonathtan Taft, of Cin- cinnati, arec stopitng at Ntt. 23 N. I_ ii- setoity atvt. luring thicir slay itt Ants .arbor. The piriintitngcotnract hasSib-tn let by the Uiv~ersity ltSt-he egister for the iiext twsyt-ars. Iteit- bitdbeinig the lowest. All memnbeis ttf She OP1oral LUnittit insst pay their dues on or before next Tuesday iii order to seceureth leir tiecs- ets for the first concert. 0.. E. Buttcrfield, whts was elected circuit ctturt commttissioncr of Washt- tenaw county iii Tucsdtays election, is a gradite tf the last-ideptartumtnt, class of ')0. At a spirited imeling of the senior pharmtacy class this evening the fol- lowing officers were elected: Ptresi- dent, Wilber J. Teeters; vice president, Mfr. Doty; secretary, :4r.. Reese; treasurer, Mr. Do IVonge. N-lsnrerttI ---. liii- Itpuli~ititttlc cdt- UF I T TT D @rI fuor littsecciitig i ttorntty ofl \VtucU l.hihl h ViJP. IMItoivitutithe -ri-i-e-t rhliictini" - New and Second Hand. artclsuat-ttf tte lawto i tll t Note loots intd ether Students' iSplies tlltss otft!(.t1 Piettic oneisry. 5psrtlag Goads, etce, hc Prof Ia Ii Hindal «vll seakbe-1ilie otter at She Lotwest Prices. fi'tit e Phi llilosoialctldub tomotirrosv Call and see us before purchasing. t-stnii; tgtt7:4--)it room it21, U.Id.tilt FOR FIRST CLASS MEALS "Somet Soiaietiltcort iintoplarliid1i-tiTRY THE cain"All atiitisilit. EIE DNN :P I TE DNIG PARLOR bersreui la lina it Stursdttytaftiinoon.Sixtei ii tiiState and ILibertt ala. ten still be itken outheii triptitnd EDWSARID 51 114, 0rp thiy still lctsse Saitultayforeoo adt o ardIeur atedtttt. rturnt-i that is-ining. Allaoe ixptect- r[ a J v u-i t getisit foir signtal prtactice itothli . todtay tatdiltomotirrows it Ithe-athtletic g1 lit-hI. It is s-ery- ucssyth lat all be Acram n n 1H 1 til httndt. ________ om~ IUI iDU Sb ease Ball lMon. Tilt-followsingnoichii a ~s hi-i-itpost- ed; sighedt by Ed,. C. Shticldisitiptain, andi IE. C. Weeks. ittinager. of lust yetr's liasebtall teati: 'All tcatidaits for nest spritngs'Varsity niine art rc- qutestedl to meet iii roomttt1., lit buiildiing, it 4 p. in. Priday, Nov. 9. Everybodly intenidiing to try for the tettitimistt lit there.' S. C. A. Social. The S. C. A. still give ti social to all studeiits Saturday iiight of this wveek, in thto parlors of Newblerry halt. Writ- ien initiations swill lie sent uonly Is the stutdeints who halve enteredi the tUnis-ersity this year, but a general iii- vitatioin is given to all classes of all departments. Subscribe for the Doily. Corniet Washington at., and Ashley at. Ra teF $2 and $3. 'P'HON'El1 3.23. ME. STk.ELE~t, PRiOPRItETOR. JOE LEAOING' ILOB Has the newest Fall and Winter Woolens and largest stock in the city. You can get any selec- lion you are looking for. XW COME AND SEE US. 2 E. Washington gat., near Main at.