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November 08, 1894 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1894-11-08

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M~IGHGAN G Ii~AL At the Grand Opera House
Tise Table Iieted ily 1184 1 suePo ie' llsie'tr. Itahfiv 'e-a t
AsSc Exx Imelodraalli , beanioit we'illionat
r1 nt.id E" 11I43 tie hiriiidllast igit. liad the openingI
. Y. Specia.- i .Y. Special . 7 O plfersrlic ec wsltv inetteilbhyia laget
f:,teillsE... 1825 Nt . Liitd. . 92;
a. x. Iss'Es . 12 511 us. Thie 1)1y17is 51)t'citlitilone ill
n lllti'E . 747s
tI. i t.)spee 11 051I 'hi. Nt.Es . 15o25 iiist s t i I l 1is imleroli sbt-lodsl
t;. 1. Es.5. 5
u. I 1V 1151(11 1, Iit. . r'. ii t ire illlhsillll' Ti. loPit il e li
GI. & 1'CA c. ,lIicago. Ac)., A A or.ao us esellil t 111rlittstto ,cettt 611(1i'i-a
T., A. A.. & N' D1. RY."lss xlit7 If6 5tnilti)liS ,t Wililli i
'Dan eveA nArbr In etral5 iiStnd I .11111 i ll llllianllil it a.1 fo11( t11
Ia 8.tntI'FN iVOa. 17. ci 11ltprin(cipa5licsrt ers1111 erlt elell 1)
71 i * tN i 'A ''lldi ci p.t11130lllm., ('1nd ('l'7alinllg wis llltltll. '111
4 1v1a.51 . :00P1 . nt2. 11-1
I V GRFEN111151gent. jiclittrl~o osntadlist iof1111,1(1111s-l
t1. 1,wi'N I:T.G.P.A. T leoO. tri 1lln 5ve ytiig i 51iis 111111111' 1111
rra~vo IV olrhilentefl'itiiiand litrtsali1t a sisil111
work guaiasesI Heaton 1'u11t 1 (11will he 1111al 1' 51ee 1
p( arp i i g e fco e _j t t 1 ;re ti t. i ly G ob(, 5 4 . Ia5
1( ': 11;- l oi obit 111'a1 igooti i peas o
to I ton o sttyt tts 115 i t lllit
. at a~~~~ll s resigrd fs the on al (lil
i lathc 11111 tti e us01111n3Tus
TeRIll ay5 10AE a 11leafral no nu \ th r make auofe
anthngtht t llaproces ofthe. Wt h you e n
eady 51 isE 0'te \irjuwii ofont \ii mpet orht s as tstl, o
ved thy~s odIIlankli- enti es cn rs iiatr ~ rc
aulifu Liven' Cataogue ciii l on ielto ii 0ivyass nd
Oppea Unin Park Adasstree
Chibayoa.high icago

studntso wosart toit~~ilinedt in
peio-ieii to 1111ake liiithe -%iiik l'ihe'r ii
cllss special7 crigaiiidfur liii'pur-
siiT t iormsuch a iclsin 1roomill17
si 4 p. in. oiil Fihiy. Nov. 19. 's'he'
uisuail fioi i52 fur a11 crsixt itlites

Oii 'liirsstly evenhing, Nsv. i8, at.i114
('randi Opira lliul Mir. Williamor-o
rc wxiiilliipear iiilit'e iilraeir 1a111
silto sx e~iiiii that1 111151eliWeltIl-
nii n ii "The' LostParaisem." Mr. 71(11'

I5 ' \5 [117 . tille, and ixtrl ines tnrn i'I cry 1111 gren
I il I- l.5S rieriat i. il 0 11 '%I.7ioffic. I
theuc tetdulecof itrclass fotball)h1111 v ilc sies olitn5111,urna1c
gioncs is as folloxx: heat, moditerl housi. peir stok
Nov. 7 law vxx s. '911 lx. ah, at '19 IiliotiS t. p-3=i
Nov. 13-'5 lit vs.'9iiilt.
Nii. 14 Winnirof NXli. S vcx. IHighi the Octes1111(1 oss.'isl sioiey't
Schol. 1a11e 5xiti'il gtsix. ttuuiii eelpth11m1,
Niis5. litl at aslrotherNix.a.ines.
winnelr of NXov. 5L. 715i't11)AY EVE.. 11' K(t1.ttt1t'7.
Niiv. il9-Winner' f No. 1-1 cxs. xii 'lw' 11 in- e S trday tliiig clasxis wil
m r of Nsv. 1. isiet cr te irs imeitOthis uweek Sal-
i' tamsltto esompete for chlll1llipoiItnciggill rgisir xiii plasi' ioso t-
111n1 pulacesxiin siheisiotilxxiie I' ltxiiig mast b111' xii1111lt te diooiir. AloftillII
oil 111r'thiim. I i ittis 1111now 11111 liiir iiihe i 5'l'itiII iii
('1A.1cLt175 1.5 ILt,.). upils.lt N. i(;'Manard s.
ttg Ml 15 ES iIni' Suttt11it5'iN. 11:111 yo(1,oen'l'ii es an cd Novml-
-i11 stiiients epeting to gad~lute in tiir 75o11c7?:'till ioiI'. Siulot, :12 N_
any gietn yer imuist report to itie Alaini x.. 117iiall ican,5andiiiit gt heml.
egistrar at thie openinig of tie yea t Fr Pent1.-plast s11 ilegitrooml (I
indiascti~iain wat tprtscribed'iJwrk ,if sti'. furlale t 11112 Willi till 5
iny, issthuill l ing fiii'te d&e, t't
sou1ght. WMNRLIT 5 -E.I'
The rlass football giiie w i hbe t iiI '1r 11111
plyeidearly thils yarii. -tanagrIs laldti ROP IN Al . LOOK AT
icaptaints are ~igeid t gi' hir m0
'th r_. ut Ix Nrtlng iflii'1111 I t.ii a 'a ltsir -yRt1... B OON .l 14 N
U. OF1Al. CALENDAi . "si'711 i aii w't.,f.5w itflhxia ~ d yl
lecliithee iol pinlie(iay.iuAlisii ii Ii f-
S-ubsd frbt"1 ph Call fout M Paiay
'iNi v. IIS '117 hixe xs '111 hl- l e by R __L.__BI-NP 4N
I n.Pop I.la .1 n iiit o r of.111.'i.li u bcros tile tafor ty 111tie o lil i tll
I111 in sl il111 ii 03 i 7tic:tleitliiii.tit, almat'1ei'sI.s 6 tl
ri 5111Nov .19-illawsgi96lawlrxiagniaiu
s~ thic wfSid ceolatr-uhThe tDoltI i]-containsfleiapl ntioesl
1: '111le 11re '11111 71:'ore, at. 7:t( e athe t i c t amyou nbot her lii Studernxtl
IFi..Noi. 9_i-P 11111Ai glllelictuesx' ai zatcioushe, l'lrlil
i an 1t5 istyi.i$2.50 IN ADVANCE.
Albiiion.Subhriptuii' 1 r civi'. ci t.1 lll
letioi ot sffhcrs tlts slndty alliauthoiziei sliios
Sut,Nov. 317 tom4 iliiici151 TTrr'-~
r71111 esinro 4 :30p it . , o . 1-0.-t '. . .111c 1al Ni'ixc tr Erert 11111 and Everylty
Sat.,A v 3-Po. Xiii ilv I ruxt Ntii.i' licloriss MI
at Highi Srooiiiil on -[11 'the Sulpor sTE .IL U D Y
Ar"it 5p.71itS EA AU D Y O
, iiii . . o fI i. D ilog ps 1119- hgh1 . 11111 ili lii x la Ili.
Ilt X'tcrry h111111tt 9:1; a. i111
Sun.11 Xii. 1. Plist Thompson iiIeci- E. S. SERVISS ManaCCI'
lris I'fotiri' S 1. at9lp.in.1 S21 112 I)i TI E .
Suii, Xsv 11.-resideit Angel ee EXCELSIOR + LAUNDRY!
tnres 1o11"Missiiiis Ill(China,"lat tilt N0EAS' ilIIN 0\STFEl'
31u'hodist eclireliGodi tWi1 . ciuirlltti . (01511118lle for
\fon., Xov. 22 hitreast tfootal,11114 deliered.l t. . CiJIE aT inhil.
I90 lit vs'171. it. -11.l1'+ hALr 7
" liii' I'iiiitihiii I (1Or 11n" lat Shoo of
niii i' t :31(1piii Ripitetetts "Every Beta tIiltt
William Morris of i t neIIVesilty.
i xtlill ioiiout tic telightetto lhear that $2.50 PER YEAR.

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