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November 08, 1894 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1894-11-08

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4 Ijc o

49kk A

Vol, . No. '3.


PRitat-- TllaI-;ECEN\T,'-.

OFF FOR KANSAS CITY, be attended by fully 6,000. Deleg;a-
A Party of Nineteen Leave for the tion5 will be Isresent from Nebraskal
West.-A Great Game Is Prom- Kansas, tOMVl11and tll tarts of 1Mis-

ised Saturday.
A partyef tot' .left; for Kansa.s ('its
byr the '', A. A. & N. At. at 11l30ltits
liloitiiltn'. They trill line up as fist-
te~ss gaittst Kansas inisersite: Left
t nl Neuiter; left tackle. Villa; left
11,t--l. Cfar; -i-tter. nMetil; right
g Iret. Hlinillger; 1riht Iackle,Hevy-
tuttle; tiHt111,eld. Prire, ( barter. IVet-
sri ;left hall, Is lygeri right; ill.1
lleiitlsltl; futll len-k. tDyer; substi-
title,. L~tenard.t'i. h'irards, Hatieni 1119
NAitise. (tapt.13,I0air0. JAa11ager -kited,
(totll lMctauleyaId li-atir Fitzata-
rick 'liststie-ittoil ttip1. lThey goto l
ledo and tth ierreItaket'hliii 'itasll
toute, ariitiug ilKisis lily 'riday
Tflite it-a is still setle 51 I-tat rripled't.
hulittle's 1to keptile'Kansas I nivrr
;13ti rin Otonsctritng.Prtter's tikle'
('apt. Birdl tts foeutd it niecessar fto
staryotlth fit'attt otttilir wtet-is t.
SetlrcartItat last plta nd tu till
sfrt'tigthl thelii'lint' at le'ft'nil. XI's-

I Prof. Lomnbarci's Leeture.
At smlshbfit inltrret'sft'tt il-trlist-
''lhtstiltgy of fi(it-i.'oice tuQit sitis
giltn ysefiay a flirt ii iiat thite
lutit lI'111111Ills, lrIt'-8.t 'Spilt tnd
plisterii'imfotdls rHetheifliii' -littd
tctrdis shutmlt-t on ntchr- were itbi
tamed it friltheilii'liei stlbbtjtand11
slitotted fte'tIlipaitlis llisedi i int'
ltittlit- IMtii-ttt ilnt' ithill rn

Sophomore Election. INO GOOD STUDENT
'hho soplonlorilltoraryi assi]no
ltt'stit tlt'satf -l lii fif iliahe lii' tils-i- T y o c r ito tb os
vlti -g till' liil iig trts'i-rs o tutuS mePep11111'l ty o s
tellsici-Iistiluft-tfell with titll
(.l<ISS A Iar.t rlpSonth Mainl wat.
prslti-sptliit- til ss-ifswt thieft russ tiof
illos- s'-'sig tits'rr(seli i'Itis. and s oil(- } J
idot s (bo itsonitt I.tut thelitrt i ls."
sis-sisitig tuu A. SoutihiMainset-.
ti d is tiri' lilhl liii- fllstss-iiig a ii-


susi'o n l ist'vs stic'. fouii-:pIetitlint, Miss 'uA'tlt'-s; sec-ond icit-itss- BEADS SHOE STOREsF
cast.iteitll a sitngerC's Itirtis. frettiatny ilit-, 0. 5. ihitill si; ctrrsttiry. AIoy Otis.t11111t HIse, aiit.
ote.If is l thettintirtalis-sthus; Wiley; ireastr. G. eP. (uu-t; foot- If youiiaethi to fit a fitte box nf
week anti sit1flt'learner sttilitie t ; 1 t eli ae C A E B B N
t.oWs-iii's-s ssittisliob l'i-t'i BiN-i'N
Till it'llig-t-iiittitbit. Prat-iceithsiount if iat-k tlet-ics. 11ositeltttsi; s-itl Cheap; Hot or Cold Lunches Either
tliltikitig is wstet-s- hisii 11111 hog coiiiiiiiti-i. Aiss Feli uu itiilt-s Night or Day go to

ts'ttlty's pratice wastteaatintst a estop I 'iitit-silist is-i-tiltfits-il till oe' ( 'tusk. l~se'ftostill apposit tin t iloed .. E. JOLLY & CO., 1 te St.
sri-ilt11111itaintttr tilthtilt' its h-eii. grit t istsiistlsttts uof ilhe-liltils btie se t-btiriititiof thels-tninite's. It wst-ieIRETJ'BEN H. IKEMVPF,
'l'ht'n-t stas a tiofti tsbse iiilsisstst it w iches- i ts' ltt s t heils--f-I ,fori- otits s ls'-sed tseraise iiittiii fortheliii' rttlFf 5romts heis Iy 1 tl ois e ty.
inl the intefrferr'nire. ionu'e ttall i -rsse tiltaniltt-iif Ithe iio fit'e, ibase-ballt ittus bis voltattt ryStuittgar I t, .1115u
As t h assInrrit fi.lts hn o lsmcaim ol rblil ta ftaxflit Gtr onmposition; also the Art of
tot muc-ihuhis been ittuartdtfrom fthe Althes'-ue'ositthis-eture,111tillhtiltswillits'boutghi folit'this'tet l,'ssoii Teaching.
this ye'ar. 'httir fgame'5sie:bunt: dtireto dhutthsositwsiie'alsi-low ito tli aisissible.hihuiA its~t h ui t~r it
Kuiaste1A, fTotaA. ('. (U; IKantsats I. li'siu'in(,som 'prs'rvu'd sptutciimes'tu1'itthii MERCHANT TAILORING!
Iloti' A;Kasa (, ftisa ; ustt , n~stltluii~ ttsut- ~ Haeoand Hound Club.fCl-aning.,.P'rssing utnd ttr tilt
Kass12 oneCl tg.wichs ifrot thut' Ator..I<. 'ttHOEtI.55Alit, '?itE.l iishiigtii
thety defeaite'd tihssls-i'etdefeatedh thus' 'thus'eltres-i thus' tosesswsill1_ r TIIT0KE
N ehiasku it'ealt. Tilt'Ottasso tot- hut'oil t hts'('oliumbant organi. hundurci-ub ntuilr ituutt90fistthe us' 1F1RESH tINE i
lug-' ff111 stto tads'op uhutost 'uuiue-tits'ittfup'ermanuein tt iitatittt A. OW =S CHOCOLATES
FoobaleGmeteamttitwas silma'd'eftupu''suieti nt ii'ientifre5-i A
IAyuof tlayers ottlIst yarut's thtker'Fotal te.I..ubadwaletereienndJST___V)A
U. arun.. s arangd t tak plce cst+ TUTTLE'S,
iste.stwhihItulaimedto hists'flt'chain- 'liii' untiur hatd5s'nitor lls- fotbaftll Sitr~i.suutu ust ii~ i t1485ST EST
11110nCtenm 'C tiii'sttlast yeari. rust Wislineut'1tiltrttu-lii'steon .,l giueii::tu Anmuutf' iuhti
Sutfurday lots-utdefeutetdt Kantsus 1-1-12C Uii4tf&-iu srusi1ii,.,ytht Auss usti.iilttiu isst C E M
in aussery ulost-l layeut fuante.lowatieltut isb ufte'rnooun.'hts-gamtes'sill be tt A ttulstt 'sufti t l istt CHOOf1L OF DACING.
istcouachedl by Itogurer e'uai.ASih-erman. a :l ut ((uiuuiu'iuit':sislietsst-ht t l i u Iis callsled1 itst-i~usl rssu it siten 0-iut a~vt
igait '92cnd '932.still b la iyed. Botih teanlils have been'iI' unsuul t,flue ti-russ stuirtlusawth tueussof atise
Wedneelu.Sion.Alleclassstare'iutoer lt'eperssiil its-
Last yearAMtchiguan defeatedI Kasaouspatiigste'adilyta-n have bret thfie' .1C bil I strurtiotuofiMr.uuand Mrs.hRosstGratnger. Ni
turueartetluihcdseerut ilsstairs utosususut. trlicessndi Dancing Hiattftia
22-, sorig hr frsttouhdon ater <,lute grtususlossr. iayndsyt.le
22-. toin tftitsttois'tdut'i hfi'Coiughly drilletd ill signals 'ndttih ruh111thndall sees' igitly siuu'essfiul. St's-
a1 tarthstruggle us 1t before liii''eiftof play. ('apf. iBartels, of file stintir tetruth 1' " HH plof fitthe iiitt'C5inithe udistanice
lie flust hilfatint l itutig i '1)i 'utit.esyin livnhsshad1 usyeuar's traiingtag rns last sprting st-re'membethrs of tih'e j~I33 BO K T R
ft'esecoittihiatt. 'TieriKainsas Pincietont anthI1. 0. Es-tits, atai of 'cl ttubtht htitithe.slitintereusftdinli___________
esssssotes f ii'bsthuOstisIme' iiussolfe'slithertysu utb-ilesthlitumeniiiuu ub'utruiihyii liitl
W =e offer dicouto til
reported fts hatt'gottfenlateathat tii eastin intheit'tiiersity for twottyeatrs.hileiianSuiriuynirstTx-Bo,
pltays st-ott togrfter. Site huas ueent Set-eu-al players on euichi ueeensre ex- LwMdclPamcuia
ceached by Hector Costan, the old terienced tmen, aiidflue indicatttins re '00 Social.LwMeiadhaSceticaoks
Princeton player. Iin the line site is lhatft'e gaeiwtill tue tard ftougtht. 'WeOiaiuslleon-atdhk.
uerhaps net so strong as last yeatr, ott-- Neithue team hlis city 1111'outsfide 'Ihle'juinior lit comtntitieetils ilict Mlatheimatical Instruments arid
insgote osofhrbetgarln iii utdecidtuponitttaiitheuss soillto hre JDraftintg Suppliestooitspecial
totelostC tr bes or 111guames scheoduled, but Maneor (ohs- rates. We otter
ackle,.tier backs- are experitenicedtotn, of thursenior eteveti, extects to held tDe.13 uat (.rager's aaey mn oeertntly' togarag owdtsbfoetesa-tr icet honteen iucsi Bsiiey1ae t20 e b
gaint. They kirk tile Oath a greattdeatl, soit clsses. Thte seinner of today's itt last ye'ar's socials 5w115intnut smuall BEST NOTE BOOK FOR 25c.
and ourrteam's experience at Cornell got smeas(ffte ihscto ex u~ur~te due, ts agialI in uteeruf tilhOEeGNS ~i
ill help then eetothfits kind of game. Wledinesday. sotcil commiuittee' and1 informstshlii'+ MANHSAuu ER . FL uNJAIK PEN, 4+
Football enthusiasni cons high i Daily that neiftier hticelnor10011'e' sill____________
Kansas (.'ity and ftse surrounding Don't forget to subscribe for lt'etie spuareud to makrie flitsyeai's cluass s0- 'I7'-Ao 'T'O .ES.
- t'tshersiiy Bookstoure, hewn Tows.
"oPunfry, andthic game still probably Daily. nubil a success. onSt Sest. Opp.('ourt housse.

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