THE U. OF M. DAILY. I =ZH=3 CRANDALL TYPEWRITER ZF0IR->E] $50_ Tie oni~ly 1gi Gh0rdeMachine on the Marke t scld atiatresioabiePicer. Simple; Durable; Writing in Sight; Permanent Alignment; Instantly Changeable Type. J. S. PEARL, Agent, 53 E°b1afiinnton st. Ann Arbor, Mich. A FLAG PINS $1.5011 F. C. STEBBINS, [H 11525DHM Is selling couonflhooks good for $3 for $2. 50. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Q24 E. \Vti l.iAM TSTR.EET. T14M NEW DCCCI DEN-TAL, YPSILANTI, MICH. SUNDAY DINNERS AT 5 O'CLOCK, studentis ad cities hould make tis thir hedquarters wile in Ypsilanti, aid I assue them they wil11fid me, i-s ever, Mtot cordilly, W. H. LEWIS, Prop. liii SIMPLLEX R IUTR, EMIL DREFS, A newvinvent1in for duplicatingTh tilfs WT 1 copies of writings and drawvir gs. TIhSid11 kkllat Beseferencesepossiblein EuropeNewr York Crty, Ci cao and Ann Acher: 64 .S tate st.Come anderetes. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Yellow and Blue But-W;__ tone 60e. With U. of M. or the from an origiesi, oo ortinaory paper wish any pen. 000 copies coo be wade. kifty year 75c. copies of typewriter manuosceipts orodueed _ _ ti ocinotes. Setdfor circuarsand sampr.5 WM. ARNOLD'S, Jeweler, of wYork. AGENT$ WANTEFD. LAWTON & CO., 5 0iib A 20 Vesey St., New York I . LAMPS ! LANV * ORIDERIYOt1iR COAL 01 Mrie: tW.a-hE tn e he'ro variety nd giste.ulowerpriest OFIC:S1T~a-hngonstL'oe N. s aety no iste. Doyoul oncst Ynsrrns: Al. C. RI.iR., 'Pihone No. 51 An exarmination of our stock do ________________________and most improved lamp made. Tl MRS. ANNIE WBARD FOSTER'S Lamp Boiness is wcrth something. School of Dancing and Delsarte. JDLE Saturdlay, 10 am., Gentlemat beinera clase. 44 South Main Street. Saturday, 4 p.,in., Ladly beginnere class. Erred-a1.:3t p. m., Advaned Ctase (Ladies' UNERTY OES aendOrentlemen).UNVRIY OTS Tussay, 7:Wts in., tBesianers Clase (Ladies arl Gentiemen). Priveaiteessons eby appoeintmenct. For the f irsttitte in peyers tVnttle- SCHOOL, 46 S. STrATE ST. now counity ivan carried by tire Repub- ______ C. A. Thtoncas, '93 lit, ts coachting the --- -- --- -football teatmi of Doane College tt Second Hand Books, ('rete, Nebi. Voilege Text Books, John Arthur Vatrorsdale, '91 litt, arid Laaw Books, '92 law, is praticinrgltis Irofession ini Medical Books, Denvt'r, Col. Po.Tubodscaswl tg h Prof.cruebrod'e hiicesll stgetth at ciirot prcesat iii quarrel secrit between Brutus rnd m~~six:~esCassiu onetttwecic. STUD NTS 110 KST R~l D.toppe, '93 lit. whro tas beent it STATE STREET. ~the sc itfrteps ek a Sarplaa, $150,000t. Org'aizmedarndertiheGeneral BarsinLaWSs of this Sicate. Rceives deposita, ibsys ald Iels excehange' on tic,' irincipal cities o(f tihe iUritesd Stastes. tirafte eashced upon ro oper idettiic aioar. Safety deposit hoses to renrt. Opeerceins:Chreistiani it ack, t'ees.;it. 1). ticrri sic. Vice-lies.; Chacs. F. tlieooak, OCrshier;At. J.tFit,ssitanitiasie. The Daily $2.50 a year. SchalIer's Bookstore. Formerly with George Wahr, i9 E. Washington st. Headquarters for everything a Student needs in the line of Text-Books, Stationery and Miscellaneous Stock in general. MARTIN SOHALLER, THE DOWN-TOWN BOOKSELLER, 19 E. Washington st., one hlock east of Main st. tiA. E. MUMMERY'S, S The largest bottle Uof TOOTH POWDER oith ciyfr2cyumoebakif not perfectly satis- o ~~factory at S NEW DRUG STORE. HALL[R'S ~JEW[LRY STO:HE 46 S. MAIN STREET. MOORE & WETMORE 6 S. 'Aain St., and State St., cor- ner of William st., have a complete stock of VNIV[BSI1Y I[UT Books New and Second Hand. Note Bookss aed other Studerrts' Supplies Flee Stationery, Spurting Goods, etc , wich mLrry offar at the Lowest Prices. Call and sene ue before purchaeing. FOR FIRST CLASS MEALS TRY TH0E ELITE DINING PARLOR Coe. State and Liberty sts. EDWAED LEWIS, Prep. Boarders Wanted. THE I I i [fps! LAMPS! La lantip? We can show you a great an any house itt this nrket. rnornteaten fliat it contairts the best 'irty-three yealrs experietice irs the Buy of its arid get the benefit oif it. .A.N &zQQO.IAN Y. The ruior lawis swili be quizzed on "F~ixtuesnrd Rasemtents" nettveek. Prof. D'Ooge will spt'ak it 'osy- bterry boll nist Surndary miornintgtt 9:1,. '[ho' money rained by the entertin- monts of the oratorical associattiont vill be used in the publicaition of thre winning orations of previous corntests. Decan Knowlton ban announced that thte junior lav meetings will be psnt- poned until tontorrow. 1k in probable that isnoimeting xvilhi' held bifoe Friday night. Northwestern University has din- handed hrer. football teamrarid all dotes are now cancelled. Last Satur- 'Bargiains in Stationery and Note Books. Special reductions this week on K.'& E.'s Drawing Instruments. We have the best. SPALDINg'S ATHLETIC CLOTHING and Sporting Goods for the new ;gymnasium. Come and see us. We :am the largest dealers in the city and our prices are the lowest. SHEEHAN & CO., Wholesale and Retail Booksellers FIRST NATIONAL BANK. OF ANN ARBOR. Organized 1863. e~apitai. $10tt00. Surplus and Profits, $40000. Transacts a general bunking businmss. Fareiga exchanges bought andusold. Furnish fetters of cedit. P. BACH.Preas. S. W. CLARKSON, Cashier. .22 Yearn in the Busines..1i4 CITY LAUNDRY, X. M. SEABOLT, No. 4 N. 4th ave. Miss Hattie Long, (fluitar, Mandolin ,and Banjo, 69 Miller ave., Ann Arbsr, Mrich. resuimedtisbinstudies. Prof. Itetoll dismcissed his class ins Anglo Saxoit yesterday, to give theim an opportunity to vote. Michrigan went Republican yesterday by a very large majority, Rich receiv- ing a plurality of 75,000. The p. g. latw-svill bold an elect'on of officers at J o'clock this afternoon in room 12, law builing. WX. W. Wedemeye, '95 lawt, delizvee- ed a rosing speechl before the young men's Republican club in Ypsilanti Monday night. Arthrur K. Kent, special lit, wits has been teaching i4 Spring Valley, Minn., has returned and will resume bis evork in the University. The junior and senior la-w football teams arc practicing hard for Thturs- day's game arod each side in equally confident of winning. I3. A. Willianms, '94 lit, who is at- tending the New York Art Institute, has been elected -a member of tihe Interstate Reporters Association. I Is a t1 tdy she wan defeated by Illinos to theArri'n H ie tune of 66 to0.niiiai w u Thte Cardinal states that H. V. IHol- lister, last year '95 la-t and icer on thte University baseball learn, did bty far the biest work for Beloit in lire Beloit-Woisconsin game Saturday'. Maity of time orations for the pre- liminary content, to take place in Feb- ruary, are already comumenced rood a fe-t are completed. Several coeds -tvill~ take part in the contest thin year. The Yale-Princeton football ganme on 'Thanksgiving day will in all pirobabil- ity be played at Beekely Oval, and $10,000 woill he expended in putting ite grounds in condition for the game. Prof. Lomtbard lectures at tire School of Music this afternoon at 4 ociock on "The Physiology of the Voice." This. lecture, like all the School of Music entertainments, except the faculty con- certs, is open to the general pubiic free of charge. Corner Washington st., and Ashley st. Ra tes $2 and $3. 'PHEON'E I123. M. STAM3LERg PRtOPIETOR. G. H1. WILD IHE [EADING JAILOB Has thn newest Fall and Winter Woolens and largest stork in the city. You can get any sealec- lion you are looking for. WO"OME AND SEE US. 2 E. Washington st., near Mainb st.