} At the Grand Opera House. "Steps Into Journalism." Sweaters, Gymnsumionlts and Sport-
MICHIAN CETRElig Supplies in the city. The right
Time Table (Revised) July 1, 1814 0 lCie olce Ilspector'," a iso ct BY EDWIN r. 811M aN, I'l. 11 price on everything.
EAST. WEST iielodiaa began its week's liii lt New, helpful and practical book by GEORGE WAItE.
Mal E..-413Mal 8t3his Gsand lst snight, ad hte oleingl iaChicago eitor, o all young writers, -rici.llssitsnl omo
N. Y. Special.... 6 10 N. Y. Special--- 7 i5efoilisuice was witnessedl by a large It tells how to get i sitatholwto EsenE--- 05N .Lmtd.-92 suite, furnace heat, 25 W Ailllainst.
A. M. Pciic Es 13 1i house The lay is a pelsiair oei costruct atsewpaper aricle, 111d Two Husstlers can mate good money
Atlantic E... 7 471M. load tti e th is h ot
11. N. Epress. . 060 Westen Es---- 1 1111islsthoeih plot is riis ives a tluotsaudi tltails inadideligt- soliciting subscriptions for the U. of
G. R. Espress ..11 03 l',it. Nt. E----10 2~ lost sig~htlof l ill eniililIols si.iplots fil style. pp 20; P'rie, $,25. Ai. Daily. all at the office in Tines
G. It.rxEs.
0.. It. teOsES. 11. Iv. Iss iES, tas introdusceid. Te plot iii real- "It is thorogly prlactcl. I 1know" block.
G. P. &aT. Ag., Chicag. Ag., Ass Abos, i0y seemils costructedl to iveiiin eni- of no other book whichi-icasn approahI
T., A.A. & N M RY l h', vaiety of situistionis, which iii it iii reliability, utility aid valbe"- WM_ R Z 27TTT. .
saings eff1 e Sundy Aug.1,I&. teal 11ndulliti soiie imprsbale ay, S. C.AWade, 1. A. L.. 0., 0.1. Critic FIRST CLASS CUSTOM TAILORING
'erainssleave Ann Abor sn tentrSt iiind- and iiissgivabn nt slisisie fssr 00101- for McClerg & C. Ils 'cISsl ss slss t.
liini55'.hg climsxc. No persoiwho0 exects toswrit, eseii Willi - t. entsnes.
NORTHs. !s. nSOUTa.. The priscisal ciarsitrs were swell occasionsally, for the ress Siould be DRPIAN LOK T
°12:25 11:W ass. tkei dtlsiimhssactorl - as leer. Si- without this valuable tetiss It is vnir
4a-uint. :0( l'i".THE WHJITEY EXERCIER.
an nbetwesi-eAsssbeloc and Toleosil-sil vetr godlSons liligS 5513051. univisersally commlleiiedes by tOilvs-1 VIIL
Osl insslitixcptSndyTlhe 111a17ws sl l sgd , ad sils itO ssapers of the conitry 3.n
All Itsslhassnsolyqualpt 5usdssy iios -acsspleepe
Pt.. (.tilEENWttOi, Agenst. iiisiisier fosiisnoist adift of lihs-liII- Asddress (51. Ss-hool 0 of siourna si, s s.i rot ssssssais s-; thorousgIt-sd Iies-
i. i. BENNETT. 1 . . old,0 tiiming sverythinlg sis siatursl. Tis tEvanstsn, 3iii. t .sg ,d' sfros .,sss IsosssdIby ie
esy iss sill stiiig tislsiO---- - si forstsg slises- ssi c ssdisya . All ats ar-frctaous
DIETAS & SCHANT7 cssyssas-mantoetlrtsing-sscuatissslIccd-ns-ssississgfrs.
aniiil efe-is srslisstisprs ini it thsst NOTICES. Ee ssateiby R. L. .BLOU N'. 14 N.
V. OF Z1. TAILORLS ooi1fsrigsitlgniilOiso-Ilsisl.eti AssssAcliss.
Latest and bese syles of 1Foeign sas4 lo- foll tillmst rt welss-l impiiroed. Thell Til'ee ie f itresio tobl for tC
sork guacsnteeeid ln. pessg .ssssi LUJUI5IlS hs : of M Dai1
spsirissgnesstly dose. sttill(, b hill Glob , St. Psiul. 51105 S-=alawfolvsoe_______law.____
48 S. Ssate t., Secoend Idoosr, Ams Aror.Set1-il.i. lAceii5 e.,50. sindl75. , h AL cnan-fica oie
-oo. 12-715 lt vs. 960lit.'h xi osalsiliiluoie
1 AERER, f~o o S~lii roiisthe Faculy, ans uotices from
H NOSEFRV5~sbsg ii otPmtc l~~ i Co t hic sthletic teaunssanti other student
- sgytoeer itlizenrsaofll'rtpeats-chNes. 3 ilirifNt orgaiatios.
stelin s~irs-' , eisofte r stNo.Inne -o Nv. rofNo. v. It contais cornplotereports of al
so110 codov.n tat tWinnerot ofwi net.14of wUniPuversity events of iteres-
Nov.h15-Ililelitiof. itv.s14ivs. wss'
___atuosciuui fie shiisS11 hiui-il-'efNo- 0.It keeps yhu posted" oii your ow,-
slsI uiet st.S ii-alies ll-As-otheri classes swisihig o rgau-atIeryolrdprtel.
liiist ofI ii io hlllrhseiiA~~ tisams to comupe to for ehrumuuiohu SUBSCRIBE NOW AN KEEP A IL
I X 11111 I Iiss Sohrs s aolsc 11-Ship, Seendlsorel as soohhas osh~sible lL
tirti sohhelhlIl-re'stpsilaclsles huhnocullewsill is- srstihg- $2.0 IN ADVANCE.
- - ieieIsiss o issg' out l liif lusus.______the_______
in ChiAIILES 17I1AII). Sbcriptions i, -- iveel at tlb
REQsU IRiEM[ENTSFO )1 i t.iU.SIIN.DAIALhS'ofiec,'iiss, buildisg,Stol-
All studets expecting to graduate i ets asud by all atheoriedl solicitors,
aly givein year holst report to tieFL W R F O E S
registar at the opening of the yeas L W R , L W R
and ascertain shat prescribed os-srk, if lo ers yhisssg si Eveyssdy
J n ;rany, is still ling for the deree COUSIS & NaLLs florit, 26 ' 'i'eslsscii
-- , U~naL'. I. dehlOIT.
A The clas fodbal gmes sill be higlt Gloss sasti Dnomsstc Fins.
IS played early thu year. masnagers and
,captains are ur'ed to get their ien E. S. SERVISS, Manager,
freuitlty consists out at once. 2 SOU 1tOl-tURTHL AVENUE.
issot Ik to vvsssng CHARLES BAIRD, Sigr.ECLIR+L U D Y
w shtherto at onc___ _EXELIO_+_AU DR
hisSroumtoctohy U. 0F . CALENDAR. bti70go i-(fo t a urahthn tee.Cslhe o
of slecionamog . thi s' ologsssfsteeevoicesSchool o
_________regard dtto the - lusic:30 ii 1)00m. tI0,FANKLIN HOUS
R AN-i., No. .-1' . glosslott I sill DETROIT, ME!@iCH
tprssssusl 12in ro om _ t(O CIO . t is ess lte ing isos e o 5
x y <. -ice bussinss oseerpeassisurestoi cn ie pe
linsor.,Nos. S.-')1,laose s-s.)'tlaws o tle and I
-it4 9 (Wes yu vsit DPrits7rri hes I-
and£131131 13335 f ' i <pleased isscs7lieu yup at 1ue el
~15~4'~IJ535 ~ Sit., loos 10 lse i asvs. tszsusas "~ukiilsue"e .hses
t a~~~~~~~~~~~~~~nd Bas es S 7 en i oiscee 7111 ,t1tlil{ ,°t lsssos s el n aCea o iart s
S t., Nov, 1('its sssvneabii t oto ana -hs-ssssis-isIO ls[!sis
* BEST 14 TH-E WOKCL.CAit eetossniof Oicrs5re Da s
SatO, 5o. 0) Ilthe -Nil iterie-s oi-- - -
yous may- pay ass mh as YesUspease foe anotherc ssaks cisty ususcs iii roousu40,7:30 1)t. us
and yous sill not obtain it,high qsaisty or you may41ve ietawwv
search a lhfe-time asmong hs apes goods wihoet finding , 11Sil]. Novi 10 1 of. h'Oog cotspeak F7Efjg'fER'5AaSc
anyehissg that a all approaches thesm. Wheno you're at'eoilru3' hurl t 10:1a Iin-.iPIN TO L
ready- to tslk over sonsiestmennsps~et tehs.smagif-suu No itt'eoiecus luehitee
cetsproucosossf50shuege-t msssusicalacory in the *totes oil '"Missios ii (biiu," at lit Nc ro/cu DIG TIONA 1?V
woold.Viey- ae sold iy leading deales everywihee. Sehod--h-ues.Osecc'i
Beautiful Suvenir Catalogue otining prrats oh 90 lcding V ilssNs.-12.nsserlass fooetaslss~ri on
atis, ree, upon ispisaiosn to te -ADcdna--
______ ~, s dd'ngahy
OpoieUinPr tesei)~~.~hWabash Avenue nd "fol 0 tA rand Educal
Opoit nonPr T'!Abes o h TnAdams Street oecs in-eresod issthlisscolumnssststhessaec
sitag...of cens pee lise. Special raei sor lssge irr 5t
Ciao. , - Chicag... timse sind etr, hises furnsised tysplyisglonD..
Twovofine suites of 12701, frace -comend o ais
hea, msodern house. $2 per soeek 3TieOe Grat Standard Auhioc
actiat 19 Wilmotit a. p-4ru~Pbhtesl by
all 3.-ic sae l t issoBele,.
Sole Agents, It --~pys to tradeill Whirs lnie r asehis eespopcts
sty htolt Sore:' Largest stock of ®.Ap -I,us bie c~,anS otencleos uy