34+ Pub1lshed :Ditly I(Sundays exceptied)drn thet-ttalt'gs year,tby 1HE U0 0 M, INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION, OFFICeE:T imeS building N. Mains -t., opposite' Sat teiptitmn ice x0.50 peeryear,-ivariabli y in advnance. Sn oisScns usrp tio may be, left at the ofitenof tie' Daily, at Statlit t, at State st. new stand, with any THE U. OF M. DAILY. College Songs. During thin month tihe publishers of- J. T. JACOBS. CHIAS. It. ALLMAND.. for to send the M17usicaf World on trial T he follow ing ongs wire sun;g Sy for four mouths on receipt of 25 cents Cornell in the ('ornell-tllrvart gaet, in stamssp. Thin will include te beau- JACOBS & ALMi1AND, Oct.2:tiu Christmas anti New Year's Holl-W Asec-SwEET M~Al't J . day numbers, and te four issues will tEALEiI N Lisen o Ste alewe ell Bily uicontain about 20 piececs of new music, Liron t the taleo Ode (oell, Billy l besides a large atmount of interesting S - )B~ Oil, musical reading. No music, lover We have traveled all the way should fail to accept this liberal ofter. COME AND) SEE U ~ - 'T Alanthattan Field today; Address Tue S. Itraitiard's Sons Co., We htave comie tto watclt yout ilay, Chcao Billy Oui. Ciao The Washington Block. I I-, t{111IT t tr~ IzIPIZ" -V On*,] I- s temmn tItttittt.sttttuld rtealhtheit titcttbiy IKick a goal, Billy Ohll teiteltck p. mtif titey ie tot tttfttt t thenet Whtile te slogans upwvard roll, E UpadrigOhie Cortiell yell,- ,-mmsiattttaaltttlt tt a'tt ttit Io-i- We are sotunding Harvard's knell THE U. OF M. DAILY, Billy Ohl? i E'T C __AntttAtrbttt, Silt. ,° te ___-It we once can Surns'ein dowvn, Billy " ' EDITORS. O111, 4 r>, L.LtttLit.'%lIS. itttwri Edilt. We xiii paintt 2uatiatttttt town, Bil- c 14. ittiesusaN, it. '97, Assistatnt. Th t ave said we eouldnt't score, Isith LEADING SCHOOL OF BUSINiESS and SHO1T- 'li.RCK ELLt. ,Asitn. Tey wl a i ee m r+HND Mtagnificent building; ten teachers; lag A. I. tttaittt i li. '5, ti-ttit. 'ite xvii ay t ieve ittre aattndance; gnad disciplitte; superion woatk; nitl .1. A. ItR, it, it.ti,Athtletic Editte. 'iWienth le gisiste today is o'er, Billy are matte inth ie immense Xictor toe-nspptl-id rading room; daily lectiures;Saturtday Jt. S. teoitti -Ltt '955 Buttintess ltttttttgv. Ohil. H. J. 0. tre l sniits aiiis i~tct i tttrtceptionis; open the antiateyeare. dxe-toa aiiisfrplcn tdnsi oi ay _-- As..tatitt. Bo e and ream $z to $2.75 peraweet; ittpriatet - Assittttt. Atit--St, i,,ta.1 Ca1t itttntetc. Itaseball anti Tennis Goods, Footballstfinities. Thee ates seduted tin t5i by attt LITRAY. (ftotnhliseantiurditFofo tballSupples, aidiita tor Catlogueaddiests ii Thoito,'7ttv 1.. 55l,5. OalsttitootFolttyba lltuslis ymnastiuml, P R. CLEARY. Pies. Carrie V. Smittt, 'tEi. E.-. +.vl tiita9 eserISrntntndS arngSosiB xn tt. A. ttancenr,'95s . i. It. -rli-tit . . ere jolly Cornuell students, whiove Sprining ailrSparingPhoes, Hoxin S. B. Shiley, i5. MDALntti. comte thet teami to cheer. Gl(oves, Indian Clubs, lDutmbBells and 1HEGAI)OEA ,OS F . iickistte. We wantS to hold the crimesoni downi,arTH SD DETL_1_.G_____s. btmstol Y ie ecsigLns r edes eT IJ 1EVENING NV acttst-t-tMEOAIC. 'do see "Ptop'"Warnuer risthie ball also restring 'Tennis Rancnts. _____________________________ across te Harvard line. All cttpynmt at t ofie tt bt't~a't'et'r e,a. E-t____f__ r~liirt oin; atr in. of te tdtyttf ttblitiontt. Last week we caaused old Princeton ttTtent't t tt-ttiittteit'tte to tremuble and to quoai, OVERMAN WHEEL CO. M r. XVt-n..Morris 'tittaetiltttra te ntteltd tmenttlavu-a et-it-A.double kitSw-e twistetd inithe Bible'forte ioptlinionts te stttementtaottcttts- Nassau tiger's tal--,- atker s ictor iclesni.. it tattga iye tlt tittdeittapea inett it heit IttLYi. Today we iteet xithtHtarvard, atid 5Bosne. Pildephti. Ditroit. ptodetini r ttStlia a aitteat play, If -t t ie tsrehaitOit unto them wse'll show Sitw Stub. Chicago. Denver. Ifayo h eorsb reteHoax'Bitlly Ohl s-outkick te basll, tPACII OTt : tTH "E LOST P.ARADISE tnti'ltg ttf tilt stthot ortcttt ltdt tand 111( autt Ittsstig itala tlo'. tan FPanss co. LosAngees. Potltand. ______________________________________ A brillitly ttitttttten td tiawarful tdrtntt yeterdatytS aftt'tnttnlttt 11s its ttttttfileSo itere's success to old C orntell utpont * '1 tofttheties. 305ntgttts itt New Sttrk. Set- Mahta Acade ic M u ithe-aittt tttikain theItrott Wvrks.ttirecatoa motdsraeu tfftairs 5whill-l -stver tuuanutuFieldi, II.oUf ii'..Glius~IC tavsel tttut.a An oorrushters antd our backss 1' eat I arutaitO; 1t'ttlet't itlt'.5eit ttceurt'td int hit'Iiversaty. At tttt now mtay te crimson yield. Gtlry 9 n e othtetr unetiutis yeatr iuas tie frtlt'r- We knsoxvthtat xve will hsoid thtemnt ut-udat nect, tt'betni ii ~ l V downt, but most of all we pine 'COLLEGE S JI iNo r E~ut tiy-ndpedetibe )s'at rpte To e Pp anrrs h alacross Ste Harvard line. 0. H. iF. Stoat populaaleIeectioette nu itrawt, atdtttito__behoped__that__it_ lisptud. Stae 10lts00atotd. Heavy Papev, BTu LINE TO utever wilt sm-It au extenS againt. INTER-COLLEGIATE. 50 cents; Cloth, GGlut, $1.00. Ther_ INDIANAPOLIS,. 'ile entiroeueetiusg was hutntmark-dS otly- I111Ltieteupniedto to hiocall''New Harvard Song-Books.'' LOUISVILLE, etrolst to thioqttiet, harmo-tuietilett 't- Icuinaltenws avr ot filecreet-t-andmidtetns it Harvardi o1t tevlaer, ttv1.att0 itstt tt~'anid-CINCINNATI.. lien stf the settoltis.sv hiert'thleHevP0vt0. 'Tut'stday. fraternuity menot ttte'd like getntlemeutaut EEGN 'n eersece ssc. hue Aillituits alevenaillxt betapresenit- "COLLEGE SONGS FOR GIRLS."EEAN, tut tr eialt ss Ta.'hiee ttt witittciSiolitd siive-rsctlit y StH.A. As sun.ts ite tt'tdiutgettliegie oitit att. Through.Sleeping Oars is not txcuste fer OhioJeitadutihisseHeavy Papev, Si1.00. tiETWEEN ttf yesiterday, andttui xlilo sihere iti5 tno tifCtiutuebiAitumetof oSon"vii Petoskey, Louisville and doeubt ttsat t'e iunttpendetts eul -I-t-a~satt'laats S."otsAlu fSns"Cincinnati. ('entall rtaliks us thea ittst frternity A utetwcolltetiottottfintt1yirvital sotitgss.by____________ ptartly' to blamei'.vet the fratterutnxityittet tt-tttttutor fn e reat-i a a t ettlto sitnitt litihips' it t hit' itunt'y. tit iha27 chiap- ctttvea' niit ind ttett. Si.00. ASK FORS TICKETS VIA ttwxe iittothileir fraiarnitiesl-s if tt to - - - - - Atty btttok atsIentpo taittotttteeeit;ttof picle. a-..,. . -,Set,,,.fiSic iittilatittan=ef tnlttltttts iatiatl _tu t A BIU + A0 U.L1 + TL A1i cetitt-thisaf tenon.ti'ttalis t S'rttmi preseult luutlt'ttittts thea tieD-st crowdttwichliautile a-r gticii' tOxa i lit's. til ittlIaiteturishlu condutitlin. it Yti0 llttt(' hi-it tiiE)'tettgttis -taxisted.I t1i-x--ir ltittri' Will le tiltVvtsitiliatet'y Staetdtfotittitttinttt ftheaew _______dBI_+_FUR _+_OUTE F 0 intliu5tt'f.a0 tImtisictN OLIVTYER DITSON CO.,. Paaaen vTratluit Mgrt Gen. I &TAT Kt. S 4 0tsttgom 5,liitut. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. trout haret tatroi-tit xvll uttenidthe I tttU.ttl11.ttttt-a. ttiitt -CttttN.tg Y. -FOOTBALL SUPPLIES. (Of siturseo there xI111he great t tutlt t he tii' rtsitlettl itt itite