{i THE U. OF M. DAILY. U. O F M. DAXILY. Publ'shed Daily (Sundays excepted) dring the College year, lby THE U, Of MK INEPENOEI ASSOIAION. Subscription price $2.50 per year, invariaibly in advance. Single cspies 3lcents. Suhscrip- - tines may be left at the office of the iAIi.Y, at Stlet's, at State st. new land, swith any of the editors or authied~e slicitors. Comnctossol reach theoffice e y 7 o'clock pi. m. if they are is appartheriiext day. A ddress all mater int enlded fsr pbli- cation to tie Managing Editor. All biusiiiess communicatiiois shiould ie, sent to le lBus- iies,, Manager. THE U. OF M. DAILY. Anii Arbos, Mi. EDITORS. J. L. Lonir., Lit. '15, Managing Editor. F. P. SAnLi~t, Lit. '96, Assistant. P. 11. WILITrS, Lit. '5, Assistant. S. Bi. SunnY, st. '1, Assiant. J. A. Lenilv, Lit. 9l, Atheic Editor. Win. A. Moa, Lit. 'li, Business Manager. --- ,Assistant. Assstant. TATERiARY. LA5W. L. A. Prat, '9i. P B. iiaill, '45 Minie Thoniosoii,'97 1E. L. Evans, '9b Carerie V. Smithe, p.. liarrytColeman, pel. atnnies.. DENTAL. E. S. Siblat, '5. All copy must be at the oicebeforeO:30 a. m. og the day of publication. The ediors do not hiolsd thiemslses respon- sihle for the opinionssor stalrmratsof corres- ponidents, appearing in tin DIALY. Edition today 3,000. The Daily requests that Freshimien wolultd not miail their letters anid hios- tals in the Daily box iii tile Main hall. Tliose fountd thiire yesterday Nvere puit in the post office, but we ral hartly promhise to takecrare of such imatter in S the future. - Once imore the Daily lutst bg he indulgence of its subscribirs, in the de livery of papoers. It is n niiail miatter to arrange the different routes and manty nmes arc yet to be handed in. Another free tistribution will be made today and iii this llallliir it is hoped that all will receive their piaper. Those who fail to do so can get both today'a issue and baick nuiibers by calling at the otice. Amiong the changes ini tile faculty 11o Vacancy occasions a mote siniere rie- gret 011a11 that of Prof. Dewey, of the clii of phlilosopuhy. trof. Dewey was at man of tunquesOtionedl ibility, oiie of the very foremost iii Is department. ils call to Chicago LUiversity iierely demonstrates the witdeness of hiis repu- tation land While We coigrattlate our sistec university oii s0 great aii acqui- silionl, we can lnt but regret the losn of so excellent a professor anid so lov- able is 11111. Coming to Michigan. Ithaca, N. Y., October 1.-Prof. Ilar- ry IB. Hutchins, associate dean of the Cornell law schiool, hs accepted the positioni of tdeaii of the Uiiversity of Michigan law school Prnf. tiutchinis will- remalin at Cornell unitil tile close of the fiscal year-Free Press. J. Rtaleigh Nelson, '94 lit, is intstruc- tor in Latin aull Freiichi ini the Grant branch of the west side high school of Chicago. The Medcal Congres. Dr. Victor C. Vaughan, dean of the Medical department of the university, ihas just returned from Europe, where lie was ini attendance upon the inter- iiational congress of hygiene and dei- ographiy at Muda-Pesth, Hungary. There were 2,000 delegates present at Olin congr(ss, wichi lasteilninectdays, repiesenting all the civilized natinis of the world. One of the most iitiresting paers of the Inine tdays' prograim was tat of Dr. Vaughaln 011 "Immunity Produceil by Ntcli'i." Nuein is the nosy rem- city from which so rach is hosed in th liplreve'ntion aid cure of tuberc- losis. Aioter paper by Dean Vaugh- in was oii "Bacteriological Exaiina- tion of Drinking Water." D. F. G. Nosy, of te Medical faculty, read a papiIe'onii"The Sulueof Germssii the Atsence of Air," wich recivei care- fil attention. Dr. Novy ixibitieiap poaratus devisesd by himiself for this puirpose. , Like apparatusinow110bein'ug mnaufiactrdi'iniGte'iasiy. Law Examination, Candidates for advanced staiding ini the Lawv departmet were exanin- ed in "tleading and tPractice" at 8:6 this mioiniiganut will take the exam- iations in "P'ei'ooial Property" at 2 o'clock aid iii "ixtures and Ease- iments" at 4 o'lock this afternoon. The oter examinuations oii the fol- lowing subjects occr at the iidicated hiotiis: Wednesday, 8:15la. ii., "Eq- uity Pleadilnig 11nd tractic"; 2 p. i., "BlailmientsanutS (arriers"; 4 p. ii., "Coitract."Thiursday, 8:1 a. ii., "Torts"; 2 p. u., "Agency"; 4 p. mi., "Partinership." Friday, 8:15 a. il., "Domestic Relations"; 2 1. in., "Bills intl Notes." 'The examiniiatinls will lie iii writing. Proessor Eaterhrook Dead. Prif. J. E. Eatybrook, of Olivet college dii't last Saturiay, after ai fews dalys illns'ss. Se ws oie of the best klon e-ldeucators of the state, having stpeit 4' years in his cosei hrofes- sion. At diferent timles in his clreer Ih' hasiei'ii prinipelal of tie public schools of Ypsilanti a1111i Sgiiaw; also of the State _Noriial at VYpsilati. For twso termls le filled with cretit, the office of stae superintendeiit of public instruction, and in 1870 le was lectedl regent of the University, wlilicl position le eld fr eight years. Siice 2880 hils timie his beell devted to the interests f Oivet college. . OF AT. CALENDAR. Thlurs. eve., Oct. 4.-First Faculty C'tiicert. Frieze Mitemorial hall. Fri., Oct. 5-Adlpic literary so- city mees un old qalrters. Sat. eve., Oct. G.-Reepion at New- berry Sall. Sat, Oct. t-Varsity vs. Mcigaui Military Academy at Athletic field. Mlon., Oct. S -First issue of "n- lander.' INTER-COLLEGIATE. Students of Harvard have organized a nillitary tcoipany. The undergraduates of Princeton rc- cenltly held a mnass meeting and de- cided to abolish all practice of hazing. Sow-a's sear ;governor, S. J. Kirk- wnod, in his will bequeathed a large part of his properly to the University of tow-a. Thle Illiiii, the weekely psaper pub- lishied by the students of the Uiver- sity' of Illinois, has three woiien on its editorial staff. The P'ennsylv-ania rush linle for this year will lie we'akeiied by the loss ot Oliver, guard; Mackey aiid teesi' tackles, anid Simlons coil, of last year's teamo. '[le freshmilani class ini the Univir- sity of Wisiconsin u mbilihers 35(0, a Imuchl larger re'gistraitionl than iii any year lprevioius. Within the last year' foeir iiewscnllege blillaigs lone bseii coilletetd. To give the "Best on Earth" is ilie motto of Witters' Palace ;.aundiry, whichi leaves nothing undoiie thlat can1 ibn done to give perfect work. We col- lect Mlondays and deliver Thursdays. Leave oiders at Foldst's 'tailor Shioip, re of State and Williaml sfs., osr ad- drs'ss card to L. D. Carr, 21 N. State st. 22 Yearn in the Buinens ""M~ CITY LAUNDRY, M1. M. SEABOLT, No. 4 If. 4th ave. Subsciiho for the LI of M. Daily, J. T. JACtOBS. CHAS. B ALILMAND. JACOBS & AILMAND, DSEALEFRIS IN + 4 SHOE -S. + + The Washington Block. FLOWERS, FLOWERS IaFt e>It. .andiEverybody. COUSINS & HALL,. 15511i h '.6 Unvrsitycleuho e 115 EXCELSIOR + LAUNDRY!I 20ET HURIl~ON OSTRFET. G~ood Itu torGuraleied.eod's cilled for anddelercd. : .I4)% 'IC. l'riop. COTRELL &lLEONARD, ALB AY, N. Y., 4;2 Ass 471 BRiOADstAY Sletiers sf C(-al's GOOil s toi.,the~ treatise', etc' uponiirequest. V. A. MlUllhlLIL, Agt., 44 Will iatee I MERCHANT TAILORING ! Cleaning-, 1ressino see itepairing dune neatly by AUG. S'HOENEWALPi 26iE. Waihington T' A n.. The DAILY contains official notices from tile Faculty, and notices from I. = thin athletic teaiss and othler student oraiain.It contaiss complete reports of all LI/41 University events of interest. St keeps you posted on your own Is ihe LEADING SCHOOL OF and every otiher department. HAND. Magnificntm uildii. attendance; good discipline supplied reading room; da: SUBSCRIBE NOW AND KEEP A FILE o iat11Tfaiteties2T op~e Boaed and room $u to $2 $2.50 IN ADVANCE. families. These rouest reds hoaeding. Fur Caalogiuea Stlbseuiptouho received at the DAILo oIce, Tuises building. Stoft- let's and by all authorized solicitous. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. tOF ANN ARtntR. Orga.nied 18131 Caital, $5t,0H0.Surplusaed 'refits, $P0tHS0 Trasacts a yeial bakiiig.boiness. 1loreig'- eahanu es boonltSand saol.'uiiish letters otcediat. P. BAChh lres. S11W. CLARKOSON,Coshiner INTI$RNA PIONAL4 Nefrm DICTIONARY ws 'Sccessrof the A Dictionary of 4nglish, ti 'Geography, bcyl Biography, E Iqe .itin, rEtc. iN NA rand Educato' KAhreast osthelTimes 5 Library in Itself Icon. D. J. Oreueors j1!,Jstiee of thie P. S. The One Great Standard Authority. isblisted bhr nIeose hbyail Booksellers. Sen o he 0I'llo iliccer orifree prosupectuis. 05150 Doihnotburepritofaenncient editios. 0.-0 A.