tl e tL of Al. iIn4 VTOL. V. No. 34. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1894. PRICE-THREE CENTS. '97 LIT ELECTION. H. G. Paul Elected Presicent-Frats Out in Full Force.-Greet Excite- ment Prevails. Yesterdayocectirretd the fist meet- ingaeli the sliophomore class for the year. The mnelting was called for the iurpose of ielectiing class officers, buit the affair teriniated ill a row. aind onily sile office was filed. The fraternity iien ssere in the hield de'terinedt that silicers sholdis not is eliced', but that coimmlittees should be selected tis take charge of lass affairs. (On till othliianliaa malljority of the indepu'ienits diesiredi thst r(egiilalc officers should tie elected. Th ii otionio I)carry(lit tiellaitter iidea isas carried. 'Lile fraternlity men 11 en' which illeimadei. HI ii 1 1made k'thll object (If sirulienit attack and1 the co- ills 151111 'viri' present tbecame d iis- It. CG. Pact's Illilill'as lireseintedl for the office of pre'isidenit. This 11a15a oIf tile fraternlity represenitative's. is nailie washOIissed and ilanothler 011111- ie 11110 called fo.Till.'fraternity menilthin iproceede~d tiiiioinate 01e111 calndidates for tile offiee. Finally they mlovedi tlaC. Patil he the unaninisi nonminee. tils eetion followed. IHIi was then niominated sticcessively for Science of Rhetoric. Aniong- the interesting courses illtile tniversity sue of the most instructive aind geiieraily iisefuli courses is Prof. Scott's Science of iRhetirie. \o single tlext-bolok is used, bufta wide rang" cif reaidinig is required in ilreparuationi of recitaitionis. Writteni work is reqiiredi for each recitationl and this c'overs' in a sunrise manerieiiadlig ine Northwestern College Ethics. (Fromlia lttir in t'ehandslo (f till ttonor System comm~littee), Tue coummittee consists (I f uiv eul- tiers of the factilty, incintding the ii'es- ident of the university, andt tell stu- dents from the under'-gradtuat's (If tile (Collegeo(fELiseral .Arts. iy till' presiden'lt of the i'university. uipon~l assigned subjects. Onue 1-50, aTile studlenlt memibers lred'lcehd by week is requtiredI ill additionl tol cass tile student body, liy writtea'lltis. wo'rk. 'fill'class ivork (If "aehwi vOk (c11115 till'inile's in~volvdlinill1111 e'ssayv for tile net wick. '1110object (f the course is tll il-Ici wvriters 1111d1speaiker's 111dis al 5'nl'lal scienltificl study of tile ltehic-liieIs of rhletolric. This is a thinking 11111s1 11111 11o11 work is (If little hlpt. 'tie writtenl wllrk begiiis with imle dcs11- t'riiltiolls and advlances to tilt' hgher forms of discourse1' ty gradullislips, eachi ldvalncemenl'lt being inilrkld by acarieftl study of picileis inlvied. 'Tue cltss- rsoo 11wrk lpartake~ts mutcih (If tih' nature of diiscuion5i and((i tis i At prcestnt tiit'classes are en~gagedt in stud~yinig till pirinlciplies If Dara- tises. Specinunsll"of deIsc'riiptionll and tei'lstilg Iisciussionls lilt"e((c11recital The tonditionls of electionl lie'soI ar- raniged tihit six of the stiudenlts shahl ('0111'fromlltieueiillr c'lisses lanl four fromo the losser classes. The preslient (If till'iuniversity is the prcesidinge offilcer. In iiis abtsenlce tue senor'Imembler (If thie'Icomllittee wsoulud presitde,iprotalyt. The tpresidilng officer has,11o1ve(1 lower. 'Tie functiolls of till'comm~litteie are to make inqluiries conceriing tin' etlii- caIl afftairs of the sltdlents in thirl reltsto11111 l tie iuiiversity 111111till commuillnity; to dilscnss the( facts as- cerltainled, 111111to isake t'eeollllelldi- tionls to till faculty or lottler univer~- sit' authorities. Tue comm~littee has 110 legistLtive ipowlers. It als to aus- certainl till'puiic i senltim~ent andi as far as possitlie to m~ake a iiealthiy pub- lie sentimnlt. It has happened 111 tioni hour. As tue work prolgresses severlloccasionls thailt stiudenits true otiher forms (If lite'rary' work N111ill'ehavoeenglagediin quiestionlelII aff airs takienl up. have aplpearedl before the consm~ittee' NO GOOD STUDENT Trys to larnl withlut books. Stome peopletlotiglh try to use musical insruimens with little or' nitstone. We Say Buy Those Which Hae Tone, We sell thalt kiiit. 51 South Main st. STTIDIEJITS! FOOTWEAR! BEAL'S SHOE STORE tOpp( Courtiouste tais St. It you wantllto0get .a fue box cli CHOCOLATE BON-BONS Cheap; Hot or Cold Lunches Either Night or Day go to R. E. JOLLY & CO., State St. REUBEN H. KEMPF, Ir1m the RoyaliCoterviatory Teacher of Piano, Organ and Musical Composition; also the Art of Teaching. Studio 2S. tDivisioii St., Asii Aor Mich. MERCHANT TAILORING! Cleaiiig. resleug asdRepirinelg (lane eatly iby AUGO. SC 1IENEWALO, 2ICE. Wasldungtss HOT £M2SfOIHI ES LOWNEY'S CHOCOLATES + TUTTLE' S, i +48S. STATE ST. SCHOOL OF DANCING I'l-sss.nCo ope. Puplsiir.eceived at ayr tise the term s-atintlg with idate ofladirdms- Son. Alllsosae Under the prsnIal il- struetionlof irM. aidtis.tRos Graiigs. N stais t mounsit. OPicesand Iacisa ihlt 1n hic treun1 (or, (f Mayn((lid St. WAHR'SBOOKSTORE!1 We. offer discount on alt University Text-Books, Law, Medical, Pharmaceutical and Scientific Books. We buy and sell second-hand ooks. Matheinatical Instrumeints and Drafting Supplies at special rates. We offer Best Linen Paper at 20c Per Lb. BEST NOTE BOOK FOR 25c. SOLE AENTSiFOR ++ WAEMANSIDEA FINAIN PEN +- TWO SmoRcESs University flostoire Dow Tow, ol Sltst. Opp. Court House. Cue offices of first and second vici' president, for noe good purpose. Here use the fraternmitty men showed anm un- fair spirit by electing him, afttic most of the class had dispersed. The class will hold a umeetinug to elect the renining officers in rooimi 9 tit 4 o'clock this afternmoon. 'Varsity Football Practice. Today Clii 'Wursity eleven wiii get its last. dat's practice before the Kansas ga iue, as they lieave bt' the T. & A. A. toinorrowv at 11:3i0. Yesterdays prac- lice svas minty dev-otedl to signals, the two clevenms being lined up asghinst eachm other only for about 15 mintes. 'fle end runs and new' plays are being grmtduullt'perfecteud, and Cisclly' lug in geneual is becoming much live- lier. The reserves are again showing a tendency CII slay awvay from prac- tice. As they play Albion Saturday, it is necessary for all to ho out ever'y day neow, if they are Isosin. The players dressed in the old coons under timeimod- ical building for the last tinme yester- day, as they get lute time gymnasiunm today. The arrangements for baths have been finished and the waler has been turned on so that a few' of them can be used. Subscribe for lbs, Daily. Alpha Nu Program. and sluited their side of Clue mautter. 'lie recommmedations that ths' emum- 'Tie prtogramu to bse rendered bhi leimitee hums broulght before thue faulmty Apht Nim Satuiriday. Nov. 10. is as thus far have alvats heelsacusieiIsced followvs: i. 'fle r(ecomimendations of Clue coms- Music , itee have sometimues beenm read lit-- Declmuatioum- - -. 1. Shletfirrelime stuidentlboidy, andmth umusaide Impsuroumpuitmspeecthl . ItiBockh15 almeans of repiresenmting to Clue student Otration.........W.It. IMeru Music-------------------odtlfle ouiiosiin of theiir repre'senmta- Dtebate: Rlesolved, tliaC great events lives. imakte greutm n, uand nut greait men1 This arrmngement hils Iexiste t'( thi greaut evemts. AlT., G. C. Emery''t'and( us for three years. J1. E. Lutnelmr; neg.. t1. steisuner amid '1hie C elomititee haus hautt seserali ic- It. A. Danmeer. Music- - - - - - -elsions Ce meet mand disciuss matirs Critic's reportl- - - - --........ nd to make time rec'ommecndations to _________________- Itimeauthuorities. Glee and Banjo Clubs. Yes, it has proved satisfactiory Ce Time(lice ant Banjo Chumbs ainniow-time facult anmidCtimte studenits, ull practiclig dailt'. Beth clubs have just things tuakenm intol considerations, but received several niew pieces. Several ws-cflid it has its defects said('very selections for the (lice Chub hatvi' been year wve try to correct these defects. writte'n and are neow being tiracticed Most serious objection lies iii Cle faet upon. 'lieidate of Clue home concert that time Student memuber's am-u not has hot as yet been determineidi. alssays representative, but this entire- ly under control, as time faculty die- Altilon tdefeated Olilvet yesterduay lit tates Cue mannser of ele'ction.--Lehigh at score of 1S5CeoIt. Brown White. WV. F. Edwvards, '92 lill, hus returumed Ce take his msaster's degree. F'. C. Benmt, '94 lit, is principlal in time Dr. Iluiber wliiigve his class iii high stcmoel of Wtykoff,. MinneIsotal. embryology practical deumonstration E. L. Evanms, '90 luisv, went Co Is todaty. ionic ttCorumnult C e eysterday'.