THE UT. (O1 M. DAILY. I I CRANDALL TYPEWRITER F. C. STEBBINS, ยข[L-DINS A VINOYMAN Islclin,. couoI)ii hooks good - f for $3 for $2. 50. r Jy ATISFACTION QUARANTEEI '24 l'. XvI1 1 i gal R-iTi 'ilie onlty High Grade Minteon sthe MresodaaKe ,nbe rie "IPE PRSimple; Durable; Writing in Sight; A tewl itietlon fot duplicatini Pertmanent Alignment; Instantly Copies of wr itiugs aiid dratwit gs. Changeable Type. D :1g, J. S. PEARL, Agent, I G3ti X toiie ton '. Ass ArbotMih. - FLAG PINS $,10. _ i fh Yellow and Blue But- - - tons60c. t tmnotsseri'tinal anorinarey paer witth With U. of X. or the 'tay pet,'100Xcoisnibtieititde. titty year 75c. copioftypeewritetrtmanuscripts te'ed inl iotes. en reei l andtssamplesiit --. ot wonrk. GElNTSi IAN tI t WM. ARNOLD'S, Jeweler. LAWTON & CO., 11ke A L20 Vestv St., New ork LAMPS! LAMV M_ I.Sr'7iE'.A Z ,I.DER variety and give You lower prices tho OFtttFICE: 1W~-tttntto t., 'Ph~otneNo. 8 I at tvo . .It., 'thote No. 5t. An examtinatioti of oar stock de ande most imipttoved lamp made. I M-RS. ANNIE WARD FOSTE'S Lamp Btusintess is wcrtli some thig School of Dancing and Delsarts. :D F Stuerday, 10 a. to., Gentlemoat betit eselss. 44 South Main Street. sSattteoy, 4t. it.,i Lttytteointters tas.- Monsdaty,, Advanced Clasis(Ladies' UNIVERSITY NOTES. Tutestay,7:.t0 t. int., Binre- tslas iLadis SCHOOL,. 46 S. STATrE ST. campultis. B O O SWoti. Codoti, '3 tdent, is praticing InistrstutrHhittes' ottice ttttr is Second Hand Books, froi 1:30 to 2 o'clock each day. College Text Books, Niniety'-seven will Bldt a Bitt.ol tet- itog intshie echtpel thtis afteonttt. Law Books, . E . Miler, '94i lit, is teaching itin Medical Books, anti Greek at "Motunt "Morris, 1ll. at cut rate prices at lte T. Palmter, '93 law, is inite loll 'everal mtotions I-ereargih',l before U9Jl~llIl Prof. Bogle intshlelpratctice court ye-s- STATE STREE'T. terdaty. Bargains ini Statiotiery anid Note Ala-nubro ,idlshv Books. special reductions this week A btr'itittro tt'isltl on K. & Es Drawing Instruments, gone home teotdty for llth ttrltose' of W~e have tlte best. votintg. S PALDINC'S ATHLETIC CLOTHING Alfred C'.-Marshal, '93 lit, is wvorkitig amnd Sporting Goods for tihe ne in the -Municiptal' Lighititig Plant at THE EV Schale's 6Booktuo OCCIDENIAL Formerly with George Wahr, 19 . Washington st. Headquarters for YPSILANTI, MICH. everything a Student needs in the _lineo Tet-Books, Stationery and SUNDAY DINNERS AT 5 O'CLOCK, Miscellaneous Stock in general. itd'tt ttt -I MARTIN SCHALLER, thi edcue , hl n i;eer ei~net rrelzest I ' " 1ti THE DOWN-TOWN BOOKSELLER, Motto rditltug 9 . Washington st., one block W H. LEWIS, Prop. east of Main st. EMIL DREFS, v A. E. MUMMERY'S, -Jb The iiU , $11 r' largest bottle test rferrettes tposible itt Iiuroe, N "t orktt. of TOOTH POWDER City,iitittleatutttdiAnnsArbie Sl~t Ottet. , Sin the city for 25c o G4 S St~~tc:r ~ itme -id e t s.1 o and your money back 5u THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK b S Iteccrocit' factory at oftis hslt s ititirot 46 5.MAINaTREET 1unotetes t htitDc t toa tit r~nop eriWit ___._______ _ .._____________ llett fittitiSaely et the bent-to if t E R GS O E Or r~tcricS. Ihlaiti it.,laamod Stale:it., cite- OAshe I . & Fitz r tissxICsr i Y tiro ilim i.,hv Thle Daltilit tylr.0 XIa liyear . Ii I S f [YT I M~ tgi rt h ue i this Itti rt oiti6itS. i MAttti I Nt'y S TREs tdET. tiii montiteyeottertittthentains-thetricto. Two the ealItirsxpeieceithi-I al adseOuR E forWETMuRchsig }aty ftke n e trter'gtnri ittg oXt f itii ~ Y Tl 'flit'~~ S. ('ai.nIstt.,land t'taoettsti, DININ is oti. CO M P deFts(il lrro D Yti-.I nCr oStatelandstLiheityit lii'ta t rinci '9l ito f isc ools t1ll Ots ~ 1 IIE titetrow alri toom i n4 ihomelo n e-I i- eSainrSotn odecNh tihlyat hi atleichiee offertheLwetries 'd'ly mrix nt tiott. ft li onrH dtos'Detmo i stiipersthei i ng Clladit u efr ithaig gileli adt Jura , ol ave3. ciitorctti FO WashingtonAS t.,EAmid h. fakorort ilrectare Otn Ite mlt AT YiT.E Dh a tA of theTEConfederacy." T he"laseatilforh 'tetbr iegs ft rtesient iehritt elos F Cr.)SateF nd Lber123, tiheshimRelartin s t.trtts be li The it9Ivandthe8best fqoibleamshed ~ STEL~ wiml ie iii or aepnraltlicte ~ e mito- 'rlyt ttera stticfeltd tei. tsms m etenerainfernt onftrthe S -{n-.II.iIi leue. he oit c iarasedregrd ins ethe edissolut tio otenopoariTll Ebli oganiatuordaySamNrayv. smm1dietilnLLliIIJoIALO HasythefnewestFalleandrWinte not taenjunior climtte.N bu- Wnsadlargestd stock in th7e messi 'au atrasaceteda , n na- ctyhoea etayshc sora int was ta eat ou settingld . thuyuae looinfr theetingcofsteynfetnoo ert heng. It isD probbethat aicaluIionlf heiseforry THE ANDSEEIUS. aotr ne waketn withtwe ek. t 2ing Waionto at.,ookneafr.Mi t gymonasiunm. Come and see us. We am e time largest dealers in thec city and our-prices are the lowest. SHEEHAN & CO19 Wholesale and Retail Booksellers FIRST NATIONAL BANK. OF ANN ARBEOR. Organized 1863. Capital, $100,000.iSerplus aid Prefitsi, $40,001. Transacets a geineral banintig business. Fqreigs exchamiges bought aid sold. Fiurtish Detroit. Miss Lonla Soutthiiaytd, '93 lit, is teaching schtol Ailligeod succtess it Ishipemting, Miichi. The Wisconsin Cardinal liai resorted to fashion motes as a mneatis of finling out thirm coltimmns. Ninde, substitute ott the 'Varsityt leant, lasS:formerly a mietmher of lHar- yard's boat crelv. letters of credit. A. B. Connable, '9I lit, liai entered P. BACH, hires, . SIV. CLARKSON, Cashier. Nrhvsen Utvriy lhr t 22 Years in the Business-' wIlill take up the study of lawv. ITV lanager Hardy, of the '98 football CIT LA NDR , tamhas arranged a ganoe vith the Normal reserves at Ypsilanti ntext Sat- M . X. SEA"OLT, No. 4 N. 4th ave. unlay. Miss Hattie Long, The text-book on "Pleadimg'for the TEACER junior laws has not been definitely Gu~itar, Mandolin -and Banjos selected, hut it Iwill ho anntomunceeint eA Mler ave., Ass Arbor, Sich. a short time.