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November 06, 1894 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1894-11-06

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At the Grand Opera House. Nov. 14-W inner of Nov. s vs. High en Eagle Clothing Co., of Detroit,
IH G N T LSchool. Mticli.,sir. Rose has etered to the
Time Table (Revised) July 1, 184. The Police Inspector is a story of Nov. 16-Whinner of Nov. 5 vs. fiest trade at the University for tie
EAS WEST police life in the metropolis, and the winner of Nov. 12. past six yearh, and gives You a special
Mail and Es.4:05as Mail .._-- i M opportunities for good character work Nov. 19-Winner of Nov. 14 t. wain- invitation to call and examnie the
MaY.Seal-Es.510 15N. eial-.- 2 05vwichi it affords the company is tI'll-er of Nov. 10. goos which le is showing today. Ie
A. M. Pacific Es __ 12 1 1110ved by- each member. Mr. Stevens Any oler classes wishiiiig to organ- cal save you fromi ive to teii dollars
Atlantic Es.__7 41.M ae h try e idyp
l. N. Express... 5 40 Western F ___ 1 3tersonse h tudytkss y111ie teams to compete for champlllion- on earls suit.
G. It. Express. .11 0 Chi. Nt. Ex...-15 25 lice inspector with just appreciation, shi, send word as soon as possible TIIO AfllAtE'S
O. W. Reossn, i1. IV.HiiES iiid s far 11asaeup is concerrned and places in schedule will be aralig- Calsoldiisoifroietr,1
t. P. & T. Ag., Chicago. Agt., Ans Asbor it w5ould be diffcult to distingurish hiiiii elI fordisionfo thitrnss.-
T. & N M fY. fromiithe present superiitndent of CHARLES I 1 ). C. sek.$ o ess oMyI 5
Tpoli~etSnay u.1 84 11cr, Thos. 1-. Byrne, f Nw York. ive dollars pa~yble iii ldvainc(, al -
Trainsleave nn Arbr onECtntiRESttnN-The5c1pany bingslwthAthe theiroesvlienicoveiient.o lladvacei
"Trin111 ieav.Ae ro ist l ts Ii oiaylriissiihmter All students expecting to graduate itie-theinltersts (1nd(1promlot tie oi-
lo im 5551r eialilscenlery a11(1etfects whiche
NR.SOTaygiven yeas-imst report t h fort of or lpupils till- iule of 11o viit-
7:10 a. in. *7a5la. m. ill no doubt, addl greatly to) thei'-i registrar at the opening of till yeal s lllttdvil1-srclynfrd
'12:25 p. sM 11:0 a.i. i telligent portralyalo(f thils exitinlg adaso-trevla Irsaidmwr, f(iteoli1105b01strirstlil bfor-
4:125.10n. 9:00 p nladacranwa rsrbdwri n rmnwolcrswl ef
SUileIcl ni ro n o e111lodrama.i.any, is still laekng for tile deree IsedlItholse- 5w111 1ave1'till'right (f 1(1-
A.11ransdaitileet Snda.ost lpoulilrir eti-rought I l1io 1111nd1111sfbe sIownl lt the
All.rS.ldilyEEptWSu Day. get erhaps the11. .dePt NT. Idoor. (P'arets11an11echliperones always
5W.I 1 ENE~TC. P A.,oledo . ofl-Mr. Chirles Frollnlls great stock
DIETAS & SCHANZ, coimpany5 1tw-0ye'ars ago0 5w1s Mr. Win. FOOTALLl. wselomle) trllllgr's Shool of Dane,-
SMorissuwho is this sesoil starinig The clasfootball gaies wil ehu1g offl' ti6 Maylard st., gronld floor.
U. OF Mt, TAIL.ORS unlder 1111 directioll of "Mr. Glustave played early this year. managers and Save yolllsen Octoebr adl Novli-
Lalest and bet syles o Prebiiuid o rlllllu ill "Thle Lost Paradise." -Mr. captainu ae urged to get their men beeMlunsly? 1)oIto1. Stofflet 12 N.
mextic SWool ens.irst class fit 0114 firstl ass. 1Morriouandlhils ladmiraible compani~y out at once. 511111 5)..by aliim111a110andiiemil-l.
woric guaranteed, cleaning. pressing-.anidCHRE BA DMr
repariiigieatly dune. svwillll- seen at the (GrandilOperaIlooseAILSBAID Sg. Forle eit. 1leasait Single romllor
488. Slate St.. Senl Flr, Ann Arbior. next Thursday ivening. Hils sarrinig Offer to Music Lovers. site, furniace helt, 232 WilalimSt.
(1 rr CATERER, tons' Ihas beens exceediingly suscclssful Mr. Anie Ward 1osters advanced
T R R 10 .W5asling- bothl fromlan artistic and a financiau l riardfs -usical S'orhd for No- cas begins Moday eveniing, Nov. .
H/ANGS ILWY R to111111. Standploint Promnnlt amlonlg thevembel- cotains besides 11h1 usual lfrleuhi-ll ll01-u
copn i is.taHaknwh-ageaonto eaigmttr ugt oiaecordllhy inited.
w- 1ill be1 Siei is Cthidelrs, hril-Ilgina~l "Vienna Beauties Wates" by C. S. School, 4 S. Stat St. -32
NOTICRS. 8'cenr Eeeng yOt rsl ity Book Store. L.argst stock of
I # RAE" i iulthZirer;ex"eavotepiaoomposibtionIs py:t tae tWaes sivr
MAtleexeln Iinic0110i 01.Sweates, fGymnasiumo Sits and -Sort-
i i NTE CLSS 0OTALL an Anta Mens bautfulson "Iing Suplies in the city. Th right
The sedule of inter-class ofotblliD ream iof Thee, Love.' This music plice'on les-inythesg
-® E N 1games is ais folowssd(one is worthi $2. Tile Word is t rt~fl- ~~l
A NL~W LINK rv - o. S-90las s '9. l aw. $.0 per yar, 15 cl-sts 111-c oiy.1,0'7.
Nov. 12-95 lit vs. 'lit. Durig this mionthi the tpublishers of- ~ T
lee to sendllthe SMusical sWorl 011 trial 5A1111 of mhoney, .. lao li
tfou'iist s onrec-eipt of 23 cent- t.dIfss-i h be c, uS.lel 1Uoneriy
fits stmps. This will include the beau- llrsii 'irii,4 .tlsest
tiful Chiistiias and Newv Ya's Itohi-ae
1da1y numbers, ald the fousr issues wil W T M~. F'tYT..DE
S , Anl A rtistic cotain about )) pieces of new music FIRST CLASS CUSTOM TAILORING
bsdsalreaiiount ofinestg
Ilorne of Stae and Wi51111t.1,1
musica ea -idig. Nii susic loser 5ilhalli.ie nt elranI
D iem mira shiould fail to accept t hi liberal o11.1-. DROP IN AND LOOK AT
tdAddress The S. Sraisarsd Sons Co., TE W IEY EECSR
Itbhas no equal outside ofa ci~oplteigym-
requclily consists U. OF M. CALENDAR. nsiium oineesiIngtlbolglal lllims-
inot knowingIlels. tis noIisles,, ii.slft-.dljusinkg re-
wh teohtonce sitanec it frmni 2tii 5lls ndosed Sy liii
svhthr 'Tils- No. ti.-Solilhomor clas lelailsi itliltes o (le da.y All pats w l-
/ 'a / buy a high priced rne o w er.Caifrctaeus
Ilntuet~ror ilttniniii -11 Fio (le Iby R.L. BLOUNI'. 14 N.
t o obtains a good in- W edues., Nov. 7.-Dr. Lombarld oilIgals st., AsiiAbler
1 5 t et d strusectbonypn mncan the hysioogyeftl-vll- eoillt 3srh o h io al
. - - in regard to the 'lions.. NoS.-In.teirlass ooftball ___________
95labsve s. lif las. The DAILY contains official notices.
T-e. ov i 9 l -5 'ills from the Faculty, and notices from
ofAthtleticchit. thin athletic teasms and other stident
u 1_ Sat. No. s . Siehlan is ana organizations.
.,_ KNsoiy It contains cosmpete reports ot al,
h h( a . o . p I e e e s :lion a U n iv e rsity e v e n ts o f in te re st.
UDAlbionA t keeps you posted on your owss
1 f at, Nov. 10 . Se sior lasso pliete and ev ry other departm ent.
eection of officers.
Nov 1.-Pl-idelu at eel-- SUBSCRIBE NOW AND KEEP A FILE
icLues on "Ms~l'11 in China,' st liii
BEST IN THlE WORLD 51 thodis cu rc-h. $2.60 IN ADVANCE..
you may pay as much an yous phase for another snake ]Ion.. Nov. 12.?-Inteclas fooltball.
and you will not obtain as high quality-, or you may l"i it vs. 985 it. Subscriprtios reivd a th
erh a life-time among cheaper goods swithout fiing reScffc, i eidin.atft-
anything ht at all approachen them When you're DIYofcTmsbidnSof
ready o talk over an nsrument inspect these magnifi- . BUSINESS LOCALS, lets and by all authorized solicitors.
cent produetions othe largest musical actory in the
worl. Tey re oldby eadng ealrs verwhee.tNotices imsered in tis columnatit hrae FLOtWE~RS, FLOWERS
us-oid.Tisy ar sod b heaingdeaera vrrsvhre.of 5 centa per li. Special rts ir loIn~es
Beautiful Souvenir Catalogue conaining prris uf 15 eading time, asd extra linsifurnisihed byalyin ovrtigadEeyoy
atists, free, upon appliation 1o he sanuaturers. at te DAIsY o C OSIS&ee.)lf~li2 . nvrit c,
Till'O(Seoer smndNovi-siber tunsssys OTiN &HAL Fiiils1u u.
FATR c 'Z -~ .all- terfet emss. Stolet keestishlem, 9ANMT.RB
Opposie Unio ParkWabash Avene and, Two ine suites of rooms, furnaceST A L UN R CO
Opost Aams Street'
Chiago... (hi clago...j 1eat, ssodrns house. $2led seek high (Gloand Dumesti Finih.
-earl, at 19 Wismontst,~ p-34 E. S. SERVISS, Manager,
'heretis a finie display of the atestEX LSO 4LA N R !
nolvelties irn fall asd winter sutings at E CLIR +L U D Y
Soe get, Ib r t athe Cooksosi- toiay (Nos. 6 coi- 2I EAST HIURON STREET.
~jqGood Work Guaranteed. Coods called fr
seduted by St. A. E. Rose, of the Gold- and delivered. A. F. CVET, Prop.

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