TILE U. OF M. DAILY. Published iiaily (Sundaiys excepled) duricg the College year, by TUE 0U OF MINDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION, OFFrICE: Timses biuilding N. Main st., opposite post office. Subscription price $2.50 per year, in'aribly in sadvacce. Single copies 3cents. Subsrip- liens muy lie left at the oice of the IAILY, at Stofilel's, ut Stale st. new clued, with aoy of the editors or authiorized solicitors. Coummunicatioins should reach tisc idilte by o'clochp.m. if thiey are to isppear the next daiy. A ddress ail mtter iitecded for publi- cation tos the Manaigig Edituor. All busissess cimmucicastions should bc siettlto the Bosil- nesllManager. THE U. OF M. DAILY, Acii Arbor, (lics. EDITORS. J1. L. Liiiie, Lit. '0.3, Manaiging Editoir. F. P'. SADiiERi, lit. '916, Assistiint. H.COLiEMAN, Lit. '97, Assistant. A. F. RlOCKWEiL, Lii. '10, Assisant. J. A. Loipi e, Lit. It, Athiletic Editor. :l. S. PEAune., Law '03, Business Manager. -- Assistant. Assistaint. LT~iERARiY. LAW. Minnie Thompsoc,'5i' FIB. lHamill, '05. Carrie V. Smith. '96i. E. L,.Evsins, '13. II. A. lianceer, '915. ii. 3. ilarrisoc. lii. S. B. Shiley, '953.MEICAi. E. S. Niblach, '95. cENsTs.. Ii. B. Gammoc, '08. All copy must be at the office before 8:30 a. m.of the day of publicatisis. The editors do not hold thsemselvse respon- sible for thieopiniosair statemensiof corrers- pondeints, appiearing ini thle DLYo. Hereafter thie Daily boxes illths' mlain hiall, library aild law. hiilding isill lit' iegulasrly openeuidud loller- lions iiade every tday at 3,Ip. iii. Any communiO~iclations 01' notices tdroplped thierein Defett lotlme will appear ini (lienext iday's hiller. 'Thle position of assistant busini'ss mlanalger is still open to comipitition. Thes place is a hoarud oil' lo fill since an e'nergetic bisinessnialliisloneedled. 'The work iii itsilf is iiot tifficlt, ao most of it caiii1be'iont'Satuirtdays. Anyone wsiing to comlpete' fur the lilacs caliisee thii'busilnss willitger 'T'eisjunior las'mnet 'esterdaly, hilt as csnal, accoinplliedlnoihing. 'They' snceededl, however, ini inching(1 so iiinch noise that those in the library founi it imipossible to work. 'Ther' Song Recital. Atilt'heInlainud Leagues'last ei'niiig a large' croswd assembled to listen to ' t song recitl g iven by Silas It. 'Mills, of Ditroit. Tieprograni, wshichisas ssill t'hiisen, wast'i'iii ed'i'n iia highly satisfacrtory mnim'r. Otis twoselolec- lions froiiiSe'hnuiert andi Me'nde'lssohn were' fascina~tling aiislhighily irtistis'. Schiuiert's "IDas Whillril" ainid3'n- de(lssohni's "\lorgs'ng-ciss."' Olithlii I'eoca, 11111 Hawsley's "m'Whenalien'eis (Gsill." Mir. -Mills was assistedI by 'Liss Delring is quite youiig, in fatt shii is lilly 14 years'o tf agt et'ishii is aiiiart- ist at great powser. Slit'rendired tswo si'lec'iosonsin from ('loplil, a W~altz ini Afliiit, and laither friiit \ogrisli, bothi biing c'ncori'i. tiunh wss'gvlen Mri. -Mills. Itlising biieii a teaichier in the Schitol ot 'tnsic hei is asell knoswniheitt' 1n1d1all his sild frienids and imoinyof lia foi'mer'puils 'ft'enext enitei'tainmntlgivemnby itie Ila~nduL eagnt' will be'a le'cture tuy Glientflei'ce." Saturday's Football Games. Football gulines Sattirtday resuilteid 11 follosss: t'nrdiie10,('iceago I'nis-. 6; Dairtimouithi 10, Willianis 0; Illinois 61, Nusitleiestern 0I; Vale 32, Brown 0; T7. of towa 14, Kanisas tnisx. 32; Wiscon- sin 4(6, Beloit 0i; tPe'nn. 30. Ctamnden Athleti ichb 13; Albioim10.,ttillsdsile 4; Mlissoiiri 18, Neburaska 14; (Oherlimi 20, C'use 6i; AnmherstI6, ('rescent Athletic club t0; Oirange Atlicl club 6i, La- Fayttc 38; West Point 3lb. lion I0; Nasal Acasd. 10, Lehigh 0, Datmouthiil 1i0, 'Williams01: Illinois 6i0, Northwst- in 0; Yule 12, Browni 0; Wiscoisimi4(6. Bt'loit i0; P'urduie 10, ('hii'ago I. i6; Rutshi Iedcli. 14. Lsike 1ForestI0; (Colier ('ollege 24.,tLoiisv'ille A. ('.. INTER-CO LLEGIATE. London is soon to hair a nesw uni veirsity. which it is hipe will rissl O~xforid saisd(amiibrisge. 'fur icoeeOf (Oxord u(nisersiy is $6,000000.'Theirs' rs' 12,000 stdens sistribiut'd lamiong 2 tolltgs. Th'ie'rpor of flh' Prinietoni(le ('lbotsfrtiellsalst year ha~s just been issedi, ati hiosss total rcesits sit $17,t078.615 hull sxplitliirs'out$17.- 5479.(. The Yals'-Nsss. ini its 'Thirday's issius, gut' an ineresing accout sot flu' first tsottball gameo, iiider tRugby rule's, bs'ts'en Yals' amiiiHarsvars. which tool lilies in the tll of 17., 'fhIs'Vassar girls sdeatedts'hiosisss- ioll: Retsolvt'd. Thatft'higetr di- cstioni tinfits sil foiIsr imatsrimoniy. Ini thie' arsvar'd-('oresll gmile hI mash' 27 icks.0'. Bi'ssse'i'2.ani Al'righingtoni . Co'rinslliials aiatdoins'd exminiastisi ft the soilosithile eim.andI aill ol- tinife mseiatons until the closing tday. Stnde'its aill sand srfall on (le graid's imasintailnedsIthroughout flit term in recitaios. THE VICTOR TRADE MARK is ans absolute guratee oquali ty. Itisnevesr fousdon aylbut iiie est goods. Victor Athlete Goods ranisisths Victor Bicycles, and are beoming more pipular every dsy. Full line of IBseball, Tenis, oot- mul, ymnasilum nd siAthletic up- pies. Send tsuectalogeof Victr Athletic Coods, OVERMAN WHEEL CO. Maers of Victor Bicycles. Bostnc PIhilaelrphlia, Dtrit, New rk ii. Ciicago Desr. jaraeo Lseinee sPrsi n Academic Music "COLLEGE SONGS" Miost popular colege collection ever pub- lised. User 300,000 sol. Heavy Paper 00 cents; Cloth, Gilt $1.00. "New Harvard Song-Books." Includic all the nesest Harvard songs Heavy Paper, $1.00. "COLLEGE SONGS FOR GIRLS." As sung in the lrsdig colleges for women. Heavy paper, $1.00. "Boot's Album of Songs." A ncoslection of fSe yrial ongs by the author of "hfere's a 0Heslth to lcusg C'harles" which is included. $1.00. Acy booh seit postpaid oii receipt of price. Send for bulletins of the ccw vocal ad instruenital music. OLIVER DITSON CO., 463-463 Washington 8t., Bston. C. H. Dison & Co., N. Y. J. E. Diton & Co. Phila. J. T. JACOBS. CIIAS. B. ALLMAND JACOBS & ALIMAN, DIEALEBS IN ++ SHOES. ++* COME AND) SEE lS.-~. The Washington Block. Is th~e LEIiNG SCHOOL OF BSUINES and SHORT- 1H5N0,bMagicent uilding; ten tehers; large attendance; god discipine;cupreor work el supplied readinig ro; daip letures Saurdy einsgfrece'piions; opmnhe etieye. Excerp- tio a t ilities fr pacing sdet in postio c.. Bo.:d and roam om hu .75 per etin priate fasmilics. Thee ratereduced to.oy slf- PeriiqFr Caaogue addecss P R CARY Pes JULH GRAND) OPERA HOUS' THURSDAY EVENING, NOV. 8 Engtaementiu of liii brililant younmg actor, Mr. Win. Morris sidia.siiisi.emiimy fpliysisiisud producsiIiono P~ile s grietestpay THE LOST PARADISE Abrillianicly viitesniaindipuerful dramsa of the thmes .0nigihtis is"isvYor.See thur great strikie in he Irsin Wours. Director of Gusavsec fromsim. Prices,-arqurt,.5; iarue Cris, 7c ('aliesy 3 5isld3'c Big Four Route BlEST LINE TO INDIANAPOLIS,. LOUISVILLE, and CINCINNATI. ELEGANT Through Sleeping Cars BETWEEN Petoskey, Louisville and Cincinnati. ASK FOR TICKETS VIA BIG + FOUR + ROUTE. E. . ICCORICIC, D. B. MARTIN, Passenger Traffic Mgr. Gen. P. A. T. Agt. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. FOOTBALL SUPPLIES. Every esuisit' o' the ame. .\ Spaulding'n Official Inerolegat r3- Football. ~fjee o~ Adopted IS4 by the y 3intercollegiate Assoia- thn, and must be used ll all match gaies. PRICE. iths inflator, V$. Spalding's complete Football Cataoge sent free. "Spaldin s Official Football Guide for 18W." edited by Water Camp. containing the new rules and ther valuhle informa- tion, by mal, p rice 15 cemts. Spalding's trade-mark ems what you buy is the garatee that the goods are the bsh. Nrc Yrk. Chilcago. Philtadlphi. $K I 31' ) EffiGsA. IL :B I Students Recreation Head- quarters. No.2 N. Main Stench ANN ARBOR STEAM DYE WORKS. Ladles and ents Clothing Ceanedh or Dyed 3 W HURON ST, ANN ARBOR. hmis cruiese iii Ohie suabble which is Cornell Says No. miow being earrietd su, amid the chas ce iIt tostheir own goti nmeiicanud -replort. hias lurcngoing utie rotuds ho the pseace ot thur othier departmeolnts of thue press that arrnt'cig:iuu'uts mu, to elect thseir sfficerswitihiouit futheisr be'ing mash' tsr another' 'foomtuall gamhi trotuble. swith Htarv'srd. In orderi to asertaino fluie fuelts inith umatster'. it Stuirportu'r 'The camphtB u nnim etdiately adoining imnteview'ed thle footboall usauu'lrti,"c the Wa~stermnGynasinuis still tun- auuilrceivedthe fli' ollowing clii': it for athuletic pnrposes atndl the var- "You miay- state that Oheic will not toe ions class te'amus have a larut-s ime tso :.lrs'n gaule us-ttb llavn." Ills ccii' ind ut place to hpractice'. Sesveral memison. This'mautler wass chae~ts'I ur havea'e sady been hurmt sun pils of with the Harviardiil suiag-'Os udirectly diebris, andutio0 acteliac orak caun be atiru Itie giamhe Satmurdasy, an:I ttio 'iii- (ione oni this accounot. The whlole posasibility of a secondl meertinogseas place could be cleaned up iii less than Ilanly chioan becanse of this' tact half a clusy ansi.somre steps should be thaou r dates are niowa'll fu11 -).c irtms taken at once iniisl direction. sc -;son."-Cornell Sun. JtohutnHopkins Univ'ersity has 5113 'The 'Uiversity of California expuects students enrolled this year, Ohio largest to send an athuletie team to compete in number in its hisntory. the Intercollegiate gamoe nexf spring.