~Ijc U.of , i. tai ln. Vor,. V. No. 33. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, TUESD)AY, NOVEMBER 6~, 1.894. PRIcEn-TniEit CENTS. THE SOPHOMORES WON. 'Varsity Practice. Their Heavy Line Was a Stumbling Varsity piractice yesterday was eon- Block for the Preshmen.-The ined to signal wort: intirely. Not Result Was IS to 4. einl ttt tter'lt taeu At the Athletic field yesterday after- scrubt elev'ei. A ctliner o1' newt plays tnon the Sophomiores beat the Fresh- twere introduced by thle 't~och, and es- ment by a sesre of 1.8 to 4. Niitety-tipedal tittentionivawts toil to the per- eight started soit with a snap that eefintg of the interference. Faults of seemied to tproise victory, btthfly trainwoirk iliseseered in the Cornell colilnsf gaini against the lieavy lhne Color 't'i' remetie(d.,aidthe piay of t1e sopioilores. Niiiett -seven was ical leeshly quiiceed('land(1('ilivln- kieked the ball oftf and tiefore USitt. tapt. Baird bad.o a snit fort 111 ('ottli gaini the'renter of the field they first time intw ot week's. I le bolos. lost the ball on dtownts. After' carry- tntw to tie atble to play in satordlay's iti" the tiall 201 yasrdls inlinse tplays tii'withltnttsas toirersityt. Fet'- ostl an eitd rtn by tields, thtt' "'eslt- et)(iw iill tprotiably lit'sated i lil.itnles tie haill wentt ttit theti' eld withsoust ttte t'tritell futie, twill, it i's tikety, be' oltptsititiisfor at touchdiowinby itHu tc it intat fe'itdtals. Y\otwilt bteii teas binig hetl fortry itt' gottl if foot is ini haulstpe. Wi ih t soutndt rtositropitedi snila 'its ttan tdroppted teatit tinteimore ini view'. Itheritottats o it. A fier e lkit'k ofitt'ttwas tar- fitt'te'i'etting Cioiteltlie gealty itn- riedt back lttothe l'restiiit' goal fit' reasedt. apother ttirlihdtlin by Htit'ciitsonti lit An Important Resolution. k Spitct'' tisstet the eaitth,ft'e t h rgitbcrtnalttltte ttoiittiig oer issliitiite ~ retsouitiiiiiwas tpassed'thtttoslt-lit-' 1behinduthtet'gotilline. Sticer'putinteraenry astudeitts within lit lhitrs if. aitd 'JS gut It'etiittt right yards from f'ratttiuuip 'r' itsiiis ui ' 9'S goal. An 'ititgave tOlsoni attii'h-ti- anttl aceta or d(twit. Nii goail. Tinte wats calledietsh seimesteniiitteteir-ary itepti- with the ball oil 'its's i10 yart line. rist.-fbi' Daily- las tlsotbtunsaskedu Ini tie tetonditlfttF1ar'nham taidtot ipuiblishi the facut ttiat all uAtetits tt'tih'lii'itultit tt it'tithe'i't eraryllt SWILLIAM CULLEN BRYANT. N GOODSTDN The Hundredth Anniversary of His Birth Celebrated at Unity Ctub 'rys to leafi ritttiit btooks. Last Evening. Stimetopetople thtighs try to non It tias it large and aprci tive tui- musicaltinisti'umcn ts'witll ittlt lat igltit tinit'inotraft' the10lti We M SayBuy lhose Whig HavegTone, 'fle pirtigtiaiwas tittnied bt Itidge' W. WXcsoil thtat kinsd. ,As i itill it' vitstihtor~1t It.1,51 South Main st. bttit tti'ttlly turetociouts. At sevenlite S C T '1T r headnthetttiolib' lettandItatu eA..1SSHE TORE huite t ti htasIrelt- Itithts. wtter's I o 'c t ogtaF1 O x of rof I itisitiiche eie e d fto btil ' he a lsto CldLnhsEhe tbtit o tei rttly mt l.In\uappte'aran'et R. OL Y & OStt S. lih iie Yh' tt wasstyfttihttEll 'r utois tl-, tttttrt ir ty irtnt tttta 'itiiho let e.I isto1leTahrodin, ra n iuia age, hoCevnrslteontaialsoftheofrthof 511 Ilteit'sutie g tft]) istuigt-t i- ecig stu't',suii ristt wios "Brtltt' MEOH.A.T TSH AE.ILOR tttslet"is. htt eter, isen4 stihtti's41 QTP1 . rtII TOT,,~a S ofhortt'butttaYoretly toem.'st'ts t's lit' anto et a, inebxo tests ceesititor. leloedCOWNEYASECHOCOLATES 'rflue' insalt e s poeoffu yttnt lAt itri-Cheap sti Clt it nhes.1. e louit whrettiriauined ut hsevetu.REUBENH. KEMPF, mthtts. hIretuist'edhho'met'it'snditus'- m he oy48 Cs.eSTatE ST. hitoseter aslerutIitlss it r cois-id- SCuP . art, GrmC ny toustul. hi'tttti fomposittion;vat'soIthe'tArisof sot fettis ollgerits'stidn'vurw ilti SCHOO eOFhDn CING hoeead]i tasain fthetr MsERuHATs TAIis sul LOiRINGtus'! Iliae ' n ths l Oditt s t st''ifyt'otfhIis Clai gtes'r sin a d fett ir eul lit- suces.l''ihas hebet l')O o i trAUG.iiiSiC H r.NEAut D,'srE. sh i g tn te t'd u stioloet's , bet'h 4 voiu e t Hs llsiuet titasu d ItaItea itS of th _NtwYor' ogritf autOi letFSi, JAyNEsitO's weitor . LOWINEY'SfCHOLTESlr ,rie nflene o Byan. n Aer UST ECID UIAT ttnd Iosurlsandu kicked a gotul frotis tsr last our. Pusbells of '98's lkik offs Farnihamt droppem nuot thet'ball tantu aut no tinto diud '98 have thin ball in the secnduhluf. 'Thei'last haltf'stas but 10 uminutues islensgths, ansd the score deumonstrated that thse superior 'svighst it '97 anud better interferencre ''serr to mucnht for '9s. Athletic Subscriptions. 'The subtscription list for the thtletic fiund is iii tihethads of P. D.I).ouer- laud and hr expercts to hush thur utat- ter as theo trreuent expenises tart' heavy. Tthe students .arc requested to contri- bto liberally. 'Thle list is net's as follo'ss: Pi Kappa t I'1-------------------s,5 Alpha heltalhi------------------------'5o Wrinlet--------------------- 10 UT. oh ilal.ty-------------- t------1 EvesiusgTimes.----- it-------------1 Wt. t'. Fritz--------------------- E. Scot-------------------------1 tCook-------------------------- 1 Caldwnel-----------------------I 'silkins------------------------- 7 R. Itottlasd--------------------- Ir. Nautereuho----------------------2 thin naird----------------- it-- 1 sigmai'hi----------------------01 R. A. Cooper-- --- -- -- --- -- --- ---. Gay Mihe-------------- tIntandler.------------------- it--1 it. P. Schusckirtord---------- Brooks---------------3 P'.lt.lIourland----------.---------a Subscribe for thte Daily. liter'auttry tlsrtstuit. 'l'iseres'u'uitonus shlouldtbe ustteut 'sitls tauteliystudteunts ttkig 'stirke inbotht depatrt is'its. Physicai Examtnation. Aboust 25 studt-,s sre buinug uxamu- ined daily at thin gymnsiasiumit. Al- reatuy studuents enouuugtuhiave registereut to keepritInstrutor hFitzgerldhuthst- uns- til, Fridtayt. 'Ihe 'oe'us are beting exs- saiuined tas rsapidtly as tpossible' andu thu numbusheripre'su'nting theselesrh ortut' et examinaion compatires fav'otrabtlt' 'withi thetnumutber of nmale ostuttents. Eaeth studeniss fuirnishedu 'sith a recorud of flue metasuuremeunts takenusastd 'speci'al 'sorke is recommuuensdedlto utuvelolt lusts 'sPil t'' lnsfuuis.luritani, huut Btrysant sooun uroke'attay Webster Society. 1fretttiotm u suuit' autr1hturs znetig Wdnsdy ei zzn;.'n flu rusidettluof l t' Amtericn Un~uitarianu le.'su'i s thle tro;grlal: Dt'tlsii:tstitt istit'szlit his religions s'n ' rethat it tuas tio;' Cov'ert; ess'sy, :Ttr. t'Leary; du'-sitpetsdslu. We offer discount 011 all University Text-Books, Law, Medical, Pharmaceutical and Scientidec Books. We buy and sell second-band books. Mathematical Instruments and Drafting Sulpplies at special rates. We offer Best Linen P'aper at 20c Per Lb. BEST NOTE BOOK FOR 25c. SOLE AGENTSiFORt ++. WAERMAN'S ID[AL FOUNTAIN P[N. ++ btte, "Rlesolede, thsat 1h plreseot fuikahi- cial dtepressions is Otto to the pokey' of flue pre'senut adnusinistu'ttitu." Alt., Mtessrs. Kinsloey antI D. C. IMinor; negt., Messrs. G. Wicksall sod L. N. Dtavis. Elxeter isfto Isa's-u a spellinugcontust 's-it ts'e RobtinusonIs Fuiolt' Situ- lustuy. Pirize~s, reresentinug thein huseutueof $6i,000, have bruit offered to those 'shou T.1he Amsherst faculty hasve ditdeud excel ini fle eratorical u'xrre'tsrs of the 'TWt7O ST'ORES. to abeolist freshmen athuletihcfths. seuir class at Pruinceton. Uitveruity Bookstore, Dosws Townt, on Stole 't.. Opp. foart house.