THES U. OF M. DAlIY. TIHIEBF F. C. STEBBINS, T33E NEW ShI~s Bosoe CRNDL nTPWRT R . DCC AL Formerly with George Wahi, 19 FR[ inIAD po[ % [ oAVHDDY AN I line of Text-Books, Stationery and for $t for $2.50. UDYDNESA LC. Miscellaneous Stock in general. ________MARTIN SCHALLER, Stunt oi. ts d citizens should makeetlis rk NF-, p 'SATISFAC'TON GUARANTED their ~~Oqu k10 dooe i Ys idITHE DOWN-TOWN BOOKSELLER, ,.., _-oroiloity, 19 E+. Washington st., one block .. 24H. I. il STREET. .W. H. LEWIS, Prop.' east of Mlain st. Th ol H z MaeMahne(,i teTHE SIMPrLEX PRINTER. EXIL DREFS, _._E.__U_____ .Moriort solid a ao abl e Psso r ice. - in Sight; A neo invention for dulplicating frim0 Qi.0 i'Uifbnlnl. Simple; Durable; Writingi copgt; ieso wiigs n rwtgs. 1WtM I II\ oi iiitI ~ The largest bottle Permanent Alignment; Instantly O oin of wthti osiand driiiiiioi.oks Changeable Type. i toos osiociEupeNe or5 of TOOTH POWDER 05 oiisloo.,ooooith. tlitci1001noleioJ. S. PEARL, Agent, City, ihiesgo snd Ass Arbor:~tect o 5,0 FLAG PINS $1,50. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK andyonrmoneyback _ Anno Arbor, Moidil. Capitltstock, A50,000. if not perfectly satis- SppoStlhi WIYellow and Blue But- O-oooiuo oode hc ugt ooM). hunt fi~c.Pror n origiooal, so ordinary paper owio of tht is ae. hRecetees oeposts, factory a With U. of X. or the any pen,,loo copitessc h- be 'mde. Fofty seillseexhangeosl on e p ialcitieos f the year 75C. copies of tipoeitr soanuscritist'01501 iotd te. itoi cototstoopspeootoosol s prootoooo oi duced UnlooO. oooiioited o. S ft te i isosuon ro001--- Ainf oot. inteNSnfriuast A tismlse~~(itii 0)00a010. y0eposi bo e s to n. to 0 NEW DRUG STORE. WM. ARNOLD'S, Jeweler. A aiman0001 , i 0 i tooCha.. P tioso 00 i, ____________ ________________ L1AWTON &W CO.,ot sioosol11FitzAt , Assisashieol r ol. _______________ I® r A 1 I 20 Vesey St . Nw York The Daily $2.50 ayear. U A I I [fQlI Q + I[A QV MVI. S a A InEE~ ORtDtElRYOURt COAL. O 0)FI1E0: 11W W.osinoost. 'tooe No.5 YADS M.is0 CIit.R, 'onoe No.itt. MRS. ANNIE WARD FOSTER'S School of Dancing and Delsarte. :Soturdaoo, 10oo. oo..ieootoosoooool nneroo lasotss. Sooatdy, 4to. s., Loady bogionerocoss Moslon y 7:W p.oin., Adovooo'd CItoss(tites' aoodltoooiooooo). ''Tuesday, 7o:30tp. so., Beio nneoocstlass (ieoolos andoootle rtooooo. Trtiateclssoosbypo ntoooot. SCHOOL. 46 S. S'TA'TE Sr. Second Hand Books, College Text Books, Law Books, Medical Books, at clot rate prices at toe STATE: STREET. 'Bawrgains in Stationery anod Note Books. Special red uctions this week on K. & E.'s Drawing Instruments. We hays thes best. SPALDINC'S ATHLETIC CLOTHING and Sporting Goods for the new gymnasium. Come and see us We atea the largest dealers intsheo city and our prices are the lowest. SHEEHAN & CO.1 Wholesale and Retail Booksellers FIRST NATIONAL BANK. OF ANN ARBuOR. Orgsnized 1803. Caopial, $150,000. Surplus asd Profits, $4,00. Trassacts a geseral basking bussiness. ioreigs exchasges bousght ansold. Furnish letters of credit. P. BACH, Pres. S. W. CLARKSON, Cashiter. :22 Years in the Business-ms'S. CITY LAUNDRY, M. M. SEABOLT, No. 4 N. 4th ave. Miss Hattie Long, kGuitar, Mandolin and Banjo, 69 Mttter ave., Ass Arbsr, ichi. A NOVELTY IN . 4~ Bath Robes ! Thoc footouoo Star &Crcscent Bath Robes , a re now tmade ito all the {LEADING COLLEGE STRIPES oil Oslilyosuporb. Mode uder ourooFast.o PiIl~le" patenlt. Price, in foneccottottery, $7;on flne wool terry, $io. Dclivcred a~ e free.Returnaiole if utsatisfactory. If toN ot found at your deaters}, senot to us metoigolgadnlsn rc.STAB & CRESCENT MIttS CO., Phiada., Poz STO..TEP 46 S. MAIN STREET. MOORE & WETMORE 6 S. 1Boon st., and State st., cotr- tter of Williamo st., lMace a cotmplete stock of UiNIVEBSIIY T[XT BOOS New and Second Hand. Nott Bookos ansother Students' Supplios Finoe Stotiosery, Sporting Goods, etc, wil toey oiler at the Lowest Prices. Call and see us before purchasing. t FOR FIRST CLASS MEALS TRY TIDE ELITE DINING PARLOR Cor. State and Liberty sts. EDWARD LEWIS, Seep. uoarders Waootrd. LAMS' S ! LAMPS3 Make noistake. Do yoot wanot a lamnt? We cato variety attd give you lower lrices tlhato any honuse in ltis An examtination of our stock detntstrates thost it atod most improved lamp made. Thirty-tloree years e Lamp Business is wcrtlo sotnethoing. Buty of Its atod get t TZBIAIN z&C00 44 South Main Street. LAMPSI'! showosvyouo togreaot ttarket. cototaintoselo best xperience iso the lie benefit of it. M:ANIY_ All '97100neyeart too Catse schloolt of I UNIVERSITY NOTES. Aolricho, 't.-OC .'. toss aijobot.ln a railroadliito Bissotori. (1015.. Statooot.13 ltaw, is mtatkitig oaiotoaligo0speeceiniCemntroal Illinois. A. J. Laddolaost yeoartresitdetot of tho S. (0 A.. is still otl the siek list itn (Chicago.. Messrs. C. Dico. t9Gltalw, tatotiE. Clotrkstont, '95 lois, woesthootme Sot- urday to Tote. Theo loir lecitre.oi0010Monday will too deliveredlbliP trof. Antgollaoil iTotes- daly by Prlof.Thiomp~soni. Tuttle, 1tI6 lit0 atndl la-oosloer, '95 lit, haoveobone to their loones at Decootutr, Ill., to east their first votoe. Ilototy 000010, tot 0000. is stud~yitog latt Appilied Seiciec iniCleelandt. Maonatger Corbusoie~r, ofthello 1toi1 scehiool foootbal l eeenm,ls enodeasoring to orootogo a (Coicago. tcit.foor thoebtea. tProof. bMorse, lihieottitnenttr leetutrer atio scultmtlor, is otngagedl ininaklotimo homotos of Pines. Amngell atootjudgo Cooleky. Theo junior loaw .uiz 0otn the 1last 11001- tee of Blockstone as loeldIlast week will taktheoc placteofthoe first goetoral quiz toy Prof. Griffint. .1ames05Burgan, foirmoely at994 lit0, woosrecemntly elecodlpresidetnt of 1111I tEptwortho Loagpie of theo coppoerodistrict of the Upper Peninsula. 'V TIE A~i~a o Corner Washington st., atnt Ashley st. Rates $2 and $3. e 'HO53 123. M. STA.E3LEP., PROPIETOR. 0-.IT. WILD) IH[ L[AOING TAILOB Has the newest Fall and Winter Woolens atnd largest stock in the city. You can get any selec- tion you are looking for. 90 COME AND SEE US. 2 E. Washington st., near Main st. 1 . K. Towl,03 1it, is teaching in too Abseces ore not roported at the Decatuir igho schoool. He expects toUtniversity of Chicago uottil Sloe enth of enter the moiistry ere long. tloe year. A stttdetthavitng tmore thoon The coses cited for study by Prof. Miecee n htslis lectures on tagency, have been poostedl ontohle bttlletitn booaroh. Great interest is being nianifested by our Kansas City alutmni over the football gotne to he played there next Saturday. It is estimated (lout 12,000 people sill witness the ganme. 30 is reoquired to takoOtt oxtra course durintogSletnext year. The Epworth League of (lie B. I,. church is organizing a league exten- sion course of lectures to be givotn be- fore the leagues of toe various sur- rounding towns and villages. The idea is a novel one and will no doubt he successful.