IJN II. of
, J . ailn.
VOL. V. NO. '.
Many New Men.-The Medical De-.
partment Heads the List.-The
Lit and Law Follow in
The beginining of the College year is
always miarked by importanlt chanlges
iri the curriculoui and ilnstrucetorso who
have thle various departmients in
clharge. Ibis year is ino exception,
and aniiiunusuailly large inuiber isf
strator of Ophthsalnmic aind Aural Sur-
gery; C. D. Morris, Ml. D., of the class
of '94, assistant ini thysiological
Chemiistry, succeeding E. H. Robert-
soil; IF. W. Bourns, J. E. Brownie Usd
Elizabeth Caiipbell, assistaint demon.
strators of Anatonmy, a1111 L. Chad-
bounie, M. D., assistant to Professor
of Theory andt Practice of Medicine.
1+. ML Hioughton, MALID., succeedes
Dr. Mluirlieadt as assistant in Phar-
new oures ad nwly ppontedin-nacology; A.B. Olsoii, M. D., Dr.
stroictors lire annsosinced. tirs1515it1tlltsooy
tic. MacClyisoiios, tDr. D)unn1, is 110
tAEAt.I the iterary depalrtmenleli mo 11sf sistit to the Professor of Surge-ry;
imporant hangs ar foud intlIoe 1 . Foley, Ml. D., Dr. Clarks as as-
in hilsopy. he esina~ion ofsistaiit to Dr. Martin, asid J. Foster,
Prof. D~ewey left the chair without Dr. Sauerman as assistant tos ihe Pro-
aii occuptanit, a1nd1as yet, lie 1 has fessor of Ophttiianioiogy; IL A. Moir-
heels secured to liii1 the vacancy. I'll-bcA.Dad .W amr l
tila nw ppontentismad, rI).,have heels appioinitedta15suirgeoni
A. tt. Lloyd will hsave chasrge of theseiand physician iii the' hospitals respec-
wiork, as assistant actinigiprofessor.tiey
tte will he assisted by Geo. hiehes', The method of instruction ili tis
tPh. ID., formerly inistruictor in En~glishis otrtilellt will he practically tihe
anldo Dr. itigliass, a gradual~tle of Ail- sasme a1s lst y-ear ,ithl till exceptionl
hlerst college, Yale Divinlity School, of a lfll features wichl-areI'h11e-i
alldtP1. D. (If Harvard. tDi. Iighaul given. The lectures to tile junior alld
will supervise the work of tile psy- seniors will ho' given sepsirate. insto'adt
cilological laboratory. (If together, as hlas been tile cusltoml
In tihe. dprtlenti of History W. D. leretofore. Dr. Dock has our hour a
He Is a Frinceton Man and Comes
Strongly Recommended by
Fhil King.
Tise luau who will coach our foot-
ball tra a this year is W. L. Mlocaulty,
whlo- gradulatedt fromilPrinceetonl last
June. Aitr. tacauley is 22 years of
age amidtias plyed oil tile Prinicetonl
eleven for twvo years, having heens oii
tile seconid elevenl there ill '00dut't)1.
Ie 1111 played bt tot th d 1(ndihalf', 1111
ale to rolls-s bothlils Olineienad tbicks
Mri. AMallalley isIa genitleman oui(f
prepossess'5ing applleairanlce anid 0110
work 1111d1r 11111. fteihas iispirssd
g.reaIt confidencel's'illtile inliilager' a111
capttainl,0-110tiink thley have secuiredt
a 1111sf excellenlt man~i. Personally, ill
is a1 strict trinelri, ando believes, above
all things, in iaitailling strict trails-
lng Ilillosuig the 11111.Ie is entihusiastic
11111 deIteriinied, a.ihardt wokeri, Slnd
declare's himllOf }willin~g to ll) ani--
ting for the illen, providtedtheily will
do1 thleir palrt. Ile has ltile intierests
of the V. of ZI. stronlgly at heart ands
will get out ant work with the iln.
Johnston, -of IBroniUniversity, and
a fellow of Chicasgs t'niversity, uwitl
ake5111' place' oft tr. Alles, will)is
abroad for tile year.
Oilier appoinitmients is the Literary
departmienit include Aitr. Eldomi, ini-
structor in trench; Willard C. (txore,
assistant iii English; Johii H. Schsaf-
fner, first assistant iii the Botanical
laboratory, and( Edwin CH. Edwsarod,
second assistanit iii the samie labor-a-
tory. The new instructor ini French,
M~r. Eldoni, is a graduate of Howdoiii
college, and has fornmerly beens at the
Ohio State U'niversity.
Cu the department of Law, trof.
Knowltoni still remains deain, although
he handed inhils resignation at the
close of last year. Messrs. CHughses
and Dwyer are still retained as quiz
mlasters, while M~r. Ssmith tins been
appointed to a similar iosition.
The practice court will heunuder
the charge of AIr. Hogle -with E. L.
Evans, '93 lasw, and a miemiher of the
Daily hoard, as clerk.
The Aledical department slio\%s a
large inmber of changes in professors
aiid inistrnctors. The most imptortant
announcesment -beinlg the app~olinenit
of a successor to Dr. Ford, whosle
death occurred last year. J. P. A~c-
TMurricil, A. TIL, Ph. D., of Cissein-
ni C University tins heeni chosenl for
the place. Other appointmsents ill-
chide Will . Ci.c~te, AI. D., demsons-
w5elk of didactic lsctuires, 111111wiii
l~ly greater stress 1111111the(ciiical
'Thesen luiors will finishi tr. 'Ttartim's
wor)k at thiecose' of this'first selsestf'r,
wile tile juniors comlelll(te plart of
his work iiitulle, leavinig uiitil next
yeair thsat whirlstile seniors finishm at
Chicelnd of the first semsester tis year.
Dr. Nancrede will lecture to tile
juniors oilgeineral suirgery, an11d CI
tile seniors on siseciasl surgery.
Tile facility (If the Dentlan111d1House-
opallthlic departmlenlts remsaini unichansg-
ed with Chic exceptionl of Dr. J. Ttc-
Mhirricli, who scceedts IDs. Fo~rdt in
tile formler departmsent.
Team Lined Up.
Ii fact, hei1no1w Ia student in tile
tiniversity, havinig entereot tile T'edi-
cal1 dep'iar-tmen-t. Ile xviltakeIas5much~~l
work 150 hpossiblie dring tile football
seaonl, 1and(, after flhat is over, rill
tlake ill)till reglasr work.
As to -he. Thucauley's ability, it is
nletless ilo liyansy smore thsanshailieil
comses strongly recommended as a
hleadly allot tra~iny sman by Phsil. tKing!
who1(1i1 very car(eful ahoust recommisendo-
lug 11111. IIn fact, lie woultdgive rec-
ommendt~iontls to but two mien of lsist
yelsr's team, Ttacauley and tBltake.
tleheass halt thsoroughsly drilled into
111111tile system of the acknlowledgedl
ideal coachler of tile East, Chill King,
allo it is thalt systenm he proposes to
itrodtuce here.
WHY dowo carry tho finest
lii linio of
They are the checapest
B' UM~ That is what yost
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sly Ilsyin your
G. R. KELLY, 33 E. Huron Street.
no suand11talie this notice swiths yous.
Boarding House,
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of Mumic).
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Lowney's Chocolates,
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Schlor scllsseiag. (lasse-s-scmmee
Olct. 6.,1911and 11.Gtisleaens(exclsiv'el),
Slscshlyaellis0olocek, Tislrsdslyesens-
inso 8 s'clock. hLsiieslexs*lsilueyl, Satuasy
afte1rnoosssn s :55055511. Ladilessld Geustle-
mee, Tse"livenhlis 8:15 osclsck. tuvess-
iles, Satsusrday lafterosssss2 oeclock. Nostairs
to11moun1t. COftice 11151hDlaleissnhsilBa Olsi h
Stat t. .0stores.
We offer diseount oil alt
SUniverstty Text-Books,
Law, Medical, Pharmaceutical
1 and Scientific Books.
We hay and seth secondt-hand hooks.
Matheinaticah Instrumensts amid
Drafting Supplies at speciah
1 rates. We offer
-Best Linen .Paper at 20c Per Lb.
001.1AGENTS l10k
III ~ hIr2t h th ni t IL l[IA l is .u
Nearly 40 msenm 'sere osut for football
prnactice at tile Athletic fisld yeste'rdaly Chapel Exercises.
afternoon. They were givens work in Clecenst clifes im the hsourso of rech-
passng and falling oil till ball, pun~lt- tutions halve renlderedo it necessaury to
imig amid kicking. Eleveis men were susipenid chsapel exercises for Chic pres-
picked anld set to wnortk hracticinig sig- smt. tnde'r tineol system of re'cital-
nals. Coach Macaculey hinstructed the tionls, wvheni 111 classes mset betweeni
m1111 ii time Prnletonl mesthood of intcr- use honrs of 8:15 amid19:30 o'clock,
ferenlce, amid after haltf an houmr's svork amllie tulle sa givenl for devotionual
a seconud levenl wasll ined up againsot service, bnt no clasoes 110w conve'ns
thieml. After 10 or I15uminlutes' hphay regtularly eacsh hotur trollS5 o'clock
around time euds, signsal prnactice wus until 11001, there hos110 timseuallowvedt
agins resumled. 'fle 1m us-re thsenmfo~r tile sustoms. It is anntotunceot, ihow-
roll fromlsthsefifeld to thse dresoinsg- ever, thlat souse arrnugemuent swill hc
roomls. msasde s-hereby thse exercises svill he
V. (linv~v'01li ti,. ia.l. > , - held ano heretofore.
aginig editor of tiletDnily 1a111 last y'or
uillnaliin editor of "94 ('astaisn, is ini
tile city ons a shsort visit.
Itiso 5. k. ('onsner, '95 ulledic, on ac-
count of sicknless, will slot finishs her TW O S T OR-JS.
mledical cohurse tuis year. Cs~iStratehSts .tl oss 51011,e