THE U. 01? M. DAILY. MJCHTGAN G~ni~ Time Table (Revised) July 1, 1854. Mail and En.4 55 Mail.8 45 N. Y. Special.~ 5 15 N. Y. Special.. 7 05 Eastern 55 N. S. LisajEed. 5 25 A. M. PaciSc Ex.12 15 AElantic Ex. 7 AT psi. 0. N. Express.. 5 45 Western Es.1 53 0. R. Express 11 55 Ihi. NE. Eu- iS 25 GREx-557 0. W. BOGGLES, H. W. HAYES, G F & T Agt Chicago AgE., Ann Arbur. T., A. A. & N. M. RY. Taking effect Sisaday, Aug. 1, 1894. Trains leave Ann Arbor on Croteul Stand- ard time. 7:18a.m. 07:15a. 512:25p. so 11:30a.m. 4:15p.m. 9:19p.m. arrains run betncen Ann Arbor undToiedo A~i tralox daily except S:snday. R. 8. GREENWOOD, Agent. W II. BENNETT, G P. A , Toledo, 0. DIETAS & SCHANZ, U. OF M. T~ILOR.S knecot and bent etyles 0g Foreign sod Do- mestic Weolens. Flint cIa-s Stand Srstcluss work guaranteed. Cleaning, prensissg and repuiriss, neAtly don ASS State en SrsnnslldoorAnuArbor. CATERER, ~rnrrn 171 E XV shing- HANGS IEflFLfl, ton A NEW LiNK CUFF New Bonkn. Alliong Ilte ness bookS ad] :1 to 11 gettellIl librlory eltIrilIg Octolier ire till foPowing: '1110 Slystery et 57115 ing," by S. Borilig-GotIld: "Ci:ilirs. 1101: l)ttritig the Middle Ag.'o," 1 leori'i' B. AdornS; Sostreen of till ('oustltn- lion of the Utilted Stote-o" I'. B. Stes. eliS; "liace slid Lalignage'o," Andre tefes-re; "History of Eke Essiliul Stoles Navy," Edgur S. Maclsy: 'Elesienits of Englisis ('OliStiltlhOliul history," F. I'. Motstuglle; 'Story sit 1111' SIIII," Itobset S. Boll; "'Ebs' Boutidaries of Mslsie slid Poetry.' Vi'. A. Alllllrl55 "SIBSeS 015(1 Intellect.' Alex. B:siti; "Stssilis's its E:srly Frelieli Poetry." W:ilter Besaist: "lIotIll' Life of ike Ancietiit (Ireeko," Ittigo Bliseiniser; "taseus oil t'tSllOtittltio)lilll illss.' .1. B. 'l'huys'r; "Slory of Otir t'l~in"t," 12ev. '1'. (1. Bssaney; ''('olllllielst:sry (111 the Works of Iboon." 51. II. Boysooti. UNIVERSITY NOTES. t'rof. 7frnieblooel uvill g*is-(' his third lilisi knot leclBre on the goal leaders of (lirisliallity befori' the ililueroity bibles slano at tli(' Meilsodist clisticli Stiliday at 12 ocloek. The subject of lii:' Icetore will tie Slironllrola. Ike l)crforlliitnee gisso by 1111:5 1:1St light 5515 111 till' IiliIIIIe of a (real. '1k:' hotise ~ sss'il filled ati:9 all nrdny next, Noveiiibei' 1, at 2 p. in., room 22, Pnivernity hail. Testlinon- isis regarding advanced work should be presented at that time. A. hALL, JIl. ORATORiCAL A5SO('tATiI)N. There ivill be liii iniportanit iseetitig of the exeentive board of the (Scatori. cal Association, l"i'iday, Nov. 2, it 4 p. iii., ill rootii 24. All iiiemhers of ii board 5cc expected to be preoent. .1. St. QUAIiLES, h'res. REQUIREMENTS Fog ttRAtiiJATtllN. All students expecting to graduate in aiiy given year mnst repSrt to the registrar at the optning of the yea, and ascertain what prencribed work, if any, is still lacking for tile deg:'ee sought. 1'. Et. delIiNT. i.mOiTB.tI.L. The class fosthall games will be played early thin year. Managers and captains are urged to get their mci: out at once. CHARLES BAIlED, Mgr. INTER-CLASS FOIITBALi.. 'Ilie scednie of inter-class footb:iii gaines is as foilouvo: Nov. 1-'97 lit vs. '98 lit. Nov. 8-95 law vs. '911 law. Nor. 12-7)5 lit vs. 'BC lit. Nov. 14-Winner of Nov. 5 vs. iligli School. Nov. ISi-Winner of Nos. 5 vs. winner of Nov. 12. Nov. 19-Winner of Nos'. 94 is. win- nec of Nov. 1(1. Ally iitiier classes wishing to 'irgitli- ice teams to compete for champion. ship, send uvord as soois as tiossibie and places in schedule suili le id-aug. eel for Ilietli. tIIABIES thAi tIP. excepted. From this slate those hay. issg right of admission us-ill to' fur- iiisiieeh cards uvliieii 11511sf be shown lit (lie doSr. f)lBce 0 Maynard St., ground floor. Academic Music COLLEGE SONGS." Siost pepsiar college cisllretis,: i-Tee nab- lisi:ed. liver 110.009 sold. Heavy Paper, SO cents: Cloth, Gilt. $1.00. "New Harvard Song-Books." including oil tl:c ,,ncrst harvard sssigs- Hoavy Paper, $1.00. "COLLEGE SONGS FOR GIRLS." As sung iii lie iu:11i5 'elleges t::c svos:e: - Heavy Paper, $1.00. "Boot's Album of Songs." .9 ness collcclioii siflill' lyri:oi the ostii:sr sit 'here's a liralili tIl Ifing Cl::icles,7 wl:ici: is lilelullell. $1.00. Aisybodmsentposlp:iisi 110 ceci-ipt ot hicice. Seiid dIr bolirtitis of 11:e 11(15 00011 mu iiistrusseni:il masi:'. OLIVER DITSON CO., 454 46.1 55 islsnigiomi St , 110mm Cii Sutton ti 1 '5 9 DROP IN AND LOOK AT THE WHITELY EXERCISERS It ii :u us dm41 ostuidl :1 i elIslylete ,,ym iiau:um toi tueieiuiil,, thIliOuhily : eli, inns des. it ix soisele-.e, i:us sld-udjss(:i:g cc- '.istolce ot tctsm 2 to Ill ills ilIllIIcsi'd lIT ti:e calling itliletes od tl:i- sl:iv. All inscis sac- c:siit,-d doe Isso ymoce. Ii cor c:ms:ulogses~ idoc sole Isy R. L. t. s.OUNT, 14 N. Ingalls st., An,: Acl:or. SvhsCribo for tho ~ of M DaiI~1 us (lilt ti (It miJoy £IJLL[ .L~A)R.II~U In 101155 to itioti us ills ss Daily i-l-lSlirts'i' REST LIXE TO iOU Ike p1 iy 1211111 091111 5111' lilSyllys INDIANAPOLIS,. liked tI) Act iii SiIskl-0t0:lrl illf oct ms I.40EJISV'ILLE, allege ,itilSil'nee mis Alley :itliurl-ciltteli and CINCINNATI. (he tile 10111(5 miS 1111 otlite 5tidiiOi'l' 11(11. ELEGANT Through Sleeping Cars U. OF 51, CALENDAR. - BETWEEN ce S,7,,,. -l .51..nli.s ..C 51,1,', \',~ BUSINESS LOCALS. : The DAtaY contains official notices I from the Facnlty, aiid notices from' tEotices inserted in tisin I'll isn:n oh ii:e r:ite tlse athletic teams uiid other sitident oc Scents per line. Special r:iten goc longs time, sod estrls hues toeninbeli Sly ipiulying orgaIlicationS. at the DAIi.Y ol5ce.l It contaills cotnnletn renorts of all LOST. A stick tiiii set uvitli 011:11 (1111 fotir lliutiSSOiiehn. Fisider retnrn to 'fillico Petoskey, Louisville and Cincinnati. ASK FOE TICKETS VIA BIG + FOUR + ROUTE. R. 0. MeCORSiSCE. D. B. MARTIN, Passenger Traffic SIge. Own. F. & T. Aol. WM. 551- FTTIIXIC, FIRST CLASS CUSTOM TAILORING Corsuer of State and William sIx., William at. entrance. s~ i m 0-A. m (Students Recreation Head- quarters. No.3 N. Slain Street. ANN ARBOR STEAM. DYE WORKS. Ladies' and Oeiitu' CiuiCLii:g Cleaned or Dyed. 23 W. HURON ST., ANN ARBOR, DETROIT, MICH. It swell bedore leaning lisme, inheiluer I ise baniness or pleasure, to degide apsa a lintel and ilserehy aenideosfusion pleased 10 base ysu step at he old When you sisit Benroit we would be "Franklin House," nor. Lamed and Sates Sto., where you wilihaveagond meal and a clean bed at moderale rates. The hounehas been renosatedfrnmtep to tntEnm, andlsnanIn first-class enadihon. H. H. JAMES. Steals, 35c, LodgIngs, SO. Pen Day. S1,30. Subscribe for ibe Daily. oHice aiid receive reucard. -literary Society, nusomn 4, 1:10 p. is. Mrs. Annie Ward t-'oster's ailvanced Sat., Nov. 1.-'Vs.rSity vs. ('smell lit - Ithaca. class begins Stosidoy evenitig, Nov. 5. Sat., Nos-., 1.-Senior i:suvs elect othi- All forisser puphis snel oil others wish- ce-cs, leetnee roonta, lauv bssiiding. tug 11) Jeili, 5t1' slur(hi:ihiy hilvited. SaC, Nov. 3. Junior law-s elect 019- Ss'hooi, 4(1 5. Slate st. -12 cere, lecture roonso, h:osu' bsiiiuling, 7:11 Ft:r hlent.-t5hs':isant oit:~he' room ~ir ii. m. 5tiitl', filcillIli' ku-~mt. 2:1 Wihliuuim xl. Steom., Nos-. :I-Eimtertaiaumn-oi. mit ('AN YOU DANCE? Putty Climb, 'Tise Bryant Antiiue-r- 'ilis' rimissiw meet as foihosos at (Trats- -c's Academy next uveek: 'fuenday Ytuhe is us-eli suypiieih suithi cose-itiw es(-iiiiIE :sds-asies'el thins for ladies anal this oct11'. Sits' hsas iso to CICIT genhienss'tm; Ttssirsd:sy cu-siting, begium- us-cs (gentli-laicti e-xcisisis-t'iy); S:ateirsi:iy 011 lIle teallI. tiloi'ising, hiegiwitero (gt'iitii'itm:-it excisi- 'ilte Yalt' V. H. C. A. lt:ao adsh:-si itt sius-ly-, afterisonit, 2 o'clock, josetitimo, otilli- ele'losrtiill'tus ssimis-h is to ho- lltll'tlsSel55 1 n's-lot-la. lailit's s'xciiiniseir, Iniosso :15 :111 t'lttpisyille'Iit bid-ian. eul-nims~~ :ieivasies-d cimiss (hililitell ebb). 'hile' 'ilil-laglI sm::ennah (railmimig NI) visitot's. iltiil'titO :11111 ('itiiiSl'illlten sellolil's cl-el-Itt gmdnaling i-lass lass 'luvo lute snites lIf tliluitlO, ftitii:im'c i:eal, tssoderii hiotise-. $2 tier 55-I-I-k sIx reprs'se'itt:stis-s's cif ('orm-li's troll- i-se-k, at 19 Vi'ihssoiit nt. p 14 mast ei:ass. It Pii3'5 to tr. Eh(' it W:thmr'o I 'mmis'sr- 'lile iargs-st fosth:sih scoi'tw 011 t'ectesmt shy Book Stoic. Largest otoek of ssi-re mash' by Unites-ton :ig:iinst La- Swemeters, Cymnmnsitiuim Slits and Sport- fayeth' tim 1804, 140-0; Y~mk' ligmitelsi inc Stiliphies in tlte city. 'rite right Wenleysut iii 158(3, 1111-88, hillS I l:irs:irul prise on everythmitlg. t2EOBtiI-2 W.tIhhh. ag:mimmsf Exetem' iii 18811, 121-1). ____________ FOUND. NOTICES. A 011111 of nieney, Saturday, olt Slain sI. It suill Iii' i-s-liti'si cml to "us-nec by Every member of lime Oracle board atidresning Phttrumsie, 48 5. timis-erSity is requeSted to be present at time isext ave. naceting, to ho held Friday aflerlsooIs Tho Daily has already mono snh. at 4 oclock, ut room 9 scribers among the coeds than eves A. K. IIUTCIIINSON. before in its history. Co-eds, sub- A svritten examination for advanced scribe, you are represented on the credit in astronomy uvill be held Sat- hoard. University events of interest. It keeps yon posted on yoeir own and every other departmenL SUBSCRIBE NOW AND KEEP A FILE $2.50 IN ADVANCE. Subscriptions received at the DAiLY office, Times building, Stoff- hots assd by alt authoriced solicitors. FLOWERS, FLOWERS For Everything mad Everybody fl - SItS. ismlverslty COUSINS & HALL hilhth TehephIlos 115 A. G. SPALDING & BROS.. FOOTBALL SUPPLIEg. Every tle:lou'ae, dim this Spatildinga - .:~, Official Intercoltegiate 'sIT 7P e s' Football. eon ~ S Adoltted 1094 lix th:r -mntereolir mE- '.soc:~m- - a' tismsosudmostl45.~ in oil OtOtIiu guises hhlleE, ssith: inhl:mtsr, 05. Sp:miding s Olil: phete FoothIuhl Ciutulogne setE tree. SpuIllingo OScisul Footh:ahh Cuide doe toils.'- edited by Waitec C:mmhI. cllntuiniig Ehsesuesei-nles attd stilt-c valosukis- ingoem:m- Elmat time gouids liner time best. New Torli. Clsiengis. IOmlhsilrlplsla. ~nq2 T EIROII STEAM LAUNDRY CO. OOigls (ilna - mel Dusunslln 5'hmlnls. E. S. SERVISS, Manager, (511 SOUTH FOURTH AVENUE. EXCELSIOR + LAUNDRY! 20 EAST hURON STREET. (hood Work Onarnnteed. Goods called for and delivered. A. I'. COVERT, Prop.