/5 TlHP U. OF 2N.DAILY. rrH7F _ F. C. STEBB3INS, THE NEW SchalI's Boosto! CRANDALL TYPEWRITER ~f T IHMr %I I+lYAN U I IIf ormeily with Geoige MWahr, l9 7-lUL011 LAUVNLJJIIIIII FE.Washington st. Headquarters for 1YPSILANTI, MItCHI. everything a Stuident needs in the Is olliiig cotOll tI l ok ;gmood line of Test-Books, Stationery and - tfor $P for $~2.50. SUNDAY DINNERS AT 5 O9QLOCK. Miscellaneous Stock in general. .ai nu heSml MARTIN SCHALLER, °SATISFACTION GUARANTEED teradiuin I Ion le in Ypsilanti, an7ITHE DOWN-TOWN BOOKELR _______It~19 is,. VWSashing ton st., one block - E. vIHI I ANi STREE1 IT. W. H. LEWTIS, Prop. east of Main st. __l T(a _ THE SIMPLEX PRINTER, EM IL REFSA .MMEYS tement Alignm :r~ent;Instaee n tlyhe e (fwiinsaddrwig. EH,~ILDRESS,4AJIA.tKE. MTUMlaRgeSotl Simple; Durable; Writing in Sight; *A iiew invenitionl for duplicating 111 {111ii1i i ~lIf1l .0 Changeable Type. Besit - oeenr oblein Furope, Ne YoIrk pof TOOTH POWDER n J. S. PEARL, Agent, tO iins odiAnstrborcity for 25ce 5E ahing to s., iAss Arbor ItNch.I4I. Stateic. Coe a sei( us~~i(. LAG PINS $I.50. jbrigfol 1th6 LI of MI oaiIl~ atiyu onybc a elow nd lueBu- ___________ if not perfectly satis-o S:- WthUn . M rte ielo ot, < orii a p1)cc ron C 111ileDI YC ontiles official Notices factory at yer ccois of typie an s(psni Pr.poducedi froin tien. Iscolt .and0 noticefroms A rO D',5ec le. l--1' -io ------_____________ ---AT- of work.. AG(NTS. sANTED. ilthathletic leams anid (otiler student NEW DRUG STORE. WM. wLAWTON & CO 9 it containls cunIlIteej or.f4all A IN20 Vesev St., News Yolk net fitrt THE t vEtt o ~t~r~t ALLL BH' iE[L ANARBOR SAVINGS BANK I ep '~lpse it, ll>l A L K W&THE ANN 0I d evertviotheirlleatleitJEWER. Ann Arbor, Mich C iprtal alet.c10, 0oC(1 ,cdVOt OA FSpndc $110(M. ecolttinhil((t i, pio( STrO .R NS_ ,T L Or nr~eundP rpeGeneal 1 tu0,1 I0. wsSUBSCRIBE NOW AND KEEAFILE1 h~l 5Zl~i1~IL~ ~ of? thIi tt. Receivesidepoits iie , an.d1( M,(It ti.i15biiriiint st'PhoneNO'S bel s ne oil te rc psiol ciicofilhe 46 S. MAIN STREET. Y~tts M . 2 I., Pon o.5. itedStates.. raftslsed upS rpu e l' $2.50 IN ADVANCE. -________________ I 5 t it i i c aeydposit boasto ont. O N~aCSCic-rcin 1Ion.tel:,s. .MOORE & WETMORE MRS. ANNIE WARD FOSTER'S lIoner , 1 f-rito.; as . Ito l c. Suscitin- reeie ___________________________________S. ti5 Baiii ot .iiand State sof coi- School of Dancing and Delsarte. DROP IN AND LOOK AT tier of ilTiic iitii. hl- ic I illiam st. liohav a tudy4pm.I c brnerscls THE WHITELY EXERCISER. lits aind hy ali t hoi irizeidsilicitiirs. clileesoko Monay,.l Ilin. Ad,:incedtis,(LdlsFLOWERS, FLOWERS 1iNIESIIY I[1 POkS Piricate lisons by (11ppo( intmen. sistaoefronic :to 651111 Ibs. Inorend by ihcCOUSINS & H 0I Flr 96S i niverseiy ave. New and Second Hand. SCHOOL-. 46 S. STATE Sr. lcodin ithletesofOthe cSoy. All parts \(((c- 'I Telephoineclr B O O S- Fo b l y R. L. BLOUNT, 14N The Daily 2.50 a ear. Nte Sotoy. ohrliue Cood pls, c Bnal (tAn.)(rI fn tainry pKtn Gos ec,3.hc LMPS'LM 1AM P LAMPS! they otter at, the Loweist (Prites.rhaig Besloe 0 loistloc. It youalvllana see us befconrsosvuyouasigrea Second Hand Books, College Text Books, Law Books, Medical Books, at cut rate prices at the STATE STREE'l. Bargainis in Stationery and Note Books. special reductionse this week on K. & E.s Drawing Instrtuments. We have the hest. SPALDIN'S ATHLETIC CLOTHING and Sporting Goods for the itew gymnasium. Come and see us. We ai e the largest dealers in the city and our prices are the lowest. SHEEHAN & CO,, Wholesale and Retail Booksellers FIRST NATIONAL BANK. OF ANN ARBORH. Organized 1010. Capital, $100,000. Surplus and Proftn, $40,00. Transects a general baeking business. Foreig., exchanges bought and sotd. Furnishi letters at credit. P. BACH, Pins. S. W. CLARKSON, Cashier. 22 Yearn in the Buiness- -MV M CITY LAUNDRY, M. M. SEADOLT, No. 4 N. 4th ave. Miss Hattie Long, lisltar, Mandolin and Banjo, i9 Diller ave., Ann Arbar, ihb. variety and1( give you lower prices thlan any house ill this mailrket, FOR FIRST CLASS MEALS All examinationl of our stock demnstrates thiat it contains flit hest TfRY THE and most improved letup made. i'irty-tllree years experience ill the ELITE DNN PARLOR LapBusiness is wcrtil someting. Buy of us and get the hencfit of if. DNN DEA N 8& OOMPA.N Y_ Cur. State and Lihorty sts. 44 South Main Street. EDWARID LE+WPs, 1rep. B~oarders Wanted. UNIVERSITY NOTES. 1110iloundred (111d twecnty-fie11r- piaratorly schiools ace retiresented ill thierJ"'31UlE folr lawaly cwiii go1111111 toirute'files- day. It is expecteid thaithue prize of the oratoriial lolilef ciiiill beraiseid this year. Prof. IHinsdale id not.1111 1110111is class ill schotol super1vison tis iliocli- iliiss Anna 'iliHlollsaln, '1)3 lii, is telaching at Savoisa. Stelliell (couty. New Yiirk. 'Pile su~bject of flue disconurse at file Presbyterian chulrchl next Sunday eveninig is "Belief Made Easy." One wecklfomPceltomorrow iiighit, Ntiv. 10. occurs file second general ie- ceptison of (lie S. (". A. at Newbierry hall Doii Morrison, subtstitutfe gualrd on tile 'Varsity last year, is in towvn. He has beeii coaciig thle Hillsdale foot- ball teamo. One hundred and fifty new members joined the Oratorical association Wed- nesday. This is the largest numnber thlat ever joined in one day. acad~leicfresthmian clase at Yiii.(If Ihilse Schools. Antdocer selids it. prcesen~tedlatroiphly-tofthe cvaleiioeof 5,00mrlrs to lie compe~lted foil by fle tie-vssoflithe different.lhermnan 11tic~reit its. 'Thle iannua~l initercollegilateebate be- tweenl Cornlell and University of Pennlsylvaia w cii tale platelit tile Acaemiiy of Mulsit illthilatliphia on1 MaclIS, next. Prizes retiresentinge;flue incoesileef $1,000 ihave been offeredl by Charles 0. Blaird,. if Philadelpidia, to those whou (-xcel in th le oratorical exercises of till senior class at Princeton. Corner Washington st., fald Ashley st. Ra tec $2 and $3. 'FPHON'E 123. PROPRIETOR. G. EH. WILD IHE LEADINI TAILOR Has the newest Fall and Winter Woolens aiid largest stock in the city. You can get any selec- tion you are looking for. J" COME AND SEE US. 2 E. Washington st., near Xain at. i Owving to a disappointmnt in file comnpletison of a theater in Ontario. Rhiecill appear here'ftvo nights in- stead of one as at first annuouniced. ft is rumored that Fred Beeler, lit '93, p. g. '94, cvho is nows teaching school in Houghton, is to be niarried during Thanksgiving vacation to a young lady of Ann Arbor.