I THE Ui. OF M. DAILY. rr FF. 0. STEBBINS, TlE NEW Schallers Bookstore CRANDALL TYPEWRITERAI OCCI. {ormey with George Wahr, 19 Viltlfr dievrwok YPStLANTJ, MICH. everything a, Student needs in the ,__ line of Text-Books, Stationery and .. . prmptly.Miscellaneous Stock in g eneral. promtly SUNDAY DINNERS AT 5 O'CLOCK. MARTIN SCHALLER, " ' SATSFATION GUAANTED. tudets and tte.itizes htdmake this ATISFCTION GUARATEED.thirtheadqtuartersiein aYpsianti, and i tTHE DOWN-TOWN BOOKSEtLLER1, ;assuet~e they e'il fid me, a-;ever, - - ,t, 01 S. STATE STEEN F . Mostecordalaly, 19 E. Washington st., one block -01W. H. LEWIS, Prop. east of ilain st. 1- ICoE$5FOR FIRST CLASS MEALS____________ 'T nligh amg . ole. TH olth FY THE THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK A. E. MUMMERY'S, Simple; Drbl;Writing in Sight; EIEDNIG PROrs kiMt dti'ti(K 0000 . EEPYUSL Permanent Alignment; Instantly (r.S tsedLiet ss t isi.:Mate. teceivsPinecia isysanadil 0 AND CLEAN. Changeable Type. 'lweun LEWIS. P unitedlStatis. tDrafts.caes ecion roer,- V We will help yon with _____identificationSafetydepo itiboxes tien. n l th I li 5; EWasiiiegto t, AnntiArbor, Sick. tastier; Mt. ..Freitz, .ai'tantt'ashiiir a pfr nOA To keep pseread the 0 Clth I.I ~ o LGPN 10 Daily. Edition today 3,000. , l LI.JIV Yellow and Blue But- L MS A P!L MS FINE TOILET SOAPS tons 60c.LM S A P !LM With U. of M. or the AND SPONGES. year 75c. Mtake it ttiistake. Do you wvant ia luaip? We eCan shotw yes a greatI- AT- variety and give you lower prices thtainaniy tense inittis.marki.t He NEW DRUG STORE. WM. ARNOLD'S, Jeweler. An exaininatien of our stock demonstrates that it e( ttt'iiil;tie et - - and must imorvedl lamcp tmads. Thirty-thtree yearsts a 'r i oin the A N 1O- IT A RB J amip Business is worth something. Buy of tuiiand get the teii iifit fit. STEAM LAUNDRY CO. ID PlAIN & OzQIMII P A.NIY 7 LLC SQ+ JI igh it Iassand Doiesie nIishai. 44 South Main Street. .O _ 1 E.S. SERVISS, Manager, UNIVERSITY NOTES. S. D. Stayers, '94 lit, is iecelihig 46 S. MAIN STREET. -T SttTl F.RHl5AVENCE. Biology and Botanty at Hlonston, Tex:. WM R n'tYI DEI _______________________Isaac Liptson, '94 law, is practicig The Daily is edited, pub- in Chicago. W. . albaih,'94 aw is ltriitii- FIRST CLASS CUSTOM TAILORING lished and supported by the WilCpa,9 eni ottda l of the schools at Little Pock, Aik. CaertS t n ita t students.Chels a n, 9t. dOscar italdcated'94lawoiseriofstit;at eniiam s . studets. Celse, Mic. OsaJ.Spl.in'ie94law,,s '94thlawiaist.tirecticing+ J.N.tPnbsor '94(awr sotraticin at St. &CJosepl,,t St.Jos MOOREo M&OE WETWTM RR at Ponca, Neb.T. . It.iHrriek, '94 law, ts pa Cdi it . 6S. ain st., anid State st., cor- 130 0 K ' law, andi is also city clerk at 0 a' it; o net of William st., havea .._.___ J. F'. Chamibers, '94 law, is ptractic- CtIl complete stock of Second Hand Books, bng in Lanasing. Ct,') teiln (0 . eeai, 9Gawaspaci-Clviii It. Ewood,'4 nde hsaUMIEBSITY H BR .J.Geeal,'4l«,iprci-College Text Books, bipaonJakoi isitiotn in te insane asylum at Pen- 1~ OK Law Books, x . G shck 94 lt, hasreturnedti tac, -S~et. New and Second Hand. _as-.ct- ii~m1- T n", C, t 1( tmCC-A, e.. Bolacs_ r eherta._a 1spi-a Medical Books, at cuit rate prices at Ite SiTATE S'TREE'. Bargainis ini Stationtery tind Note 'Books. special red uctieno tisweek <)n It. & E.s Drawing tnstritments. We have the best. SPAL I1NC'S ATHLETIC CLOTHING and Sportitng Goods for the tnew gynmnasiumi. Come and see us. We are the largest deailers in the city and our prices are the lowest. SHEEHAN &CDO, Wholesale and Retail. Booksellers MJUSICAL GOODS AT THE STATE STOFET MUSIC STOH[. ,Che"per thtait anywhere else in lihe'Country. it TI IEJN S FINEST RESTAURANT iti At;; Arbttis STAR aSTEAM LVDY HIGH CLASS WORK. BOWISH & HOUSE, PROPRIETORS! (Of te. 02 SyouthStte Street. to graduate with '961. Mtarvin E. Barnhardt, '93 law', ks ptracticing in Chicago. H. E. Brown, formcer'y '1144l1h, is hack to graduate with '96. L. N. Brown, '92 law, p. g. '93, is practicing law ic Ypsilani. Edward Marsh, '94 lit, is prtinctpal of the Bay City HuihSi-hool. Jessie Phltcps, '94 lit, is teaching scetces at Sauilt Ste. Mtarie. L. G. tayes, formaerly '93 lit, thts returnetd to graduate with '9t6. Mic liaa$D. Day, fortocv '93 litt, is hack to graduate witht't9t. It. W. Hicks, '99 lit, io teaching school at Dollar Bay, Micht. Adloltth Tyroler, 'l94acidic, t i7irae tieignietdiciue at Itcea, Slich1. Gee. OHathuaway, '94 dent, is enjoying a lively practice at Saline, Micht. C. A. Btowen, A. At. '93, is studying it the Boston thteological sch~ool. L. P. thil, '93 lit, is teachting Gcr- imit anti History at Ottawa, Ill. P'. J. Riggs, of the law class of '93, is practicing law at Detroit, Mlicht. It. V. Friedman, '94 lit, is muanagitug his fater's store at St. Louis, Mo. F. A. Sitringem, '94 lawv, hlinem- ttrned Itotolege for a t'. g. courset. A. 1). ttott, '93 lit, was maarriedt SetK. 27, to StisIHoag, of Marshall R. C. Wittn, '94 lit, is teaching GreeLk;tadLatimi at ?Mantstee, Michi. I Miss Belle Lanipman, '97 medie, I l Note Bookq~acid other Students' Supplies. died at lter ltooeitnlHillsdale, iflicli., Fiteetmsinery, Sportng Godsca ,wh Chey offer Ct Cbe LoweetPr1;cas. July 4, 1894. __ Chtts i. Cov eli, for 'criy '04I lit. is Call and see us before purchasing. biack ',tresumet his etudien aiitt tte 1K12 m-4 ~tIS l Et e, G3-A F-SI'-.0 5. claa s of'T5. BILLIARDS AND POOL. it. F. Fretterilksom, '9)4 lit, is teach-tt ocet ins of Cigars andToacs Noi. 3 N. Stab; Street. ittg GreetlantdtL atint it the Chticago, E. B. Gower, '94 lit, htas fornmed a law poartncership withm J. E. Patton, I atPnic 1.J. E. Patrick, '93 law', will tluke ith islm li a xmnainfovditast h M4issouri bar thtis fall. Cernter WVasinmgtonc sk., andt A. J. Ladd, '93 lit, last year presi- Ashcley st. dent of thte S. C. A., is teachting schtool tt 1Iigiand Park, Ciicago. Ra tesc $2 an d $3. 1-I. S. Jeninigs, formterly ittetructor of Biology itt the Untiversity, htas se- O$T-13 cturedt a positionc at Harvard. C. S. Kinugsley, who took his A. M. degrree at the Pitivereity last year, is . teachtintg ctool at West Bay City. 1'HOI'IETOR. (Grover C'lcveland, '94 latw, ancd ex- G 14 TT W U u itresident of te Athietic Associatioit, ~ I . v.zz~.. is ptracticing law in St. touts, ,o. Ti rrii ilff E. C. Peters, '93 lit, lhas a echoltar-Il[ IULiAINh 11111 liii ethic a Cornell and gooad prospects of IhI5, securing a itositionen tWashintgtont, Has the newvest Fall and Winter. I). C. Woolens atid largest stock itnte MissEthriwn Pithhts,'0t deit, city. You can get itny selec- Niis E'helyn 'zilips,'S) ,(lnt, tion you are looking for. of Wigan, Lung., laid te corner etoice of thetewaY . St. C. A. building tere ( COME AND SEE US. Aug. 20. 2 E. Washington st., near Main at.