THE U. OF M. DAILY. in + self fte to commnt upon any matter INTER COLLEGIATE. J. T. JACOBS. CHA. H. ALLMAND +. a f, it . wicb it considers detrimental to the ____welfare of the niversity. The Daily Yae lot bou&M tO n iA Ofor Published 1Daily (Sundays excepted) during it aware tbat this course' will no rp.trnctn w ci rntcctl-LIA O the Cilee yea, by ways be the mot pleasant. that it wil 1HE l. OE M 'NEPENDENT ASSOCIATION, make some enemies by so doing, bit class are stationed daly at the "tar- DEALERSI N OrricE: Times baiding N. Matnst., pposite sity gate o indetify all mnt speta- , 01 pt office. iit the long rin it will b the more pofots of the football prtci(e. + + S E ( 14i.S. t + respiectetd. The Dtaily betrs Warinkle Saliseripias prtce12.55 peryear, tascishty 'he triistees'of the IUtivrsity of M ADSElJ ..- Subsripionprie v2.50eryarinvrialy to ill will for its attack its its today's COI N E sadvance. Sige cpes 3cests. Sbcrip- 'P5ensylvania have appopriated $210.- _________ tints may be left at the atcec of te DAttY, issue, but it would hatve bestsr far bt- at Stoffet's, at State st. newst sand, withanay t4r4ifirof.wheiretwo hasibntwoadeoni io' ofteeditors or authtarieed slicitors. ttiltf with which towhobhgitsenworkeThe 'Washington Block. if the ~~~~~~~~~~~drtistorirai. They tre to be buiilt ott _____________________ C'ommunicatins should reach the otire by to suffer fur' too tisistisaresady by C aclach p. mn. if they are to appear the ext tlhe sitngle hose"' plan, will cot FLOWERS, FLOWERS day. Add'ess al matter intended for pubi- teaste eira a o ietct-atCt.0,l~l tdwl oe Fr Eryiinc and Everybudy. catan ta the Matnaging Editor. All business tootted its so unmierciful t atianer. If abuta.COUSNS0,000, antisd willixrnktyver ,-omminicatians shosuld tbe sei at itito Wrinklest-acrss.tCOhutNhi'HALLadeito ntstts'r- Telvrephonet11. THE U. OF fo. DAILY, stand that persoial "rats'atre not lett',li's''i'roth ottiE CLSO +LA D Y Ann Arbor, Mich. irfootball tett is thlii'bero of sistelectrir 0 ASHUOSTE . eccsay o mkea riht apr ndcar accidintichislshiappened tt Ithiacta God Wdor Guaranteed. Goods clled fr EDITORS. otiilingtinsgitis tnot ulntor. if it coulit udS h.It coming d townn step and eiictri'i. A r. . 4 ly'EsT. trp. 7. 1.. LOtIE, Lit. '5. Miantaging Editor. tie hat t cean imtvty pape5r xosd - hi . SComEna, Lit. '07.Assisant. hiltihi' notormnnlost conto of time SubbeboforThe 1Ji of M aiy1 H~.. OLEMAN, Lit. '55. Assistant. increas', ts subsi'ripstionm and its inthi-t~ b Ctar timd it dashed atto frightful staid A. F.SROtKWmELL, Lit. '90. Asitan. e'ti'e as xxell amd thitt the Dumly' is not J. A. LenOY, Lit. 1, Atiileic Editor. dowxn thehilll, crtasingito aniothr Tie DAILY contsinstoffcialnoies J. . EALLaw&5 BsiessMaagr. thiiir eemtiytbt xwiintmg ini 'xesy way .i. . Feus.,Law EsBasiess oin this switchl. A yountg laiy from the Faclty, andi notics rout --Assistant, to hlptiliei'iito1d0 5, tlt cotroversy Assistant.wsilthcaantretojmhtteaheitemanotesudt LITvERARtY. ho. w~. xold bll'at tin endsind Vrilcnelt t lii'rsped hertiandi) heild hrtogtisealtic emsadotes.uei Minnie Thumpson,'9y ' F. .tami, 't. xxould ibecoime aim ackowledigeid powxer SIttihhg-sct tctmitiei Iar ttionatiint.opet eotso Carrie . Smith, 'a. E. L. Extns,'95It cotsltttlistacomplete reeporealoftal H. A. Oner, 'a. G.. H arrison, '9. tmfitttheUixverity. imtthi'etssctox'mm i iUStniversiiy events of interest. S. B. Shiley, '9S. MnEIALhar0ot ;just im tilne, le beingidaisi kepdo ose nyorot -- ~~~~~~E. S. Nibac, '5. tksyuptdonorow SET~iA. H. B. Gsmmo, '55. Footbal Practice, to the door asd recittg Svrisa anti every other department. HOEPTI. Ysetrtsty's tootbatt pra'ticie xva ulses __onhis __leg. _ SUBSCRIBE NOW AND KEEPA FILE wa nAlt copy must be sit the oaltec befoec8:aM . T iete"eto at"ih m. ohCie day of publication. a dm'tzzling raim, amdmnot emouighm catii- '12giv5t I"Mat nDVtAhNisEli ______________________________motto of WVitters' Palace Launds'y, $25 INA V CE Thte editors do sot old temees repon- daie rx'ie out it iko' niltwoo"ev- which leaves nothing undone that cn sithe for te opinions or statementsof ormes- ens.~ W. ('..xaly, itt Ihicago cp' ho done to giye perfect xwork. We co- Subscrptions received at the itindeotts, apparittg in theDAitim. Drl ails of hit'[7. o itt5. tteim in hO. slet tMondays and deiver T'hustlays. DAL office, Times huiding S~off- 'loniglttis ta Ciioxecndinthetti'Daily thitred on the it'doaiti Coeth aule't asbi Leaxe orders at FusldesTalor Shop, lets imd by all authiorizetisoiciors. w5otld cauitions Cs"estdents once more cotich. Hilx'lbremi'itaw ek, tlim is co. of State and Williamst. or md- dress card to L. D. Carr, 21 N. State t. .t - - agaist aisy arasxx'hichacats3n its atCtCli'Phii Kapptatsilousa'ex'hi'I , way te construed as contrary to thoelitre. His prtaecteetit increased life Sol Smith Russell. - $a ltax. 'fle city fathers arc very vig- into tie prtactice' s e got into thei';1r. CRuselsoccupis auiqusipe psi- ' iut his year autd an' detsrmsine'd to playsand mitaude this'mttunxwork hasrit tious among pattyr.CCe has a licmeim *.e. gyii itttsi tnexuspl stxsltsixerhaAt ios'xstm leotiths igiti iti- vhct e ast citeomipetitors nour "- wakeangh amle fttheve ,iaAn sdourwasdevtedtogsgth pportionhbe aofeithe t.t1ititeh. imitators.ig Crtiolofthstyleimiaiss.sis tdlei tio dscicty one side of tha' rusts ine xas tint wa o aehmaneceig 1t.y intereting figure on iteCrcistHIthitoLEDING SCHOOL OFBUSINeaSand SOR Aim temllof encotragesnititit tgisteohr1o rahe n h tg' NAND. Magiicenthuidin;ten tentecersh argeio a;,All~ theothr fr prctie 07 th stge.attendane; god diciplie; sperirtwneck oe. football situation is teCresce of nfus mi eea.''sr htsritifr hs upplied reding roum; daily letres Sattdy offese nd efene. thee i8no ppaent ffot ol t eeeingreceeptioms; open the entire yea. Luep- \Ialey, aptin o ou tea in',lU astionolaiities for paing sudens iu poitin, Saiycatanooxrta in'b S As hicresr''vessatei'fos'AdriaimFti- comnedian'asbpart o toucte01t'hetrs of Bord and roam $2 muons.y pee week in prs'icc 'OttCl. M. Sitibty, thosughinumbustisaasi ttssiu, lte r b tx oyhil auadtience.T'e'eiisr n mo triing famlite. These atsedued to lisa y setf day ornngthee ar bu t~o dysoarding. oe Cataogue adres in Chticago, is loyal enotighi to Idevote'lafth for prmctiea 'nadills ver cessi'caryi' after effect. But it usany of tte P R. CLARY, Fes. aimi' seekto te itersOS tt its thin at till isemi get ot today antS tonor- audine almost tbefoe' te silt'C e'(HEGAN OEAaOUE mater. AMichtgtiusi4 hadi'mppted in os. Theut' ltttb'ic heartS vibuy' 1ftC hisbp. tisi respectosnit ther imstitutiomi of ~aehsfor te resi'rv'es,hiut ito mtait-5C. 5ttuaet xwilbappear tsi tthe (Grtosid W ednesday, Octobr 31 its iz' h. We' tre awxays cotmpelledt sill get one wsho does not get out reg noeraihmust' Wednettsday cxeming,. to rey entirely upon0t hied ctaches, nltarly for practice. Ott'. tl. ThieEmioent Conedittt an hiltse lsck of the entstaiasmu that sitseitti for te aily SOL E ITH R USSELL old football players among the alumni Grand Opera House, Nov. 2. -ltht .eteictree su tt ihn it auouse by dexoting a little Chime Rhleasill appea irus Mercy Siaerick qty EB t'.Kddr, ecfalto hesltitgu'et out tsining intutower'cftul adatstioni of Wike Pe c f l T11 7 teatmn is severeby fet. Ittis graty to ttis u~'ir~ mt'tais usl L .IJ he blopesS that the exampleuse st y IM. New agda"n1 I theGrand1lPRCES irt loor,5; aoy.7cucaki opers h hontseSatorday, Nov. d, teSC ea ' A t. Fae of seats wsil open IMondaysmonin. Malley' xwill te the lietansaofsarousinsg and5night of her enagemot. Rhiua';tw-Ot.et2i. O111c'r thuitu to titeir sutlslutonsg ths oany is one of tuusa tensgtht A. G. SPALDING & BROS. linue. thisseaon mmnd itcueis W S.Hart, IDsFOOTBALL SUPPLIES. herd. Hight, W. L. Aast, Isabel Wsal- Es'ery Resttxe for t.e Wrinkle is out uoday and theilefsty dron and Hart'uss Game." coesncatnfor a largc shitter 1f euertt performassnce'of Jutiansss Gray s at e-Spudn' uakayOnon.are made in the immnscue"Vcor fac- -' ." O ffiialc tbuse. 'fle Daily is not surprised int tories of unlimited fuilities. Victor ~S. ~ Interleit Th rga rdy o.2 ilb