Ijc U.- otf
, . 1ailU.
VOL. V. No. 28.
'Varsity Starts for Ithaca Tomor-.
row Night-Cornell Has a Strong
Tomorrow oighit at 10:25 the 'War-
sity team starts from the ]NI. C. depot
00 its tIripi to Itha ca, N. T., where
they play Cornell, Saturday. It is us
yet impossible to say Nylio ill 1)e
taken ou the tiior01jnst Oshlit will
be the line-up in tile gaime.
As to our c hances o1f5wining the
gilme. spectil-ition is useles-.- One
thing, is siire, Coriiell li-stiunder Siar-
shall Newell. as coot-li u-de woiider-
than ours, but probably play a faster
game. Her full back, Ohl, puts up a
very strong gamne, beiug a tine punier
and" tackler. It is not yet certain
whether Capt. Baird u-ill be able to
play or not. His absenct froii the
quarter would ineaiia. good deal. Fer-
Biert will probably tie able to play.
Cornell plays a fast, open gamutaiid
kicks the ball a great deal. Whether
this will give lie any great advantage
over us or iiot is a quiestioii. Ini a
rushinig gameu, however, we should be
able to at least hold our o-mm with her.
satmrdays gamie owill tell as to this.
ful progress thiis year. tier teaim laist Choral Union Series.
year disbaiided and caucelletd its
gaiies before the enid of the sc-ionii The Choural Uniomn series offes the
but was tiedtevenby- Tufts ColI e ollowiiig list of attraoctioii or tihle
biefore disbanding. This year,thee ciiar58(94-95:
fore, with butthlrce or four uld pt-y- Nov. '2-AntomSeitdls :Metropolit-an
es to couniit oii, Cornell's prects tOpe)r1a House Orchestra, avsisteil by
were not very bright. She secured Lillian Brauvelt, sopriiio.
Newell, tackle oii Harvart's team o hian.11,l1tlS.-Pimmo recitailliyAl-
tour years. as coach, aiid with great beito Joinas, thme celebrateid Spamnili
zeal set to work- to- develop a teiiim.iiiit.
,chatt she has doiie so is shitwni by liii Ieb.IL-Choral imiomiioiiicit ias
followimig scores: Oct. 205, Princeton sisted by Mrs. (Cencvra Jlohiistonii
12. Cornp;Al 4; Oct. 27, Harvard 22, Bishop, Chicago, soplraiio; 'Mr. Gardner
Cormiell 1. These gamnes haie bcciiS. Lamisoii, iass, iiid a full oreliestra.
aso good as victories to Cornell. anid Marcli8S-Song recital by 'Me. aiii
iha-c raised athletic entbhisiasii to the Sirs.:M~mx Heinrichi.
highest pitch. A crowdu froii Cornell MAY FESTIVti.
accominiineid the team to New York riayeiimgs-iiioycieet
icboth these gmis iiogImiiStturday afterinooii, orchiestiral mamt-
P'resieneit Schiurimaaiiantiother facultvyiiee; Satturday evceniug, graiid choral
iiemibers. concert.
Cornell's captain this year is Wai-- It is iiiipossible to give the exact
ocr, lae left gtiard. lie has play-etion-dates of the festival antI such inforiia-
the teaimito- years aintl oill be no tiiin ill be reserved tiitil aftiei-Jan. S.
ias~y opponeiit for Heniiinger, beiiig'
Athletic Association.
215 pounds in oeight and a very- posy-
erfuil man. tie will fiind Henin-er a The directors of thic Athletic Assocka-
ianii oorthmy of hinm,boooever. Cor- tion nmet last iiighit timd passed football
iiells right guard aiiu ceiiter are nieo anti other acecouints. F-ootbaull iuiama-
iiiniiaud Snmith's experience and gee Baird iiade tin cncouraging cc-
weighit should gi-c himii the ado'antage. piorttis to the financial pirospiects of
Wrinkle Out Today.
Wrinkle is out toiay a little bhind
timii, hiut the saime01(d Wrinklle. The e-
itorial page is as usual largely given
over to roasts" aiid the Daily and
!Oracle commi in for their full h-re
The douible page cartoon is also simed
at the Daily andist entitled "tne of
the Daily's Wild Ideas." 'The cartoon
is cleverly executed, but it is fti be
regretted that Prof. Stree is again
hieltd up to ridicule.
The lading article is entitleid "Aui
Aosful ihae"tald is a tirttteciii oerse
againost tile Harvarid Lampoon. "To
the Coquete' isti pett poem, oell
w0ritten. "A Leture in Histor-' by
tRuss 'h8, is original ini forii, bitt poor
in nietre and rhiythmi. The rest of the
piapier is illed up ooila the usual iniim-
lbe of short articles iad gotid, bad andiu
indifferent jokes aiid makes oi the
owhole a fair average numiie of
Alpha Nu Program.
The ftllosoiiig progatilsill bii-gieni
by the Altda Nti Satrday eenig.
ini roomi 4, at 7:30:
Muisic.-........-....-P. «. Dykema
ililiCouititilsieei-.-,-.-J.1. RKichliiaii
Declamation----------I'F. P. Sailer
Debtte: iResolveid, that theiaverage
U. tfS. stuident receives more bee-
it from his social inteeurosesitlau
from perusal of his books. Af,,
. C. findley and I,. Gysier; neg.
Sir. Sterii anidiSr. 'uiieri.
Miusic ..----.........V.1Dkema
Critics report........... .... ......
'96 Laws Meet.
The junior lass class held a business
mletting yesterdaty lfternooni after he
lecture. 'ihe oiuiiittee appitointed to
choose class ctlors made a report, but
a tutul selection by the class was left
oxer until Stiirday's meeting. The
commitltee oi selection of class motto
reported progress, and a motiou to
ix a iiiithiod for voting at the electiiii
of oiciers soas lost, the lu-tter ben'
piostpioned uitil Saturduayiiglt.
Board of Control.
Jfohii C. Condon and E. C. Weeks,
biothi 4'o His,lae teeii elected stu-
deit iiemiibers of the uniersity boru
foi- tie regtulatioin of athletics. The
boarid is iiov coimposed of Dr. Nan-
crede aiid Profs. Knowlton, Pattengill,
Thiomasand iitRlolfe, faculty imeubers;
atdSMesss. 1. C. Sielts, C. B..iBaird,
J. C. Condoii anid I. C. Weeks, stu-
dent nmembers.
Monday's Football.
Football cames oiSMoinday: Cliver-
sity of Wisconsin 44, Iowa 0; Illiiois
12, Eureka 0.
Tlyo ttslearn oithout book.
Some people though try to use
musictal insrumntll sith little
oi no tiie.
We Say Buy Those Which Have lane
Wet ki1l that kind.
51 South Main st.
Opp. Cosrt House Mii St.
If 30ou00alt 1o get a ine box of
Cheap; Hot cr Cold Lunches Either
Night or Day go to
R. E. JOLLY & CO., State St.
liosathie toattCosratoy,
(Strt ,erruiany,
Teacher of Piano, Organ and Musical
Composition; also the Art of
[Studio :2 . DiisiiiiiSt., Asii Aror, 51ich.
Ceanisgh'm-'sig asdheparing
5 cc ncatly hy
AVG. . OCISEI OAI, 265. Oasigion
t48 S. STATE ST.
Classe.siwpes.Pauis.roceived at -y
lime,. thie erm tatiug with ate of adrii-
Siom. All ,'asos aruie the pesonal ini-
struction~ of Shr. aidSMrs. os Granger. N-
stairs to siounti.ffice amdiDancig Hllaon
tie grunsd flose,56SMayoard t
We offer discoimim on all
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We buy aod sell second-hand books.
Mathematical Instruments and
Drafting Supplies at special
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Best Linen paper at 20e Per Lb.
Usiversity Beoktore, Doses Tow,
onm State S. Opp. Cosrt ose.
Cornell is perhaps as oveak at tackles
as ove are cripileld, since both 1hcr reg-
uilar tackles arem-uen of little experi-
ence. Hoovever, her veteranm tackle,
Freeborn,ovhuo hiss wsithiurawn' from
thie gamut,niay play Satuirday at right
tacleh. Of our tackles, Villa shiould be
in good shape Saturday, but Yomit canm-
not play for two wveeks. Reyniolds is
shiowoing iniprosemuent at thme position
sod Leonaird amid iundel are heing
Cornell's ends, Taussig amid Bench,
am, are both particularly good inen,
especially ihe formuer. He plays a
very fast, bard gamut. Price can be
depended upon to take care of our
right end all righit, and Hadden shows
steady improvement at thme other end.
Behind the line, it is impossibule to
state the relative strength of time
the couminmg gaines at Ithiaca, Kanas
City anid Detroit. Thle electiomi of a
tlirt-ctor fromtheulaeeuss uof 't98 owas
piostitpoedunmtil the next muteing. It
Nvas decided to purchase swveaters at
the eund of the football seuasonm for
those wvhio play oun the 'Varsity re-
'97 Medic Election.
At thme meeting of the sophomuore
uiica~c~l class yesteruday the followoing~
officers w-crc elected for the coining
year: Presidemit, Sir. tRooney; vice
president, Miss Young; secretary, Mtiss
J. C. Whitney; treasurer, S. Hi. tree-
land. The question of raising a sum
to be applied to securing an amu-
halite for thme hosital usas dis-
cussed, but ovas deferred until then
next mneeting of. the class. A class
teams. Cornell's backs are lightn' I social will he held soon.