THE U. OF M. DAILY. T E CRANDALL.TYPEWRITER EP F 0cE 0so. The only High Grade Machine on the Market sold at a Sea snablerie.- Simple; Durable; Writing in Sight; Permanent Alignment; Instantly Changeable Type. J. S. PEARL, Agent, F3 E Washington st., Ann Arbor, Rich. FLAG PINS $150 Yellow and Blue But- tons 60c. With U. of M. or the year 75c. -AT-- WM. ARNOLD'S, Jeweler. K O ORDER YOUR COAL OF M. STAEBLER, OFFICE: 11 W.Wanhington st..'Phone No.8 YARDS: M. C. R. R., 'phone No. 51. MUSICAL GOODS AT TIlE. IATE STR[T MUSIC ST9RE Cheaper than anywhere else in the Country. BOOKS. Second Hand Books, College Text Books, Law Books, Medical Books, at cut rate prices at the STATE STREET. Bargains in Stationery and Note Books. Special reductions this week on K. & E.'s Drawing Instruments. We have the best. SPALDINC'S ATHLETIC CLOTHING and Sporting Goods for the new gymnasium. Comedand see us. We ale the largest dealers in the city and our prices are the lowest. SHEEHAN & C1, Wholesale and Retail Booksellers FIRST NATIONAL BANK. OF ANN ARBOR. Organized 1863. Capital, $100,000. Surplus and Profits, 140,000. Transacts a general banking business. Woreigo exchanges bought and sold. Furnish Betters of credit. P. BACH, Pres. S. W. CLARKSON, Cashier. 22 Years in the Business. CITY LAUNDRY, M. M. SEABOLT, No. 4 N. 4th ave. Miss Hattie Long, Guitar, Mandolin and Banjo, 06 Mller ave., Ann Arbor, Mich.- F. C. STEBBINS, B[I[ % LNMAN Is selling coupon books good for $3 for $2.50. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED '24 E. WILLIAM STREET. THE NEW OCCDENTAL YPSILANTI, MICH. SUNDAY DINNERS AT 5 O'CLOCK, Stadents and citizens should makhe this their headqiuarters while is Ypsilanti. and I assure them they will tad me, as rve, Most cordially, W. H. LEWIS, Prop. SchaIIer 8ookst[re Formerly with George Wahr, 19 E. Washington st. Headquarters for everything a Student needs in the line of Text-Books, Stationery and Miscellaneous Stock in general. MARTIN SCHALLER, THE DOWN-TOWN BOOKSELLER, 19 E. Washington st., one block east of Main st. I IE SIMPLEX RINTI EU. EMIL DREFS, d A. E. MUMMERY'S, A news invention for duplicatiing r h fl1fhT~I 11 co ies of writings and drawvi gs. j The largest bottle Best references possible in Europe, New York ° of TOOTH POWDER % City, Chicasoand Ann Arbor. - 64 S. State st. Come and see us. in the city for 25c, iT.T:DES and your money back i ___ THE0 FI --TESTAU T if not perfectly satis- iro ,n a erginal, anoinary paper with in Ann Arbor is factory at any pea, 100 cepies can be misde. Fifty cepiea of typewriter manuscripts prodaoUe 3- ' .es - IL I, is i5miaates. Send for circua~ssand samples ~NEW DRUG STORE. of work. AGENTS WANTED. Give it a trial. 2 E. Huron st ET LAWTON & CO., To keep posted, read the 20 Vesev St., New York Daily.' JOHN YUAN AMAKEWS__1AILOHING T RCY, -- 46 S. RAIN STREET. Sweaters to measure, all colors, woolen, $3. Sox, all wool, fast colors, 1212c. Ltnen Shirts, made to measure, 75c. Tailor Made Suits, MOO0 RE & WETMORE 25 per cent under Ann Arbor prices.8aS.dRain s.,and Stale st., cur- Avoid jobbers, and wholesaler's profits. Suits $10, $12, $15, $16, ner of William st., have a made to order. OFFICE, STATE ST. MUSIC STORE. complete stock of l _ - - -- -- - - __ LAMPS! LAMPS ! Make rno mistake. Do you want a lamp? We can variety and give you lower prices than any house in this An examination of our stock demonstrates that it+ and most improved lamp made. Thirty-three years e: Lamp Business is wcrth something. Buy of us and get ti D EAN & co 44 South Main Street. UNIVERSITY NOTES. Albion defeated Hillsdale yesterdayI by a score of 18-0. Thos. Murdock, '94 pharmic, has a position in Ypsilanti. Miss Beckwith, formerly with '94 lit. is teaching in this city. Dr. Allen Kessler, '94 dent, is visit- ing in the city this week. Ed. W. Sims, '94 law, has located in Chicago at 5315 Jackson ave. T. B. Jack, formerly '95 lit, is at- tending Leland Stanford University this year. E. L. Haley, '96 law, has been called to his home in Monroe by the deatha of his father. The freshman lit football team will play the high school team at the fair grounds this afternoon. R. E. Russell, '90 lit, who played second base on last year's 'Varsity team, has entered the University. The second concert in the faculty concert series will be given Thursday evening, Nov. 1, at Frieze Memorial Hall. The sophomore medical class will hold a meeting at 1 o'clock today in ioom A. Officers will be elected, and arrangements will be made for a class social. Among those whor Harvard last Slay, e inent athletes. Prof. Kirchner lee classes today andM Mechem will lecture Friday. Prof. Stanley hasc ize classes for the p songs, meetings to week. Two years a carried out and pros ing as well as benefi The campus is on iag its normal appea it has been badly tor which have beenr make np for the loss been well cared for; be lost. J. B. Brooks, chai collegiate committee work is being pus toward making arra preliminary debate fI choosing speakers t weterii University. literary societies, Webster, Alpha Nu choose as soon as po to compose a comm make arrangements bate. LAMPS ! [J I'I[SITY 11 BOAS show you a great New and Second Hand. market. contains the best Not tooes andother Students' Supplies, tieFine Stationery, 5portisg CGools, etc , which sperience in the they offer at the Lowest Prices. he benefit of it. Call and see us before purchasing. FOR FIRST CLASS MEALS received honors at TRY THE leven were prom- ELITE DINING PARLOR tures to the law Cor. State and Liberty sts. EDWARD LEWISIFro.p. oImorro«. Prof. Boarders Wanted. on Thursday and decided to organ- tractice of college Ii be Ileis olacs u~A mPr an MfI P go this idea was eed to be interest- cial. Corner Washington st., and e more approach- Ashley st. arance. Although rn up, the changes R a teF $2 a nd $3. made more than . The trees havi T]1TODTEt 123. and but few will M. ST ELER,. rman of the inter- , announces that hed very rapidly G. T. W ILD ingements for the or the purpose of o send to North- L IUIb TAILOR Each of the four the Jeffersonian, Has the newest Fall and Winter and Adelphi is to Woolens and largest stock in the and deihi i to city. You can get any seiec- ssible a gold man tion you are looking for. sittee of four, to for the inal de- W COME AND SEE US. 2 E. Washington st., near Main St.