THS U. OF M. DAILY. MJCHIGAN GENTISAL Time Table (Revised) July 1, 1894 Mil adEx....405 Mal.________8 4 N. Y. Special-.. 510 N Y Speial---705 Estern Ex.-1025 N S.Lmied-- 92 ' A M. acile Es -- 12 15 Atlantic Ex-._7 47. i. D. N. Express...5 40 Weser Es-. 1 5 G. kExpress --11iS hi. Ni t E---10 25 --t.Es 5 57 0. W RUSOLES, 11. WiHAYtE G. P. & T. Ag., Chicgo. A.., AssAbr T., A. A. & N. M. R7T Taking efitet Sunday, Aug. 1, 184.- Trains leave ASS Abor ou Cetial Stund- ard ime. 718 ' 112:25 p. in 11:30 a. in. 415p1.m. 9:00p. m *Tlinn run betseis Ann Arbor and Toleda oni5ly All trains daily ecept Suiday. RS GREENWOOD, A;eit. W. H. BENNETT, G PA, Tledo, . DIETAS & SCHANZ, Q. OFIhM. TAILOR Enlist and bes styleaoaFoigin and Do meste Wooles.Fistatsss ftand firstl a.' aorkguraneal Cleing,,,prssingand ripairig niatly dnne 4 SSat t .s. cndFloorn, Ann Arbr. CATERER, HANGS' Rnrtn, A NEW LINKOCLFF Big. Four Route EST LINE TO INDIANAPOLIS LOUISVILLE, and CINCINNATI. ELEGANT Through Sleeping ars BETWEEN Petoskey, Louisville and Cincinnati. ASK FOR TICKETS VIA BIG + FOUR + ROUTE. F O. MtCORMICCS, 0D. .ARTIN, P'assenger TragicSMgr. Gen P& T Ag. STUDENTS SL N$$ 1y bying your WOOD AN1~D COAT., -OF G. R. KELLY, 33 E. Huron Stret. Bie sure and tabetis ntice isthy FIRST CLASS CUSTOM TAILORING, Corner of Stae nd William ala., Willimi u. entrance. ITTi . IEJITG TJO ' Students Recreation Head- quarters. Nio. 3 N. Sain Street. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Ani Arbor, lc. Capital Stck, 85,00. Surplus, $15,00. Orgaied underthe Genersl Banking Laws af this State. Receives depsits, buys and sells ecange on te principal cities af-the luated Stutes. Drats ca-bedpn proper' identiulatin. Sfety dep4,i nas to rent. Der)tnun' Cbritian ilack, IPre.; W. I. Harimn, Vice-Pre-.; bs. E. blilcock, Cahlier 50.. Frit, Assistant Cahi.- STEAM LAUNDRY CO. Hight Gs and Dnmstrlin Fins. E. S. SERVSS, Manager, 4SOUTH FOUJRTH AVENUE. Saturdayns Football. NOTICES. bootblsl guinea on Satnrdlay: Vain A writtrn cxamiination for advanccsd 12, estPoit 5 Harard22,Cor ercaei t in astronomy will blie ldll at- ,Srtlay ncxt, Novciiber 3,at :2 p. gyn., 10; Priiiceton 34, N. V. Volunteers 0; room 22, Univeraity Hall. Testimon- Chicago A. A. 16, AWisronsili -; 10owa1ial's regartdiing advanced Il-ric should iU. 18, Chicago 1'. 18; Altbioii 18, (r-- be presented at thcat -tise. chard Lake 0; Reloit 22, MuiieliHedl- A. HALL. .311.. cal 12; Wabash 46, Iidiana 0; Indian - INTER-CL.ASS 'DOTBALL. lilolia Light Artillery 46i, DePauwc 5; Th ScdoofitreaS otbl gimns is as follows Amherst 0, Boston A. A. 0; Andoveir Nov. 5-97 lit vs. '9S lit. 18, Bowdloin 14; Wsilliamss4-, Iisiton); Nov. 8--95 law vs. '9al law-. Orange A. C. 14, Lehigh 1)); Kansas Nov. 12-'95 lit vs. '9(i lit. iOttawva U. ti; Pennsylvanias].', Nov. 14--W~inner of Nov. S vs. Ihigh Annalpolis 0; Minneaotsa 24, Purdui~e p; School. Nov. 16'-Dinner of No v. 5 vs. Iowvs College 12, Pastime'A. C(0 winner of Nov. 12. Oberlin 6, I'aahingtou slid .hi't'i' Nov. 1lK-Winner of Nov. 1-4 as. wiin- 00116. iier of Nov. 10. - _____________-Ally other clases wishing, to orgain- Sol Smith Russoll. AIL. taill oc'illpies5'1-uiqiueipo1900 tioni i11101 l-osc5. lie i-Is aiIne 11n ashich hieli-anaithiir eoilipcttii'. not imnitators. His style is so disitincly5 his 01wn,s to us-ke'hinalexceedin"- 13' intereisting is" is ii'oil tliii' ei't stags' Theie is iio ilS519 1t 1effiortsiioilih comledian's part t'touc19111the Isearscaof his audiieiice: 'IThsero'is no 'striving- iftir effect. 1-lot 111 maiy of tie seenes Mean. camle tos lie, eyes of fhe audiencealmio'st hiefire i'lii'smile iad lift their lips. oipera hoste IWealnesda-y sailbll"g OiL. 31. *Grand Opera Houso, Nov. 2. Rhlea's per'iormanc~le'of Restrice in .Shaike'spees de0 lighfl i oiiieidy of "Muchi Ado Aboult 'sothinug'is 1111e'ok thei miost lbrillianlt anii Ifiscinatig 01 bet' impers''oaiionsiO Tlirrei'pre(ssile vi11acity of the chi-riceirlifi's -a i-- stponslivc echo ii oin Rhe ss-1xi -lture tilea 'studed tioehaclii in ii7ontlon udtheliiitiionof1JolinIRyderi, Itie teaichci of Adlidis'soilsons, waho liii) iiotiiieder litBeastrmnic he et hieIhad el' t Iii ii Rhea-iasciijo0e111tilen greastpiil1ege'of -a lie'ssnii liriva-ti' fiomilLaliy Thitodioie'' iartiu, hsa li s Helch I 0 snit wlas s'egil--ill'. Riat- rice of her lay. Ithesa's compasiny is anl excelent oiii sinl a thoroughly enjoyableiperforimi- anee of "-MuchlAsia Ahout Notiis"' iiay hi' ixpectedcl 11iridlay ilvenilig, Novs. 2, aithOlin(ratid OperasHosie, AlnisArhor. U. OF SM. CALENDAR. 'Tses., Oet. 30.--Soplonore ninciiaI mleeting, 1(oom114,1at 15aoscionc a. mi. :]cies.. (Si-. 30.- -i'eh itsIvs. liili Sechool. - Tus., O0t. 30.-Wiiilel' iut. 'Theirs., 'sos.IL-Fieultys-conceirtf Frieze Mtsmoiai l1Hall. Feri., Nov. '.-Fre'shiinasread lit (i}raniger's Sicadriy. Fri., N 2is '5 Mii lilS. teserve's,- at Adian.l Sat., Nov. ;--EIiietaiiiieiit sit Unilty Club. "'Tii'BryanSit Aniver'- saryS." Sat., Nov'. 3.-'Warsity 1s. CUsrnltl at Ithacal. Sat., Nov., 3.-Senior laws elect offi- cers, lecture n'ooin, law building. Sat., Nov. 3.-ITunior las elect nfIB- ecre, lectue room, lawv building, 7:15 P. 11. It costs $1,t000,W0 aSear to iun larv aid University.I ize teams to.coumpete; tot campallion- asilp,send avoid ass90011s'19 pssible anti laces in schedule will ie arrans" ed for them. CHARLES hI' VDt RtEIQUIREMEENTS 101FO GADUA-ION. All students expecting, to grtaduiate 10 aniy given year must replort to tile registrar at the opening :ot the vear and ascertain what prescribed work, it any, is still lacciiigtior tihe degee sought. C'.I. dct'ONT. FOIOTIBAt. The class football games wli be played curly this year. Sian.agets and captains are urged to get their mets out at once. CHARLES RAiIRD, AMgr. BUSINESS LOCALS. [Nuies insertedin tis cocslumns at the rate of 5)ces per hune. Spiecial isles foriioigc°r imse,anedextra liues furnlishedl'y apply-iag at the DIL oiioce.l hOt\D17A sniut isimoncy, Satii-ily, ass Maims at. It wi11li e rceturnied to oissner by sasdsressing tPssrosie, 49 S. Uiversitly .firs. Annie 11-s '' I-oster's classe-s cenissics'iii Dancingasdssil ss-ris' SatusrdaNv.3 pcialiiduice- isleits to tormesr puilis. 'Ici-12 weekc, three lesson's-a15wciaek a'.sx msons$8;3' payilsle' inijd-si -ii-(,. 'r' voitce lessoisiby 191 isoltss9t. sil gaie rutsto thio5se'« sls,10tii uris-sill'gl-scs. Office a at scool,4(6 S. Statst., opoa t e 1 - l iiildiii Call at the ('ookc hou'se'toddyvOct. 30(, ansI inspaet the.lfiin'st lhue siti-ll andl -winte'r' sutiigses-er, dispsliyed ini AnnSArbsor. Mr.1 s ' soft hs' (oldien Easgle Clothiing to., of DetrsitIwho i's elolving this fBne' liofs01 pls'Nssill be leased t'os-ive Iou aSisntoina-i tion ls'esosn r'sarnge"thse, suiting,; Their isrie's sire' Iawa1ybclowv iny Ani Arbor prices 'aiidit wsilllily loul to sie's - iRsandiilge t prices. Martin Hlalles has just receiv'er'i handsome line at fancy chirs lull rockere. Students, if you wish to kceeps postedi on college affairs, subscribe for te Daily said have it deliveredl each daiy. If you smoke Cigars, buy ths:ibest. flOSCOE CONKLING is thie bransd. Upholstery avorkc sonselit Ssecial psrices at present at Martin Hlitler's. (Get your parlor suits covered at sa low price with the latest patterns in tillestry or corduroy at Malrtin 1-al- ler's. When yenuavant a good Cigsar:111 fei the ItOSCOI2 CONKLINSI. The best in everything always givis the greatest satisfaction. The ROSCOE CONKLING Cigars are the hst ans cost no more than inferior brands. Try them. Don't forget to subscribe for the Daily. There is beiing formsesd at Iarv-lrdl a coiiSnln5' for mislitsrytrll, sinsder LieutenttItobisois sftthe 1. . Armyi. It is the first of thsis larg' uni- v-ersitiesstee srganize a. miliitary te- MRS. ANNIE WARD FOSTER'S School of Dancing and Delsarte. Saturday, 1lu. . , Oenleasinergscass Saturday,4lp. m.,5,,adyvbeginsillass.a Monuday,7:0 ms-a, Adancd tlas (Lades' and Dcn airme. 'Tuesday, 7:30p. i., Begiers Class (Laieis ansi Grstlei). Privaie lessons y appoitmnt. SCHOOL, 46 S. STATE ST. DROP IN AND LOOK AT THE WHITELY EXERCISER. ItLlasoeu al outsideaSfaacopee ym liasil oc'.clcs nLh orii I ll i all t n a clcs. Ib is nisseles, basls sl-aijsing re- sislassscgs-foeilolibs 1sIsorse by le leadinig ailetess of te dy. All pialis sa- rantedlif101twoilyas. Clil)ftr calosgess. Fori sale by R. L. ELOUIIT. 14 N. Inal is si 15-., sAnnsiArbor. - T14HtE + DAILY Reprsiencts Evehy Dpiitmet of the Universty $2.50 PER YEAR. FRANKLI 4HUSE mis, 25- Lngiig-. tO Iti wl er-levy, ghom,,5h0. fo b'u'sinesso psure,1 o eide upou a mealanda ceanbeda mdesratnryes.s The tius ha ben rnovtrndmdto' botoanisnw n istcls1'iti5, ( uesah Respectfully,. Mca~s, 85c. i: Issiselos 50- 1j~s.'eiio loe s out t ... oitisystsa lo r dissV Igipaabile sAreiclionatbeOfi c. 'br adhr i E dngtailsre The ichmon GeStraighytNo ar ad rm05 bighmest, metdlct is1a4rOndbAgeGrtatndOdaLreA - wnIs I rin A Lbayi te, JEWREOFiMtTION. ofa therte. ThaionIke rnaSthandardsu h isi - a heuwbiliashpce. C-:C ERIAM CO.,9rscra :fas~s..ticiA