THE U. OF M. DAILY. I , Pulis'hed 1)aily (Sudays ecept d) during the Colleg year, by THE U Of M, NOEPEUE1 ASSOCIAION OFFrIE: Times building N. Main st., opposite post office. Subsc'ription price 2.50 per year, Invariably in advance. Singlicoiies 3cents. Susrip- lions maty be left at the uffie of tietitt, at Sottit's, at State st. new stand, with any of the editors or athorized solicitors. C'ommunicationts should reach the office by 7 oclochr p. m. if they tre t appear the net lay. Address al mtter ittended for patli- catistn to the Mtanging Editor. All bsitess comntunications shotild le sent ts th Busi- THE U. OF M. DAILY. Ann Arbor, ilici. EDITORS. .. L. Loiumi, Lit. '15, Managing Editor. F..1'. SAni:et, tLit. 'l, Assistant. 11. CLiMNn, Lit. '7, Assistant. A. F. Locawit, Lit. '5, Atsianait. J. A. LEnoY, Lit. S, Athletic Editr. J. S. PEAtR, Law '5, Business Maager. -- - - ,Assistant. .Assistant Minnie Thompans I F B. liamnil, '5. Carrie V. Smith, '6. E. I. Evans, '5. H. A. Dancer, '5. G. B. Harriso,'9. S. B. Puley, '(1. MEDICAL.. E. S. Nibiac, '5. DEN'TAt. H. B. Gammon, '5. All copy mst ie t it se office befoe 8:305 a. i.of the day of pulication. Tue editors do not hal thcmsles rspon- siblscfoe te tpnlions testatomealst cores- pondent, appearing in the DiALY. IC will bc stll froi thit'trtile o thei Gliii'aiid 1iltijitlobs i atitiie coltmnlsthat lihi miktihi'olithliieltb thils yait s especially ston~g. "'ili ttstr te ersoinel of their rspctivt clubs antheflcbrighitncssof'itheuirro- pects. Thet'clutibhislye-ar will mtake muchtlitiore extinsise tons both bus- hg Thankgiviiig aiitlsrig vtca- tios,tfanilastt, andlith two 1111such completent-it on 1Cli t' busiiesscoil lt' outlookt bothi froim afianial anti atisicipioinit of vlots'is Vry enosr- tigitig. Thes Daily is plasetd to note Clii'al- prottchi tsomethinigtkini ts ollege spiriC this yCarlamtngitilghut'womeni' iotf lie Univtersily. Tis 1sowniniitheir vtarious "sireatds" thnd nitteeparticas- ltarly il their mo1sf geierousspurhae itt locketrs, biut tielt fint'is ytt tirontc whei'iiwt-ccatllostlit sci siriC as is shiownilliliei'folowing frmmtilit Cor- nell Sunth oichlispeaking iof subscori- tiont aiifund for fie atlleic etmls, "'Slit'toiSli liftit'.IUniversiy it- spotnitetd very -generously to iteall for stubscriptionso W'tneday. It is a fatethfiat the iiei ilii do well to niste andl iode ot, that the protorion of snbscritersiaimoig thle woein was ltarger thanth lat amlong fie lin." lngttofiteWuafermnuGCyiinasiiui goes oii apace. andsiitsis stsw apparetlB~y a question itt a fess' says when classes will be formed, yet nothing as been sal of a formal dedication, adl 11 steps seem to hve eein taken toward that end. Till opening of the gyina slum will mark one of the greatet, if not ft' grtatst, steps forsad Ctle lUiiversity has ver takei, aid i should not bt'. allowed o 1p1ss without alppropiriateceremlonies. (Ott' imost promli'ent aluniishould is' initd ainl somie of themu froimiChiago and Detroit givesilaces on fle rograte wh'iit'hshiosltd itlude us less a iiaii as onit'offt' steaker's lan one honored iresideti imellitf. AMeotters of tlic ftaculty svho have ttk'iintill erittts In ftct, Ce ftriiatl soeing ttftie gyninasitirouittl foim titi tclusot never lit itoforgottt'n.ItIsold btt ft'geat cs-ntltofit'e yoariid it it is fthi' madicsot iislitie smt'hiing wstibetinig tdot' inithat cdirctonli. Unity Club Concert. Iliispitetof lt'iiclemenicy iffit s'stiliitr fts'e Uitfuirant chiurciwtis tutledItst night o ear Aitt. . . il- bitet, il le t'nity Cub coeo. f-Icwso assisited by Ai. Felix SLamnt, orign-i lt, tf Diefroit, ttS Mis Minnit' Diesis, pitanist. of Atn Arbtor. Te lprogramh otittitdiwith a fbetittiftl ie 2c' oiite to'gtinibty'Mi. fLamontdsu, iiio tappear't't onttheii'progain out flles,t lt'ete- lighit of lovers tf organ mtisisi. In it- sponset otn cicoeclit' plyel Peyc's htymnt wvhichi waheIlsprettiest atheflt mltot iatfreiateit s well as lt'eftt'sl exeuttedlof tll his niuibtes. Miss Mitlitit fDtvis gav' 1t1o ltpino piectt'ts of which Ntt'rtet'. 37,iT No. 3, wtas specitlly it. The violini playing by ,r. Bilbit' sas ft'fiatiurt'of lt'e evenin's enerinl- mentt. f-S is iiiartsto of high rtnk. His iiees wee htppiliy chosen aiit sve'lt'xt'cuted. "itr'tdutioiietolloi- tdt t'tpricioso" wvts exepttioally well retnteretd. He resitondued to tilt' enott with i t' eatifufol "t'tvafntm" bty'iRalf. 'akenlltafogefthe,lt'e etetrtaiinmentU was fully til to ftost' giveoi mre cooly conrses. Tic cors of sliter- tainients whic-li ihe UniityfC'lub gis 0 tuis ye'tr is antxelent slit'and det- serves ft'libertal atonatge i is re- Yale's Field Day. 'Tht' folowving se-un'ile iii nsiner in 101ytartds lss-Btrnet, 2 yds., lit 221) ytrds dtioi-.ordan. 4 yds. 2 25 so. +441 yai'ds rtiii-Ciubb, scratch, :ii ase. 88011 yards rtn-Ilorgat, scrtfchi 2 hmin..). se. Mile run--Brinaiitrd.1011yds.,1 11111., 10l se. 1211hisrtlt'-Cadystiatc, Ill 1i 221) hisrde-Cady, srth, 26 - ae. Rutnniin'g bioatijuinp-Fewsiiith, 3 in., 20 ft. , in. Runoning high inlet) o, 1/ i,. 3 ft., 9/ i. Pole valt-VcanWinkle 1 in., 11 ft, 7 in. Lectures on Football. A series of lectures on "Foothtll at Yalt"' is nuov beiiig delivtred with great success throughout teCuntsltry by Thoiias Cohrai, jr., '9, aid W. W. JLonsbry, '84. '(ile places tl- retatdyvisited inlud ti P1.2ali tnd Aulilnetpolis, Miiii.; Matdison, Wis.; Holyoke, Mass.; (troy, N. Y.; St. Mattrk's schitol, Anudov-r tantSGroto; tanut wtitiiua slitrt tme hicletuhre still itt' presetd lithCe tOrange Ahi- leticclsib, Lehigh University, Harris- btug,ttenn., Wilkes-Bar, Pelu..thet Yale Aumniui Assoiations of Niw York saut ('hicago, anit at many ttht't by AIri. fiochirtain1111dieahone is ilus- tuit ithiiabouht: 100stereopititcn vie'ss by Ai. Liousuy. 'I'e'trt- gess oftihCii'gameut'is f113' desribedi frot 1277 lilto daft,ta specialifea'ufr tf thilt'ddrss being "A Day ttititheii Taletetait." 'Tiii'amtuc e is ttkni tsifit t'e tamito fle gymnasiund un thou withite coiero o tefelditt, wheisre' le systemiiott traciec thd cotaclhig is ieprotduc'di anthoroughy- e'xplinedu't. hiehhii'i' of tll tie famoius platyti'sarec shownu, 111101the 15113ysithat ihtttide ich ianthCii'blst of bis tay3are' fuil' l dscreied. T'Slt ure has bei'n caettfully' prespaledtflints obsrvttiiios ands e'xpe'riiees Ionithe ie lt'd,ani i M''ormiick, 'hO85S.; W. W. Ief'ciiigtr, 'lut S.;IWalite tampt.'511; A. A. Stgg, '88:1;1. A. Hiukey, 'hdiS;Auu'. C. Wi- te, '113 8,. If, is poos'd o gise thi ltecthre'iii Net-iv tavenin hle trly hrt of Detcmber.-Ya' Nsws. To give the "Mesh oni Earth" is hio nmotto of Witers' Palace Laudry, which leaves nothing undone that cnn be done o give perfect work. We col- lect Miondays and deliver Thrsdays. Leave orders at Flde's Tailor Soptl, cor. of State and William ot., or ad- dress card to L. D. Carr, 22 N. State st. 'ueisiyailts receiedl a ;itt Cu 6:0,0to btli e usd ifie erectioi ot a it'pr luibra-try at tC hioWusle'otyani Elivc-irsity. A lI LETic are made in the immense Victor fac- toies of unlimited facilities. Victor Baseball and Tennis Good, Football and Football Supplies, Gymnasium, Sprinting and Sparring Shoes, Boxing Gloves, Indian Clubs, Dumb Bells and Exercising Wands are leaders. We also restring Tennis Racoets. OVERMAN WHEEL CO. Dakoti to Biyls. Bs. ihildelphia. Derit. New Yrk. Chicago. Dne. Sn Panimi. Lon. Angees. Portimd. J. T. JACOBS. CHAS. H. ALLSIANO. JACOBS &ALIMAND, itEt1LIĀ±,RS IN + fSHO .)ES.++ CODME AND AFL;ECGS The Washington Block. FLOWERS, FLOWERS For EvorS tihito and Everybody. COUSINS &Nall, Hoi1sts, an6S.Telhnrm115it e EXCELSIOR + LAUNDRY ! 20 EAST HURON STREET. GondSWorh Guatrantteed. Goods called for and deliveredl. A. C1. uviE T. P'rop. Svbsuribe for the ti of M. Daily. Thse BAILY contalins official notices from th~e Faculty, and notices fromsi flue athletie teans and other studet organizations. It contains complete reports of all University events of interest. ft keeps yotu posted on yosur owvt and every other department. SUBSCRIBE NOW AND KEEP A FILE $2.50 IN ADVANCE. Subscription,, eceeived at Cthc DAILY office, Timues builditug.Stoff- lets and by all authorizted solieitors. holilies. Theneraten reduce-d ho by sell- hoarding, Fnn Catalogue address P- R. CLFSRY, Pes. 'r'E GRAND OPERA HOUSE. Wednesday, Octob'r 31 'ST' Eminent C.omedianu SOL SMKITH RUSSELL In hitsgreateito'scitaractet tnthplty, by E.i I'.idder, PeacefulValley. PRICGES: First Floor, fl; Balconi. eon Sic. Sale of seats will open Monday mot nitgi, Ot. 29. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. FOOTBALL SUPPLIES. Every SRequisite for thte Game. ', ' Spauldang's k Intercollegiafe A ,5Football. - ~ ~ gKAdopted 189d by te z - Itercollegiate Associa- Stioni, and must be osed ini all match gashes. h'RICE, with inflator, 1,5. Spalding's coniplete Football Catalogue sent free. Spalding's Official Football Guidi' foo l89st edited by Walter Camp. containiitg Cur se e iis and other valuable infornta- ton, by maih, prico 10 cenits. Spalding's trade-mark oii what you boy is te guarantee that the goods ire the bass. New' York. Cileage. Philadelphia. ANN ARBOR STEAM DYE WORKS.. Ladies' nod Gents' Clothing leaned or Dycd. 3 W. HURON ST., ANN ARBOR..