THE U. OF M. DAILY. Crack No. One. Crack No. Two. Crack No. Three. We Have 8 Mandolins1 We Have 12 Banjosj We Have 7 Guitars Often sold at from $10 to $15 each. Me bluht theni cheap and will sell them cheap. Your choice for $7.50 These Mandolins are not as goodl as a W'ash- 1)010 or a Ricca, hout they are mighty gooil value for x:7.50. A special lot made ups for us by Fairbanks & Co., which we will sell lit $8.'00 each. These are not Fairbanks Monarch Banjos, nor are they finished like their,$40 Electric, but you never sawelbetter value for $8. They are mahogany, concert size, well finished, guaranteed against checking, and of perfect scale. For aWe oer them, as a drive. Mark you, we don't claim they lire worth $20.001 hut they are dirt cheap lit $8.00. ~ ~bor OCo a Grenerail Music Dealers, 51 S. Main St. C 'uitar Strings, (Guitair Cases, Gruitar Music. I? ! q lic ViC Ann Rebor Af Gienerail Miisic lDealer, 51 S. Main St. Mandolin Strings, Mandolin Cases, Mandolin Music. 51 S. Mim St., Ann Arbor, Mich. Banjo Strings, Banjo Cases, Banjo Music. MUSICAL GOODS . FLAG PINS $I.50. tons 60c. II..ShI~s Bookstore! AT! ! TRIEMYellO IWih o M.ndrBl e ODBut- CALO year 75c. 1_zS S'.A 3 LiJR. Formerly with George Wahr, 19 Chape thIR[ we i Tre i thuno . OrF ICE: 1 W ;ahitoyjjsP os o8E. Washington st. Headquarters for Chepe tan nyhee lsein--~-YARDS: M. C, R. 1R., 'Phone NC. 51 everything a Student needs in the the Conntry. WAM. ARNOLD'S, Jeweler. line of Text-Books, Statioinery and B 'LAMPS ! LAMPS ! LAMPS ! Miscellaneous Stock in general. haike n mistake. o you want a laump? We can sinue you a<