THE U. OF M. DAILY. Publishedi tally(Satndays exce-pted) drn I te Colege year, iby THE U. OF M, INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION, O)lFICE:-l'imtes building N. (fain st.,oapposite pot;off aice. Suscitnbrice$250 per- year-, in ut-ibly in advace. Sinle cop e ets. 5ublit- tons may be 1(ft at the afite ofth(e IHails, at Stafbts, at state at. new ta taniawitay of ife editors or at oieoiios Cammaaicaissholdreach the ffice by F o'clock a. .if tbey ar-et afipita~the nex-t lay. Addr'esailalltter inttended fat'ptall- c-atitthe ttMtanaging bEditor. All busians commnicaion shold-b set to the- lusi- nesItag"e J% THE U. OF M5. DAILY, Anntt'Ar-bat-,Milct. EDITORS. potsfa thelitplei-s, anitheflt'only way dria-en anay, atitfdietd fraotieftasueJ. T. fAtCOB. CHAS. H.ALLINIANDo ta beep ueitientalreptsItaromfalt oingaontihie farcidsmrchtiatttnaufr gtuard tof fthe roundsf actin tisar sfar r-very thfltidiers. lIM D Pr-at. Truablaad an Chrysastam. Bible Cliasytestterdayt5 wasftt"Cl'ltytitti- ltiin.'' Theiaftendance'Avts at rea inctreast' ovter'lasi; Sttiday, and alitowtd ft-e p lafirity otthest' lecttres. tPiof . lTrttftttteb tlooe il lbtalwe t'as itti lirxs: "'if-isa ltways hielfpful fto yttftig Chis- iinstosudly ft'e liv es ofthe learly Girls Cat Aaauaintad. Newbterry hatll wtaft'e st-aft 'f a lelasatsaaial evet't tudaftity ev ii- ilug. ite ao aaain teingigllie 'aniual f'reshaniiipiti aftttd oithe1111' festiontal di'lnrfiia-tifs. flit- medital iaiiit- pfttli'.las aniddetatiitl tfept'-nta sorr rt'tftset'iit-l.SOt iill t einig pres-5 ent, tif wtelu lt'e itties faiaisuf thi grete It itf. Atitatg ft-e eoany (vt-vt- s'i-al pota-gradatt estf', (i. s. Salts, SI tobty, t)swaaltd aitd Dedr;t-k. AlT'he-lhaerontes Woirei' sadatata S tall- elnTit ompailson, Ativy, _Ataitia, bIltm- I wnvvdv w ns.1.11innvl I A. f'. fStADLEt,it..', Assisait. 1arhff iffits' aftii tilttt J. . ~txa , L '5,ait tlt i gE . Iti vtitogr.a ilii Ailti I liit butlthe lt- meiat s pass-- illi J.. (lilt Lai'95 Busnittilan t-.beiv-rsaliat.iws. atitolAntoch - As-istanit. sfftilitf(lii- Chystisltin. lei "fiss 'retlui ovra~oi n 1te -. Assisattl;if1 itcd ') i l telgr LTRR.AW wailos inIahila tortha' a t.lieu i i s olIenl ii'iiifiiit. 'liad iifc ae ,Miniei TitaaipaiatS97 FV l. liataill, t5. cialfl t'e il11 ii ttleb;andi(l fit-I-- t h difrnca esw edstl us Caritie V. Sif t. 'Sit. E. L. Eatits, ltS. Ied is flite Isealf iblltlt .sienciorst bfy If. A. lDanert- S5. tG. It. itt'tistt ' i f Ihis '1111 lfeih(S ' "-as115called th S. ., Shileay,. M st~EDICAL, reitI iiias s"-hit'. sopfhoaimoreis tiff 111'._______ S.___________________ ( ('(55' To-ute.('li-astt sta1fI-tan ilIsha itf'cllt1i' stIl at-- DatNTi Aal tiL. t a I [.(la- le. a-il tu ft t gtitl sluti. ' lai is"tf-tliltf'tui is l t -stit litt l lfelt tlaytnl wafsileftOil s so l nw e i'" Vl ac i-ia Copyfl t fb'eig t - th sifficebfre :0 11a q attili- liii'.ete5 :11 rad .ft h dap. f u b 11 '~tiilfi licto .t o t he careis ofs I ll Ifs ti e rtt his11 li-i' t a ' hisat'ttl-i tttvu-t-i. lii'Is-as~ it lisius~tut li' i-sit-l I itir ti toarc nsat ln terainynsense l'Vi tr las flT'e eitorC silo iitnt.idtilhi'selves respo- 115. tifats isfitt iy ia tres of aal i te d fci b les. 'aitsr 'ilfor thoi n i nsborl ult i o ta orulty :I ndtit boiti' tl--lit ttl.a d ltmother.taa ine ieba Ill anty eenisg ooiFotal 'flell Ia i ti t1nay Ita i'tuile vets set 11111salit-ilut' in t helio sx-tiu . Sritndatyparn Soaofoi ttt nr tl t fysh ied c itt-a-iti tl il, g. I- atry. H'l "'( ha lsi r oitta I it. f}saIaind bs obBlsai 111(1 ;11 hefit- met isnt'. lf'5l if Atit111arod(1111: t.c l le i-is; at- naaa G arllaer.u ~ If falti'-i s -il tt1f1i- impt-i-hre asti heI Ittit-t had'tl ltc' it n (fluencel111)011fit~tt. so atig'e ni ta tc utemsfa vsf--ii-oitt-eui l ahtleti-tesso I "He'f t ered (it iitheIi tl a'uislhilortorul'l'' li''i'llap .iith thlloilit'ln silt s at islilfa hu t ilutl i nnti t o ii fihisleilini - a I ,tlia tis ent howeit eit ,at-tif. refil off1 sititl m oi 11t hefidttes idtoaeteas ineillseSinn h i mta enAtoll ctartac te siagi- ill't'Ithi5 t libgst'flr if(._ast- rb t"a isae y hs tre fulmtd fclte. Vco Itt1-i-il a-t-i t nt 111tat go wf (n lt Sesaty er h esrell cotasx woe'. int3. a dllwSop agShoos, toxic. doinfi e euptey arhuffatrtitut;au;. It- peahe 25s prt ercnt under1AianvArbornpinCusc. nbBll n settettitaug-itt ihtiyAti)"vl Avoid jobears, atiti aoles a Ers rfisingas $10, $12d$1r.$16 ilor'nAvialaeon ethre--ld Bladei to .y or et 'satper.OF, sorSTAT enTnMsIRC STOE. ',t .1 ' v , r +- . i ItEAIEIS INi + fSHO-ES. ++ CSOME AND SEE l S - The Washington Block. FLOWERS, FLOWER Fat- evtingiteand Everybody. COUSINS & HALL, flrists,2 Telephittei115. EXCELSIOR + LAUNDRY! 20 FASTI HURON ,STRFET, todSWork tuartaiteed.Hands cilled liii MOORE & WETMORE, 6S.SMaint at., tatd State at., cor- tier t'Xiliatu at., save a coumpileeslack at ONIM[SITY T[ST DOORS New and Second Hand. Note Bookisland atheritentsba' Suppliera lisa Stitia ittySpar-ltinGods, atc, wihb they afat t haefLowest Pr-ices. Calt and sea us before purchasing. 22 Years in the Businss'a~ [UTYIlHURYT j . X. SEABOLT, No. 4 N. 4th ave., CIs tie LEADING SCHOOL OFBUSINlESS atnd 5SfT HAND. Magniiceintabilding; ten iteaaerslasg attendance; gooddisaiplinea; tnprior sork;oal. suppliedireadint eoom; dily leatues;.Saturday eveangreepios;cpen (lentieaear-. Eacey- stiotual fucilities tar plaeiag atadreta it. posatimns r Bard and room $2toa$sty5pea-weet inpisate :tatmilies. Thesatesreduced to $lt5 hy sclf- boar-diag. FrPatalsogue addrest P R. CLFAPiY. Pies. I'IIE GRAND OPtERA - HOUSE.. Wednesday, Octob'r 31 rted to as a 'hassling mtbit ll ii itrotl deeutuf "fBloodly a'itltuit-t-" itl llt1ia -tguui -flf'ttunlaw'ftul actilotinIia 1cotl- li-gie townt is tiltaesittg'ly hiiu ff111 tiiieattudetsilantii flttiglit tutgluantdt aftriet tgautuia tt uar aofeititoi titti tlt'ereputtioni iofilhe Uiveritsity sftf- fir-sneerufteltss.Thlte lgilaftt-a at Lausinig like' lt ttheultc attlhi-, are iiflOeitcl idiuteir ft'e r-- A.- NOVELTY IN / 5~ath Robes ! . l The fantous Star & Crescent Bath Robes are now tmade in all the 5LEADING COLLEGE STRIPES I4Quality superb. Made unuder aur " Fast . $7l"tent inewocer, $0.inelitontedy, 7fewtrrnableifunsatisfctrefd j re.Pu able Pieiuntisatrry, I not found at your dealers', send to us nr'mentloning collegecand enclosing prce. STAR & CRESCENT MILLS CO., Philada., Pa. TeEianPut Cout meditan SOL SMITH RUSSELL In hisa;greeat et haracter and1lahty, by E. t1. Kidert, PeacefulValley*, PRICESt First Floorie.$1; Halcnit-ityhaesit tc Saleof at s ttitilliopent Mosdaty mat tlt Oct. 20. THE NEW OCCIDENTAL, YPSILANTI, MICH. SUNDAY DINNERS AT 5 O'CLOCK, Students and citizenssahtould mate this, their- haadquarters wistle is Ypasfat,ada assure them they will Sled me, as aver. itost cor-dially, W. H. LEWIS, Prop.. ANN ARBOR STEAM DYE WORKS. Ladiesand Heats' Clothing Cletased at Dyed. 3 W. HURON ST, ANN ARBOR..