THE U. OF M. DAILY. MJGHIGAN GSENT L Senior Law Election. Time Table (Revised) July 1, 189. Thb nior lw clss e lsi i illii EAST. WST. e. ~'I is-ll.- sy iorilg, :Non,3 ' bh Mll cod Es.... 4 01Ml 8 - S dl v-s )iSeno lu lOmen .Lave Teeed on N. Y. Special....5 lb N. Y. Special--70 Eastern Eu- lb--1 25 N. S. Limited.-.- 925 Mi Rin-ili fMsorfrei A.. 5 PcifEs>15 l hal f Aisisfo h Atantic Es-_7 47 rP8m llrspl-ibni-l somin ee.Mr. Doyle, of 1). N. Express---51 40 Westens E-_. 5 G. R. Express I 03G hi. Nt. Es -10 2 I (liis-o shas beens chosen by the Ill- 0.AV StRUssi, I 1. A. IAres, 1101islin,011(1AMr. Wls,of Hawaii, G. P. S. T. Ag., Cicgo. At., Assn Arbor. sill s-iiioiosiillrepedelt icke. T::., A... A. & N. V. R1Y. achcominaioni ihasserly 1ol- Taieg effect Ssndy, Aug. 1 194. 'Gaislev cAnArbr tn entralStaud- leellia stair.,11111 a rol-lng 111d1psr- ardtim.isn election wsiliunidobedly resul. 71 a. n1, 7:tsass 121. es 110 a. m. Freshman Football. 415 9:00p .0.____ 5TI rains s-sebetwsen Ass Arbor and Toledo Th rl itfobltemasem only.Ilifrsllifocibon1101-s All teios dily ecept Snday. lribvlgoiiehydlii ieW-l RI.s. GREENWOOD, Aet. 1atcgdiielyurnthAvk AV. H.BENNETT, (G. P. A., Toledo, . ciod will 7-is-sheIllsevo-es a. hard1 DIETAS & SCHANZ (((IseIthis fterroooi. fie liliol lass V. OF M. T IL 'calli illsbeenili l o 0715151 0-llu so fll w7a raer ipart Iof t1h- we(ek, 1and1 Isst ILestad best styles of lorigs cd Do- mestle Woolens. I-lerst class f0it listelass 11111110 lpractic sell e icialt 51;;1appy. woil guaranteed lesic, pressigasnd repairing, cetly done('0111 Buioial is sfeig ot a 48 5s, tate si..seciiid [lor, Ace Arbor. srainedolankleand Iills llac 110 r111 HANGSTERFER CTEER hlollssil be filel bylso. t)ilily floub offers itsfIllst muslicl prov(- 1 -TRADE grai. The c-ionrtl-bsil be gven biy MAORK Al.If N. Iilbic. of tils ciy, assised I ~by Miss Minlic bDsvis a0d111 .Flix _ ELaoInIdi~, (f Deri. All 111sc a:rss A NEW' LINK CUFF sore favorsbly knosnt ls 111 8111 .110 t l1s(t1year befsre Un(iylub111, an1(1 a Big Four Ro te ile nroottvnlal9beexctd BET LINE TO U. OF Ai. CALENDAR. INDIANAPOLISitOI2.Aplo11lbrys- LOUISVILLE, (101ty (leets il 10(111d, at 7:o p in, and CINCINNATI. S., Ot. 27.-Social for woen lio the lproessnl ho lsll it -1 Newber-ry MLEGANT h11,1 i(.ll- Through Sleeping Cars bal, Oct 27. -alsl 101a1 :it1(( 11 IIETSEEN le101(1. ,2 p.- 111 Petoskey, Louisville and So., Ot. 27.- Vsicsy vs. Case Cincinnati. Scienie School at Cleveln. ________________St., Oct. 27. ball Field liay it ASK FOR TICKETS XVIA Atletoic fiel. Sun,Or. 2.-1v. ID. -Jonson BIG + FOUR + ROUTE. spessat'Newtberry Had, '):10 a. 11. ol IThe oluneer Moveolbt isioi. E. 0. lcCORAItfK, 1) B151A1TIN Sl. w.,OtL.-l' Sldral( Passe eaff i gr. Ge. P. & S Ot.20T.vcSnceran letules ll the I ibukiachurch(1111on0 SU T S I-nY OT CANI "Sihinlcicrn e.' SAVE 41.liMon., Oct. 21.-Concert betoe 111117- By uyngyourecebb by VMr ME.". Blbhe ----7-01 s1101. ,before 111- 1111lad Lelipll G. R. KELLY, 33 E. Huron Street. 4p.111 le sre ad tket(ils otcee Witlyo. Aron. ee. . d. 211bllberi A. VOMn1LRbPF. nT111D, Slrague, imipersonatlor. before 0111]i- FIRST CLASS CUSTOM TAILORING 1.11n01Leaffue. Corner of State and Wilia st, StNv 7-eirlteeto 1 Wiliasm t. etrance, capell at 10 p. 11 K ii 1V NNER(3.A R, ' F MT T1111-re iI'ale grduatellls, 1111-1-1 Students Recreation Head- Ilarvard gallalllnill-st(111e1111--rin1c- quarters. No.7 N. IMaSteet. 11on1grduates ill 1 111kn1ied ste THlE ANN ARDOR SAVINGS ANK Tle ela lc ielec7(lyO Anis Arbor, vliel. sspitl Stoel,. 001000. Ognzdusurplus,=$1e5,0 00.Bnig astry thiirr casesilit-evpractie- c-uli. Of Iis State. Receives desits, buys and1 A mloioll Sill be aruenelxt, Mondy sells esehInige cc the priicipal citis of the Tited Sates. Drsfts eased upnc proper 01fore Judge BogI lllic 10 1(117olyte idectifctios. Safety deposit loses to ret. Orr~cEeiio Cristiancis ke, Plee.; S. . firtofthetil-ew wsork. lrrimuc. Vice-Prs.; Chasss. E. ni1scol, Cahieri M. J.1Fritz, Assistnt Casier. The Psi IT, lllllleb 111111last:feeig 9.N N ARBOR wsislargely Oattendehd. Guets oisinhle S TEAM LAUNDRY CO. lnumbier of 00wSte elsen-0rom orull lt- PHgh 01111s ad Dornsetinishcl. sido, ciies, Chicgo, Toledo, 1)tiOi .11101Jakon blg represene. E. S. SERVISS, Manager,_ '00 SOUITH FOURTH AVENUE. Subscribe for the Daily NOTICES. INTER-CLASS FOOiTBALL.. Thio scedule of inber-clacs foobbal gamslb is 1as follows: Nov. 15-117 lit vs. '98 lib. Nov. S-'190 low to. '96 last. Nov. 12-'95 lit to- '961 lib. Not. 14-W~inuier of Nov. 8 to-.111ig1 School. Nos-. 10--Winner (It Nos. 10vs. stinner of Nov. 12. Not. 19-AWinner of Nos. 14 cs.Stini- ncr of Nov. 16. Any oiler classes wshoing 115 lrgiil- ize teamslo 11complete for chamiloni- shlip, sendll sordl 0s 00011 110 l)ssille an101places iochiedule still le a clralg- 111 fortbiem. CIIAILI ,'S 1B,110D. REQUIREMIENTS 9-OR OIIAII.T-IN. All students expecting to gradua~te in any given year musut report to the registrar at (be opening of blue year and aseerbain whlat prescribed stork, if any, is sbill lacking for the degree sought. P'. 1:. dcb'(NT. All candlidaltes toll'(97 lfootba1 ll teau are requstebct o apptear at thi--Ailcii Field, Wetdnesday, anud every 1day thlereaftber (lb 3:300. SCICEiI, Capb. The class football gamnestwill be played early this year. MTanagers and capbains are nrgedl bo get their men out at once. I CHARLES RAIIID, AMgr. BUSINESS LOCALS. [:Notices in~sertedl inl this e011la511lt the rt of 5cents per line1. Special ratels for saug'er timle,11an11extralineos furnishediby (applylig it the DIlsustoffie. 1 S.Vfl1 VY 1IVENINGS ACT btN- lI EIt'S. A clutb olass liosited t toI40coulples wsill tbc organized ol smeert sit Granger'sv Acadiemy7 Saturday7 eveninsgs, roes- mlencing Satunrdays-, sos. 100. Thsis 1111ss 1i1111ortadvan1ced puphils 0(111 a1111 (till afforditill advanutabges of blocil en1joymen0t and(1 istrulcbionllcomblsinsed As thsoclss still be liitedi to1(40 c01)oule 110ou shouldri Ibsierlit (1n11e0if 7011 wishu to1joisn. Gralngl-r's trodo 1117 11111 le rentiedifour privatepalries,,rclas socls(11 an11111receoptionsO. lbt50s11111a 11110110-hall, swe reserve the1-rightl Illre- ject anuy 5appl5icaltionuswelothinik loll. Othee0-1-Gi'Malynalrd st., groundi f loor. 1-reo-Pro-psslandl Iribosoc, the Otivo leadling DtCroit odailies, 450 cents a. monthllidoily, 60i)cents Idaily 11111 Sun1- d1a1, oeach. Subscribe sit Op)1-so se NI-IslStasnud sr 216S. Stsate-st. .drbins 1Hallulls jusot reeeIi\,erc21. hasndlsomeiline1111- fancuy chair5s a11d roceus. Studtirs, if you1 sish los keeplposted 111 c-olege saffsairs, oubscribe for till Dsaily lassulhauvesit doiveredl eachi say. If you wasnt exercise- you canlnot (5( berthan1111xasiune blue Witsely lEx- eriser. It still please 7-you. It 1111es the pslaco-(f 5weight111111rovting ma1- aigentl, 104 N. 111710110 sh. IF. Stoliet, algentb for (ishragn (pilers. You110011 themu, Stubsc-ribe lit on1c. ELeganlto suite of roomis 10rrent, nieatil eput, 02,100, also line day board at $2.100. No. 410 Packarsrtb. If you smok3 Cigars, buy thiobeot. IIOSCOR CONKLING is thle brand. Upholstery stork clone lot secial p~rices at p~resent at Mbartin hlsiller's. l'eb your iparlor suits covered at a lost price stithi thleLsatest pabterils ini tapiestry os- corduroy at Masrtin 1101- 'ee's. Students, leavso ur sllborplos for Ills-Daily lat 1011Co Newstalsnd, ah ;Stole o. N-ws Sands, Ill t thu Dalilly officefiltTimsbhlo-k. When you i salt a good Cigrasl fci the IOSCOE CONKLINi. The best in everything alwas gives 1110 greatest satisfaction. The ROSCOEM CONKLING Cigars aro to bst and cost no more than inferior brands. Try them. illeii heSw sims. llt Ntosliaid Washli~lsienawthto, to111e17sy(papes fo'tt e lit-priceofot,15.111 ((1115si soek, 1l5 t-t-iioa511101101bh. Sosorilo- sibSo- ll-is Nt-so titn([, r 2( S. Sate S., ssih P. 71p-rs. MRS, ANNIE YiARD FOSTERS Dancing and Delsarte. 'hid sesooelln (~ls frt w sek inNotsober 1101. parti-hculrs enqui11reteen 4.-tttdh6lp. 46 S_ ScPA.WNJ SmS ANN ARBOR STEAM DYE WORKS. Lde'andGtlrosl C lloig Cleaned orI lyet. 3 W. HURON ST., ANN ARBOR. -T3UJRI TS FINEST RESTAURANT so Ain Arbor I G-TlASE R? S. Gire ills tril. -?E. Huose o FOR FIRST CLASS MEALS ELITE DINIKb" PARLOR Cor1 State11101Libshrty ot. ED11WARD11LF.ETS Prop. bnoi esIvSt Ii I TnE NEWV YPSILANTI, MICHI. SUNDAY DINNERS AT 5 O'CLOCK.. Stdetadco C1111ititestshol 5(ake1- lis tits-he hocdhlslsrt(-(s twhile il Ysilstti soul I .-irethe-m they (ill fid111me, s eer, M)bstcrdilly, W. H. LEWIS, Prop. EMIL DREFS, Bestisferecoes po(sible in Europe, Net orWll 1107y, Chicasgtt (n111AcinArorl. 14 Slate t OcomeRI and11see us. DROP IN AND LOOK AT THE WHITELY EXERCISER. Ithsoeul 0tieo a