THE U. OF M. DAILY. Pulislhed Da iy (Sundaysp'xcetd) dune, the tCollege year, ity .100 U. DE M. IND[PENDENT ASSOCATION OFIeCE,:'Times ibuilding N. 'Maln st., apposite past effice. Sah'seription prhte P2.50 per peat,.nvistably inaadvance. Singleecopies 3tcents. Subscrip- tionsemay he left attheaofice of the TDAtY, at Sotllet't, at State s.t. new tunget, with aep of the etditorsat autorizedtsoaicitors. Commiastions sthould reachlthetoffitehby 7 o'clock p. am. if they are to appeI~tar the text lay. Addresas all matller intentded fat patlh- ciotothe Mlanaginga Editat. All bhiesst' teat lNatagee . THE U. OF M. DAILY, Aetn Arhor, Mitt. EDITORS. J. L. LottE, Lit. 't5, Mlanaging l dittit. F. P. SADLEet, Lit. '96, Assistantt. 11.tCOEMtsAN, Lit. '917, Assstcattt. A. F..iiot'ewin~t., Lit. 't9l, Assistatl. J. A. LIettv, Lit. 9ll, Atltic Editor. J0. S. PtEARsi, Lttw '9t, BusineslManttger. Assistant. Cattle V. Smith, 'it. E. L.. Eans, '95. 11. A. tateet, 'itS. IG. 11.1lieett, 'Si. S. B. Shiley, . MEDtiICiAL. ________ _- PE. S. Niblackt, '95. DENTAi.. H. B. tGieammo, '9IS. atiase henceforth will ha subjected to the miosta'igilaunt sttttiny5, hallt'can aibsoltitely be ideeded upon11. Ini oitder to insure this,510 artice'oa ittei will lietprinited unless signed with the full iitme of t'eander, andull 1 imtmbersa tf tile staff as well will be held resposibilei'orat'artilt'sawrittenl ioaere iresignaittire. SWithi ite tx aice satisfiedlltlit the Daily is givtig grealter genera'll satiisftietion lhaunt'aver betfore. intl tik yotu who titaehilt alreidy tdont' s10to ctibscribt' on its mterits. NA'telihaelitoDetroiltipei's to bribtt'you with. nit glitt's'intgitffers to t'tat'h ytour'eye'. ttt if you thinlk thiat thit Daily is deaerv'ing o1 suppott' intl cubscribe. The Junior Lits. 'T'eexeitlivt'comiitte'fttfhit 5011' ittr lit eclacsmetlt snight tantdor'gtan- izetd by teSltection of W5. I]. DeWitt echeon aissceltary. 'fTey' will also aet Pittsburg Alumni. 'fe h'following Ietterteeiv't'tlby t re'sidleiitgraiduate allow's ithat'le alumni of itic insittiilochlated tlt P'ittsbtu'g, ta., Itretawalketo tithe in- terects of thleir almalt lame. P'itcsburgh, Itt., Ocet. IT, 1894. De'ai' Altumnunti:-Au informal supper is to bt' givent by all te graduates of Ote 1'. of MI. fromttwes'terni Pentisyl- vatia anti New' York tantS eastern Ohitt ttn thte eventintgttf'Novemitber 1.1S94, at Hotel Dutqtuesiit, lit s o'clock, ill order to foritiaitetr'anttiitAltilmni. Ike wanti y01u to coici. If youl tan, sa' "yec" ans endithettt torecponldintgcec- rettiry $1.50 to eo'er c't of yotir plttte. Sendilso athte addlress of all grttdtuatecs iii youtr ieighiboirhotto ttaid scretary andtihlis "coil" will be forw'anrd'd tic themi. Titans ft'aterna~lly, 1'tt\NO( 0. DOSSERI. DR1.'. . . EVAN S, .110S. FEL'l'WPL. well. ilut Fourthi at'..Sitisbisrgll, Itt. Junior Law Quiz. aiti iitfaaeek oith(lit'flest ftotr le' ituns 1)il the " oif tusbtandtantl ti follow'intgdatys: Sit.c. ,'fiusnt'tIi; 7i . . 'Ltt'Wedesdy; 5'S 2. P'ridaty; Se. .tilily ; Se.. )'fa~ecltay. The 'uizze's will itt t'tnducttt Sii'roi.-I .El To give the "Beet on .Earth" is te motto of Z~ittere' Palace Laundry, which leaves nothing undone thtat tim be done to give perfect work. We col- lect Mondays and deliver 'Thursdays. Leave ordars at Fulde's 't'ailoc Shop, cor. of State altd Williamn eta., or ad- dress card to L. D. Carr, 21 N. State st. _All coity meattite it the office itefotre 5:3o,. its ctairmitlindils ceret, The editort o tthoitldittetms'lvs eetltt-' tlass t'tin1ittli't'ate 'I. sihble f0r the lpinionstor tiettli'eitifcorreates- pon~detste.apipeaie istnitte tPi. Miss5K. 1:. l'iiite'oin. Edition 2,500 Today. Brtiltd, fotblall: Ti' bisebll. tntiJ. -A..l' to recetive li tiesore if tiii'fottittllt . cilttscsciait heneOt'lt SMr. I7. 1'. I ocihur sta noll tcheen ainted ast attliantoutinced'iina The littiontf t' officers oftili't le ,tttndDetrittpapteirs. stnior litt'ratry class occturs ttiis after- -- -- ntoti tt 1 o''liock, iatdif lii'1t'tcaucu'sitto H HO! liii' indepenidelts tif t'e lass, iheldOHHO1 yesterday be aindtlticatl.tiot' frsi- +++++ trnitieswill findsit o tlid arraiy oittin- iepenitentts ligaintcthleit.'fT'o seniior iofftcero art' tprobably'+tilt' wsoughtl after Impoirted Ct than those itt tny iotet'lascis nd ev- I iry' lii, wh'ethet rt' etirnity ot icdii-t peinden'1t, shiould Ot otiln1110shicw'his Button (Jutaxv' inlte'i't't illthe'welfare' ttftt'e ilausby 'ltetiingliihidbe t'tcatidatttes priesetd. Sit. 'Today the Daily issusoaii editioni of 2,t5t). 'thle object of tis 00 to get ltto'elacquasintedS with Oi thpatpet'who y hiave' stit yit Oil opportusnity to dio 00 Imported Scl tnd to tdraw' to their attentlion tihe fact thalt ther' is a collegi' paper in their viot Double miidst, editedl asnd suptorted toy the stutst, which althiosughi sot ast ap- Suit. ilesliage of te Di'troit Jounual, fur- nsihes a large tiast of the uew,'o colt- ecrnisig the L'niversity, which appears in its columns as wvell as that ini sev- j osal other Ann Arbor astd Detroit Blue or BIG paplers. Until tilt last two days the record of te Daily tics'authesnticity lish Kersey has been pierfectly' clear, asid'the tewar miistakes avhich recently crept intlo our cut extra long colustns isn yestertday's pasper, wret i'aused by sosne of tile ten recently laid velvet co. elected to thse staff These sistakes have had fte eecof causing flit Daily editors to be doubly vigilant, cUff'S, etc., etc. and ave 'can guarantee that all inform- Lary of the class 'sibers of tte P, Hickey and tticial; IP. 1.7, V.2. DeWitt, is plantiigfur rtes ththei'. ilth li ii i.r- J. T. JACOBS. CHAS. H. ALLIANDS. JACOBS & ALLMAND, cEALES IN +SHROES.+ + CJOME AND SEE US,-*M~ . The Washington Block. FLOWERS, FLOWERS, Folesry ltigad Everybodp. COUSINS & NALL, florists, 26S. iT5Lltl ve EXCELSIOR + LAUNDRY! :ic EAST' tURtON STtREET. GooasWrk Guvatn:teitettd. tGaod.stialled fot and deliveteid. A. 5'. COVERsT. hPrssp. MOORE & WETMORE. 6 S. Main st., and State st. cor- ner of Williasn st., have it cotmplete stock of UNIVERSITY TI[T Books New and Second Hand. NoeBtika ndtistother Stedests' Supplies, list'Sttioae'y, Sparting Giiods, etc,whc thsep ofter it the Lowest lPrices. Call and see us bsfore purchasing. 22 Years in the Business.-M55S . CITY LAUNDRY, M. M. SEABOLT, No. 4 N. 4th ave.. F. C. STEBBINS, RELIABL11 [AJNWRMNf Is selliho, cohupiol litob olagiil for y$ floex$2.50). SATISFACTION GUARANTEED 0Vi S.5,STATE STRIEET . 'IHE GRAND OPERA HOUSE.. ONE NIGHT ONLT. FRIDAY EVENING, NOV. 2,'94 R H lEA III Shatklespeasst, "MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING." Suap ore an ltexcelleltn'~ticompanyi- clatliti (DR. W. S. H ART. Scaltuleotiton'sale atatsi' Jeiwilry Sitt lery, 50c. LLEOE BOYS, 9:!i+2i92 ay, Three ELLIS ay Frock Thb Talo lotch Che- Breasted CHICAGO. $20.00 'O YOUR MEASURE. Represented by ack Eng- Overcoat MR. R. E. HART, ), with in- llar, deep At the ARLINGTON HOTEL. WEEK OF MONDAY, OCTI 22, COTRELL & LEONARD, ALBsANY, N. Y., 471 Acn:.414 BOoAWA Malkers oh CAPS snd (GOWNS to the Americas Usiversities. illustrated treatise, etc., uponsresquest. V.jA.-XURRELL, Agt.,s44 Willhiuam:,teet II I 1