IJte I . of . ionln VOL. V. No. 25. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1894. PRICE-THREE CENTS. 0 I U. OF M. VS. CASE SCHOOL. The Team, Although Crippled, Will Make a Hard Effort to Win.-The Line Up. The first game of real imiportance will be played io Cleveland today with the Case School eleven. Telegramis an- niouncing the resilit of the gaime will be receiveil by the Daily today. Six. teen nien, besides Manager Baird, Coach McCauley and trainer Fitzpat- rick, were taken rn the- trill. Tin party left over tiii' '. & A. A. yester- day forenoon at 11 :3t0,aiii arrived in ('levelanid at 5:311. '1he'li'e up of the team in today's ganie will probably be as follows: Haddeni, left end; Villa. left tackle'; Ninide, leftgnard; Smith, center; Hienninger, rigilt guaird; Yont, righttaclse; Price, rigiht enl; Green. leaf. quarter; terbert. left half; itloomingoton. right half; Dyer, fulil baick. 'fill subsltittes ar': Reynolds, tackle; Rtictiards an1d11Leonalrd, haiif backs. Ferbcrt wvilcaiptainltile teamt. til teamll. Al 1o till' game1, it Xwiiilll l'uesion- to predicti till'result. 'fil' ('lst'Scionl- hifecSchooltteatmll asl lbietobttlittlt' heard frton so fttc titsleas~onu. ar le reportetd to bt' stronerheer llli'~. Last Saturdlay tley defeatetd lirtcll tt'eseasonl, Atlbet ('ollage tdefeaited Ill-ti. Last ye'ar last' School hatd 0111 of thte bi'sf teams in the west. They hititiat easy timelt with m11sf of thii Oioi collge'telltls and11even ctefeate'd (Oberlin, 22-8. Of' last ye'ar's leant, ~ightt are pliaying tis -ear'. a hlardi ginel, as almlost half the glen1 tile cripledl'. Carr was lnt takenl 01 the trip, 'his ankle bteing still wealk, antd Ninlte will he gulartd.GOr talckle's will teor weak: point, however. Both Villa 1111(1Yoilt 1are' inpoorcontdi- tioin to play.,Ineithelr having bee'tn ill ptractice this week. ('apt. Baird's ab- sence from qnarter weakens that 110- sition also. AWe('111 get along very well as to hlalves, tlthiotughiFerbert's contdition may ptrev'ent his playinig long. Another thinig to hI' conisidered, is the nearness of tilt Cornell game (Nov. 3), anti great care will have to te taken hot to nndnly cripple the Senior Independent Caucus. Palladium Board. The senior independients hieltd t ala- 'PTle Pallacdiuml for tile yeiar which is coo yesterday afternoon ill tile chalpel to he out the latter part of Jtannuary, and nlominiatetd candcidates for senior ptromlises to be thle best yet issuedi. class officers. Tile candidates, with- out exceptioni, are strong men~i anti womien, and wiii carry the ftill indle- pendent vote. A iootion to give the offices of secretary, historian anld pro- phletess ill ftle fraternlities was votedi diowni. A strong sentimlent wais lmanifestedi in favor of selecting the orator by complietitionl.bult after a short discusI- lion the motion was lost. Tue following are itie candtidates s'- leteti anti recommllendcedi for tilt'siuf- frasge of tile intdependlenlts at todaty's election: Preside~nt, Itiellaird H.I.Ly- Ilill,.of Utah; vicees'ient, Miss Nellie J. Malarkey, of Illintois; secre- fary, Miss Pearl S. Colby. Ann Arbor; treasulrer, It. tt. Bush, lit Michigan; oratior. .1. S. Htandyi, of Ann Aribor; igan;i prophietess. iHtiss AnnLiI. fitch- o~f Michigan. The Gymnlasium. Ill 011 interviewr yesterdaylcDr. I-itz- geraildt saidtthat it waslIxplectedthalt a11llarrangementIlosvwouldt le comlelited otf this city. 'The wvork li t ltling in thit riunning track is being pulshecd. All of thie locerls liavie be'e'n taken,. Intl last Inight ther'etvere 20 tpptlica- tionls wrhichiXviill ve' to wait until the( nextlmleetig of lie hoarti tftregenlts, wh-len provisionis wiii be madte for miore lockers. Two tptrsoons cann~ot till tt'e sa11e'locker, hid it is nttpro~bablie that anlyoned'wiliibtet'llowet'hle trolil- c'gc' of ft'egylli. wholtloes inot iprocutre a lockir. 'T'e physle'xamliintionls wiii commlenice tflirst of net'xlwt'tk. Yesterday's Tennis. Tue tennis toturnam~enlt was continl- uell yesterday withl two doulellls, in one of wvhich McKenzie andli('hicker- ine beat ttel'lick and Gait' three sets in succession by tile scores 6-3, 1-4,ti--i, lbnt lost oneC game S-1ll. t. Prescott 11111 Seabulry lplayedt 1Herrick aiid (Galt' .-4, 7-5, S-S. As three ou~t of 11i-c are requlire'd fotic victory this contest wiii be decided tomorrow, tile winners of The followXing lmcnlcompilose'ft'eitoard of editors: Rhohert L. Wagner, Signit Phi, 11111- aging editor; George IR. Slater, Delta 'fan Delta, bnsiiiess nianager; P. 1). Bonrland, Alpha Delta Phi, secretary; associate editors.,It. I. Dunton, Ci Psi, A. C. Bloonmfild, Delta Kaip~l Epsilonl, Rex IL.('all', Zeta tPsi,fI. 0'. Weeks, Psi Upsilon. I. fL. Spanlding, ir., Phi Kappla Psi. Fre-li i. Richard- 1011, Deltal tpsiloln. I'. W. Foster, Phi Delta Theta, (G. '. Keechi, Signta Al- pha EpsiIln, I. Debv Mills. Phi (Ga111- 1111 Delta, antI iDrtank Briscetl. Thetal New Law Rule. NO GOOD STUDENT Trys, to learnl withoiut books. Some people though try to use musical instruments wvith little ofr110 tone. W/e Say Buy Those WNhich Have Tone. We sell that kindt. 51 Sooth Main st. - -FINE- FOOTWEAR! AT 'Pe le ll-paiseIl by the latc taculty BEAL.'S -SHOE STORE requirinig tiell'1w11 studttis tttptIs OIp. Court House, Maii St. tlieir botoks into the-Professocs for to- If you want to get a fine box of spetinlwenlt into effect ye'sterdlay Cby th atin fPrf.iieinr.,1eCHOCOLATE BON-BONS object of thits rol' is to leai-nwtvhittetr Cheap; Hot or Cold Lunches Either tile stutdeiits art- busyilng thml'll'itl Night or Day go to duriiig lectutrte hour by takitli inntes oil R. E. JOLLY & CO., State St. tih' lectuire dtelivteredt. REUB N H ''ir~ 'T'wo intdustious seniors Iiert- aski-tiN .K~VI F From 1the RoiytialuConervatotry, for thitir ntte bootttoInet inspecetetd Stuttgart, Germaiiy, after totz anut fit professor thtouight Teacher of Piano, Organ and Musical Composition; also the Art of frttn tht'anmount takcen antI inthtie Teaching. manneriin-r o XlichtheyXWere- written Studio 22 0. Onvi-ioSt., Anit Arbor,Slick. thalt It-e ouldt keep thost' genitliemen MERCHANT TAILORING ! busy fotthie inext ftoir clays. CleaniisgPress.ingad Repirnga donsact ly by Bettter work ontthe part of 1till sin- AUG. SC HO ENKWALn, 2ICE.SWasgton deiits will retsi. S HLQT ILU'7N"QIF.3ZLS Harvard's Attendance. 0110511 11N11 of LOWNEY'S CHOCOLATES 'Thteatteitdance at H-arvard Chits year JUS TRECEtIVED AT is tar in tadvance of last year. thit'+ TUTTLE'S, rtegistratioit in each departiti-nt shlowv- +48 5. STATE ST. tug an increauste.'hue followXinlg tableit- 6 A : gives te figures to hate wvitht a con- C R09~ itrison of last yealr's atteindane: SCHOOL OF DANCING, 'Il-'9t '9'- dlIN. Classes1now11openi.lPuils rece iced .a1 any Scientifics Scihootl ---273 313 45 tiue, the ti-catstirtlng with dite uf tidmis- GrauattelSchool---- 246 251i >titti. Alltclssseu nider chie personatin- Divinity School - ---- as 9 23itructioni ofiMr.ad Ms oIuss Or-auger. No Luw Sc hool---t----i---cM3 389 itt stali-s to motiunt. tfice aiid DaniHahll tin Medicai School-____421 433 8Itchicg1ousd flotor,I6SMtyniard st. Deintal Schoolt-t-t-i - Itt3 1.1 20' Veterinary Medicine-S. It0 Itt 10 li ~lf lllllf r Bussey Inittuitin-_I-i-I 9IV10IUL FGrad totatl-------2117 3H5t 14121 VIIIIIL) BUUUKSIUREL Field Day at 2 O'clock. 'iTe field hay btegins promtiiy at 2? o'clock totday, to ordto Ctgiv-i'thit' for tile football gamte that follows Chit eight trauckcauth fit-It events. Compiieti- tion ii inte aitie 11ill bhentiubattter 111an1 vas expetctetd, ts a numbeihdr of 1n11 t'ntrites havt' hten receciv-tdlillait - tuit__Ion d..tts'_p__ it. iyest'rhti. At team for that gamue. The team cannot wvhich ilXii play thintihftor first therefore be coiisidetredinii t'e stronig- paeiitobe Xii iietgat t'st playing conditioii. Mcenezit' 011-Mondtay afteriiooin. We offer discount on all University Text-Books, Law, Medical, Pharmaceutical and Scientific Books. We bny and sell second-hand hooks. Mathematical Instruments and Drafting Supplies at special rates. We offer Best Linen Paper at 20c Per Lb. BEST NOTE BOOK FOR 25c. SOLE AGENTS FOR f.- WAI[IMIH'S ]DAL FOUNTAIN PEN. -*-. - zWO SsMO~TMS. CnivecrsityBouuhstoee, iDown Totwn, unstaSi t. lOpp. Coturt House. On account of tflttreshaitiisocil on Nov. 2, the first re'c'ptiotn of thei Hobart Guild Sneitti cirtle-it'Xiibie pestploned to Nov. 1. subscribe for the Daily Chiicering playtetia sulperbit amne.itission, dt 25 o 1'celuts.ne etrd:A-i w~hilhe McKenzite wats far btehiniit hits tisoal forit. Herrick Itntd Galt' playedi tcic-t~ ti iihsr~t~-.I~itih 152. C. nipversitX- of Ciao15,"l so wvell together titat they hiatdXll ve(ricgty5. th fewX utasses. Seabiury Xtas rhatmpion 200, ___arvard _____. of Chiceago bight schools ltist yt'ir. Subscribe for the Daily