THE U. OF \I. DAILY. MIXCHIGAN GENT1\AL Timie Table (Revised) July 1,1894. EAuodS. 40 ESTl NY.Special---510 N. Y.Spcial--- 0 EasteruEx----10 25 N. S.Liiteld.-_92A t aii x---131 Atlantic Ex---;471..f 1). N. Express---5411 WesernuEx---- 5 G. R. Express --Iti03 Chi.Nt. E -----I0I2 10. W. lRio1 S , 1 ..IYS G.1 .Ag. Chio. . gO., Ass Arbore. T. A. A. & N. X. RY. Tao- fet S unday, Aug. 1, 1894. T'rinleae 5Ann Arbo~r on Central tand- 18 pa. . I 71010. I1l. 12: 25 p. ranOrnbtwen AnnArbor 1and Toledo only. Alrisdaily exceptSunday. R.1S. GREENWOODI, A.. Stt W. 11.Ill 'NETI, . I.P..A., TIotedl) O. DIETAS & SCHANZ, U. OF Mt. TAIL ORS~ Latest and best 'Oyles orffoigadlDo- mstIleWcob luF'stelai 0iltcas wrork guranteed. leaninug, pressing (and( repairing neutly done. 480S. Stite st., Second Floor, Ann Arbor. HANOTERFRCAERER )11/2 E.LWNsCUng l_--'OTN WLI N 1.0 ~ INDIANAPOLIS, LOUISVILLE, and CINCINNATI. ELEGANT Through Sleeping Cars 13ETWEEN Petoskey, Louisville and Cincinnati. Holiday Vacations. of lie vacationis hluriigtill'rwile; e yell', if lllde, Nwill 110t take eeet 1111s rear. is is supp~losed by 1)71111111 dntslll. ,wiilnot he chole ithis realrihow~ever, To live tile "Best oii Earthi" is thle 1110t11 of Witters' Palace Laundry, which leaves ilotiing 1undo011t111t0(101 ho done to Igive perfect work. We col- lect Montdays and deliver Thulrsdlays. Leave orderu at thnlde's Tailor Shop, cr. of State And11Williamists., ofriad- dreus card to L. D. Carl', 21 N. State st. s' ersi tr. 'W. '1C. . Wedelll 1') 9.('1 , add1ress-11110i Joslpinlle williso 0 ilrlwloilillneii's tickets from lRobertiPiip~s it till lloped upon lietillas 1111'ictreTof1111'REQUOI REMENTSI's P111 111.1IlATIIIN. unlfolrtunalll teIiilpres'I ha. 111 vo1l111 is All sinudents expectilig to grauoate ill plroducedl'lhlr 111ay.womienll wh111 11111registaut s~thileopieiilg of the yeas s51111erbean tol e ari 1 51 th11'e llilireantl ascertain wvhat iprescrib~ed wlork, if, gotfils. 11111 ill eN('5117 fali they1,1 ally, is still lacking- i'oi' the dlif' w1l boullght f loil;iS of 'Napo11leo. ibra- Psonghlt. rasl fver asonihedal th111 1111 f. leli d u iemanf i :1) 51'-3e10111 for oo'ts relatlin g toil'Napoleofnian11 al-ells 1111111 N'l~i'I~i 1111 111 llhecadds fP fotbll tblies xviite the l~ie fShatll geat11,1 11 and li Ii s1111'lIt derythsyir M ngr n fortlli.ateIwife.l o. tyl the1 r11 evivahia11110- ilditain ',red ly, 111det ic ir lieai in Fraue. The milliltes it slice.o T111'c111sIlfsootballI 11111esi-%viill1be artetsI 1a111utIISI lilIo llig llhindA L4iA)tD agr 1111'. fThis is iliglhtilliI, 11111 11111 BUSINESS LOCALS. Frenchl pepl e s' o 11is 0R1111,Ito 111'e Il1ts ime.,1' 11111 151 m lil11 111 lll~i lll 117y 0 pini1 -ii ofi)thIll A 117iiiii ope sp cali c it 11110 0111 011 C 10DILY'o 15 1 'irkllo 111111 lante sui11111ofll 111 1)1tto1111 lull f3-pc o everytinN.ha iig"mie. goo 1111 011111 gisiiilise 011111 117 11111~ s 111 yousi 7011 01stilt 1 b01111 it1,1b'e1111 foll~so,\'l '~li 11111 11 ieIll CI e IOCOIC)N sthe band on ale ag(I t ll'airsloy I ll-. :,Illlstoi rats.aifa: ..Th OC~ Prices .. .:1cad$. Wnted.--AcLO b ight ysinii' t melt 1of1 \<;stltli have11ff) 1111111111111 by llI111111s111111 1111ro 11111e1Iwot5Hall fl U. OFt11. CALPNDAR. 11111111. 1 1). Il). Fr., il . . Oltshloll ;itllm-11111 ha ll, i ll 11 l. 111. in iroo I-l at 7::)() l. tn. Setl., 1c1. 27.- Soriotl f~ for1woen1-l l th' 10rfsslolitllscihllols I).itlNewberryl 111l,111.) . ii. Salt., Ot:r. 27.--'orsill- vs. 11101 Sciciltilie OSchooliat1 'lol"' i'I. I mon1. 111111' are's01111111117fea1t111s 111011111 11)ver 111110st.1xIIIiniterfested i 111 11111h10isf 1111'elry Ihight, orde01r. It 15is 10111' 1r1at, Io listenl toI )land11of 50 f efinest 10111insiias1t111111vorl11 affods sill ecia'llylIwh01111conducted110by shel0Ir er itselhue11111and1-nothig oil' any11"ta 1111o111111hltillitiit 01111 i fu 111111the1most1 111111 t, 11111 -ASKl FOR1TICKET S VIA0 'Ililiii. 11. ou lllhl0'11e111ii0'l BIG + FOUR + ROUTE. 1s1e"ks'aIeITbrr Blli, 701I. l..111 l05117 015111 i011011il '.Tie Voluinteer Amoc llllt;li 51 o~ll.' E. t0. McCORlhIi, 1). 1B. MOAlTIN, S81111 eve., ()1-. 25.- 1110. ,lllolellIas1Ill(0111andes. niuiI'l oll 111111 lat~if1(we Passn-rTruffie Sgr. hes. 1' & 1'. Ag-t. -en.ou.ilmeic;___he(ayO lece s l't11 h111'I 11iiall churthil il l 11011 111' 5011 I 1 i1 Bly bulyinlg youri - cluhb)y _M.011. . 0.ihll'e. NOTICES. "I 'OOD A.IN'ID COfAT Iioii.,'. Slooliol'. iltac G. R. KELLY, 33 E. Huron Streset. 8.0 1.1i. IAll iI'iihlidiil0 (Iof 1111' Ollil liter11- lie sure lull tale tis 110t11ce siths you. M11011 weI'll'.t11 . ) h-I-lll 111 A 1'ty -hl. a1111' lquested'0I oIllIl ld11t111 FIRST CLASS CUSTOM TAILORING laiid Leligue. Iflel'ililllll. ConrofSae n ilimst. Siat., No.27. Sleslor litiele'h'lsiitsl 125T171-t 1.050 O(IAIA. Wtilliasm Sh. enitrane,' ss chapiil't 110 1).pil. 'theis'ceule11'of lit'rclasloo11 al -.:hies is his fllows:0 K "1 : - B rood Opera House, Nov. 2. No.1')7lts.15i. Students Recreation Head-No.\ . --98-'5.7lli,)s..)Sit No. 71N. MnStrliJeet. soilsesil to bel a r111 m11' kb~le re-ll -,Nov. 12--'95 it: vs.'l)Glti. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS DANK lmalis llislic r fIi. ilteao hll'he .-Sciho. Anns As 110 , Mich. Caiital Stockl..,50,100. sistil (If the pub]!interestllh iIll 1110- Nov. 1-5'siii 11 of Nos%. 3vs . Suiplus, $150,000. Orgaizled undes till'GenlseBankin1111g Lkoiux Ilill tlfliliillit iSJ1111'eNssiodeolih' sIl 1(i f \Nv. 12. 1sf tii Ohis tts'. Receves Ill'posis ys alsO -1.-Viili f\O' ltis il Unitses chssige on tile prisicipsa l ires of I-ise (°a1ithISdl lllhis 0 ill lisdesSae.Dat se pnpoe idMln sadi)lil'. e lt1111I0 " of. m.11-('sili.l i o. i1.Oi identificsatioii. Sfety deisosit hoxes 011 rellt. OFFICERiS: tChristisass MacksPres;0W.iD. asfisof1)1 lloiis111111'e old~. Six 011)otherllsei sse5W s isiiistog gIII Hir-mainVice-Press; lhau.FIf.lilscoulil 9.NRN ARBOR 0ANis sayiglug chil i(If Nsilissli (or th11'shill,01oi111 55l L is 0(1111110i)'lO>siibl' S TEAMYF]LAUN'DR'Y CO.-s's fsavorite siriesses bolsl.. Ihiily I'llfor lthell. Highi (losts 81n11Domestc 51) islh. owritteu b1(7a5111Amican mlli llii, l-,01llhA t~ll1S 11.0-111). E. S.SERVISS, Manager, lhiine, Empressi'loo(f lie 1Fenli."Withi Unity club 11 offering a 10 lue(,-lit 23 SOJUTH 1FORTH AVE'NUE'.. Isysil ;1 raehel''Aillorolli'heill'liif'ellos- 0c1511 oiilli'5i01 oii all tickuetssold. elotu eth10 a101' nissi if~eliol'brans. Try Idiemi. ETAIL DREF S, BstI refe-resII osiliIll Eulrope1, 'srwIYort lily, llsici5ll osol OulnnArtb111 611 1S. t)t -.Cme5ldse s DROP IN AND LOOK AT THE WHITELY EXERCISER. cls tiso 11ilssillas 01f-:Illjtlling Is- sitlofo 2tolll651000117 It)1 )-, htsld biiy (hs I1o1. sale iby R. L. BLOUNT. 14 's issgr.1st.AsiS Arbor. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. FOOTBALL SUPPLIES. I lf illRequisitefr he, (i j Gasme. j ~Spaulding' s O ifihale Intercollegite- f Football. io a11 llittll--sises. 1,1M .'Ewith tultol, . for 1014"1(11tedby SVssllsr l111115.1sclllaiiil 1ion, sly 0m1)1,(price 10 0cent s. pldissg's tre-mS-lark oil swssilyou bsy is t ttiosarassteo' that tine goolds are the b((rt'. New .Yolrb. Clieagl. lPhildlia. FRANKLIN HOUSE]I DETROIT, MICH. It is s-eli before leasing home, whether for busisess or pleaurse, to decide spas a butel and thereby aoidconfusiun. Wben youvisit Detiroit we would be peased 10 base you utop at the sld " Franklin House," cur. Larned and Bales Sts., owhere ysouseillhaove agood seal ad a clean bed at mouderate rules. The huse has bees renov-aedfrom top to bottom, and issnoifirst-class condition. Reuspectfully, H. H. JAMES. Meitals, a5e. kadgins, 50. Per Day, 81.11.