PERFUMES ? YES) So (ood Ithat wh~eii roi li. used the ifist diiopVoti start for CALKIN S' To bNc so ne loov. 34 S. State Street. THE UT. OF Ml. DAlI_ v TRY THE NEW UnereUTemA~1COLLAR. MUSIGAL GOO-DSj IT IS EASE, COMFORT ANDSTiYLE ALYVIN WI]LSEY,j Over( itki,'Dii-lr,ic, /5N ARBOR. RS>00B1 N O L E MOORE &WETMORE, BOOK STORE, NO- 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET, ivoersitys- 'eaf--B obs, Ai edicat loiiks, Lawc Bo oks, lDental Books, Stuldenlts' Note Books. Blank Books, Statoic}a. We lhave a tar pe Stick if Kealel 1an(1Esse(r1I~idtitig l'istriuiients. Our Stock wviii be found Complete and our Prices as Low as the Lowest. - T'OIT =2' 0YOO=t- Lit ICES.l L _ -'.AVE X'OI- YES. The Roicliester, Thle lteyat, aiii The Perfection Student Lamps have deim- onstrated that they give the moat perfect light of ally lamps made. While the prices vary from C0 cencts to sia each, they all give tile same quality iiid quani- tity of light. Argand Lamp, with porcelain shades, at - - - - - 65 cents LARGEST STOCK IN THE CITY !Oi and gives a pure white tight, deli ilCans, according to capacity, from To see is to believe. See our stack the heat Lamsp and heat Oil for the leass -A'- 44 Main Street, South. BROWN'S DRUG STORE. , THE CAMPUS. 'We Don't Wrant Much ! ! Cornell has 1576 students this IWE 5WANT yocsitrade is Cusicyear. wi goos. Wni. A. Grace, 'go law, svas re- WEWANT yr atisfiedithevr thibgitsefls. cently niarried. ss s 5 C15 ssw si cciiiaai Arthur tWehster, '92 lawy, is located WE1.SANV'tis carysiuchassicetiasi in Carthage, Mo. cifiliiycsr nseals. frVula New, What Mere Can Yoti Waist ? city auha, lies heii out of the ciyfor a fesw days. Pianes, Gitilars, iBanjes. Miandolins. eci., tis rest. o ld oil ieas syiens. B. C. tDucall, '92 law, is swithL .. TICE ANN ARBIOR ORttAN CO.) C. Spooner, Kansas City. L. H. Ii 'aE'. Macagor, Cornell rushed LehiighiSaturday GA to the scoie of 7ti to a. InMJCHIAN CL'NT ~AL t here are a2i Pale graduates TiTaTle (Riised)lJune5I,.'. 18532. coachsing foothall teamss. EAST. p.1i4. WcST. asic. Maeil-------a4 :ts (hiecgoSpeciesi 07 Lelandl Stanford, jr., Univecrsity lila 1res --llc- 5 Clay Esreso.. 58 311 N. .Liiiiftid'_i _ 628- mil-s---Ec -- 9at7lies 700 students enrolleil. N. Y'. LimiiiicC-5 45 N. S. Liiiiied _l959C Niageaacisall-i ii as27ii. Il. AV. A. iBeasley', lasv '92,'l5isractis- ai, CiciiagExprsess. 2 U ii. N.Expiress--5 ii8iG-it. Exrs i _c. 50Ciintsgat SaiJose, California. 50lan1icExpcl,s--7 57 Amican05Exp i 9iIS G. I. Expi-ess.._liiI05'i4iiii1P.acificIrs 1u27 'ThcUt. of CV. is acmitatisc the 0. ss. RGErS. 1. W, HAYia, .~ is Y. X4. 'r. Aid. i'iicagc. Agt. Ass Arbor. iquestioin iftformiing a press ch. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Harvaril's total registration is uf ANN ARBHOR. ,905, a gain of 247 over last year. Capiitl5.Siirplus aniiCProfis, $i0,0iii. Tra. a e-cgenral ibanking liiinsico- , Caucusiisgtier j unior lasw o ffscirs eignc 'sli,,ie sioid, lees cf crlied it rcdhlas heeii sery activeitse lpast fcw P. ACHl, Prei. I da 'S. GRANGFti . NV. Colinsslis retiirised toi GRI~~G~R.S theideiitait departisent tofinisihiIs SCHOLb OF DANUIN~i rourse. 0 th SeasoOcober, '92, is May, .. Jiiios,92asleiiiiget of111 NEW HALL is cenicaily loateli-Cnd i lversity frieisds. HeIcis plractisinsgie iveryiroviisiin has been mcadleiio prot-noie lie 1I llinisi. comiiforitofsour patonis. thiere reho sta1itcrs tll cmsiunt,the Cancing romcing hi-ice .. grun fciiIloo-. O11iceaca ildemy, 6 Maynarid-st. 't'rains-Miississippi aiid Miheligain Sen $ ei 12a5.$2ccr 1350 fCIISam-1anior lasshave decided upon Itseir pletie 11l Bocbyer essofcinominees. '2TIfthe BcESlTANDIES inAmicae. Psi up is elegant boxes aild stiieilv pace. Suitable fori The Bible in stitute at Newberry PRESENTS. Express charges hlcomnes this evening at * prepaid.atefer tocalltChicago.halcm es Tra.J. lyiiconc Adirecas, 7I0. Professors Votaw and Price *i7 .F MU TECnecinr :212 Stats LNOStreet. - dle CHICAGO L,I~S. Jwill hothliver addresses. Ivered at-- - - - 1itceeits per gal - - 20 cents to $6i each. slind you will he conlviniced that eve sell it money of aiiy house in thlis city. DEAN & COMPANY. The oratorical contest will he held on else evening ofthl~e thsird Friday of next March. Prof. Consely mset wvithi a hearty reception yesterday at the hanils of the junior laws. The Y. P. S. C. F.., of the Ger- man Evangelistic cheurcli,swill hold a social this evening at Mtrs. D ieterle's, corner S. Fourth asvenue aind Liberty street. All Germne stuihents ie- cited. Thi~re has beein found in Chic lib- rary recently, a pocket lbook con- taining a key. Ate initiail1pin aiid an unmbrella are also awaiting oweners. Call at delivery desk. Chas. W'.IDabney, Presideint of the University of Teiniessee, spent yesterday in looking over tlhe Uni- versity. He is visiting M~r. lowers of the medicat departmntlwhio is a gradluate oef that school. Thle Denmocratic cliih helil a nieet- ineg last esvensing. 'Ths naiues of all those echo are froni ioubtful slates swere takein, aindimeains assureil for senintigtieimihoiie. -hedges leave beein ordereid. XX. E. \clbncroe, iof lest year's Dii i icvsledf, returineid last eveninig, aindewil1 fiinish his ework evitli '92 lass. dlr. MelEncrue has been city editor on the tIshpeming Dlaily Presa during the sunmmer. The Unity club will he favored tonmorrow evcning by a lecture by Prof. Israel C. Russell, on "Two Expeditions to Mt. St. Eliss, Alaska." Stereoptican illustrations will give interest to the lecture. Call on Win. Fulde, th~e Tailor. opplosite the Lasybilinlg, oii Willian-st., llrst idoor scest of State-st. Cleaning,i-epaiinigcandlpressingiliineiieatly. Suitst orer itaspecialty. Allswerk first-clas. tF YOU WANT TO Buy az6A&arnm Clock~ orliiive somec Iepaicing dileego Is Wji. ArinoI d3 36 Main Street STAFFOP, -111i,- TAI LOR ! Is shiowitig airist-claiss lineiofO Dross andtiBiisiness Siitin as, Trouscrnrgs slnd Fancy' Vestings fot' Fall 1and Winter. 42 South $tate street, G. H. WILD, IIIE LEADINTG TAILOL, Cs the 1pa1c to go for fiue 'ailarria. Il~e ieis the umost select f clck of FALL AND WINTER GOODS! ini Settings, Trotiserings, anit laney Silk V'estinsgs ini the City, sait would he pleased to have you call and examine. Ile nmakes a specialty of Full Dress Suits. No. 2 E. Washington-St., Ann Arbor,