THE U. OF M. DAILY. 1'J(E of 1'JZf. afu PublshelDialy (cItuday s excepted) during the Coee )ear, by THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Ooltscrittotuprice $t.5 pe year, otnvariably ,radaoncee stle opie :3 'nt. Soterip- tions may be ceft at the ofte o the tDAoL, at stoiet's, toth aty oh te editor or authoizett olicitor. Coamunications osootd reacho the effice by " o'loto.t. i thy are to apper sle et 'toy. Attoless all mtttter intended oe publia- ti ito the Mngng Editor. All btustness o:mi acto sotuld ie stotto thtle Si tt"ottti'e. THE U. aof M. DAILY, Ann Arbor, Xich. EDITORS. F.. otoco o, Lit. ', sita u't. C.A. iEtIe ot, Lit. 't3, doitoot. t.i 7LLEot it.,It ', Asisttot L. :. '; iritoont, .1.'9,Blloniecto ltogr. 19.500 lt14to.';M~ytot Lit. '94, Assistant. J.R ~ ~ ~. l~cN ; X Ii 00(500, Lit. 'i. Wt. I. Ito os, Lawt'o'1. If.N otots 'Ittei. A x Li' . Mot;aoEr. . 9 Tt', Lit,tt NRMAt N b";oottoo, Li tt;. I. W. 55E hntEtit, Ottw '.1l. AN APOLOGY. Vhat imay 1)0 conidooered an ill- manneredl anttIaltogeiher unwoarrant- etd affront to oe of the religiouo bodies of Ann ;Arbor crept into Ihis colonon, yesterday. -e Ihope and believe blat tile editorial moanage- ment of thte paper is as well systeta- tisoetdax that of any anatenr effort at journalismocon be, bt it is a necessity of the case tlat otouchomustt lie left to the discretion of idivi- duals. Weioie tiat tie severest censure passedl upon tie paragrapth in questiona will be, that it was as very unbecoting attemxpt at it. T£ior policy of the IRuiv is, aiid always will be, to treat all tersos and bodies of persons fairly ad courteosly-to faithfully report those facto that conme within our field and to prohibit any expression of private persoial opinion. We believe that up to the present we have succeeded in adhering to this policy as faithfully as the most ex- acting of patrons or critics could demanod. Thle offense of yesterday -if it be lheld 010 offense-must e charged to its true source, heedless- ness and the dangeros desire to be fonny at somebody's else expense. A HANDSOME GIFT. Anong the prizes offered in te field day events is an elegant silver smoking set, the gift of Wright, Kay & Co., of Detroit. It is of exquisite design, a model of its kind, andl the lucky winner may in- deed coiogratulate himself svhen it gets into lois possessiou. The thaliks of thoe studlent body, especially the athlletic element, is due the generous (1000,orswo tire alwvays to the front wh~en any oppiortunity is presented, ftir giving aid to university enter- prise. _________ 'lE:Bil)e institute svhicho begiios this eveninog at Newvberry hall pre- sents an utiusually good opportunity for study in that line. The S. C.j A. is alwsays awoake to the interests of students and is nmeeting with de- served success. 3 0'lomtotls is field clay antI, jutdg- ig fromo the list of events and thse entries so far nmade, the day will be a success. Too nouchx cannot be said oxnsurging thse students to at- tendl. 'fle enthoosiasno of the grandl stanid decides thoe sulccess oftee(liy'. The tennlis tournamntsesindls wills the ganses thois afterool. 'The eventt leas beeni a success1 anod te naotaig- menoctt is to be congratulatetd. 7-77A 1E6aL1/.=&= = New Firm, New Goods, and Low Prices. Tlhre is nlotling like a SLIM FIGURE to plot if in moionl~. We have laid in a Very Lat'ge Stock of Seasonable Ghoods. We Boughit Cheap. We Sell Chleap. Finn Footwear, Boots anod Shoes. -WT.A.12 .e, M _ LE 48 SOUTHI MAIN STREET, - ANN ARBOR, MICII. ; Toledo, Ann Arbor and North RY~~fS Tm Michigan Railway. Tiead in eftect Sunday, Augostt'?5, 18. r E MS c y "-.1 lepartote oh Trains ot Ano Atbor. No.01. franocfort Mailond IExpress 7 511Ao.n . . No, 3. Passgo Antn Atbtor Aco. 001noont No.5. (lore MooilOPaso sengrt....0425p. i No.111t. Tttledo andod(ttttstso tltdy so tbe LEADING SCHOOL 00 BUS05E8S. Alg-Not. 10'.. TotledtootndOtwosso t ;Oodov ntenttbuildittg;nclotetachers; lotte attenodaoce; only1). ......6 5001p. . gottod disltesupoteiortworkt well sttpplied r000ngG0cNc o~rH rtoott; taily looecte; Saturday eencing recetiont; opten thttettreyear; commoercinl graduoaltston geatNo.02. 'Toledo Matil Express..o..11 32tt. in. utootoxco; sortthd gratdualtsall se00r0 postions; No.04. Tledo Soil Eprsoess ............ 5s, p0in 11-.og txpottset52. to P0.75 pertweekbic priv1aote. -Ntt. 6. '(oledo Acoodattttitttt .. ;' 0b1-tt. Focr tNaw CAOE oa nod Lsor Oladoots who No. 1112. Owossotatd T oletdosundtatly cakeopooitisoons o week0,.wtet', atdtress'oa,1 P. R. CLEARY, Pres, oss. Oj~~oll)'tileilo 5 totltt9' 9 1. Ott We Advtse Students to See OCtrlsetantdardleTimtss. 'tris oon 6rnbtweenoSoAny,Sror toa'ntt D ot)" /& J"F einer 1oeooldiycxet:udt' Ledoanct ot c. o tilotcotil o'nly'. lottll 'tooo'br(,. :F=1E =='i -P.atSHE~ S- Ohler traoitos daily ectsundayt~tot. 55'V.10. I5EsNE.'"l, 1E. 5. GEOOINSI 110. 1TENNIS- SHOES - IN - STOCK., Get. s. tAg.enot. L~toalAret Lho stils will opeos tomsorroov at 1 STUDENTS, SAVE HTALF YOTJR MONEY ANI) htf' p. 110. for reserving seats for thte longersoll lecture. Go to hlosodisl's ' 5 -' ~' on State street, or Moore & WAet- nmore's on iIail. --AT TIlE ISRAEL C. RUSSELL. 'STUDENTS' BOOKSTORE, STATE ST. Professor Israel Cooko Russell wxas boris scar Garrettsville, N. 1r.1 Dcc. GIreeko, Latinl, Freticht. Germoanl alnd all College Text-hoioks, New- in, s352. Ite was graduated at te sand Seconld-H~and. Uoiversity of thec City of Ncev forkc ins 1372, after wvhicho te spenlt tsvo J.A. J .A.ID MEDICAL BOOKS years in studying science at the school of mnhes of Colunmbia College. AT WHOLESALE PRICES. In 1S74 hoe acconopaniedon tte ofthoe i .-. o'-> 1=C_- rS ptarties senst out by thte U. S. govern- lelt to observe thec tranosit of Vensus, and was stationed at Q)ucenstown, BUSINESS LOCALS. GRAIIP OG-ELA II OTJ3E Newv 'elandh. 010 Iis return in .All 'legatlin)11 of novelhtts inhal tittn-1 173, hoe was appoinlted assistanst in anod ttrtiishoitng gtootds for m100 110I be Friday, October 28th. geloy t ho shoio o ooies adShlutotn t thae (io o t ose, trout Nov._ gelg ttesholo iead1to itthie 5th,. ty C. .. IOltis,Ite I tate' Emott'tstgreat olay, ha 171 became assistant geologist suwhlhottter anioh haboottsboer of Toledo, 0 . Exclsiveni50005esof nevelihes 0and0 010 the U. S. geoological survey wvest nooer atittoif prices are said to he ism- ~ RI~.'V.i othcoudrdh mecha. Ioportantt 'Ittrteristies of hits lite. NQf*aW SU' i leatsottt suite of frontt roomos to resot -' 188o hoe was appoinoted to a stmiiar at 47'-- . IDivhsion. $12') per wseek. U'nsderlthe ottnageeoe -Mtc ar~e oty Williams.t 2-7toffice, whoich e hehd until hoe re- tdnswl idafn ieo a--__ th~ecah asproessr o geh- tolbel~s sillhild afin tiic f hll'A Powerhoot l'ompocpC Elaborate Scenery-' ceived tecl spoesro ei dies, espleeially echocohates, at ('. A. A tRtal bire Etngine! anod Trainedl Horses! ogy here. MooystrOd's, te State street grocer. Don't hail to het the Greot Halem tRailoado SPEAALPRIE ISTTO TUDE\S. res, - - - 35c, 50c, and 75c Besides large contributions on Triminitg hbangs, ise.; eurlinog hangs, geoogial ubjct tovarousscin-lac.; hasir culttinig, 2.5c.; htairdressing, geloicl ujehstt vrou sie-Loo.;stalohloillg, t5e, Work done ot Catalogue Free. tific periodicals, he has hpublishoed yourd 011o1. _-_ scientific nmemoirs,oshich Isave been EI uslY A. HtA tS, Of stantdard h'soil 1(11(1itis~otrth7tlo/ 22 Montroe street. shoeet mulsic at 5e per copy. ('atalogtue issued by thse government in thoe -- 4 of over 4,000 seheetitos Senot FtEE to annuah reports of the survey, or as ofFutil o v''enaaesatoy sddress. ofahl class teanms intendhng ho con- FmxaossIATi'S MUSIC STORN, separate mongraplhs. These include test for Chic championoshoip are re- 500 Adanis street, Toledo, 0. "Sketch of the Geological History quested to hand names of their team -- . of Lake ILahontan," (18S83); "4A to me. Wd. E. GRIFFIN, Danngt. Geological Reconnoissance in South- ' Varsity Football M~'g'r. Mrs. Anonie Ward Fester's assembly, era Oregon"(83) "ExistingG- NINETrlvE ORACLEN BOARD.-- Saturday, Oet. 29th, frono 4 to6 p. mn., (183); la-at Nickels Hall. Adnmission 2.5 ets. ciers of thse U. S.' (1815); "Geo- B'usiness meeting Saturday nmorning, Mrs. Footer woill form classes, Satur- logical History of Lake Lahontan" ten s\o'clock, at Neowberry Hlall. 27- dtay, Oet. 29th, 10 to 1t:80 a. in., t to a. (185) "Golgicl istr NI sT-losx'.--The meeting next p. in., at 44 Sontlo State stret tCas s8);"elgclHsoy of Saturday morning, announced to ae t NcesHl, St urday eveningst Morr Valey (188);and Su- wil b hel at obe 10. Mrs. Fosters reputation an a Mor Vle (88) n "u-postponed, wl ehl t9:30i teacher is too well established to noed Aerial Decay Rocks' (1888). room A. comment. 195t